133 research outputs found

    An overview of multi-criteria decision-making methods in dealing with sustainable energy development issues

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    © 2018 by the authors. The measurement of sustainability is actively used today as one of the main preventative instruments in order to reduce the decline of the environment. Sustainable decision-making in solving energy issues can be supported and contradictory effects can be evaluated by scientific achievements of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques. The main goal of this paper is to overview the application of decision-making methods in dealing with sustainable energy development issues. In this study, 105 published papers from the Web of Science Core Collection (WSCC) database are selected and reviewed, from 2004 to 2017, related to energy sustainability issues and MCDM methods. All the selected papers were categorized into 9 fields by the application area and into 10 fields by the used method. After the categorization of the scientific articles and detailed analysis, SWOT analysis of MCDM approaches in dealing with sustainable energy development issues is provided. The widespread application and use of MCDM methods confirm that MCDM methods can help decision-makers in solving energy sustainability problems and are highly popular and used in practice

    Electric Bus Selection with Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Green Transportation

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    Eren, Tamer/0000-0001-5282-3138; Hamurcu, Mustafa/0000-0002-6166-3946WOS:000531558100202Multicriteria decision-making tools are widely used in complex decision-making problems. There are also numerous points of decision-making in transportation. One of these decision-making points regards clean technology vehicle determination. Clean technology vehicles, such as electric buses, have some advantages compared to other technologies like internal combustion engine vehicles. Notably, electric vehicles emit zero tailpipe emissions, thereby ensuring cleaner air for cities and making these clean technologies preferable to other technologies, especially in highly populated areas for better air quality and more livable cities. In this study, we propose a multicriteria decision-making process using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) in the context of an electric bus in the center of Ankara. Six potential electric bus alternatives were evaluated under seven specific criteria. Overall, EV-2 electric buses outperformed other electric bus alternatives based on the chosen criteria. In addition, the stability of the results obtained under different scenarios using this method was established via sensitivity analysis

    Selection of biogas, solar, and wind power plants’ locations: An MCDA approach

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    This study discusses a multi-criteria approach to locating biogas, solar and wind power plants that significantly addresses the challenge of global warming caused by power generation. Because the utility of locations to build renewable energy power plants depends on economic, social and environmental dimensions, after reviewing literature, the sustainable frameworks of criteria affecting the location of biogas, solar and wind power plants were examined in this paper. The offered frameworks are applied to determining the site of biogas, solar, and wind power plants in Iran. The provinces of Iran are assessed as alternatives in this paper. To compute the weight of criteria in the offered framework, data from a sample of experts in Iran are used via an online survey form designed based on the best-worst method (BWM). Using the results of the BWM and the performance data, the overall score are calculated for the various provinces of Iran. The results of this study indicate that energy saving, effect on resources and natural reserves and wind flow, respectively, are the most effective factors for determining the place of biogas, solar and wind power plants, and South Khorasan, Khuzestan, and Khuzestan show the best result for establishing biogas, solar, and wind power plants in Iran respectively

    Location selection for wind plant using AHP and axiomatic design in fuzzy environment

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    Electricity consumption of the world has been increasing due to increasing population and production amounts, developing technology and increasing automation level. Studies show that the increase will continue in the future and the supply and demand amount should increase depending on the changing world. Renewable energy sources have become crucial due to the traditional energy sources like coal harm the environment nature and human health. Nowadays countries pay more attention to use their own resources in order to maintain their socio-economic and political independence. As awareness of clean energy increases, the usage of renewable energy sources is increasing. The investment costs of renewable energy sources are very high. For this reason, the selection of the location for renewable energy sources is a strategic decision that getting it right the first time. Different criteria are evaluated when selecting the installation location. The priorities of these criteria may be different from each other. In this study, a model was proposed for selecting the location for the installation of wind power plant via using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy Axiomatic Design methods. In the implementation phase of the model, evaluation criteria have been determined and prioritized. In the light of the evaluation criteria, 3 locations have been evaluated and the most suitable one was selected

    Multi-criteria solar power plant siting problem solution using a GIS-Taguchi loss function based interval type-2 fuzzy approach: The case of Kars Province/Turkey

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    The determination of the areas where the solar power plant will be installed is of great importance for the performance of the solar power plant. Solar and hydroelectric energy are the most widely used renewable energy sources in Kars province. Site selection for these power plants is an important factor in terms of reducing the installation cost of the solar power plant and achieving maximum efficiency during operation. Determining the areas where the power plants will be installed is a very complex and difficult to analyse spatial decision making problem. In this study, firstly GIS is used as a mapping method to obtain the locations of both solar power plants in Susuz, Arpaçay, Akkaya, Kars city centre, Selim, Digor, Kağızman and Sarıkamıș districts of Kars province and then Taguchi loss function based interval type-2 fuzzy approach is applied to the problem. In order to obtain more accurate results, the results of the two methods (GIS and Taguchi loss function based interval type-2 fuzzy approach) were also compared. According to the solar power plant map obtained, it was determined that the total area of suitable areas is 78600 km2

    Assessment of Energy Systems Using Extended Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy VIKOR, and TOPSIS Approaches to Manage Non-Cooperative Opinions

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    Energy systems planning commonly involves the study of supply and demand of power, forecasting the trends of parameters established on economics and technical criteria of models. Numerous measures are needed for the fulfillment of energy system assessment and the investment plans. The higher energy prices which call for diversification of energy systems and managing the resolution of conflicts are the results of high energy demand for growing economies. Due to some challenging problems of fossil fuels, energy production and distribution from alternative sources are getting more attention. This study aimed to reveal the most proper energy systems in Saudi Arabia for investment. Hence, integrated fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), fuzzy VIKOR (Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preferences by Similarity to Idle Solution) methodologies were employed to determine the most eligible energy systems for investment. Eight alternative energy systems were assessed against nine criteria—power generation capacity, efficiency, storability, safety, air pollution, being depletable, net present value, enhanced local economic development, and government support. Data were collected using the Delphi method, a team of three decision-makers (DMs) was established in a heterogeneous manner with the addition of nine domain experts to carry out the analysis. The fuzzy AHP approach was used for clarifying the weight of criteria and fuzzy VIKOR and TOPSIS were utilized for ordering the alternative energy systems according to their investment priority. On the other hand, sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the priority of investment for energy systems and comparison of them using the weight of group utility and fuzzy DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) approaches. The results and findings suggested that solar photovoltaic (PV) is the paramount renewable energy system for investment, according to both fuzzy VIKOR and fuzzy TOPSIS approaches. In this context our findings were compared with other works comprehensively.This research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under grant no. (RG-7-135-38). The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR technical and financial support

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific production on methods to aid decision making in the last 40 years

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    Purpose: Multicriteria methods have gained traction in both academia and industry practices for effective decision-making over the years. This bibliometric study aims to explore and provide an overview of research carried out on multicriteria methods, in its various aspects, over the past forty-four years. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were searched for publications from January 1945 to April 29, 2021, on multicriteria methods in titles, abstracts, and keywords. The bibliographic data were analyzed using the R bibliometrix package. Findings: This bibliometric study asserts that 29,050 authors have produced 20,861 documents on the theme of multicriteria methods in 131 countries in the last forty-four years. Scientific production in this area grows at a rate of 13.88 per year. China is the leading country in publications with 14.14%; India with 10.76%; and Iran with 8.09%. Islamic Azad University leads others with 504 publications, followed by the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University with 456 and the National Institute of Technology with 336. As for journals, Expert Systems With Applications; Sustainability; and Journal of Cleaner Production are the leading journals, which account for more than 4.67% of all indexed literature. Furthermore, Zavadskas E. and Wang J have the highest publications in the multicriteria methods domain regarding the authors. Regarding the most commonly used multicriteria decision-making methods, AHP is the most favored approach among the ten countries with the most publications in this research area, followed by TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE, and ANP. Practical implications: The bibliometric literature review method allows the researchers to explore the multicriteria research area more extensively than the traditional literature review method. It enables a large dataset of bibliographic records to be systematically analyzed through statistical measures, yielding informative insights. Originality/value: The usefulness of this bibliometric study is summed in presenting an overview of the topic of the multicriteria methods during the previous forty-four years, allowing other academics to use this research as a starting point for their research

    Solving renewable energy source selection problems using a q-rung orthopair fuzzy-based integrated decision-making approach

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    This paper proposes an integrated decision-making framework for the systematic selection of a renewable energy source (RES) from a set of RESs based on sustainability attributes. A real case study of RES selection in Karnataka, India, using the framework is demonstrated, and the results are compared with state-of-the-art methods. The main reason for developing this framework is to handle uncertainty and vagueness effectively by reducing human intervention. Systematic selection of RESs also reduces inaccuracies and promotes rational decision-making. In this paper, q-rung orthopair fuzzy information is adopted to minimize subjective randomness by providing a flexible and generalized preference style. Further, the study found systematic approaches for imputing missing values, calculating attributes’ and decision-makers’ weights, aggregation or preferences, and prioritizing RESs, which are integrated into the framework. Comparing the proposed framework with state-of-the-art-methods shows that (i) biomass and solar are suitable RESs for the process under consideration in Karnataka, (ii) the proposed framework is consistent with state-of-the-art methods, (iii) the proposed framework is sufficiently stable even after weights of attributes and decision makers are altered, and (iv) the proposed framework produces broad and sensible rank values for efficient backup management. These results validate the significance of the proposed framework

    Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Menggunakan Metode Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS

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    Kinerja karyawan sangat berpengaruh pada kesuksesan dan kemajuan suatu perusahaan, apalagi seiring berkembangnya zaman setiap individu dituntut untuk dapat menggali segala sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki. Penilaian kinerja termasuk bagian penting dari manajemen sumber daya manusia yaitu diantaranya meningkatkan produktivitas dan motivasi karyawan serta mempertahankan dan mengembangkan bakat yang dimiliki. Penilaian kinerja dapat dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Namun, banyak indeks penilaian sulit diukur secara langsung. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS dengan data simulasi berupa sampel 10 orang  karyawan dengan 4 indeks sistem penilaian yaitu kualitas bakat, kemampuan pribadi, performa kerja dan sikap kerja dimana setiap indeksnya memiliki 5 hingga 6 cabang  indeks penilaian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah agar dapat mengevaluasi kinerja karyawan secara lebih komprehensif dan efektif dengan menggunakan metode Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS. Sehingga dapat memberikan dukungan yang kuat dalam pengambilan keputusan, seperti pelatihan, kajian keilmuan, promosi, apresiasi atau penghargaan, dan hukuman dalam pengelolaan sumber daya manusia. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu dapat menentukan dan mengurutkan kualitas kinerja karyawan yang diaplikasikan berupa simulasi atau studi kasus dan hasil perhitungan studi kasus dalam penelitian ini mengenai penilaian kinerja karyawan terbaik menggunakan metode Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS didapatkan rekomendasi mengenai karyawan terbaik dengan penilaian sebesar (0.7301) yaitu  pada  karyawan A4. Kata kunci : Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan,  Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS, Sistem Pendukung Keputusa