8 research outputs found

    Managing urbanisation and urban sprawl in malaysia by using remote sensing and GIS applications

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    In the global era, more than half of the world population live in urban area. With rapid urbanisation growth where the highest percentage concentrate in Asia, a relevant approach is needed in order to eliminate the possible threat that occurs after urbanisation took place; the urban sprawl. Urban sprawl is a popular term in academic discourse and has a long history but till these days, the concrete definition of this term is not yet configured. Many studies of sprawl have rooted back in non-Asian countries making the solution for sprawl is not suitable to be implemented in term of theories and practice. This research attempts to study the measurement of sprawl by using these geospatial indexes with Remote Sensing and GIS approach. The SPOT-5 images with 2.5 meters resolution were used to analyse the growth of sprawl in Kuala Lumpur metropolitan due to its high urbanisation rate. The findings show that Kuala Lumpur is a sprawling city. It is anticipated that this research will provide a new direction in urban sprawl studies and represent a robust analytic approach for characterizing urban development on the city scale at once as well as promoting a city via Remote Sensing and GIS technology

    Urban land use spectral using high resolution imagery and GIS approach in sustaining urban planning spatial databases

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    Remote sensing technology is useful for urban planning due to its capability in examining detailed spectral characteristic of urban land uses. This study attempts to review a relevant studied have been done in identified an appropriate spectral for urban land use using high resolution remote sensing images and GIS approach. The detailed spectral for urban land uses consist of residential, industrial and commercial in metropolitan and city center urban hierarchy will be discussed. The segmentation techniques through object oriented and the use of field measurement was highlighted, at once demonstrates the usability of such infrastructure to facilitate further progress of remote sensing and GIS application in urban planning in Malaysia. Finally, a discussion of the needs for further research is presented


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    Suaka Margasatwa Bakiriang (SM Bakiriang) merupakan salah satu kawasan hutan lindung yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah.Berbagai aktivitas pemanfaatan lahan di dalam kawasan menyebabkan tidak berfungsinya kawasan sesuai arah peruntukannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan penggunaan lahan periode 1997-2012 dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengunakan metode ALUCT (Analysis of Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes and Trajectories)untuk memahami dinamika penggunaan lahan pada suatu bentang lahan dalam periode waktu tertentu melalui interpretasi data penginderaan jauh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa selama periode 1997-2012 luas penggunaan lahan pada kawasan SM Bakiriang mengalami perubahan yang cukup signifikan yakni 20,52% untuk kategori Kelompok Non-Suaka dan 79,48% yang masih dapat dikategorikan sebagai Kelompok Suaka. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan penggunaan lahan antara lain minimnya informasi tentang kawasan, ketidakjelasan batas deliniasi, lemahnya monitoring dan evaluasi serta pertumbuhan penduduk yang relatif cepat

    Land use / land cover change detection: an object oriented approach, Münster, Germany

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesLand use / land cover (LULC) change detection based on remote sensing (RS) data has been established as an indispensible tool for providing suitable and wide-ranging information to various decision support systems for natural resource management and sustainable development. LULC change is one of the major influencing factors for landscape changes. There are many change detection techniques developed over decades, in practice, it is still difficult to develop a suitable change detection method especially in case of urban and urban fringe areas where several impacts of complex factors are found including rapid changes from rural land uses to residential, commercial, industrial and recreational uses. Although these changes can be monitored using several techniques of RS application, adopting a suitable technique to represent the changes accurately is a challenging task. There are a number of challenges in RS application for analysis of LULC change detection. This study applies objectoriented (OO) method for mapping LULC and performing change detection analysis using post-classification technique.(...

    Using Geographical Information System and satellite imagery within a numerical simulation of regional urban growth

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    International audienceThis paper represents an attempt to combine a geographical information system (GIS) and satellite imagery within a numerical model for the simulation of regional urban growth. The area under study is located in the southeast of France, between the cities of La Ciotat and Toulon. It covers 1600 km2. The spatial resolution of the GIS as well as of the remote sensing data is better than one hectare (80 x 80 m2). Seven environmental parameters are defined by pixel and originate from the content of the database, namely, land use, topography, road network, forest properties and forest fire characteristics. The initial state (year 1976) and the simulated states for the years 2000 and 2025 are compared and the differences are discussed briefly