5 research outputs found

    Using mixed-reality to develop smart environments

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    Smart homes, smart cars, smart classrooms are now a reality as the world becomes increasingly interconnected by ubiquitous computing technology. The next step is to interconnect such environments, however there are a number of significant barriers to advancing research in this area, most notably the lack of available environments, standards and tools etc. A possible solution is the use of simulated spaces, nevertheless as realistic as strive to make them, they are, at best, only approximations to the real spaces, with important differences such as utilising idealised rather than noisy sensor data. In this respect, an improvement to simulation is emulation, which uses specially adapted physical components to imitate real systems and environments. In this paper we present our work-in-progress towards the creation of a development tool for intelligent environments based on the interconnection of simulated, emulated and real intelligent spaces using a distributed model of mixed reality. To do so, we propose the use of physical/virtual components (xReality objects) able to be combined through a 3D graphical user interface, sharing real-time information. We present three scenarios of interconnected real and emulated spaces, used for education, achieving integration between real and virtual worlds

    Interactions within distributed mixed reality collaborative environments

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    Traditionally virtual worlds have been regarded as standalone entities. However, the world moves fast towards a mixed reality collective environment, joining virtual and real world by incorporating accessible ubiquitous computing for people. Mobile and wearable computers act as a door to connect people to virtuality, e.g. The use of fitness/activity trackers, which collect real world information helping users to complement reality with virtuality improving their health and fitness. A different example is the use of mobile devices to connect people that do not share the same physical location in a virtual way, thought phone calls, videoconferences, chat and social media applications. These examples show that currently we live in two realities, processing information of both worlds in real time. Our video submission presents a work-in-progress research prototype towards the creation of a Blended Reality Distributed System, complementing the paper [1] submitted to the main track of the conference. The test bed scenario proposed is a mixed reality collaborative laboratory activity, performed by learners within geographically dispersed locations. The goal of the activity is to construct a small robot emphasising computing fundamentals. The video is available at: http://youtu.be/akKPHnDY9bw

    A Fuzzy Logic based system for Mixed Reality assistance of remote workforce

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    The recent years have witnessed an increase in the use of augmented and virtual reality systems, changing the way we interact with our environments. Such systems are commonly associated with advertising, entertainment, medicine, training and education. However, with the increasing acceptance and availability of mobile and wearable devices (e.g. head-mounted displays (HMD)), the use of these technologies is moving towards professional and industrial environments, where they would be able to support employees in their daily tasks, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing business costs. This paper presents an innovative Mixed Reality (MR) system to assist field workforce in remote locations. As part of the overall implementation, the MR system uses fuzzy logic mechanisms to improve accuracy in user tracking and object monitoring, allowing the correct representation of users and objects in the Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), and improving the experience for users

    Collaborative educational environments incorporating mixed reality technologies: a systematic mapping study

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    In this paper, we report findings from a systematic mapping study, conducted to review the existing literature on collaborative educational environments incorporating mixed reality technologies. There is increasing interest in mixed reality technologies in education, especially with the introduction of new Over Head Mounted Displays (OHMDs), such as HoloLens, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. with the consideration of areas such as education, dynamic technology and complex environments, a research area is identified. We carried out an extensive review of the literature from 2007 to 2017 and conducted an analysis of the works on mixed reality technologies and its subcategories applied to collaborative education environments. Results highlighted the lack of research across the mixed reality spectrum, especially in the augmented virtuality subcategory, as well as technical limitations such as response time in the development of mixed reality technologies for collaborative environments. Furthermore, the difficulty of teaching professionals to replicate mixed reality experiments in real environments, due to the technical skills required, was identified. The main contribution of this article is the discussion of the current works with visualization of the present state of the area, which is aimed to encourage educators to develop mixed reality artefacts and conduct further research to support collaborative educational environments

    Collaborative educational environments incorporating mixed reality technologies: a systematic mapping study

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    In this paper, we report findings from a systematic mapping study, conducted to review the existing literature on collaborative educational environments incorporating mixed reality technologies. There is increasing interest in mixed reality technologies in education, especially with the introduction of new Over Head Mounted Displays (OHMDs), such as HoloLens, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. with the consideration of areas such as education, dynamic technology and complex environments, a research area is identified. We carried out an extensive review of the literature from 2007 to 2017 and conducted an analysis of the works on mixed reality technologies and its subcategories applied to collaborative education environments. Results highlighted the lack of research across the mixed reality spectrum, especially in the augmented virtuality subcategory, as well as technical limitations such as response time in the development of mixed reality technologies for collaborative environments. Furthermore, the difficulty of teaching professionals to replicate mixed reality experiments in real environments, due to the technical skills required, was identified. The main contribution of this article is the discussion of the current works with visualization of the present state of the area, which is aimed to encourage educators to develop mixed reality artefacts and conduct further research to support collaborative educational environments