257 research outputs found

    A novel haptic model and environment for maxillofacial surgical operation planning and manipulation

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    This paper presents a practical method and a new haptic model to support manipulations of bones and their segments during the planning of a surgical operation in a virtual environment using a haptic interface. To perform an effective dental surgery it is important to have all the operation related information of the patient available beforehand in order to plan the operation and avoid any complications. A haptic interface with a virtual and accurate patient model to support the planning of bone cuts is therefore critical, useful and necessary for the surgeons. The system proposed uses DICOM images taken from a digital tomography scanner and creates a mesh model of the filtered skull, from which the jaw bone can be isolated for further use. A novel solution for cutting the bones has been developed and it uses the haptic tool to determine and define the bone-cutting plane in the bone, and this new approach creates three new meshes of the original model. Using this approach the computational power is optimized and a real time feedback can be achieved during all bone manipulations. During the movement of the mesh cutting, a novel friction profile is predefined in the haptical system to simulate the force feedback feel of different densities in the bone

    Realistic Haptics Interaction in Complex Virtual Environments

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    Pseudo-haptics survey: Human-computer interaction in extended reality & teleoperation

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    Pseudo-haptic techniques are becoming increasingly popular in human-computer interaction. They replicate haptic sensations by leveraging primarily visual feedback rather than mechanical actuators. These techniques bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by exploring the brain’s ability to integrate visual and haptic information. One of the many advantages of pseudo-haptic techniques is that they are cost-effective, portable, and flexible. They eliminate the need for direct attachment of haptic devices to the body, which can be heavy and large and require a lot of power and maintenance. Recent research has focused on applying these techniques to extended reality and mid-air interactions. To better understand the potential of pseudo-haptic techniques, the authors developed a novel taxonomy encompassing tactile feedback, kinesthetic feedback, and combined categories in multimodal approaches, ground not covered by previous surveys. This survey highlights multimodal strategies and potential avenues for future studies, particularly regarding integrating these techniques into extended reality and collaborative virtual environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tactile Mapping and Localization from High-Resolution Tactile Imprints

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    This work studies the problem of shape reconstruction and object localization using a vision-based tactile sensor, GelSlim. The main contributions are the recovery of local shapes from contact, an approach to reconstruct the tactile shape of objects from tactile imprints, and an accurate method for object localization of previously reconstructed objects. The algorithms can be applied to a large variety of 3D objects and provide accurate tactile feedback for in-hand manipulation. Results show that by exploiting the dense tactile information we can reconstruct the shape of objects with high accuracy and do on-line object identification and localization, opening the door to reactive manipulation guided by tactile sensing. We provide videos and supplemental information in the project's website http://web.mit.edu/mcube/research/tactile_localization.html.Comment: ICRA 2019, 7 pages, 7 figures. Website: http://web.mit.edu/mcube/research/tactile_localization.html Video: https://youtu.be/uMkspjmDbq

    Shape and Pose Recovery from Planar Pushing

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    Tactile exploration refers to the use of physical interaction to infer object properties. In this work, we study the feasibility of recovering the shape and pose of a movable object from observing a series of contacts. In particular, we approach the problem of estimating the shape and trajectory of a planar object lying on a frictional surface, and being pushed by a frictional probe. The probe, when in contact with the object, makes observations of the location of contact and the contact normal. Our approach draws inspiration from the SLAM problem, where noisy observations of the location of landmarks are used to reconstruct and locate a static environment. In tactile exploration, analogously, we can think of the object as a rigid but moving environment, and of the pusher as a sensor that reports contact points on the boundary of the object. A key challenge to tactile exploration is that, unlike visual feedback, sensing by touch is intrusive in nature. The object moves by the action of sensing. In the 2D version of the problem that we study in this paper, the well understood mechanics of planar frictional pushing provides a motion model that plays the role of odometry. The conjecture we investigate in this paper is whether the models of frictional pushing are sufficiently descriptive to simultaneously estimate the shape and pose of an object from the cumulative effect of a sequence of pushes.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award IIS-1427050

    Investigating Precise Control in Spatial Interactions: Proxemics, Kinesthetics, and Analytics

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    Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technologies have reshaped the way in which we perceive the virtual world. In fact, recent technological advancements provide experiences that make the physical and virtual worlds almost indistinguishable. However, the physical world affords subtle sensorimotor cues which we subconsciously utilize to perform simple and complex tasks in our daily lives. The lack of this affordance in existing AR/VR systems makes it difficult for their mainstream adoption over conventional 2D2D user interfaces. As a case in point, existing spatial user interfaces (SUI) lack the intuition to perform tasks in a manner that is perceptually familiar to the physical world. The broader goal of this dissertation lies in facilitating an intuitive spatial manipulation experience, specifically for motor control. We begin by investigating the role of proximity to an action on precise motor control in spatial tasks. We do so by introducing a new SUI called the Clock-Maker's Work-Space (CMWS), with the goal of enabling precise actions close to the body, akin to the physical world. On evaluating our setup in comparison to conventional mixed-reality interfaces, we find CMWS to afford precise actions for bi-manual spatial tasks. We further compare our SUI with a physical manipulation task and observe similarities in user behavior across both tasks. We subsequently narrow our focus on studying precise spatial rotation. We utilize haptics, specifically force-feedback (kinesthetics) for augmenting fine motor control in spatial rotational task. By designing three kinesthetic rotation metaphors, we evaluate precise rotational control with and without haptic feedback for 3D shape manipulation. Our results show that haptics-based rotation algorithms allow for precise motor control in 3D space, also, help reduce hand fatigue. In order to understand precise control in its truest form, we investigate orthopedic surgery training from the point of analyzing bone-drilling tasks. We designed a hybrid physical-virtual simulator for bone-drilling training and collected physical data for analyzing precise drilling action. We also developed a Laplacian based performance metric to help expert surgeons evaluate the resident training progress across successive years of orthopedic residency

    FingerSLAM: Closed-loop Unknown Object Localization and Reconstruction from Visuo-tactile Feedback

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    In this paper, we address the problem of using visuo-tactile feedback for 6-DoF localization and 3D reconstruction of unknown in-hand objects. We propose FingerSLAM, a closed-loop factor graph-based pose estimator that combines local tactile sensing at finger-tip and global vision sensing from a wrist-mount camera. FingerSLAM is constructed with two constituent pose estimators: a multi-pass refined tactile-based pose estimator that captures movements from detailed local textures, and a single-pass vision-based pose estimator that predicts from a global view of the object. We also design a loop closure mechanism that actively matches current vision and tactile images to previously stored key-frames to reduce accumulated error. FingerSLAM incorporates the two sensing modalities of tactile and vision, as well as the loop closure mechanism with a factor graph-based optimization framework. Such a framework produces an optimized pose estimation solution that is more accurate than the standalone estimators. The estimated poses are then used to reconstruct the shape of the unknown object incrementally by stitching the local point clouds recovered from tactile images. We train our system on real-world data collected with 20 objects. We demonstrate reliable visuo-tactile pose estimation and shape reconstruction through quantitative and qualitative real-world evaluations on 6 objects that are unseen during training.Comment: Submitted and accepted to 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023

    Haptic Interface for the Simulation of Endovascular Interventions

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    Endovascular interventions are minimally invasive surgical procedures that are performed to diagnose and treat vascular diseases. These interventions use a combination of long and flexible instruments known as guidewire and catheter. A popular method of developing the skills required to manipulate the instruments successfully is through the use of virtual reality (VR) simulators. However, the interfaces of current VR simulators have several shortcomings due to limitations in the instrument tracking and haptic feedback systems design. A major challenge of developing physics-based training simulations of endovascular interventional procedures is to unobtrusively access the central, co-axial guidewire for tracking and haptics. This work sets out to explore the state of the art, to identify and develop novel solutions to this concentric occlusion problem, and to perform a validation of a proof of concept prototype. This multi port haptic interface prototype has been integrated with a 3-D virtual environment and features novel instrument tracking and haptic feedback actuation systems. The former involves the use of an optical sensor to detect guidewire movements through a clear catheter, whereas the latter utilises the placement of a customised electromagnetic actuator within the catheter hub. During the proof of concept validation process, both systems received positive reviews. Whilst the haptic interface prototype designed in this work has met the original objectives, there are still important aspects which need to be addressed to improve its content and face validity. With further development, the prototype has the potential to evolve and become a significant improvement over the haptic interfaces that exist today.Open Acces

    Real-time hybrid cutting with dynamic fluid visualization for virtual surgery

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    It is widely accepted that a reform in medical teaching must be made to meet today's high volume training requirements. Virtual simulation offers a potential method of providing such trainings and some current medical training simulations integrate haptic and visual feedback to enhance procedure learning. The purpose of this project is to explore the capability of Virtual Reality (VR) technology to develop a training simulator for surgical cutting and bleeding in a general surgery
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