806 research outputs found

    Learning State-Augmented Policies for Information Routing in Communication Networks

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    This paper examines the problem of information routing in a large-scale communication network, which can be formulated as a constrained statistical learning problem having access to only local information. We delineate a novel State Augmentation (SA) strategy to maximize the aggregate information at source nodes using graph neural network (GNN) architectures, by deploying graph convolutions over the topological links of the communication network. The proposed technique leverages only the local information available at each node and efficiently routes desired information to the destination nodes. We leverage an unsupervised learning procedure to convert the output of the GNN architecture to optimal information routing strategies. In the experiments, we perform the evaluation on real-time network topologies to validate our algorithms. Numerical simulations depict the improved performance of the proposed method in training a GNN parameterization as compared to baseline algorithms.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, submitted t

    Human-mobility-based sensor context-aware routing protocol for delay-tolerant data gathering in multi-sink cell-phone-based sensor networks

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    Ubiquitous use of cell phones encourages development of novel applications with sensors embedded in cell phones. The collection of information generated by these devices is a challenging task considering volatile topologies and energy-based scarce resources. Further, the data delivery to the sink is delay tolerant. Mobility of cell phones is opportunistically exploited for forwarding sensor generated data towards the sink. Human mobility model shows truncated power law distribution of flight length, pause time, and intercontact time. The power law behavior of inter-contact time often discourages routing of data using naive forwarding schemes. This work exploits the flight length and the pause time distributions of human mobility to design a better and efficient routing strategy. We propose a Human-Mobility-based Sensor Context-Aware Routing protocol (HMSCAR), which exploits human mobility patterns to smartly forward data towards the sink basically comprised of wi-fi hot spots or cellular base stations. The simulation results show that HMSCAR significantly outperforms the SCAR, SFR, and GRAD-MOB on the aspects of delivery ratio and time delay. A multi-sink scenario and single-copy replication scheme is assumed

    Spectrum Trading: An Abstracted Bibliography

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    This document contains a bibliographic list of major papers on spectrum trading and their abstracts. The aim of the list is to offer researchers entering this field a fast panorama of the current literature. The list is continually updated on the webpage \url{http://www.disp.uniroma2.it/users/naldi/Ricspt.html}. Omissions and papers suggested for inclusion may be pointed out to the authors through e-mail (\textit{[email protected]})

    Modeling Human Mobility Entropy as a Function of Spatial and Temporal Quantizations

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    The knowledge of human mobility is an integral component of several different branches of research and planning, including delay tolerant network routing, cellular network planning, disease prevention, and urban planning. The uncertainty associated with a person's movement plays a central role in movement predictability studies. The uncertainty can be quantified in a succinct manner using entropy rate, which is based on the information theoretic entropy. The entropy rate is usually calculated from past mobility traces. While the uncertainty, and therefore, the entropy rate depend on the human behavior, the entropy rate is not invariant to spatial resolution and sampling interval employed to collect mobility traces. The entropy rate of a person is a manifestation of the observable features in the person's mobility traces. Like entropy rate, these features are also dependent on spatio-temporal quantization. Different mobility studies are carried out using different spatio-temporal quantization, which can obscure the behavioral differences of the study populations. But these behavioral differences are important for population-specific planning. The goal of dissertation is to develop a theoretical model that will address this shortcoming of mobility studies by separating parameters pertaining to human behavior from the spatial and temporal parameters

    Internet performance modeling: the state of the art at the turn of the century

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    Seemingly overnight, the Internet has gone from an academic experiment to a worldwide information matrix. Along the way, computer scientists have come to realize that understanding the performance of the Internet is a remarkably challenging and subtle problem. This challenge is all the more important because of the increasingly significant role the Internet has come to play in society. To take stock of the field of Internet performance modeling, the authors organized a workshop at Schloß Dagstuhl. This paper summarizes the results of discussions, both plenary and in small groups, that took place during the four-day workshop. It identifies successes, points to areas where more work is needed, and poses “Grand Challenges” for the performance evaluation community with respect to the Internet

    Integrated Access and Backhaul for 5G and Beyond (6G)

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    Enabling network densification to support coverage-limited millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies is one of the main requirements for 5G and beyond. It is challenging to connect a high number of base stations (BSs) to the core network via a transport network. Although fiber provides high-rate reliable backhaul links, it requires a noteworthy investment for trenching and installation, and could also take a considerable deployment time. Wireless backhaul, on the other hand, enables fast installation and flexibility, at the cost of data rate and sensitivity to environmental effects. For these reasons, fiber and wireless backhaul have been the dominant backhaul technologies for decades. Integrated access and backhaul (IAB), where along with celluar access services a part of the spectrum available is used to backhaul, is a promising wireless solution for backhauling in 5G and beyond. To this end, in this thesis we evaluate, analyze and optimize IAB networks from various perspectives. Specifically, we analyze IAB networks and develop effective algorithms to improve service coverage probability. In contrast to fiber-connected setups, an IAB network may be affected by, e.g., blockage, tree foliage, and rain loss. Thus, a variety of aspects such as the effects of tree foliage, rain loss, and blocking are evaluated and the network performance when part of the network being non-IAB backhauled is analysed. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of deployment optimization on the performance of IAB networks.First, in Paper A, we introduce and analyze IAB as an enabler for network densification. Then, we study the IAB network from different aspects of mmWave-based communications: We study the network performance for both urban and rural areas considering the impacts of blockage, tree foliage, and rain. Furthermore, performance comparisons are made between IAB and networks of which all or part of small BSs are fiber-connected. Following the analysis, it is observed that IAB may be a good backhauling solution with high flexibility and low time-to-market. The second part of the thesis focuses on improving the service coverage probability by carrying out topology optimization in IAB networks focusing on mmWave communication for different parameters, such as blockage, tree foliage, and antenna gain. In Paper B, we study topology optimization and routing in IAB networks in different perspectives. Thereby, we design efficient Genetic algorithm (GA)-based methods for IAB node distribution and non-IAB backhaul link placement. Furthermore, we study the effect of routing in the cases with temporal blockages. Finally, we briefly study the recent standardization developments, i.e., 3GPP Rel-16 as well as the\ua0Rel-17 discussions on routing. As the results show, with a proper planning on network deployment, IAB is an attractive solution to densify the networks for 5G and beyond. Finally, we focus on improving the performance of IAB networks with constrained deployment optimization. In Paper C, we consider various IAB network models while presenting different algorithms for constrained deployment optimization. Here, the constraints are coming from either inter-IAB distance limitations or geographical restrictions. As we show, proper network planning can considerably improve service coverage probability of IAB networks with deployment constraints

    An agent based layered framework to facilitate intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-80).Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are networks of small, typically low-cost hardware devices which are able to sense various physical phenomenon in their surrounding environments. These simple nodes are also able to perform basic processing and wirelessly communicate with each other. The power of these networks arise from their ability to combine their many vantage points of the individual nodes and to work together. This allows for behaviour to emerge which is greater than the sum of the ability of all the nodes in the network. The complexity of these networks varies based on the application domain and the physical phenomenon being sensed. Although sensor networks are currently well understood and used in a number of real world applications, a number limitations still exit. This research aims to overcome a number of issues faced by current WSNs, the largest of which is their monolithic or tightly coupled structure which result in static and application specific WSNs. We aim to overcome these issues by designing a dynamically reconfigurable system which is application neutral. The proposed system is also required to facilitate intelligence and be sufficiently efficient for low power sensor node hardware

    Modeling, analysis, and optimization for wireless networks in the presence of heavy tails

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    The heavy-tailed traffic from wireless users, caused by the emerging Internet and multimedia applications, induces extremely dynamic and variable network environment, which can fundamentally change the way in which wireless networks are conceived, designed, and operated. This thesis is concerned with modeling, analysis, and optimization of wireless networks in the presence of heavy tails. First, a novel traffic model is proposed, which captures the inherent relationship between the traffic dynamics and the joint effects of the mobility variability of network users and the spatial correlation in their observed physical phenomenon. Next, the asymptotic delay distribution of wireless users is analyzed under different traffic patterns and spectrum conditions, which reveals the critical conditions under which wireless users can experience heavy-tailed delay with significantly degraded QoS performance. Based on the delay analysis, the fundamental impact of heavy-tailed environment on network stability is studied. Specifically, a new network stability criterion, namely moment stability, is introduced to better characterize the QoS performance in the heavy-tailed environment. Accordingly, a throughput-optimal scheduling algorithm is proposed to maximize network throughput while guaranteeing moment stability. Furthermore, the impact of heavy-tailed spectrum on network connectivity is investigated. Towards this, the necessary conditions on the existence of delay-bounded connectivity are derived. To enhance network connectivity, the mobility-assisted data forwarding scheme is exploited, whose important design parameters, such as critical mobility radius, are derived. Moreover, the latency in wireless mobile networks is analyzed, which exhibits asymptotic linearity in the initial distance between mobile users.Ph.D