708 research outputs found

    Sensemaking of narratives: informing the capabilities development process

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    This capstone project determines whether sensemaking of soldier narratives can inform the Department of Defense‘s (DOD) capability development process (CDP). Sensemaking is the process of creating awareness and understanding in situations of high complexity or uncertainty. The authors gathered service member narratives concerning their use of fielded equipment, which created metadata for both quantitative and qualitative research and analysis. This capstone compares results from sensemaking of narratives with results from the Warfighter Technology Tradespace Methodology (WTTM), a system designed for the rapid fielding of equipment for small forward operating bases (FOBs) and combat outposts (COPs). The capstone finds that 1) soldier narratives inform the fielding process by providing an additional layer of meaning and context, and 2) soldier narratives do not replace current feedback mechanisms; rather, they play a complementary role. This capstone finds that narratives as a feedback mechanism can be applied during operational testing of newly developed or fielded equipment for the DOD‘s CDP.http://archive.org/details/sensemakingofnar1094542657Major, United States Army;Major, United States Army;Major, United States ArmyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    From capability to concept : fusion of systems analysis techniques for derivation of future soldier systems

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    The intent of this thesis is to define a set of processes for use within UK Government dismounted soldier systems research that will provide stakeholders with auditable and traceable information to understand gaps in military capability and justify future procurement decisions. The need for this approach is linked to organisational shifts within the UK Ministry of Defence, and more specifically Government research with the move towards procurement of capability rather than equipment. In conjunction with reducing defence budgets and increased scrutiny, there is a need to prioritise spending to those areas that will provide the most significant enhancement to operational effectiveness. The proposed process suite provides underpinning data to support Government decisions, from definition of military need through to concept design and prioritisation of future research activities. The approach is grounded in the field of systems thinking and systems engineering providing the logical and systematic constructs required for highly complex systems where the human is a central focus. A novel fusion of existing systems tools and techniques enables both subjective data from domain experts and objective data in the form of operational analysis and field trials to be utilised for analysis across the five NATO capability domains, with output defining the relative importance of survivability, sustainability, mobility, lethality and C4I in the context of operational and strategic level military goals as well as wider challenges represented by the doctrinal defence lines of development. Future developments should include alignment with developing pan-MoD initiatives in the form of MODAF, if required by the customer organisation. This would enable generic versions of the process suite to be applied to any defence domain and problem.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    An Experimental Mixed Methods Pilot Study for U.S. Army Infantry Soldiers - Higher Levels of Combined Immersion and Embodiment in Simulation-Based Training Capabilities Show Positive Effects on Emotional Impact and Relationships to Learning Outcomes

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    This pilot study examines the impact of combined immersion and embodiment on learning and emotional outcomes. The results are intended to better enable U.S. Army senior leaders to decide if dismounted infantry Soldiers would benefit from a more immersive simulation-based training capability. The experiment\u27s between-subject design included a sample of 15 participants randomly assigned to one of three system configurations representing different levels of combined immersion and embodiment. The control group was a typical desktop, and the two experimental groups were a typical configuration of a Virtual Reality headset (VR) and a novel configuration using VR supported by an omnidirectional treadmill (ODT) for full body exploration and interaction. Unique from similar studies, this pilot study allows for an analysis of the Infinadeck ODT\u27s impact on learning outcomes and the value of pairing tasks by type with various levels of immersion. Each condition accessed the same realistically modeled geospatial virtual environment (VE), the UCF Virtual Arboretum, and completed the same pre and post VE-interaction measurement instruments. These tests included complicated and complex information. Declarative information involved listing plants/communities native to central Florida (complicated tasks) while the situational awareness measurement required participants to draw a sketch map (complex task). The Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric statistical test showed no difference between conditions on learning outcomes. The non-parametric Spearman correlation statistical test showed many significant relationships between the system configuration and emotional outcomes. Graphical representations of the data combined with quantitative, qualitative, and correlational data suggest a larger sample size is required to increase power to answer this research question. This study found a strong trend which indicates learning outcomes are affected by task type and significant correlations between emotions important for learning outcomes increased with combined immersion and embodiment

    Identifying Criteria to Predict Army Rifle Marksmanship Proficiency

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    The United States Army requires each Soldier to develop marksmanship proficiency in an effort to achieve combat readiness. Soldiers currently develop marksmanship proficiency through Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) training, but significant skill deficiencies are apparent at the end of training. These skill deficiencies remain throughout training because instructors rarely assess Soldiers objectively before the final qualification, reducing the opportunity for instructors to diagnose skill deficiencies until it is too late. Therefore, the goal of the current research is to identify individual differences and sensor-based performance measures for inclusion in a formative assessment during BRM training. The results of the current study found several variables that predicted marksmanship qualification scores. These findings bring research one step closer to identifying skill deficiencies and individual needs prior to training. However, more research is needed to maximize the understanding and improvement of marksmanship performance and, in turn, improve overall combat readiness

    Hybrid VFT/Delphi Method to Facilitate the Development of Information Security Strategies in Developing Countries

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    As systems become more interconnected the vulnerability to cyber attack also increases. The increased use of information and communication technology (ICT) in developing countries and the dangers associated with interconnectivity grows equally. The lack of an established guideline for information security planning and execution in developing countries further complicates this problem. There is the need for a holistic approach to information security planning. This study will use a combination of the Value Focused Thinking methodology and the measured Delphi Method to develop a framework that can assist decision makers and stakeholders in developing countries to craft and execute their information security strategies

    Closer Than You Think: The Implications of the Third Offset Strategy for the U.S. Army

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    The Defense Innovation Initiative (DII), begun in November 2014 by former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, is intended to ensure U.S. military superiority throughout the 21st century. The DII seeks broad-based innovation across the spectrum of concepts, research and development, capabilities, leader development, wargaming, and business practices. An essential component of the DII is the Third Offset Strategy—a plan for overcoming (offsetting) adversary parity or advantage, reduced military force structure, and declining technological superiority in an era of great power competition. This study explored the implications for the Army of Third Offset innovations and breakthrough capabilities for the operating environment of 2035-2050. It focused less on debating the merits or feasibility of individual technologies and more on understanding the implications—the second and third order effects on the Army that must be anticipated ahead of the breakthrough.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1403/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluating Tactical Combat Casualty Care Training Treatments Effects On Combat Medic Trainees In Light Of Select Human Descripti

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    The use of military forces in urban operations has increased considerably over the past years. As illustrated by the current conflict in Iraq, the Army finds itself fighting its toughest battles in urban areas facing unconventional forces. Soldiers face many threats in hostile fire environments, whether conducting large-scale mechanized warfare, low-intensity conflicts, or operations other than war. Through 1970, there has been no demonstrable reduction in battlefield mortality rate as a percentage of all casualties since data was kept since before the Civil War. For that period of time, nearly all the reduction in overall mortality rate occurred through reduced mortality in Hospital Chain. As of 1970, about 90 percent of all combat deaths occur before a casualty reaches a definitive care facility. Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), also known as TC3, is the pre-hospital care rendered to a casualty in a combat environment. The application of TCCC principles during a tactical combat environment has proven highly effective and is a major reason why combat deaths in latest conflicts (Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom) are lower than in any other conflict in the history of the United States. The Army continues to emphasize reducing battlefield mortality rate. Current tools and methods used for initial skills and sustainment training of combat medics throughout the Army are insufficient. New technologies are needed to provide medics with greater opportunities to develop and test their decision making and technical medical skills in multiple, COE-relevant, training scenarios. In order to address some of these requirements, the U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Command, Simulation and Training Technology Center (RDECOM-STTC) is developing the 68W - Tactical Combat Casualty Care Simulation (TC3 Sim) for the US Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Center & School at Fort Sam Houston. The Army is considering the use of the TC3 Sim game as a tool to improve the training of individual Soldiers as well as improve the readiness of combat medics. It is the intent of this research to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional games in general and the use of the TC3 game in particular for teaching the concepts of tactical combat casualty care. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the training effectiveness of this tool in supporting the 68W10 Healthcare Specialist Course program of instruction (POI). The goal of this research is to address important questions such as: Is this game an effective tool to train Soldiers the aspects of TC3? Can knowledge gain through the use of the simulation be transferred into task related situations? How can this tool be incorporated in the current POI in order to increase training effectiveness

    Improving Personnel Selection through Value Focused Thinking

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    Personnel selection has always and will continue to be a challenging endeavor for the military special operations. They want to select the best out of a number of qualified applicants. How an organization determines what makes a successful candidate and how to compare candidates against each other are some of the difficulties that top tier organizations like the special operations face. Value focused thinking (VFT) places criteria in a hierarchal structure and quantifies the values with criteria measurements, known as a decision model. The selection process can be similar to a college selecting their students. This research used college student entry data and strategic goals as a proxy for special operations applicants and standards. It compared two case studies of college admissions selection criteria. A sample pool of 8,000 select and 24,000 non-select candidates was generated from real world datasets. VFT was applied to develop a valid admissions selection process model. The schools admissions documentation was used to build the hierarchies, single attribute value functions (SAVF), multi-attribute value functions (MAVF), and weights. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to sample applicants from the generated pool and examined how accurately the models were able to select the correct applicants

    An Integrated Framework for The Value Focused Thinking Methodology

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    In this paper we presented an integrated framework for the Value Focused Thinking (VFT) methodology that attempts to address issues that have not been adequately addressed. This framework provides several benefits including: the elicitation and high quality definition of objectives that incorporates organizational-oriented & domain- oriented concerns and knowledge, and the automatic generation of the alternate solutions that best satisfy the objectives, constraints and preference values. The proposed framework could contribute to a more effective application of the VFT methodolog

    The Use Of Pc Based Simulation Systems In The Training Of Army Infantry Officers - An Evaluation Of The Rapid Decision Trainer

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    This research considers two modes of training Army infantry officers in initial training to conduct a platoon live fire exercise. Leaders from groups that were training with the current classroom training methods were compared to leaders from groups whose training was augmented with a PC based training system known as the Rapid Decision Trainer (RDT). The RDT was developed by the US Army Research Development and Engineering Command for the purpose of aiding in the training of tactical decision making and troop leading procedures of officers in the initial levels of training to become rifle platoon leaders. The RDT allows the leader in training to run through platoon level operations prior to live execution in a simulated combat environment. The focus of the system is on leadership tasks and decision making in areas such as unit movement, internal unit communication and contingency planning, and other dismounted infantry operations. Over the past year, some Infantry Officer Basic Course platoons at Ft. Benning have used the RDT in an experimental manner. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the system is beneficial in training IOBC officers. The Army Research Institute (ARI) conducted a preliminary evaluation of the RDT in March 2005 (Beal 2005). However, no quantitative measures were used in the evaluation of the RDT, only subjective evaluations of the users. Additionally, there were no formal evaluations by the training cadre, only the users themselves. This experiment continues the work of ARI and uses qualitative and quantitative data from both users and the evaluating cadre. In this experiment, the effectiveness of the RDT was evaluated through measuring leader behaviors and personal preferences. Three measurement approaches were used; (1) quantitative performance measures of leader actions, (2) qualitative situational awareness and evaluations of inclusion in the non leader players, and (3) a qualitative evaluation of the system\u27s usability and effectiveness by system users. Analysis reveals statistically significant findings that challenge the current norms
