369 research outputs found

    Revisión del estado del arte sobre tendencias tecnológicas para el análisis del comportamiento y actividades humanas

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    The study of human behavior allows the knowledge about people's behaviors, behavior determined by multiple factors: cultural, social, psychological, genetic, religious, among others, which affect the relationships and interaction with the environment. The infinity of data in our lives and the search for behavioral patterns from that data has been an amazing work whose benefit is focused on the determined patterns and intelligent analysis that lead to new knowledge. A significant amount of resources from pattern recognition in human activities and daily life has had greater dominance in the management of mobility, health and wellness.The current paper presents a review of technologies for human behavior analysis and use as tools for diagnosis, assistance, for interaction in intelligent environments and assisted robotics applications. The main scope is to give an overview of the technological advances in the analysis of human behavior, activities of daily living and mobility, and the benefits obtained.El estudio del comportamiento humano permite el conocimiento sobre las conductas de las personas, conducta determinada por múltiples factores: culturales, sociales, psicológicos, genéticos, religiosos, entre otros; que inciden en las relaciones y la interacción con el entorno. La infinidad de datos en nuestras vidas y la búsqueda de patrones de comportamiento a partir de esos datos ha sido un trabajo asombroso cuyo provecho se centra en los patrones determinados y el análisis inteligente que conducen a nuevos conocimientos. Una cantidad significativa de recursos a partir del reconocimiento de patrones en las actividades humanas y de vida diaria ha tenido mayor dominio en la gestión de la movilidad, la salud y bienestar.El actual documento presenta una revisión de las tecnologías para el análisis del comportamiento humano y del uso como herramientas para el diagnóstico, asistencia, para la interacción en ambientes inteligentes y aplicaciones de robótica asistida. El alcance principal es dar una visión general de los avances tecnológicos en el análisis del comportamiento humano, actividades de la vida diaria y movilidad, y de los beneficios obtenidos

    On-Body Wireless Inertial Sensing Foot Control Applications

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    Multi-sensor human action recognition with particular application to tennis event-based indexing

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    The ability to automatically classify human actions and activities using vi- sual sensors or by analysing body worn sensor data has been an active re- search area for many years. Only recently with advancements in both fields and the ubiquitous nature of low cost sensors in our everyday lives has auto- matic human action recognition become a reality. While traditional sports coaching systems rely on manual indexing of events from a single modality, such as visual or inertial sensors, this thesis investigates the possibility of cap- turing and automatically indexing events from multimodal sensor streams. In this work, we detail a novel approach to infer human actions by fusing multimodal sensors to improve recognition accuracy. State of the art visual action recognition approaches are also investigated. Firstly we apply these action recognition detectors to basic human actions in a non-sporting con- text. We then perform action recognition to infer tennis events in a tennis court instrumented with cameras and inertial sensing infrastructure. The system proposed in this thesis can use either visual or inertial sensors to au- tomatically recognise the main tennis events during play. A complete event retrieval system is also presented to allow coaches to build advanced queries, which existing sports coaching solutions cannot facilitate, without an inordi- nate amount of manual indexing. The event retrieval interface is evaluated against a leading commercial sports coaching tool in terms of both usability and efficiency

    Human Avtivity Recognition Using Smartphones

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    Human activity recognition is a problem of classifying activity of a human using accelerometer and gyroscope data recorded by smartphones into well-defined movements. However, it is still a challenging problem to compute a large number of observations in each second and it is also hard to translate the measurements from smartphones into physical activity patterns. In the past few decades, researchers have designed different human activities recognition systems using different algorithms. In this paper, I investigate different approaches to HAR system based on smartphones. I provide a comparison of these approaches and provide recommendations of the best performing solution


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    PEMANFAATAN MEDIA AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) IPA INTEGRATIF KEARIFAN LOKAL DI SEKOLAH DASAR Ana Riani Universitas Negeri Jakarta Email : [email protected] Abstract: This study aims to develop learning media based on the Augmented Reality as a form of learning media that facilitates abstracs material become real, and is able to support the learning process in an effort to improve student learning understanding. The method used is research and development with the 4D (Four D) Model. This research was conducted on fifth grade students at the Aren Jaya XVIII Elementary School, Kota Bekasi, Indonesia. Data collection techniques used were tests, interviews, questionnaires, and documents. The results of this research can be concluded that learning media based on Augmented Reality in blood circulation system integrated martial art is developed effectively and can be uses to assistance as a teacher's aid in delivering learning material. Keyword : Augmented Reality media, Blood Circulation System, Martial Art Abstrak : penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Augmented sebagai salah satu bentuk media pembelajaran yang memfasilitasi materi yang abstrak menjadi lebih nyata dan diharapkan mampu mendukung proses pembelajaran dalam upaya peningkatan hasil belajar pada siswa sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan research and development dengan model yang digunakan 4D (four D). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Aren Jaya XVIII Kota Bekasi-Indonesia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes, wawancara, angket, dan dokumen. Hasil dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa media berbasis Augmented Reality sistem peredaran darah terintegrasi Penjaskes gerak dasar pencak silat ini layak dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran kelas V sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci : Media Augmented Reality, Sistem peredaran darah, Pencak sila

    Enriching the fan experience in a smart stadium using internet of things technologies

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    Rapid urbanization has brought about an influx of people to cities, tipping the scale between urban and rural living. Population predictions estimate that 64% of the global population will reside in cities by 2050. To meet the growing resource needs, improve management, reduce complexities, and eliminate unnecessary costs while enhancing the quality of life of citizens, cities are increasingly exploring open innovation frameworks and smart city initiatives that target priority areas including transportation, sustainability, and security. The size and heterogeneity of urban centers impede progress of technological innovations for smart cities. We propose a Smart Stadium as a living laboratory to balance both size and heterogeneity so that smart city solutions and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies may be deployed and tested within an environment small enough to practically trial but large and diverse enough to evaluate scalability and efficacy. The Smart Stadium for Smart Living initiative brings together multiple institutions and partners including Arizona State University (ASU), Dublin City University (DCU), Intel Corporation, and Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), to turn ASU's Sun Devil Stadium and Ireland's Croke Park Stadium into twinned smart stadia to investigate IoT and smart city technologies and applications