11 research outputs found

    Writer Identification of Arabic Handwritten Digits

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    This paper addresses the identification of Arabic handwritten digits. In addition to digit identifiability, the paper presents digit recognition. The digit image is divided into grids based on the distribution of the black pixels in the image. Several types of features are extracted (viz. gradient, curvature, density, horizontal and vertical run lengths, stroke, and concavity features) from the grid segments. K-Nearest Neighbor and Nearest Mean classifiers are used. A database of 70000 of Arabic handwritten digit samples written by 700 writers is used in the analysis and experimentations. The identifiability of isolated and combined digits are tested. The analysis of the results indicates that Arabic digits 3 (٣), 4 (٤), 8 (٨), and 9 (٩) are more identifiable than other digits while Arabic digit 0 (٠) and 1 (١) are the least identifiable. In addition, the paper shows that combining the writer’s digits increases the discriminability power of Arabic handwritten digits. Combining the features of all digits, K-NN provided the best accuracy in text-independent writer identification with top-1 result of 88.14%, top-5 result of 94.81%, and top-10 results of 96.48%

    Novel geometric features for off-line writer identification

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    Writer identification is an important field in forensic document examination. Typically, a writer identification system consists of two main steps: feature extraction and matching and the performance depends significantly on the feature extraction step. In this paper, we propose a set of novel geometrical features that are able to characterize different writers. These features include direction, curvature, and tortuosity. We also propose an improvement of the edge-based directional and chain code-based features. The proposed methods are applicable to Arabic and English handwriting. We have also studied several methods for computing the distance between feature vectors when comparing two writers. Evaluation of the methods is performed using both the IAM handwriting database and the QUWI database for each individual feature reaching Top1 identification rates of 82 and 87 % in those two datasets, respectively. The accuracies achieved by Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) are significantly higher than those observed before feature-level writer identification was implemented. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved versions of both chain-code features and edge-based directional features.Qatar National Research Fund through the National Priority Research Program (NPRP) No. 09-864-1-128Scopu

    Génération d'indicateurs de maintenance par une approche semi-paramétrique et par une approche markovienne

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    National audienceLes stratégies de maintenance et leurs évaluations demeurent une préoccupation particulièrement forte au sein des entreprises aujourd'hui. Les enjeux socio-économiques dépendant de la compétitivité de chacune d'entre elles sont de plus en plus étroitement liés à l'activité et à la qualité des interventions de maintenance. Une suite d'évènements particuliers peut, éventuellement, informer l'expert d'une panne prochaine. Notre étude tente d'appréhender "cette signature" à l'aide d'un modèle de Markov caché. Nous proposons à l'expert deux stratégies sur l'estimation du niveau de dégradation du système maintenu. La première stratégie consiste à utiliser des lois de dégradation non paramétriques. La deuxième stratégie consiste à utiliser une approche markovienne

    Dissimilarity Gaussian Mixture Models for Efficient Offline Handwritten Text-Independent Identification using SIFT and RootSIFT Descriptors

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    Handwriting biometrics is the science of identifying the behavioural aspect of an individual’s writing style and exploiting it to develop automated writer identification and verification systems. This paper presents an efficient handwriting identification system which combines Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and RootSIFT descriptors in a set of Gaussian mixture models (GMM). In particular, a new concept of similarity and dissimilarity Gaussian mixture models (SGMM and DGMM) is introduced. While a SGMM is constructed for every writer to describe the intra-class similarity that is exhibited between the handwritten texts of the same writer, a DGMM represents the contrast or dissimilarity that exists between the writer’s style on one hand and other different handwriting styles on the other hand. Furthermore, because the handwritten text is described by a number of key point descriptors where each descriptor generates a SGMM/DGMM score, a new weighted histogram method is proposed to derive the intermediate prediction score for each writer’s GMM. The idea of weighted histogram exploits the fact that handwritings from the same writer should exhibit more similar textual patterns than dissimilar ones, hence, by penalizing the bad scores with a cost function, the identification rate can be significantly enhanced. Our proposed system has been extensively assessed using six different public datasets (including three English, two Arabic and one hybrid language) and the results have shown the superiority of the proposed system over state-of-the-art techniques

    Textual Influence Modeling Through Non-Negative Tensor Decomposition

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    No document is created in a vacuum. In all literature, there exists some influencing factor either in the form of cited documents, collaboration, or documents which authors have read. This influence can be seen within their works, and is present as a latent variable. This dissertation introduces a novel method for quantifying these influences and representing them in a semantically understandable fashion. The model is constructed by representing documents as tensors, decomposing them into a set of factors, and then searching the corpus factors for similarity

    Writer Identification of Arabic Handwritten Documents

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    Writer Identification of Arabic Handwritten Documents

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