79,170 research outputs found

    A Web Smart Space Framework for Intelligent Search Engines

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    A web smart space is an intelligent environment which has additional capability of searching the information smartly and efficiently. New advancements like dynamic web contents generation has increased the size of web repositories. Among so many modern software analysis requirements, one is to search information from the given repository. But useful information extraction is a troublesome hitch due to the multi-lingual; base of the web data collection. The issue of semantic based information searching has become a standoff due to the inconsistencies and variations in the characteristics of the data. In the accomplished research, a web smart space framework has been proposed which introduces front end processing for a search engine to make the information retrieval process more intelligent and accurate. In orthodox searching anatomies, searching is performed only by using pattern matching technique and consequently a large number of irrelevant results are generated. The projected framework has insightful ability to improve this drawback and returns efficient outcomes. Designed framework gets text input from the user in the form complete question, understands the input and generates the meanings. Search engine searches on the basis of the information provided

    Detecting Flow Anomalies in Distributed Systems

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    Deep within the networks of distributed systems, one often finds anomalies that affect their efficiency and performance. These anomalies are difficult to detect because the distributed systems may not have sufficient sensors to monitor the flow of traffic within the interconnected nodes of the networks. Without early detection and making corrections, these anomalies may aggravate over time and could possibly cause disastrous outcomes in the system in the unforeseeable future. Using only coarse-grained information from the two end points of network flows, we propose a network transmission model and a localization algorithm, to detect the location of anomalies and rank them using a proposed metric within distributed systems. We evaluate our approach on passengers' records of an urbanized city's public transportation system and correlate our findings with passengers' postings on social media microblogs. Our experiments show that the metric derived using our localization algorithm gives a better ranking of anomalies as compared to standard deviation measures from statistical models. Our case studies also demonstrate that transportation events reported in social media microblogs matches the locations of our detect anomalies, suggesting that our algorithm performs well in locating the anomalies within distributed systems

    Shortest Route Finding using an Object-oriented Database Approach

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    The huge and complex road networks in a country make it challenging to find the best route for roaming around.  Therefore,  it is  necessary  to arrange  the data  in such  a  way  that  its retrieval,  especially a  part  of  the  road  or  road  sub-network ,  should  be  efficient  and  needless  data processing is avoided. This paper presents  an object-oriented road  network  database  model  in  which  we divide  the  road  into road segments and road network into road sub-networks, into levels  according to the administrative in  which  a  country  is  divided  administratively.  The implementation of the model for shortest route finding has proved that model is efficient and effective. Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Road Subdivision, Composite and Containment Hierarchie

    Psikologi seni pengurusan - momentum dinamika organisasi

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    egala pujian dan syukur ke hadrat Ilahi yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang atas rahmatNya sehingga buku yang bertajuk PSIKOLOGI SENI PENGURUSAN: Momentum Dinamika Organisasi, akhirnya sampai ke tatapan para pembaca. Dengan harapan agar ilmu dapat terus dikongsi bersama dan berupaya untuk meletakkan ketinggian ilmu di tempatnya sebagai panduan hidup. Buku ini ditulis dengan tujuan agar pembaca memperoleh sedikit sebanyak ilmu berkisar tentang psikologi dalam organisasi dan pengurusan. Dengan itu, pembaca dapat melihat suatu dimensi manusia yang mempunyai tiga domain utama iaitu minda, jiwa dan fizikal. Kekuatan dimensi itu diyakini berupaya membantu menjadikan manusia sebagai modal insan yang unggul dari sisi agama, bangsa dan negara. Buku ini menelusuri topik-topik utama yang merangkumi seni kepimpinan, seni organisasi, seni pengikut, seni pengendalian emosi dan cabaran dalam organisasi. Perbincangan bersifat ilmiah ini adalah sebagai suatu gambaran pada kesatuan epistemologi ilmu yang menjadi antara elemen utama dalam pembangunan organisasi yang terdiri daripada golongan manusia. Keupayaan dalam kerangka membangunkan sumber manusia sebagai modal insan yang berkualiti dalam dimensi minda, emosi dan tingkah laku kelas pertama adalah suatu tuntutan yang memerlukan usaha serta perhatian bersama semua pihak secara lebih kolektif dan proaktif. Perkongsian dalam buku ini juga dihasilkan secara sederhana sebagai suatu pemahaman asas dan seterusnya secara terperinci dan spesifik pada topik yang dibincangkan. Semoga input yang disediakan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada para pembaca dalam meneroka kepentingan menguatkan modal insan dalam organisasi. Semoga buku ini mampu menjadi panduan secara ilmiah dan dapat memberikan pengalaman yang berguna kepada para pembaca

    Comparative genomic analysis of two Chilean Renibacterium salmoninarum isolates and the type strain ATCC 33209T

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    Indexación: Scopus.Two previously characterized Chilean isolates (H-2 and DJ2R), obtained from cage-cultured Atlantic salmon with clinical signs of bacterial kidney disease in southern Chile, were used (Bethke et al. 2016, 2017). The bacteria were routinely cultured in KDM-2 agar for 15–20 days at 15°C. For sequencing, genomic DNA of the two isolates was extracted using the InstaGene Purification Matrix (Bio-Rad) according to manufacturer instructions. The DJ2R genome was sequenced using an Illumina MiSeq platform with 2 ⨯ 250 paired-end reads by the AUSTRAL-omics Institute, hosted by the Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia, Chile). Using the same technology and parameters, H-2 genomic DNA was sequenced by the Central Support Service for Experimental Research (SCSIE, Spanish acronym) at the University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain).This work was supported by funding of the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT, Chile) [Grant Numbers FONDAP No. 15110027 and FONDECYT No. 1150695]. J.B. also acknowledges support received by CONICYT [Doctoral Scholarship No. 21140421].Renibacterium salmoninarum, a slow-growing facultative intracellular pathogen belonging to the high C+G content Actinobacteria phylum, is the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease, a progressive granulomatous infection affecting salmonids worldwide. This Gram-positive bacterium has existed in the Chilean salmonid industry for >30 years, but little or no information is available regarding the virulence mechanisms and genomic characteristics of Chilean isolates. In this study, the genomes of two Chilean isolates (H-2 and DJ2R)were sequenced, and a search was conducted for genes and proteins involved in virulence and pathogenicity, andwecompare with the type strain ATCC 33209T genome. The genome sizes of H-2 and DJ2R are 3,155,332 bp and 3,155,228 bp, respectively. They genomes presented six ribosomal RNA, 46 transcription RNA, and 25 noncodingRNA, and both had the same 56.27% G+C content described for the type strain ATCC 33209 T. A total of 3,522 and 3,527 coding sequences were found for H-2 and DJ2R, respectively. Meanwhile, the ATCC 33209T type strain had 3,519 coding sequences. The in silico genome analysis revealed a genes related to tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, iron transport and others metabolic pathway. Also, the data indicated that R salmoninarum may have a variety of possible virulence-factor and antibiotic-resistance strategies. Interestingly, many of genes had high identities with Mycobacterium species, a known pathogenic Actin obacteria bacterium. In summary, this study provides the first insights into and initial steps towards understanding the molecular basis of antibiotic resistance, virulence mechanisms and host/environment adaptation in twoChilean R. salmoninarum isolates that contain proteins of which were similar to those of Mycobacterium. Furthermore, important information is presented that could facilitate the development of preventive and treatment measures against R. salmoninarum in Chile and worldwide. © The Author(s) 2018.https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article/10/7/1816/504777

    The use of ideas of Information Theory for studying "language" and intelligence in ants

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    In this review we integrate results of long term experimental study on ant "language" and intelligence which were fully based on fundamental ideas of Information Theory, such as the Shannon entropy, the Kolmogorov complexity, and the Shannon's equation connecting the length of a message (ll) and its frequency (p)(p), i.e. l=logpl = - \log p for rational communication systems. This approach, new for studying biological communication systems, enabled us to obtain the following important results on ants' communication and intelligence: i) to reveal "distant homing" in ants, that is, their ability to transfer information about remote events; ii) to estimate the rate of information transmission; iii) to reveal that ants are able to grasp regularities and to use them for "compression" of information; iv) to reveal that ants are able to transfer to each other the information about the number of objects; v) to discover that ants can add and subtract small numbers. The obtained results show that Information Theory is not only wonderful mathematical theory, but many its results may be considered as Nature laws