356 research outputs found

    A security analysis of email communications

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    The objective of this report is to analyse the security and privacy risks of email communications and identify technical countermeasures capable of mitigating them effectively. In order to do so, the report analyses from a technical point of view the core set of communication protocols and standards that support email communications in order to identify and understand the existing security and privacy vulnerabilities. On the basis of this analysis, the report identifies and analyses technical countermeasures, in the form of newer standards, protocols and tools, aimed at ensuring a better protection of the security and privacy of email communications. The practical implementation of each countermeasure is evaluated in order to understand its limitations and identify potential technical and organisational constrains that could limit its effectiveness in practice. The outcome of the above mentioned analysis is a set of recommendations regarding technical and organisational measures that when combined properly have the potential of more effectively mitigating the privacy and security risks of today's email communications.JRC.G.6-Digital Citizen Securit

    An Overview of Cryptography (Updated Version, 3 March 2016)

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    There are many aspects to security and many applications, ranging from secure commerce and payments to private communications and protecting passwords. One essential aspect for secure communications is that of cryptography...While cryptography is necessary for secure communications, it is not by itself sufficient. This paper describes the first of many steps necessary for better security in any number of situations. A much shorter, edited version of this paper appears in the 1999 edition of Handbook on Local Area Networks published by Auerbach in September 1998

    Providing cryptographic security and evidentiary chain-of-custody with the advanced forensic format, library, and tools

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    This paper presents improvements in the Advanced Forensics Format Library version 3 that provide for digital signatures and other cryptographic protections for digital evidence, allowing an investigator to establish a reliable chain-of-custody for electronic evidence from the crime scene to the court room. No other system for handling and storing electronic evidence currently provides such capabilities. This paper discusses implementation details, user level commands, and the AFFLIB programmer's API.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Challenges in using cryptography - End-user and developer perspectives

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    "Encryption is hard for everyone" is a prominent result of the security and privacy research to date. Email users struggle to encrypt their email, and institutions fail to roll out secure communication via email. Messaging users fail to understand through which most secure channel to send their most sensitive messages, and developers struggle with implementing cryptography securely. To better understand how to support actors along the pipeline of developing, implementing, deploying, and using cryptography effectively, I leverage the human factor to understand their challenges and needs, as well as opportunities for support. To support research in better understanding developers, I created a tool to remotely conduct developer studies, specifically with the goal of better understanding the implementation of cryptography. The tool was successfully used for several published developers studies. To understand the institutional rollout of cryptography, I analyzed the email history of the past 27 years at Leibniz University Hannover and measured the usage of email encryption, finding that email encryption and signing is hardly used even in an institution with its own certificate authority. Furthermore, the usage of multiple email clients posed a significant challenge for users when using S/MIME and PGP. To better understand and support end users, I conducted several studies with different text disclosures, icons, and animations to find out if users can be convinced to communicate via their secure messengers instead of switching to insecure alternatives. I found that users notice texts and animations, but their security perception did not change much between texts and visuals, as long as any information about encryption is shown. In this dissertation, I investigated how to support researchers in conducting research with developers; I established that usability is one of the major factors in allowing developers to implement the functions of cryptographic libraries securely; I conducted the first large scale analysis of encrypted email, finding that, again, usability challenges can hamper adoption; finally, I established that the encryption of a channel can be effectively communicated to end users. In order to roll out secure use of cryptography to the masses, adoption needs to be usable on many levels. Developers need to be able to securely implement cryptography, and user communication needs to be either encrypted by default, and users need to be able to easily understand which communication' encryption protects them from whom. I hope that, with this dissertation, I show that, with supporting humans along the pipeline of cryptography, better security can be achieved for all

    Building standardized and secure mobile health services based on social media

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    Mobile devices and social media have been used to create empowering healthcare services. However, privacy and security concerns remain. Furthermore, the integration of interoperability biomedical standards is a strategic feature. Thus, the objective of this paper is to build enhanced healthcare services by merging all these components. Methodologically, the current mobile health telemonitoring architectures and their limitations are described, leading to the identification of new potentialities for a novel architecture. As a result, a standardized, secure/private, social-media-based mobile health architecture has been proposed and discussed. Additionally, a technical proof-of-concept (two Android applications) has been developed by selecting a social media (Twitter), a security envelope (open Pretty Good Privacy (openPGP)), a standard (Health Level 7 (HL7)) and an information-embedding algorithm (modifying the transparency channel, with two versions). The tests performed included a small-scale and a boundary scenario. For the former, two sizes of images were tested; for the latter, the two versions of the embedding algorithm were tested. The results show that the system is fast enough (less than 1 s) for most mHealth telemonitoring services. The architecture provides users with friendly (images shared via social media), straightforward (fast and inexpensive), secure/private and interoperable mHealth services

    A secure searcher for end-to-end encrypted email communication

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    Email has become a common mode of communication for confidential personal as well as business needs. There are different approaches to authenticate the sender of an email message at the receiver‟s client and ensure that the message can be read only by the intended recipient. A typical approach is to use an email encryption standard to encrypt the message on the sender‟s client and decrypt it on the receiver‟s client for secure communication. A major drawback of this approach is that only the encrypted email messages are stored in the mail servers and the default search does not work on encrypted data. This project details an approach that could be adopted for securely searching email messages protected using end-to-end encrypted email communication. This project proposes an overall design for securely searching encrypted email messages and provides an implementation in Java based on a cryptographically secure Bloom filter technique to create a secure index. The implemented library is then integrated with an open source email client to depict its usability in a live environment. The technique and the implemented library are further evaluated for security and scalability while allowing remote storage of the created secure index. The research in this project would enhance email clients that support encrypted email transfer with a full secure search functionality

    Image steganography applications for secure communication

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    To securely communicate information between parties or locations is not an easy task considering the possible attacks or unintentional changes that can occur during communication. Encryption is often used to protect secret information from unauthorised access. Encryption, however, is not inconspicuous and the observable exchange of encrypted information between two parties can provide a potential attacker with information on the sender and receiver(s). The presence of encrypted information can also entice a potential attacker to launch an attack on the secure communication. This dissertation investigates and discusses the use of image steganography, a technology for hiding information in other information, to facilitate secure communication. Secure communication is divided into three categories: self-communication, one-to-one communication and one-to-many communication, depending on the number of receivers. In this dissertation, applications that make use of image steganography are implemented for each of the secure communication categories. For self-communication, image steganography is used to hide one-time passwords (OTPs) in images that are stored on a mobile device. For one-to-one communication, a decryptor program that forms part of an encryption protocol is embedded in an image using image steganography and for one-to-many communication, a secret message is divided into pieces and different pieces are embedded in different images. The image steganography applications for each of the secure communication categories are discussed along with the advantages and disadvantages that the applications have over more conventional secure communication technologies. An additional image steganography application is proposed that determines whether information is modified during communication. CopyrightDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    Greenpass Client Tools for Delegated Authorization in Wireless Networks

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    Dartmouth\u27s Greenpass project seeks to provide strong access control to a wireless network while simultaneously providing flexible guest access; to do so, it augments the Wi-Fi Alliance\u27s existing WPA standard, which offers sufficiently strong user authentication and access control, with authorization based on SPKI certificates. SPKI allows certain local users to delegate network access to guests by issuing certificates that state, in essence, he should get access because I said it\u27s okay. The Greenpass RADIUS server described in Kim\u27s thesis [55] performs an authorization check based on such statements so that guests can obtain network access without requiring a busy network administrator to set up new accounts in a centralized database. To our knowledge, Greenpass is the first working delegation-based solution to Wi-Fi access control. My thesis describes the Greenpass client tools, which allow a guest to introduce himself to a delegator and allow the delegator to issue a new SPKI certificate to the guest. The guest does not need custom client software to introduce himself or to connect to the Wi-Fi network. The guest and delegator communicate using a set of Web applications. The guest obtains a temporary key pair and X.509 certificate if needed, then sends his public key value to a Web server we provide. The delegator looks up her guest\u27s public key and runs a Java applet that lets her verify her guests\u27 identity using visual hashing and issue a new SPKI certificate to him. The guest\u27s new certificate chain is stored as an HTTP cookie to enable him to push it to an authorization server at a later time. I also describe how Greenpass can be extended to control access to a virtual private network (VPN) and suggest several interesting future research and development directions that could build on this work.My thesis describes the Greenpass client tools, which allow a guest to introduce himself to a delegator and allow the delegator to issue a new SPKI certificate to the guest. The guest does not need custom client software to introduce himself or to connect to the Wi-Fi network. The guest and delegator communicate using a set of Web applications. The guest obtains a temporary key pair and X.509 certificate if needed, then sends his public key value to a Web server we provide. The delegator looks up her guest\u27s public key and runs a Java applet that lets her verify her guests\u27 identity using visual hashing and issue a new SPKI certificate to him. The guest\u27s new certificate chain is stored as an HTTP cookie to enable him to push it to an authorization server at a later time. I also describe how Greenpass can be extended to control access to a virtual private network (VPN) and suggest several interesting future research and development directions that could build on this work