7 research outputs found

    Gene network inference by fusing data from diverse distributions

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    Markov networks are undirected graphical models that are widely used to infer relations between genes from experimental data. Their state-of-the-art inference procedures assume the data arise from a Gaussian distribution. High-throughput omics data, such as that from next generation sequencing, often violates this assumption. Furthermore, when collected data arise from multiple related but otherwise nonidentical distributions, their underlying networks are likely to have common features. New principled statistical approaches are needed that can deal with different data distributions and jointly consider collections of datasets. We present FuseNet, a Markov network formulation that infers networks from a collection of nonidentically distributed datasets. Our approach is computationally efficient and general: given any number of distributions from an exponential family, FuseNet represents model parameters through shared latent factors that define neighborhoods of network nodes. In a simulation study, we demonstrate good predictive performance of FuseNet in comparison to several popular graphical models. We show its effectiveness in an application to breast cancer RNA-sequencing and somatic mutation data, a novel application of graphical models. Fusion of datasets offers substantial gains relative to inference of separate networks for each dataset. Our results demonstrate that network inference methods for non-Gaussian data can help in accurate modeling of the data generated by emergent high-throughput technologies

    Gene network inference by fusing data from diverse distributions

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    Markov networks are undirected graphical models that are widely used to infer relations between genes from experimental data. Their state-of-the-art inference procedures assume the data arise from a Gaussian distribution. High-throughput omics data, such as that from next generation sequencing, often violates this assumption. Furthermore, when collected data arise from multiple related but otherwise nonidentical distributions, their underlying networks are likely to have common features. New principled statistical approaches are needed that can deal with different data distributions and jointly consider collections of datasets. We present FuseNet, a Markov network formulation that infers networks from a collection of nonidentically distributed datasets. Our approach is computationally efficient and general: given any number of distributions from an exponential family, FuseNet represents model parameters through shared latent factors that define neighborhoods of network nodes. In a simulation study, we demonstrate good predictive performance of FuseNet in comparison to several popular graphical models. We show its effectiveness in an application to breast cancer RNA-sequencing and somatic mutation data, a novel application of graphical models. Fusion of datasets offers substantial gains relative to inference of separate networks for each dataset. Our results demonstrate that network inference methods for non-Gaussian data can help in accurate modeling of the data generated by emergent high-throughput technologies

    Utilizing RNA-Seq data for cancer network inference

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    An important challenge in cancer systems biology is to uncover the complex network of interactions between genes (tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes) implicated in cancer. Next generation sequencing provides unparalleled ability to probe the expression levels of the entire set of cancer genes and their transcript isoforms. However, there are onerous statistical and computational issues in interpreting high-dimensional sequencing data and inferring the underlying genetic network. In this study, we analyzed RNA-Seq data from lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from a population of 69 human individuals and implemented a probabilistic framework to construct biologically-relevant genetic networks. In particular, we employed a graphical lasso analysis, motivated by considerations of the maximum entropy formalism, to estimate the sparse inverse covariance matrix of RNA-Seq data. Gene ontology, pathway enrichment and protein-protein path length analysis were all carried out to validate the biological context of the predicted network of interacting cancer gene isoforms

    Learning by Fusing Heterogeneous Data

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    It has become increasingly common in science and technology to gather data about systems at different levels of granularity or from different perspectives. This often gives rise to data that are represented in totally different input spaces. A basic premise behind the study of learning from heterogeneous data is that in many such cases, there exists some correspondence among certain input dimensions of different input spaces. In our work we found that a key bottleneck that prevents us from better understanding and truly fusing heterogeneous data at large scales is identifying the kind of knowledge that can be transferred between related data views, entities and tasks. We develop interesting and accurate data fusion methods for predictive modeling, which reduce or entirely eliminate some of the basic feature engineering steps that were needed in the past when inferring prediction models from disparate data. In addition, our work has a wide range of applications of which we focus on those from molecular and systems biology: it can help us predict gene functions, forecast pharmacological actions of small chemicals, prioritize genes for further studies, mine disease associations, detect drug toxicity and regress cancer patient survival data. Another important aspect of our research is the study of latent factor models. We aim to design latent models with factorized parameters that simultaneously tackle multiple types of data heterogeneity, where data diversity spans across heterogeneous input spaces, multiple types of features, and a variety of related prediction tasks. Our algorithms are capable of retaining the relational structure of a data system during model inference, which turns out to be vital for good performance of data fusion in certain applications. Our recent work included the study of network inference from many potentially nonidentical data distributions and its application to cancer genomic data. We also model the epistasis, an important concept from genetics, and propose algorithms to efficiently find the ordering of genes in cellular pathways. A central topic of our Thesis is also the analysis of large data compendia as predictions about certain phenomena, such as associations between diseases and involvement of genes in a certain phenotype, are only possible when dealing with lots of data. Among others, we analyze 30 heterogeneous data sets to assess drug toxicity and over 40 human gene association data collections, the largest number of data sets considered by a collective latent factor model up to date. We also make interesting observations about deciding which data should be considered for fusion and develop a generic approach that can estimate the sensitivities between different data sets