139 research outputs found

    Evaluation of background push content download services to mobile devices over DVB networks

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper proposes a multicast content download service based on the use of residual network capacity to push multimedia content to available local storage in personal multimedia devices. The service under study is based on the FLUTE protocol. Specifically, FLUTE packets fill the spare capacity in the IP tunnels reserved for the primary streaming service (opportunistic insertion). The paper also evaluates the use of AL-FEC parity to overcome transmission errors,object multiplexing to send the most popular multimedia contents more frequently and cache management policies that consider user preferences in order to keep in storage the most useful items. The service has been evaluated through simulations and measurements performed with an application prototype based on the DVB-H standards. The results show that AL-FEC enables the use of residual capacity for background content download services. In turn, AL-FEC, as well as object multiplexing, improves the relation between the number of content items and the overall access time. Moreover, results show that high percentages of requests can be served from the local cache of the service, provided that it is possible to estimate the popularity of content items and the user preferences.This work was supported by the PAID-05-12 program of the UniversitatPolitecnica de Valencia.Fraile Gil, F.; De Fez Lava, I.; Guerri Cebollada, JC. (2014). Evaluation of background push content download services to mobile devices over DVB networks. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(1):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2013.2289639S11560

    Enlace de retorno satelital DVB-RCS2 : modelagem de fila e otimização de alocação de recursos baseada em teoria dos jogos

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2022.É esperado que satélites tenham um papel fundamental no futuro dos sistemas de comunicação, integrando-se às infraestruturas terrestres. Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe três contribuições principais: primeiramente, se apresenta um arcabouço de simulação capaz de prover detalhes da performance de redes de comunicação satelital em cenários realistas. Este arcabouço aplica uma metodologia orientada a eventos, modelando a rede de comunicação como um sistema baseado em eventos discretos (DES), focando no enlace de retorno do protocolo DVB-RCS2. Três diferentes cenários simulados demonstram os possíveis usos das saídas do simulador para entender o comportamento dinâmico da rede e alcançar um ponto ótimo de operação do sistema. Cada cenário explora uma característica diferente do simulador, enquanto cobre um grande território de usuários, que em nosso caso estudo o país de escolha foi o Brasil. Em um segundo tópico, este trabalho introduz um novo algoritmo modificado do método de alocação de timeslots baseado em teoria dos jogos, aplicando-se no protocolo DVB-RCS2. Este procedimento considera a eficiência espectral do terminal como um parâmetro de peso para o problema de otimização convexa resultante da solução da barganha de Nash. Este novo método garante o cumprimento dos requisitos de Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) enquanto provê uma medida de justiça maior; os resultados mostram uma melhoria de 5% na medida de justiça, com uma diminuição de 75% no desvio padrão de justiça entre os quadros, também alcançando um aumento de 12% na satisfação individual média pela alocação de capacidade aos terminais. Por final, apresentamos uma modelagem alternativa para o enlace de retorno do DVB-RCS2 usando cadeias de Markov, predizendo parâmetros tradicionais de fila como a intensidade de tráfego, tempo médio de espera, dentre outros. Utilizamos dados coletados de uma série de simulações usando o arcabouço orientado a eventos para validar o modelo de filas como uma aproximação numérica útil para o cenário real de aplicação. Nós apresentamos o algoritmo de alocação de controle do parâmetro alfa (GTAC) que consegue controlar o tempo médio de espera de um RCST na fila, respeitando um limiar de tempo enquanto otimiza a taxa média média de transmissão de dados dos terminais.Satellite networks are expected to play a vital role in future communication systems, with complex features and seamless integration with ground-based infrastructure. This dissertation proposes three main contributions: firstly, it presents a novel simulation framework capable of providing a detailed assessment of a satellite communication’s network performance in realistic scenarios, employing an event-driven methodology and modeling the communications network as a DES (discrete event system). This work focuses on the return link of the Digital Video Broadcast Return Channel via Satellite (DVB-RCS2) standard. Three different scenarios demonstrate possible uses of the simulator’s output to understand the network’s dynamic behavior and achievable optimal system operation. Each scenario explores a different feature of the simulator. The simulated range covers a large territory with thousands of users, which in our case study was the country of Brazil. In the second theme, this work introduces a novel algorithm modification for the conventional game theory-based time slot assignment method, applying it to the DVB-RCS system. This procedure considers the spectral efficiency as a weighting parameter. We use it as an input for the resulting convex optimization problem of the Nash Bargaining Solution. This approach guarantees the fulfillment of Quality of Service (QoS) constraints while maintaining a higher fairness measure; results show a 5% improvement in fairness, with a 73% decrease in the standard deviation of fairness between frames, while also managing to reach a 12.5% increase in average normalized terminal BTU allocation satisfaction. Lastly, we present an alternative queuing model analysis for the DVB-RCS2 return link using Markov chains, developed to predict traditional queue parameters such as traffic intensity, average queue size, average waiting time, among others. We used data gathered from a series of simulations using the DES framework to validate this queuing model as a useful numerical approximation to the real application scenario, and, by the end of the scope, we present the alpha allocation algorithm (GTAC) that can maintain the average waiting time of a terminal in the queue to a threshold while optimizing the average terminal throughput

    Evaluation of unidirectional background push content download services for the delivery of television programs

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    Este trabajo de tesis presenta los servicios de descarga de contenido en modo push como un mecanismo eficiente para el envío de contenido de televisión pre-producido sobre redes de difusión. Hoy en día, los operadores de red dedican una cantidad considerable de recursos de red a la entrega en vivo de contenido televisivo, tanto sobre redes de difusión como sobre conexiones unidireccionales. Esta oferta de servicios responde únicamente a requisitos comerciales: disponer de los contenidos televisivos en cualquier momento y lugar. Sin embargo, desde un punto de vista estrictamente académico, el envío en vivo es únicamente un requerimiento para el contenido en vivo, no para contenidos que ya han sido producidos con anterioridad a su emisión. Más aún, la difusión es solo eficiente cuando el contenido es suficientemente popular. Los servicios bajo estudio en esta tesis utilizan capacidad residual en redes de difusión para enviar contenido pre-producido para que se almacene en los equipos de usuario. La propuesta se justifica únicamente por su eficiencia. Por un lado, genera valor de recursos de red que no se aprovecharían de otra manera. Por otro lado, realiza la entrega de contenidos pre-producidos y populares de la manera más eficiente: sobre servicios de descarga de contenidos en difusión. Los resultados incluyen modelos para la popularidad y la duración de contenidos, valiosos para cualquier trabajo de investigación basados en la entrega de contenidos televisivos. Además, la tesis evalúa la capacidad residual disponible en redes de difusión, por medio de estudios empíricos. Después, estos resultados son utilizados en simulaciones que evalúan las prestaciones de los servicios propuestos en escenarios diferentes y para aplicaciones diferentes. La evaluación demuestra que este tipo de servicios son un recurso muy útil para la entrega de contenido televisivo.This thesis dissertation presents background push Content Download Services as an efficient mechanism to deliver pre-produced television content through existing broadcast networks. Nowadays, network operators dedicate a considerable amount of network resources to live streaming live, through both broadcast and unicast connections. This service offering responds solely to commercial requirements: Content must be available anytime and anywhere. However, from a strictly academic point of view, live streaming is only a requirement for live content and not for pre-produced content. Moreover, broadcasting is only efficient when the content is sufficiently popular. The services under study in this thesis use residual capacity in broadcast networks to push popular, pre-produced content to storage capacity in customer premises equipment. The proposal responds only to efficiency requirements. On one hand, it creates value from network resources otherwise unused. On the other hand, it delivers popular pre-produced content in the most efficient way: through broadcast download services. The results include models for the popularity and the duration of television content, valuable for any research work dealing with file-based delivery of television content. Later, the thesis evaluates the residual capacity available in broadcast networks through empirical studies. These results are used in simulations to evaluate the performance of background push content download services in different scenarios and for different applications. The evaluation proves that this kind of services can become a great asset for the delivery of television contentFraile Gil, F. (2013). Evaluation of unidirectional background push content download services for the delivery of television programs [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31656TESI

    Call admission control for interactive multimedia satellite networks.

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    Master of Science in Engineering (Electronic). University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2015.Satellite communication has become an integral component of global access communication network due mainly to its ubiquitous coverage, large bandwidth and ability to support for large numbers of users over fixed and mobile devices. However, the multiplicity of multimedia applications with diverse requirements in terms of quality of service (QoS) poses new challenges in managing the limited and expensive resources. Furthermore, the time-varying nature of the propagation channel due to atmospheric and environmental effects also poses great challenges to effective utilization of resources and the satisfaction of users’ QoS requirements. Efficient radio resource management (RRM) techniques such as call admission control (CAC) and adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) are required in order to guarantee QoS satisfaction for user established connections and realize maximum and efficient utilization of network resources. In this work, we propose two CAC policies for interactive satellite multimedia networks. The two policies are based on efficient adaptation of transmission parameters to the dynamic link characteristics. In the first policy which we refer to as Gaussian Call Admission Control with Link Adaptation (GCAC-LA), we invoke the central limit theorem to statistically multiplex rate based dynamic capacity (RBDC) connections and obtain an aggregate bandwidth and required capacity for the multiplex. Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) is employed for transmission over the time-varying wireless channel of the return link of an interactive satellite network. By associating users’ channel states to particular transmission parameters, the amount of resources required to satisfy user connection requirements in each state is determined. Thus the admission control policy considers in its decision, the channel states of all existing and new connections. The performance of the system is investigated by simulation and the results show that AMC significantly improves the utilization and call blocking performance by more than twice that of a system without link adaptation. In the second policy, a Game Theory based CAC policy with link adaptation (GTCAC-LA) is proposed. The admission of a new user connection under the GTCAC-LA policy is based on a non-cooperative game that is played between the network (existing user connections) and the new connection. A channel prediction scheme that predicts the rain attenuation on the link in successive intervals of time is also proposed. This determines the current resource allocation for every source at any point in time. The proposed game is played each time a new connection arrives and the strategies adopted by players are based on utility function, which is estimated based on the required capacity and the actual resources allocated. The performance of the CAC policy is investigated for different prediction intervals and the results show that multiple interval prediction scheme shows better performance than the single interval scheme. Performance of the proposed CAC policies indicates their suitability for QoS provisioning for traffic of multimedia connections in future 5G networks