12 research outputs found

    Similar operation template attack on RSA-CRT as a case study

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    A template attack, the most powerful side-channel attack methods, usually first builds the leakage profiles from a controlled profiling device, and then uses these profiles to recover the secret of the target device. It is based on the fact that the profiling device shares similar leakage characteristics with the target device. In this study, we focus on the similar operations in a single device and propose a new variant of the template attack, called the similar operation template attack (SOTA). SOTA builds the models on public variables (e.g., input/output) and recovers the values of the secret variables that leak similar to the public variables. SOTA’s advantage is that it can avoid the requirement of an additional profiling device. In this study, the proposed SOTA method is applied to a straightforward RSA-CRT implementation. Because the leakage is (almost) the same in similar operations, we reduce the security of RSA-CRT to a hidden multiplier problem (HMP) over GF(q), which can be solved byte-wise using our proposed heuristic algorithm. The effectiveness of our proposed method is verified as an entire prime recovery procedure in a practical leakage scenario

    Using subspace-based template attacks to compare and combine power and electromagnetic information leakages

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    The power consumption and electromagnetic radiation are among the most extensively used side-channels for analyzing physically observable cryptographic devices. This paper tackles three important questions in this respect. First, we compare the effectiveness of these two side-channels. We investigate the common belief that electromagnetic leakages lead to more powerful attacks than their power consumption counterpart. Second we study the best combination of the power and electromagnetic leakages. A quantified analysis based on sound information theoretic and security metrics is provided for these purposes. Third, we evaluate the effectiveness of two data dimensionality reduction techniques for constructing subspace-based template attacks. Selecting automatically the meaningful time samples in side-channel leakage traces is an important problem in the application of template attacks and it usually relies on heuristics. We show how classical statistical tools such as principal component analysis and Fisher linear discriminant analysis can be used for efficiently preprocessing the leakage traces.Anglai

    On the Use of Independent Component Analysis to Denoise Side-Channel Measurements

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    International audienceIndependent Component Analysis (ICA) is a powerful technique for blind source separation. It has been successfully applied to signal processing problems, such as feature extraction and noise reduction , in many different areas including medical signal processing and telecommunication. In this work, we propose a framework to apply ICA to denoise side-channel measurements and hence to reduce the complexity of key recovery attacks. Based on several case studies, we afterwards demonstrate the overwhelming advantages of ICA with respect to the commonly used preprocessing techniques such as the singular spectrum analysis. Mainly, we target a software masked implementation of an AES and a hardware unprotected one. Our results show a significant Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) gain which translates into a gain in the number of traces needed for a successful side-channel attack. This states the ICA as an important new tool for the security assessment of cryptographic implementations

    Auto-tune POIs: Estimation of distribution algorithms for efficient side-channel analysis

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    Due to the constant increase and versatility of IoT devices that should keep sensitive information private, Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks on embedded devices are gaining visibility in the industrial field. The integration and validation of countermeasures against SCA can be an expensive and cumbersome process, especially for the less experienced ones, and current certification procedures require to attack the devices under test using multiple SCA techniques and attack vectors, often implying a high degree of complexity. The goal of this paper is to ease one of the most crucial and tedious steps of profiling attacks i.e. the points of interest (POI) selection and hence assist the SCA evaluation process. To this end, we introduce the usage of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) in the SCA field in order to automatically tune the point of interest selection. We showcase our approach on several experimental use cases, including attacks on unprotected and protected AES implementations over distinct copies of the same device, dismissing in this way the portability issue

    Circuit-Variant Moving Target Defense for Side-Channel Attacks on Reconfigurable Hardware

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    With the emergence of side-channel analysis (SCA) attacks, bits of a secret key may be derived by correlating key values with physical properties of cryptographic process execution. Power and Electromagnetic (EM) analysis attacks are based on the principle that current flow within a cryptographic device is key-dependent and therefore, the resulting power consumption and EM emanations during encryption and/or decryption can be correlated to secret key values. These side-channel attacks require several measurements of the target process in order to amplify the signal of interest, filter out noise, and derive the secret key through statistical analysis methods. Differential power and EM analysis attacks rely on correlating actual side-channel measurements to hypothetical models. This research proposes increasing resistance to differential power and EM analysis attacks through structural and spatial randomization of an implementation. By introducing randomly located circuit variants of encryption components, the proposed moving target defense aims to disrupt side-channel collection and correlation needed to successfully implement an attac