6 research outputs found

    Mapeamento sistemático sobre a avaliação da aprendizagem no ensino de lógica de programação no ensino médio

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    Este estudo tem o propósito de fazer um mapeamento sistemático sobre asestratégias ou metodologias de avaliação de aprendizagem utilizadas no ensino de lógica de programação para estudantes do Ensino Médio. Para realização do nosso intento, utilizamos a metodologia de Mapeamento Sistemático de Literatura, que possibilita a busca metódica e ordenada de estudos primários e garante a sua reprodutibilidade ou verificabilidade dos resultados por outros pesquisadores. Os estudos que tivemos acesso não trouxeram resultados sobre as estratégias ou metodologias de avaliação da aprendizagem mais eficientes para a avaliação do ensino de programação. Esse fato nos mostra que ainda não há um questionamento científico sobre a eficiência dos métodos ou estratégias de avaliação da aprendizagem no ensino de programação para estudantes do Ensino Médio

    Leveraging robotics to enhance accessibility and engagement in mathematics education for vision-impaired students

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    There is potential to use robotics in education to revolutionize teaching and learning in mathematics. This is particularly relevant for vision-impaired students, who face different challenges when accessing mathematical content. Educational robotics can potentially enhance accessibility, motivation, and engagement in mathematics for students through enjoyable and novel interactions. Students commonly experience positive interactions with educational robots during learning activities, which influences their learning motivation. Recent studies show that students with disabilities face issues related to classroom participation, lack of collaborative learning, reduced social engagement, and potential for isolation. Digital-based learning technologies have transformed how vision-impaired students engage with and learn mathematics. Leveraging robotics in mathematics teaching and learning through personalised guidelines offers considerable benefits for vision-impaired students, including enhanced engagement, multimodal learning opportunities, and improved collaboration and communication skills, which enhances the opportunities for inclusive classroom experiences. This paper outlines the role of educational robotics in inclusive education. It examines the challenges and benefits of using educational robotics in mathematics for vision-impaired students. The importance of human-robot interaction (HRI) in steering the design and functionality of educational robots and their potential use within the classroom to facilitate learning is also highlighted

    Okvir za istraživanje nastave programiranja u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju

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    This study extensively reviews the literature on teaching programming to middle schoolers, with a qualitative content analysis method, and intends to put forth a research design framework for researchers that will guide them in the processes of planning and designing their research on teaching programming for middle school learners. For access to the relevant literature; the databases were searched by using the following keywords: “computer”, “programming”, and “middle school” together, limiting the findings to the articles published after 2000. As a result, an upward tendency was noted in studies about the teaching of programming at secondary level considering years, most of which are comprised of empirical ones. Also, the existing studies were mostly carried out with 6th graders predominantly employing data collection tools of questionnaires/scales and achievement tests. As for programming tools, Scratch was seen to be the most commonly used one. Although quite a few articles are investigating the context of the programming teaching lesson, some of the studies were found to use programming as a means of teaching mathematics, natural sciences, languages, writing skills, and social sciences. In conclusion, the present study is expected to pave the way for future research by highlighting the overall situation of programming teachingOvo istraživanje naširoko razmatra literaturu o nastavi programiranja u srednjim školama pomoću metode kvalitativne analize sadržaja i pretpostavlja se da će istraživačima ponuditi okvir za dizajniranje istraživanja koji će ih voditi u procesima planiranja i projektiranja njihovih istraživanja o nastavi programiranja u srednjoj školi. Za potrebe pristupa relevantnoj literaturi, pretražili smo baze podataka pomoću ključnih riječi „računalo” , „programiranje” i „srednja škola” uzetih zajedno, ograničavajući rezultate na članke objavljene nakon 2000. godine. Kao rezultat toga, primijetili smo porast trendova u istraživanjima o nastavi programiranja na srednjoškolskoj razini, uzimajući u obzir godine, od kojih je većina istraživanja empirijske naravi. Osim toga, postojeća su istraživanja uglavnom provedene s učenicima šestih razreda koji pretežno koriste alate za prikupljanje podataka u obliku upitnika/ljestvica i testova postignuća. Što se tiče alata za programiranje, Scratch je najčešće korišten. Iako postoji dosta članaka koji istražuju kontekst nastave programiranja, otkriveno je da neka istraživanja navode programiranje kao pomoćno sredstvo u učenju matematike, prirodnih znanosti, jezika, vještina pisanja i društvenih znanosti. Zaključno, valja napomenuti da se očekuje da će sadašnje istraživanje otvoriti put budućim istraživanjima, rasvjetljavajući cjelokupnu situaciju nastave programiranja

    Using Haptic and Auditory Interaction Tools to Engage Students with Visual Impairments in Robot Programming Activities

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    ©2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2011.28The robotics field represents the integration of multiple facets of computer science and engineering. Robotics-based activities have been shown to encourage K-12 students to consider careers in computing and have even been adopted as part of core computer-science curriculum at a number of universities. Unfortunately, for students with visual impairments, there are still inadequate opportunities made available for teaching basic computing concepts using robotics-based curriculum. This outcome is generally due to the scarcity of accessible interfaces to educational robots and the unfamiliarity of teachers with alternative (e.g., nonvisual) teaching methods. As such, in this paper, we discuss the use of alternative interface modalities to engage students with visual impairments in robotics-based programming activities. We provide an overview of the interaction system and results on a pilot study that engaged nine middle school students with visual impairments during a two-week summer camp

    An empirical investigation into the effectiveness of a robot simulator as a tool to support the learning of introductory programming

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    Background: Robots have been used in the past as tools to aid the teaching of programming. Thereis limited evidence, however, about the effectiveness of simulated robots for this purpose.Aim: To investigate the effectiveness of a robot simulator, as a tool to support the learning ofintroductory programming, by undertaking empirical research involving a range of participants.Method: After the completion of a Systematic Literature Review, and exploratory researchinvolving 33 participants, a multi-case case study was undertaken. A robot simulator wasdeveloped and it was subsequently used to run four 10-hour programming workshops. Participantsincluded students aged 16 to 18 years old (n. 23) and trainee teachers (n. 23). Three in-serviceteachers (n. 3) also took part. Effectiveness was determined by considering participants’ opinions,attitudes and motivation using the simulator in addition to an analysis of the students’ programmingperformance. Pre- and post-questionnaires, in- and post-workshop programming exercises,interviews and observations were used to collect data.Results: Participants enjoyed learning using the simulator and believed the approach to be valuableand engaging. Whilst several factors must be taken into consideration, the programmingperformance of students indicates that the simulator aids learning as most completed tasks to asatisfactory standard. The majority of trainee teachers, who had learned programming beforehand,believed that the simulator offered a more effective means of introducing the subject compared totheir previous experience. In-service teachers were of the opinion that a simulator offers a valuablemeans for supporting the teaching of programming.Conclusion: Evidence suggests that a robot simulator can offer an effective means of introducingprogramming concepts to novices. Recommendations and suggestions for future research arepresented based on the lessons learned. It is intended that these will help to guide the developmentand use of robot simulators in order to teach programming

    Tecnología y Accesibilidad Volumen 1

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    Prologar el texto de las actas del VII Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ATICA2016) y de la IV Conferencia Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones para mejorar la Accesibilidad (ATICAcces 2016), no solo es una tarea privilegiada sino también una responsabilidad, en especial con la sociedad que solicita tecnologías inclusivas y comunicaciones efectivas en pro de la equidad. Es interesante señalar que el anhelo por consolidar categorías que favorezcan la participación social ha sido el sueño y trabajo de muchos, por ejemplo vale recordar que en este año del Congreso se cumplen 500 desde que Tomás Moro ofreciera al mundo su voz en “UTOPIA”, donde en la idealización de su isla estampó una cultura de trabajo, cooperación y democracia, sin descuidar que proclamó a Amauroto, la capital de su República, como una de total accesibilidad para que todo ciudadano pueda llegar y gozar de ella, con suficiente agua para todos; su localidad estaba constituida por casas que eran custodiadas por cerraduras tan simples que cualquiera podía ingresar o salir de ellas ya que el verdadero tesoro de toda persona era su propio ser. Este breve evocar, da la pauta para promover Utopías necesarias en cuanto a las TIC, que aunque sabemos que es quimérico hablar de ellas como totalmente abiertas y al alcance de todos, debería ser éste el ideal de los hombres cuya ciencia, hoy en día, permite integrarnos a esta nuestra aldea global, es por ello que ATICA 2016 busca romper aquellos muros virtuales y tecnológicos que impiden una comunicación efectiva en nuestros tiempos. El trabajo del Congreso también semeja a la norma de discusión del Senado de Utopía, donde sus expositores socializan sus lógicas mejores, no hay intervención que no sea fruto de la madurez de un proceso investigativo científico que procure el bien público. Parece igualmente exacto ver como entre los participantes existe una suerte de familia, que aunque adoptiva, por configurarse alrededor de un objetivo común como ATICA 2016, a todos ellos, su dedicación a la ciencia y la tecnología al servicio de los más necesitados, los ha unido. En esta ocasión los autores representan a 11 países: Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, España, Francia, Guatemala, México, Panamá y Perú; es notable ver como los frutos académicos expuestos en los 80 artículos científicos aceptados de un total de 115 enviados, 36 abordan la línea de “Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones para mejorar la Accesibilidad” y los restantes 44 son sobre “Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas”, todos ellos superan en mucho las horas normales de trabajo, en resumen es evidente el esfuerzo académico y la convicción por un mundo más accesible desde las TIC .En el relato de Moro, la verdadera felicidad, es la libertad y el desarrollo de valores espirituales, pero también existe posibilidad para la guerra y la esclavitud, asimismo como la ciencia y tecnología pueden ser consideradas herramientas de doble arista; por ello el Congreso enfocó muy bien su debate y su comité científico, formado por académicos internacionales, aseguró que ATICA 2016 esté en torno a la inclusión y a la equidad. Igual satisfacción que dejó en su tiempo Utopía a aquellos a los cuáles le fue develada, encontrarán las gentes de hoy en ATICA 2016. Las memorias del evento ponen de manifiesto nuevas lógicas comunicativas y tecnológicas, pero sobre todo nos dicen que, conforme hace 500 años, es posible soñar en un futuro mejor si la ciencia y tecnología están al servicio del ser humano