6 research outputs found

    Algoritmos Genéticos aplicados a la optimización de los créditos en la Caja Sullana - Chimbote

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    La investigación abordó el problema de la optimización de los principales créditos en la Caja Sullana en la ciudad de Chimbote, 2018; tuvo como objetivo modelar matemáticamente los créditos aplicando algoritmos genéticos para optimizar las utilidades de los créditos en la institución financiera; la hipótesis del estudio es implícita. La investigación de tipo aplicada, con diseño no experimental descriptivo y propositiva. Como resultado del modelamiento matemático de los créditos se obtuvo como resultado un modelo de programación matemática de los créditos de la Caja Sullana, Chimbote mediante los Algoritmos Genéticos que contribuye a la optimización de las utilidades de los créditos en lo empresarial, agrícola, pesca, vehicular y comercial.Tesi

    Risk-based reliability allocation at component level in non-repairable systems by using evolutionary algorithm

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    The approach for setting system reliability in the risk-based reliability allocation (RBRA) method is driven solely by the amount of ‘total losses’ (sum of reliability investment and risk of failure) associated with a non-repairable system failure. For a system consisting of many components, reliability allocation by RBRA method becomes a very complex combinatorial optimisation problem particularly if large numbers of alternatives, with different levels of reliability and associated cost, are considered for each component. Furthermore, the complexity of this problem is magnified when the relationship between cost and reliability assumed to be nonlinear and non-monotone. An optimisation algorithm (OA) is therefore developed in this research to demonstrate the solution for such difficult problems. The core design of the OA originates from the fundamental concepts of basic Evolutionary Algorithms which are well known for emulating Natural process of evolution in solving complex optimisation problems through computer simulations of the key genetic operations such as 'reproduction', ‘crossover’ and ‘mutation’. However, the OA has been designed with significantly different model of evolution (for identifying valuable parent solutions and subsequently turning them into even better child solutions) compared to the classical genetic model for ensuring rapid and efficient convergence of the search process towards an optimum solution. The vital features of this OA model are 'generation of all populations (samples) with unique chromosomes (solutions)', 'working exclusively with the elite chromosomes in each iteration' and 'application of prudently designed genetic operators on the elite chromosomes with extra emphasis on mutation operation'. For each possible combination of alternatives, both system reliability and cost of failure is computed by means of Monte-Carlo simulation technique. For validation purposes, the optimisation algorithm is first applied to solve an already published reliability optimisation problem with constraint on some target level of system reliability, which is required to be achieved at a minimum system cost. After successful validation, the viability of the OA is demonstrated by showing its application in optimising four different non-repairable sample systems in view of the risk based reliability allocation method. Each system is assumed to have discrete choice of component data set, showing monotonically increasing cost and reliability relationship among the alternatives, and a fixed amount associated with cost of failure. While this optimisation process is the main objective of the research study, two variations are also introduced in this process for the purpose of undertaking parametric studies. To study the effects of changes in the reliability investment on system reliability and total loss, the first variation involves using a different choice of discrete data set exhibiting a non-monotonically increasing relationship between cost and reliability among the alternatives. To study the effects of risk of failure, the second variation in the optimisation process is introduced by means of a different cost of failure amount, associated with a given non-repairable system failure. The optimisation processes show very interesting results between system reliability and total loss. For instance, it is observed that while maximum reliability can generally be associated with high total loss and low risk of failure, the minimum observed value of the total loss is not always associated with minimum system reliability. Therefore, the results exhibit various levels of system reliability and total loss with both values showing strong sensitivity towards the selected combination of component alternatives. The first parametric study shows that second data set (nonmonotone) creates more opportunities for the optimisation process for producing better values of the loss function since cheaper components with higher reliabilities can be selected with higher probabilities. In the second parametric study, it can be seen that the reduction in the cost of failure amount reduces the size of risk of failure which also increases the chances of using cheaper components with lower levels of reliability hence producing lower values of the loss functions. The research study concludes that the risk-based reliability allocation method together with the optimisation algorithm can be used as a powerful tool for highlighting various levels of system reliabilities with associated total losses for any given system in consideration. This notion can be further extended in selecting optimal system configuration from various competing topologies. With such information to hand, reliability engineers can streamline complicated system designs in view of the required level of system reliability with minimum associated total cost of premature failure. In all cases studied, the run time of the optimisation algorithm increases linearly with the complexity of the algorithm and due to its unique model of evolution, it appears to conduct very detailed multi-directional search across the solution space in fewer generations - a very important attribute for solving the kind of problem studied in this research. Consequently, it converges rapidly towards optimum solution unlike the classical genetic algorithm which gradually reaches the optimum, when successful. The research also identifies key areas for future development with the scope to expand in various other dimensions due to its interdisciplinary applications

    Solution of combined heat and power economic dispatch problem using genetic algorithm.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The combination of heat and power constitutes a system that provides electricity and thermal energy concurrently. Its high efficiency and significant emission reduction makes it an outstanding prospect in the future of energy production and transmission. The broad application of combined heat and power units requires the joint dispatch of power and heating systems, in which the modelling of combined heat and power units plays a vital role. This research paper employed genetic algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization and direct solution algorithms to evaluate the cost function as well as output decision variables of heat and power in a system that has simple cycle cogeneration unit with quadratic cost function. The system was first modeled to determine the various parameters of combined heat and power units in order to solve the economic dispatch problem with direct solution algorithm. In order for modelling to be done, a general structure of combined heat and power must be defined. The system considered in this research consists of four test units, i.e. two conventional power units, one combined heat and power unit and one heat-only unit. These algorithms were applied to on the research data set to determine the required decision variables while taking into account the power and heat units, operation bound of power and heat-only units as well as feasible operation region of the cogeneration unit. Power and heat output decision variables plus cost functions from Genetic Algorithm, differential evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization and artificial bee colony were determined using codes. Also, the decision variables and cost function value were obtained by calculations using direct solution algorithm. The findings of the research paper show that there are different ways in which combined heat and power economic dispatch variables can be determined, which include genetic algorithm, differential evolution, artificial bee colony, particle swarm optimization and direct solution algorithms. However, each solution method allows for different combined heat and power output decision variables to be found, with some of the methods (particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony) having setbacks such as: large objective function values, slower convergence and large number solution. The analysis revealed that the differential evolution algorithm is a viable alternative to solving combined heat and power problems. This is due in most part to its faster convergence, minimum cost function value, and high quality solution which are diverse and widespread, more as a result of its effective search capability than genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, direct solution and artificial bee colony algorithms. The methods investigated in this research paper can be used and expanded on to create useful and accurate technique of solving combined heat and power problems

    Algoritmos evolutivos avanzados como soporte del proceso productivo

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    El mundo de los negocios actuales está sufriendo muchos cambios, ya no basta con generar reportes y realizar una correcta planificación. Se deben incluir herramientas de optimización para crear soluciones de negocios adaptativas como por ejemplo para límites de créditos, precios y descuentos, y scheduling. Esto redundará en beneficios para la empresa ya sea en la disponibilidad de tecnología de avanzada como también en la disminución de los costos asociados a la toma de decisiones óptimas, también incrementará la capacidad para aprender de experiencias previas y para adaptar a cambios en el mercado. En estos últimos años se han realizados muchos estudios de investigación respecto de la aplicación de las técnicas de computación evolutiva para la solución de problemas de scheduling. La principal ventaja de las técnicas evolutivas es su habilidad para proveer buenas soluciones a problemas extremadamente complejos usando tiempos razonables. En este trabajo se hace un revisión de las clases y características de algoritmos evolutivos así como también algunas mejoras introducidas a los mismos. Entre estas últimas se pueden incluir múltiple crossover, multiplicidad de padres y prevención de incesto. Asimismo se presentan algunas variantes de algoritmos evolutivos planteados para la resolución de un problema particular de scheduling como lo es el problema de job shop scheduling.Facultad de Informátic

    Risk-based reliability allocation at component level in non-repairable systems by using evolutionary algorithm

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    The approach for setting system reliability in the risk-based reliability allocation (RBRA) method is driven solely by the amount of ‘total losses’ (sum of reliability investment and risk of failure) associated with a non-repairable system failure. For a system consisting of many components, reliability allocation by RBRA method becomes a very complex combinatorial optimisation problem particularly if large numbers of alternatives, with different levels of reliability and associated cost, are considered for each component. Furthermore, the complexity of this problem is magnified when the relationship between cost and reliability assumed to be nonlinear and non-monotone. An optimisation algorithm (OA) is therefore developed in this research to demonstrate the solution for such difficult problems. The core design of the OA originates from the fundamental concepts of basic Evolutionary Algorithms which are well known for emulating Natural process of evolution in solving complex optimisation problems through computer simulations of the key genetic operations such as 'reproduction', ‘crossover’ and ‘mutation’. However, the OA has been designed with significantly different model of evolution (for identifying valuable parent solutions and subsequently turning them into even better child solutions) compared to the classical genetic model for ensuring rapid and efficient convergence of the search process towards an optimum solution. The vital features of this OA model are 'generation of all populations (samples) with unique chromosomes (solutions)', 'working exclusively with the elite chromosomes in each iteration' and 'application of prudently designed genetic operators on the elite chromosomes with extra emphasis on mutation operation'. For each possible combination of alternatives, both system reliability and cost of failure is computed by means of Monte-Carlo simulation technique. For validation purposes, the optimisation algorithm is first applied to solve an already published reliability optimisation problem with constraint on some target level of system reliability, which is required to be achieved at a minimum system cost. After successful validation, the viability of the OA is demonstrated by showing its application in optimising four different non-repairable sample systems in view of the risk based reliability allocation method. Each system is assumed to have discrete choice of component data set, showing monotonically increasing cost and reliability relationship among the alternatives, and a fixed amount associated with cost of failure. While this optimisation process is the main objective of the research study, two variations are also introduced in this process for the purpose of undertaking parametric studies. To study the effects of changes in the reliability investment on system reliability and total loss, the first variation involves using a different choice of discrete data set exhibiting a non-monotonically increasing relationship between cost and reliability among the alternatives. To study the effects of risk of failure, the second variation in the optimisation process is introduced by means of a different cost of failure amount, associated with a given non-repairable system failure. The optimisation processes show very interesting results between system reliability and total loss. For instance, it is observed that while maximum reliability can generally be associated with high total loss and low risk of failure, the minimum observed value of the total loss is not always associated with minimum system reliability. Therefore, the results exhibit various levels of system reliability and total loss with both values showing strong sensitivity towards the selected combination of component alternatives. The first parametric study shows that second data set (nonmonotone) creates more opportunities for the optimisation process for producing better values of the loss function since cheaper components with higher reliabilities can be selected with higher probabilities. In the second parametric study, it can be seen that the reduction in the cost of failure amount reduces the size of risk of failure which also increases the chances of using cheaper components with lower levels of reliability hence producing lower values of the loss functions. The research study concludes that the risk-based reliability allocation method together with the optimisation algorithm can be used as a powerful tool for highlighting various levels of system reliabilities with associated total losses for any given system in consideration. This notion can be further extended in selecting optimal system configuration from various competing topologies. With such information to hand, reliability engineers can streamline complicated system designs in view of the required level of system reliability with minimum associated total cost of premature failure. In all cases studied, the run time of the optimisation algorithm increases linearly with the complexity of the algorithm and due to its unique model of evolution, it appears to conduct very detailed multi-directional search across the solution space in fewer generations - a very important attribute for solving the kind of problem studied in this research. Consequently, it converges rapidly towards optimum solution unlike the classical genetic algorithm which gradually reaches the optimum, when successful. The research also identifies key areas for future development with the scope to expand in various other dimensions due to its interdisciplinary applications.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo