536 research outputs found

    Using parse tree validation to prevent SQL injection attacks

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    An SQL injection attack targets interactive web applications that employ database services. Such applications accept user input, such as form fields, and then include this input in database requests, typically SQL statements. In SQL injection, the attacker provides user input that results in a different database request than was intended by the application programmer. That is, the interpretation of the user input as part of a larger SQL statement, results in an SQL statement of a different form than originally intended. We describe a technique to prevent this kind of manipulation and hence eliminate SQL injection vulnerabilities. The technique is based on comparing, at run time, the parse tree of the SQL statement before inclusion of user input with that resulting after inclusion of input. Our solution is efficient, adding about 3 ms overhead to database query costs. In addition, it is easily adopted by application programmers, having the same syntactic structure as current popular record set retrieval methods. For empirical analysis, we provide a case study of our solution in J2EE. We implement our solution in a simple static Java class, and show its effectiveness and scalability. 1

    Reverse Proxy Framework using Sanitization Technique for Intrusion Prevention in Database

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    With the increasing importance of the internet in our day to day life, data security in web application has become very crucial. Ever increasing on line and real time transaction services have led to manifold rise in the problems associated with the database security. Attacker uses illegal and unauthorized approaches to hijack the confidential information like username, password and other vital details. Hence the real time transaction requires security against web based attacks. SQL injection and cross site scripting attack are the most common application layer attack. The SQL injection attacker pass SQL statement through a web applications input fields, URL or hidden parameters and get access to the database or update it. The attacker take a benefit from user provided data in such a way that the users input is handled as a SQL code. Using this vulnerability an attacker can execute SQL commands directly on the database. SQL injection attacks are most serious threats which take users input and integrate it into SQL query. Reverse Proxy is a technique which is used to sanitize the users inputs that may transform into a database attack. In this technique a data redirector program redirects the users input to the proxy server before it is sent to the application server. At the proxy server, data cleaning algorithm is triggered using a sanitizing application. In this framework we include detection and sanitization of the tainted information being sent to the database and innovate a new prototype.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; CIIT 2013 International Conference, Mumba

    Preventing SQL Injection through Automatic Query Sanitization with ASSIST

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    Web applications are becoming an essential part of our everyday lives. Many of our activities are dependent on the functionality and security of these applications. As the scale of these applications grows, injection vulnerabilities such as SQL injection are major security challenges for developers today. This paper presents the technique of automatic query sanitization to automatically remove SQL injection vulnerabilities in code. In our technique, a combination of static analysis and program transformation are used to automatically instrument web applications with sanitization code. We have implemented this technique in a tool named ASSIST (Automatic and Static SQL Injection Sanitization Tool) for protecting Java-based web applications. Our experimental evaluation showed that our technique is effective against SQL injection vulnerabilities and has a low overhead.Comment: In Proceedings TAV-WEB 2010, arXiv:1009.330

    SQL Injection analysis, Detection and Prevention

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    Web sites are dynamic, static, and most of the time a combination of both. Web sites need protection in their database to assure security. An SQL injection attacks interactive web applications that provide database services. These applications take user inputs and use them to create an SQL query at run time. In an SQL injection attack, an attacker might insert a malicious SQL query as input to perform an unauthorized database operation. Using SQL injection attacks, an attacker can retrieve or modify confidential and sensitive information from the database. It may jeopardize the confidentiality and security of Web sites which totally depends on databases. This report presents a “code reengineering” that implicitly protects the applications which are written in PHP from SQL injection attacks. It uses an original approach that combines static as well as dynamic analysis. [2] In this report, I mentioned an automated technique for moving out SQL injection vulnerabilities from Java code by converting plain text inputs received from users into prepared statements. [3

    Security Applications of Formal Language Theory

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    We present an approach to improving the security of complex, composed systems based on formal language theory, and show how this approach leads to advances in input validation, security modeling, attack surface reduction, and ultimately, software design and programming methodology. We cite examples based on real-world security flaws in common protocols representing different classes of protocol complexity. We also introduce a formalization of an exploit development technique, the parse tree differential attack, made possible by our conception of the role of formal grammars in security. These insights make possible future advances in software auditing techniques applicable to static and dynamic binary analysis, fuzzing, and general reverse-engineering and exploit development. Our work provides a foundation for verifying critical implementation components with considerably less burden to developers than is offered by the current state of the art. It additionally offers a rich basis for further exploration in the areas of offensive analysis and, conversely, automated defense tools and techniques. This report is divided into two parts. In Part I we address the formalisms and their applications; in Part II we discuss the general implications and recommendations for protocol and software design that follow from our formal analysis

    Web Application Reinforcement via Efficient Systematic Analysis and Runtime Validation (ESARV)

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    Securing the data, a fundamental asset in an organization, against SQL Injection (SQLI), the most frequent attack in web applications, is vital. In SQLI, an attacker alters the structure of the actual query by injecting code via the input, and gaining access to the database. This paper proposes a new method for securing web applications against SQLI Attacks (SQLIAs). It contains two phases based on systematic analysis and runtime validation and uses our new technique for detection and prevention. At the static phase, our method removes user inputs from SQL queries and gathers as much information as possible, from static and dynamic queries in order to minimize the overhead at runtime. On the other hand, at the dynamic phase, the prepared information alongside our technique are used to check the validity of the runtime query. To facilitate the usage of our method and show our expectations in practice, ESARV was implemented. The empirical evaluations demonstrated in this paper, indicate that ESARV is efficient, accurate, effective, and also has no deployment requirements

    SQL Injection Detection Using Machine Learning

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    Sharing information over the Internet over multiple platforms and web-applications has become a quite common phenomenon in the recent times. The web-based applications that accept critical information from users store this information in databases. These applications and the databases connected to them are susceptible to all kinds of information security threats due to being accessible through the Internet. The threats include attacks such as Cross Side Scripting (CSS), Denial of Service Attack (DoS0, and Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection attacks. SQL Injection attacks fall under the top ten vulnerabilities when we talk about web-based applications. Through this kind of attack, the attacker can steal critical and confidential information and hence it could have damaging effects on a business or organization. The effects could range from monetary loss, leaking confidential business information, decrease in company’s stock market value or any combination of these. In this paper we have used an algorithm called Gradient Boosting Classifier from ensemble machine learning approaches to classify and detect SQL Injection attacks

    An Efficient Technique for Detection and Prevention of SQL Injection Attack using ASCII Based String Matching

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    AbstractWith the rise of the Internet, web applications, such as online banking and web-based email, have become integral to many people's daily lives. Web applications have brought with them new classes of computer security vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection. It is a class of input validation based vulnerabilities. Typical uses of SQL injection leak confidential information from a database, by-pass authentication logic, or add unauthorized accounts to a database. This security prevents the unauthorized access to your database and also it prevents your data from being altered or deleted by users without the appropriate permissions. Malicious Text Detector, Constraint Validation, Query length validation and Text based Key Generator are the four types of filtration technique used to detect and prevent the SQL Injection Attacks from accessing the databas