1,104 research outputs found

    Unsupervised, Knowledge-Free, and Interpretable Word Sense Disambiguation

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    Interpretability of a predictive model is a powerful feature that gains the trust of users in the correctness of the predictions. In word sense disambiguation (WSD), knowledge-based systems tend to be much more interpretable than knowledge-free counterparts as they rely on the wealth of manually-encoded elements representing word senses, such as hypernyms, usage examples, and images. We present a WSD system that bridges the gap between these two so far disconnected groups of methods. Namely, our system, providing access to several state-of-the-art WSD models, aims to be interpretable as a knowledge-based system while it remains completely unsupervised and knowledge-free. The presented tool features a Web interface for all-word disambiguation of texts that makes the sense predictions human readable by providing interpretable word sense inventories, sense representations, and disambiguation results. We provide a public API, enabling seamless integration.Comment: In Proceedings of the the Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2017). 2017. Copenhagen, Denmark. Association for Computational Linguistic

    Word Sense Disambiguation with LSTM: Do We Really Need 100 Billion Words?

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    Recently, Yuan et al. (2016) have shown the effectiveness of using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) for performing Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). Their proposed technique outperformed the previous state-of-the-art with several benchmarks, but neither the training data nor the source code was released. This paper presents the results of a reproduction study of this technique using only openly available datasets (GigaWord, SemCore, OMSTI) and software (TensorFlow). From them, it emerged that state-of-the-art results can be obtained with much less data than hinted by Yuan et al. All code and trained models are made freely available

    Web 2.0, language resources and standards to automatically build a multilingual named entity lexicon

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    This paper proposes to advance in the current state-of-the-art of automatic Language Resource (LR) building by taking into consideration three elements: (i) the knowledge available in existing LRs, (ii) the vast amount of information available from the collaborative paradigm that has emerged from the Web 2.0 and (iii) the use of standards to improve interoperability. We present a case study in which a set of LRs for different languages (WordNet for English and Spanish and Parole-Simple-Clips for Italian) are extended with Named Entities (NE) by exploiting Wikipedia and the aforementioned LRs. The practical result is a multilingual NE lexicon connected to these LRs and to two ontologies: SUMO and SIMPLE. Furthermore, the paper addresses an important problem which affects the Computational Linguistics area in the present, interoperability, by making use of the ISO LMF standard to encode this lexicon. The different steps of the procedure (mapping, disambiguation, extraction, NE identification and postprocessing) are comprehensively explained and evaluated. The resulting resource contains 974,567, 137,583 and 125,806 NEs for English, Spanish and Italian respectively. Finally, in order to check the usefulness of the constructed resource, we apply it into a state-of-the-art Question Answering system and evaluate its impact; the NE lexicon improves the system’s accuracy by 28.1%. Compared to previous approaches to build NE repositories, the current proposal represents a step forward in terms of automation, language independence, amount of NEs acquired and richness of the information represented

    Predicate Matrix: an interoperable lexical knowledge base for predicates

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    183 p.La Matriz de Predicados (Predicate Matrix en inglés) es un nuevo recurso léxico-semántico resultado de la integración de múltiples fuentes de conocimiento, entre las cuales se encuentran FrameNet, VerbNet, PropBank y WordNet. La Matriz de Predicados proporciona un léxico extenso y robusto que permite mejorar la interoperabilidad entre los recursos semánticos mencionados anteriormente. La creación de la Matriz de Predicados se basa en la integración de Semlink y nuevos mappings obtenidos utilizando métodos automáticos que enlazan el conocimiento semántico a nivel léxico y de roles. Asimismo, hemos ampliado la Predicate Matrix para cubrir los predicados nominales (inglés, español) y predicados en otros idiomas (castellano, catalán y vasco). Como resultado, la Matriz de predicados proporciona un léxico multilingüe que permite el análisis semántico interoperable en múltiples idiomas

    Multilingual evaluation of KnowNet

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    Este artículo presenta un nuevo método totalmente automático de construcción de bases de conocimiento muy densas y precisas a partir de recursos semánticos preexistentes. Básicamente, el método usa un algoritmo de Interpretación Semántica de las palabras preciso y de amplia cobertura para asignar el sentido mas apropiado a grandes conjuntos de palabras de un mismo tópico que han sido obtenidas de la web. KnowNet, la base de conocimiento resultante que conecta grandes conjuntos de conceptos semánticamente relacionados es un paso importante hacia la adquisición automática de conocimiento a partir de corpus. De hecho, KnowNet es varias veces mas grande que cualquier otro recurso de conocimiento disponible que codifique relaciones entre sentidos, y el conocimiento que KnowNet contiene supera cualquier otro recurso cuando es empíricamente evaluado en un marco multilingüe común. This paper presents a new fully automatic method for building highly dense and accurate knowledge bases from existing semantic resources. Basically, the method uses a wide-coverage and accurate knowledge-based Word Sense Disambiguation Algorithm to assign the most appropriate senses to large sets of topically related words acquired from the web. KnowNet, the resulting knowledge-base which connects large sets of semantically-related concepts is a major step towards the autonomous acquisition of knowledge from raw corpora. In fact, KnowNet is several times larger than any available knowledge resource encoding relations between synsets, and the knowledge KnowNet contains outperform any other resource when is empirically evaluated in a common multilingual framework.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version