10 research outputs found

    Understanding High Dimensional Spaces through Visual Means Employing Multidimensional Projections

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    Data visualisation helps understanding data represented by multiple variables, also called features, stored in a large matrix where individuals are stored in lines and variable values in columns. These data structures are frequently called multidimensional spaces.In this paper, we illustrate ways of employing the visual results of multidimensional projection algorithms to understand and fine-tune the parameters of their mathematical framework. Some of the common mathematical common to these approaches are Laplacian matrices, Euclidian distance, Cosine distance, and statistical methods such as Kullback-Leibler divergence, employed to fit probability distributions and reduce dimensions. Two of the relevant algorithms in the data visualisation field are t-distributed stochastic neighbourhood embedding (t-SNE) and Least-Square Projection (LSP). These algorithms can be used to understand several ranges of mathematical functions including their impact on datasets. In this article, mathematical parameters of underlying techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) behind t-SNE and mesh reconstruction methods behind LSP are adjusted to reflect the properties afforded by the mathematical formulation. The results, supported by illustrative methods of the processes of LSP and t-SNE, are meant to inspire students in understanding the mathematics behind such methods, in order to apply them in effective data analysis tasks in multiple applications

    Random sampling of bandlimited signals on graphs

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    We study the problem of sampling k-bandlimited signals on graphs. We propose two sampling strategies that consist in selecting a small subset of nodes at random. The first strategy is non-adaptive, i.e., independent of the graph structure, and its performance depends on a parameter called the graph coherence. On the contrary, the second strategy is adaptive but yields optimal results. Indeed, no more than O(k log(k)) measurements are sufficient to ensure an accurate and stable recovery of all k-bandlimited signals. This second strategy is based on a careful choice of the sampling distribution, which can be estimated quickly. Then, we propose a computationally efficient decoder to reconstruct k-bandlimited signals from their samples. We prove that it yields accurate reconstructions and that it is also stable to noise. Finally, we conduct several experiments to test these techniques

    Density Ratio Estimation-based Bayesian Optimization with Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Bayesian optimization has attracted huge attention from diverse research areas in science and engineering, since it is capable of finding a global optimum of an expensive-to-evaluate black-box function efficiently. In general, a probabilistic regression model, e.g., Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks, is widely used as a surrogate function to model an explicit distribution over function evaluations given an input to estimate and a training dataset. Beyond the probabilistic regression-based Bayesian optimization, density ratio estimation-based Bayesian optimization has been suggested in order to estimate a density ratio of the groups relatively close and relatively far to a global optimum. Developing this line of research further, a supervised classifier can be employed to estimate a class probability for the two groups instead of a density ratio. However, the supervised classifiers used in this strategy are prone to be overconfident for a global solution candidate. To solve this problem, we propose density ratio estimation-based Bayesian optimization with semi-supervised learning. Finally, we demonstrate the experimental results of our methods and several baseline methods in two distinct scenarios with unlabeled point sampling and a fixed-size pool.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, 2 table

    Noisy multi-label semi-supervised dimensionality reduction

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    Noisy labeled data represent a rich source of information that often are easily accessible and cheap to obtain, but label noise might also have many negative consequences if not accounted for. How to fully utilize noisy labels has been studied extensively within the framework of standard supervised machine learning over a period of several decades. However, very little research has been conducted on solving the challenge posed by noisy labels in non-standard settings. This includes situations where only a fraction of the samples are labeled (semi-supervised) and each high-dimensional sample is associated with multiple labels. In this work, we present a novel semi-supervised and multi-label dimensionality reduction method that effectively utilizes information from both noisy multi-labels and unlabeled data. With the proposed Noisy multi-label semi-supervised dimensionality reduction (NMLSDR) method, the noisy multi-labels are denoised and unlabeled data are labeled simultaneously via a specially designed label propagation algorithm. NMLSDR then learns a projection matrix for reducing the dimensionality by maximizing the dependence between the enlarged and denoised multi-label space and the features in the projected space. Extensive experiments on synthetic data, benchmark datasets, as well as a real-world case study, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art multi-label feature extraction algorithms.Comment: 38 page

    Novel Extensions of Label Propagation for Biomarker Discovery in Genomic Data

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    One primary goal of analyzing genomic data is the identification of biomarkers which may be causative of, correlated with, or otherwise biologically relevant to disease phenotypes. In this work, I implement and extend a multivariate feature ranking algorithm called label propagation (LP) for biomarker discovery in genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. This graph-based algorithm utilizes an iterative propagation method to efficiently compute the strength of association between a SNP and a phenotype. I developed three extensions to the LP algorithm, with the goal of tailoring it to genomic data. The first extension is a modification to the LP score which yields a variable-level score for each SNP, rather than a score for each SNP genotype. The second extension incorporates prior biological knowledge that is encoded as a prior value for each SNP. The third extension enables the combination of rankings produced by LP and another feature ranking algorithm. The LP algorithm, its extensions, and two control algorithms (chi squared and sparse logistic regression) were applied to 11 genomic datasets, including a synthetic dataset, a semi-synthetic dataset, and nine genome-wide association study (GWAS) datasets covering eight diseases. The quality of each feature ranking algorithm was evaluated by using a subset of top-ranked SNPs to construct a classifier, whose predictive power was evaluated in terms of the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. Top-ranked SNPs were also evaluated for prior evidence of being associated with disease using evidence from the literature. The LP algorithm was found to be effective at identifying predictive and biologically meaningful SNPs. The single-score extension performed significantly better than the original algorithm on the GWAS datasets. The prior knowledge extension did not improve on the feature ranking results, and in some cases it reduced the predictive power of top-ranked variants. The ranking combination method was effective for some pairs of algorithms, but not for others. Overall, this work’s main results are the formulation and evaluation of several algorithmic extensions of LP for use in the analysis of genomic data, as well as the identification of several disease-associated SNPs

    Discretize and Conquer: Scalable Agglomerative Clustering in Hamming Space

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    Clustering is one of the most fundamental tasks in many machine learning and information retrieval applications. Roughly speaking, the goal is to partition data instances such that similar instances end up in the same group while dissimilar instances lie in different groups. Quite surprisingly though, the formal and rigorous definition of clustering is not at all clear mainly because there is no consensus about what constitutes a cluster. That said, across all disciplines, from mathematics and statistics to genetics, people frequently try to get a first intuition about the data through identifying meaningful groups. Finding similar instances and grouping them are two main steps in clustering, and not surprisingly, both have been the subject of extensive study over recent decades. It has been shown that using large datasets is the key to achieving acceptable levels of performance in data-driven applications. Today, the Internet is a vast resource for such datasets, each of which contains millions and billions of high-dimensional items such as images and text documents. However, for such large-scale datasets, the performance of the employed machine-learning algorithm quickly becomes the main bottleneck. Conventional clustering algorithms are no exception, and a great deal of effort has been devoted to developing scalable clustering algorithms. Clustering tasks can vary both in terms of the input they have and the output that they are expected to generate. For instance, the input of a clustering algorithm can hold various types of data such as continuous numerical, and categorical types. This thesis on a particular setting; in it, the input instances are represented with binary strings. Binary representation has several advantages such as storage efficiency, simplicity, lack of a numerical-data-like concept of noise, and being naturally normalized. The literature abounds with applications of clustering binary data, such as in marketing, document clustering, and image clustering. As a more-concrete example, in marketing for an online store, each customer's basket is a binary representation of items. By clustering customers, the store can recommend items to customers with the same interests. In document clustering, documents can be represented as binary codes in which each element indicates whether a word exists in the document or not. Another notable application of binary codes is in binary hashing, which has been the topic of significant research in the last decade. The goal of binary hashing is to encode high-dimensional items, such as images, with compact binary strings so as to preserve a given notion of similarity. Such codes enable extremely fast nearest neighbour searches, as the distance between two codes (often the Hamming distance) can be computed quickly using bit-wise operations implemented at the hardware level. Similar to other types of data, the clustering of binary datasets has witnessed considerable research recently. Unfortunately, most of the existing approaches are only concerned with devising density and centroid-based clustering algorithms, even though many other types of clustering techniques can be applied to binary data. One of the most popular and intuitive algorithms in connectivity-based clustering is the Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) algorithm, which is based on the core idea of objects being more related to nearby objects than to objects farther away. As the name suggests, HAC is a family of clustering methods that return a dendrogram as their output: that is, a hierarchical tree of domain subsets, having a singleton instance in their leaves and the whole data instances in their root. Such algorithms need no prior knowledge about the number of clusters. Most of them are deterministic and applicable to different cluster shapes, but these advantages come at the price of high computational and storage costs in comparison with other popular clustering algorithms such as k-means. In this thesis, a family of HAC algorithms is proposed, called Discretized Agglomerative Clustering (DAC), that is designed to work with binary data. By leveraging the discretized and bounded nature of binary representation, the proposed algorithms can achieve significant speedup factors both in theory and practice, in comparison to the existing solutions. From the theoretical perspective, DAC algorithms can reduce the computational cost of hierarchical clustering from cubic to quadratic, matching the known lower bounds for HAC. The proposed approach is also be empirically compared with other well-known clustering algorithms such as k-means, DBSCAN, average, and complete-linkage HAC, on well-known datasets such as TEXMEX, CIFAR-10 and MNIST, which are among the standard benchmarks for large-scale algorithms. Results indicate that by mapping real points to binary vectors using existing binary hashing algorithms and clustering them with DAC, one can achieve several orders of magnitude speed without losing much clustering quality, and in some cases, achieving even more

    Cluster-based semi-supervised ensemble learning

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    Semi-supervised classification consists of acquiring knowledge from both labelled and unlabelled data to classify test instances. The cluster assumption represents one of the potential relationships between true classes and data distribution that semi-supervised algorithms assume in order to use unlabelled data. Ensemble algorithms have been widely and successfully employed in both supervised and semi-supervised contexts. In this Thesis, we focus on the cluster assumption to study ensemble learning based on a new cluster regularisation technique for multi-class semi-supervised classification. Firstly, we introduce a multi-class cluster-based classifier, the Cluster-based Regularisation (Cluster- Reg) algorithm. ClusterReg employs a new regularisation mechanism based on posterior probabilities generated by a clustering algorithm in order to avoid generating decision boundaries that traverses high-density regions. Such a method possesses robustness to overlapping classes and to scarce labelled instances on uncertain and low-density regions, when data follows the cluster assumption. Secondly, we propose a robust multi-class boosting technique, Cluster-based Boosting (CBoost), which implements the proposed cluster regularisation for ensemble learning and uses ClusterReg as base learner. CBoost is able to overcome possible incorrect pseudo-labels and produces better generalisation than existing classifiers. And, finally, since there are often datasets with a large number of unlabelled instances, we propose the Efficient Cluster-based Boosting (ECB) for large multi-class datasets. ECB extends CBoost and has lower time and memory complexities than state-of-the-art algorithms. Such a method employs a sampling procedure to reduce the training set of base learners, an efficient clustering algorithm, and an approximation technique for nearest neighbours to avoid the computation of pairwise distance matrix. Hence, ECB enables semi-supervised classification for large-scale datasets