22 research outputs found

    Probabilistically Accurate Program Transformations

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    18th International Symposium, SAS 2011, Venice, Italy, September 14-16, 2011. ProceedingsThe standard approach to program transformation involves the use of discrete logical reasoning to prove that the transformation does not change the observable semantics of the program. We propose a new approach that, in contrast, uses probabilistic reasoning to justify the application of transformations that may change, within probabilistic accuracy bounds, the result that the program produces. Our new approach produces probabilistic guarantees of the form ℙ(|D| ≥ B) ≤ ε, ε ∈ (0, 1), where D is the difference between the results that the transformed and original programs produce, B is an acceptability bound on the absolute value of D, and ε is the maximum acceptable probability of observing large |D|. We show how to use our approach to justify the application of loop perforation (which transforms loops to execute fewer iterations) to a set of computational patterns.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-0811397)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-0905244)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1036241)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant IIS-0835652)United States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-SC0005288

    Managing performance vs. accuracy trade-offs with loop perforation

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    Many modern computations (such as video and audio encoders, Monte Carlo simulations, and machine learning algorithms) are designed to trade off accuracy in return for increased performance. To date, such computations typically use ad-hoc, domain-specific techniques developed specifically for the computation at hand. Loop perforation provides a general technique to trade accuracy for performance by transforming loops to execute a subset of their iterations. A criticality testing phase filters out critical loops (whose perforation produces unacceptable behavior) to identify tunable loops (whose perforation produces more efficient and still acceptably accurate computations). A perforation space exploration algorithm perforates combinations of tunable loops to find Pareto-optimal perforation policies. Our results indicate that, for a range of applications, this approach typically delivers performance increases of over a factor of two (and up to a factor of seven) while changing the result that the application produces by less than 10%

    Language and Compiler Support for Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms

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    Approximating ideal program outputs is a common technique for solving computationally difficult problems, for adhering to processing or timing constraints, and for performance optimization in situations where perfect precision is not necessary. To this end, programmers often use approximation algorithms, iterative methods, data resampling, and other heuristics. However, programming such variable accuracy algorithms presents difficult challenges since the optimal algorithms and parameters may change with different accuracy requirements and usage environments. This problem is further compounded when multiple variable accuracy algorithms are nested together due to the complex way that accuracy requirements can propagate across algorithms and because of the size of the set of allowable compositions. As a result, programmers often deal with this issue in an ad-hoc manner that can sometimes violate sound programming practices such as maintaining library abstractions. In this paper, we propose language extensions that expose trade-offs between time and accuracy to the compiler. The compiler performs fully automatic compile-time and installtime autotuning and analyses in order to construct optimized algorithms to achieve any given target accuracy. We present novel compiler techniques and a structured genetic tuning algorithm to search the space of candidate algorithms and accuracies in the presence of recursion and sub-calls to other variable accuracy code. These techniques benefit both the library writer, by providing an easy way to describe and search the parameter and algorithmic choice space, and the library user, by allowing high level specification of accuracy requirements which are then met automatically without the need for the user to understand any algorithm-specific parameters. Additionally, we present a new suite of benchmarks, written in our language, to examine the efficacy of our techniques. Our experimental results show that by relaxing accuracy requirements , we can easily obtain performance improvements ranging from 1.1× to orders of magnitude of speedup

    Reasoning about Relaxed Programs

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    A number of approximate program transformations have recently emerged that enable transformed programs to trade accuracy of their results for increased performance by dynamically and nondeterministically modifying variables that control program execution. We call such transformed programs relaxed programs -- they have been extended with additional nondeterminism to relax their semantics and offer greater execution flexibility. We present programming language constructs for developing relaxed programs and proof rules for reasoning about properties of relaxed programs. Our proof rules enable programmers to directly specify and verify acceptability properties that characterize the desired correctness relationships between the values of variables in a program's original semantics (before transformation) and its relaxed semantics. Our proof rules also support the verification of safety properties (which characterize desirable properties involving values in individual executions). The rules are designed to support a reasoning approach in which the majority of the reasoning effort uses the original semantics. This effort is then reused to establish the desired properties of the program under the relaxed semantics. We have formalized the dynamic semantics of our target programming language and the proof rules in Coq, and verified that the proof rules are sound with respect to the dynamic semantics. Our Coq implementation enables developers to obtain fully machine checked verifications of their relaxed programs

    A Lossy, Synchronization-Free, Race-Full, But Still Acceptably Accurate Parallel Space-Subdivision Tree Construction Algorithm

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    We present a new synchronization-free space-subdivision tree construction algorithm. Despite data races, this algorithm produces trees that are consistent enough for the client Barnes-Hut center of mass and force computation phases to use successfully. Our performance results show that eliminating synchronization improves the performance of the parallel algorithm by approximately 20%. End-to-end accuracy results show that the resulting partial data structure corruption has a neglible effect on the overall accuracy of the Barnes-Hut N-body simulation. We note that many data structure manipulation algorithms use many of the same basic operations (linked data structure updates and array insertions) as our tree construction algorithm. We therefore anticipate that the basic principles the we develop in this paper may effectively guide future efforts in this area

    Using early phase termination to eliminate load imbalances at barrier synchronization points

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    Proving acceptability properties of relaxed nondeterministic approximate programs

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    Approximate program transformations such as skipping tasks [29, 30], loop perforation [21, 22, 35], reduction sampling [38], multiple selectable implementations [3, 4, 16, 38], dynamic knobs [16], synchronization elimination [20, 32], approximate function memoization [11],and approximate data types [34] produce programs that can execute at a variety of points in an underlying performance versus accuracy tradeoff space. These transformed programs have the ability to trade accuracy of their results for increased performance by dynamically and nondeterministically modifying variables that control their execution. We call such transformed programs relaxed programs because they have been extended with additional nondeterminism to relax their semantics and enable greater flexibility in their execution. We present language constructs for developing and specifying relaxed programs. We also present proof rules for reasoning about properties [28] which the program must satisfy to be acceptable. Our proof rules work with two kinds of acceptability properties: acceptability properties [28], which characterize desired relationships between the values of variables in the original and relaxed programs, and unary acceptability properties, which involve values only from a single (original or relaxed) program. The proof rules support a staged reasoning approach in which the majority of the reasoning effort works with the original program. Exploiting the common structure that the original and relaxed programs share, relational reasoning transfers reasoning effort from the original program to prove properties of the relaxed program. We have formalized the dynamic semantics of our target programming language and the proof rules in Coq and verified that the proof rules are sound with respect to the dynamic semantics. Our Coq implementation enables developers to obtain fully machine-checked verifications of their relaxed programs.National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number CCF-0811397)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number CCF-0905244)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number CCF-1036241)National Science Foundation (U.S.). (Grant number IIS-0835652)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant number FA8650-11-C-7192)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant number FA8750-12-2-0110)United States. Dept. of Energy. (Grant Number DE-SC0005288

    Language and Compiler Support for Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms

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    Approximating ideal program outputs is a common technique for solving computationally difficult problems, for adhering to processing or timing constraints, and for performance optimization in situations where perfect precision is not necessary. To this end, programmers often use approximation algorithms, iterative methods, data resampling, and other heuristics. However, programming such variable accuracy algorithms presents difficult challenges since the optimal algorithms and parameters may change with different accuracy requirements and usage environments. This problem is further compounded when multiple variable accuracy algorithms are nested together due to the complex way that accuracy requirements can propagate across algorithms and because of the resulting size of the set of allowable compositions. As a result, programmers often deal with this issue in an ad-hoc manner that can sometimes violate sound programming practices such as maintaining library abstractions. In this paper, we propose language extensions that expose trade-offs between time and accuracy to the compiler. The compiler performs fully automatic compile-time and install-time autotuning and analyses in order to construct optimized algorithms to achieve any given target accuracy. We present novel compiler techniques and a structured genetic tuning algorithm to search the space of candidate algorithms and accuracies in the presence of recursion and sub-calls to other variable accuracy code. These techniques benefit both the library writer, by providing an easy way to describe and search the parameter and algorithmic choice space, and the library user, by allowing high level specification of accuracy requirements which are then met automatically without the need for the user to understand any algorithm-specific parameters. Additionally, we present a new suite of benchmarks, written in our language, to examine the efficacy of our techniques. Our experimental results show that by relaxing accuracy requirements, we can easily obtain performance improvements ranging from 1.1x to orders of magnitude of speedup