604 research outputs found


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    Dalam proses pengajuan pensiun, BKPSDM sering mengalami kendala seperti berkas-berkas yang menumpuk karena tempat yang kurang sehingga ketika berkas akan digunakan mengalami kesulitan dalam pencarian berkas. Selain itu, dalam proses pengajuan pembuatan surat keputusan pensiun memerlukan banyak waktu untuk berkas sampai ke BKPSDM pusat. Metode yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem informasi ini yaitu metode SSADM (Structured Sistem Analysis And Design Method). Metode SSADM adalah metode pendekatan sistem untuk menganalisis dan mendesain sebuah sistem informasi, dimana konsep ini digunakan untuk menentukan data, proses, serta informasi yang dihasilkan dari sistem yang dibangun. Work System Framework digunakan dalam proses analisis sistem yang sedang berjalan atau sistem saat ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rancangan Sistem Informasi Pembuatan Surat Keputusan Pensiun. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi pembuatan surat keputusan pensiun bagi pegawai yang akan pensiun, dan juga membantu BKPSDM dalam proses pembuatan surat keputusan pensiun. Kata Kunci: Structured System Analysis and Design Methods (SSADM), Surat Keputusan Pensiun, Work System Framework (WSF

    In Pursuit of Systems Theories for Describing and Analyzing Systems in Organizations

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    This research essay illustrates how the IS discipline might pursue systems theories with the goal of understanding IS in new ways, generating innovative and useful systems theories, and achieving more impact in the world. It discusses recent articles that compare different perspectives and expectations related to theories and theorizing in the IS discipline. It uses the term domain-specific systems theory (DSST) to accentuate the difference between general systems theory (GST) and specific systems theories. It provides examples illustrating how DSSTs can illuminate important concerns that variance and process perspectives do not address directly. It shows how work system theory (WST) and several of its extensions are DSSTs that provide useful lenses for understanding, analyzing, and theorizing about systems in organizations. It concludes by summarizing ways in which the IS discipline might welcome systems theories more wholeheartedly

    A New Framework for Strategic Information Systems in Airline Industry

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    Stiff competition in the Airline sector mandates airlines to innovate ways to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals; however, without a strong IT the mission to attain this would be arduous. Large airlines do their best to maximise the use of enterprise systems to stream their business processes. Nonetheless, some airlines are not up to date with technology and are left with few choices when attempting to secure their existence in today’s harsh market. One option is to implement bleeding edge systems concurrently (which is our focus in this paper) due to the fact that very scant research exists regarding this phenomenon, let alone the airline sector itself. The aim of this study is explore and investigate the phenomenon of deploying multi enterprise systems concurrently due to its uniqueness and owing to the fact that this approach is not the common practice most airline undertake. We argue here that having multi Airline Solution Providers (ASP) working together concurrently to constitute a homogeneous solution generates many aspects that necessitate a deep understanding in such matters as competitor ASPs and technology leakage. In addition, the study explored various themes that unleash the phenomenon of the concurrent Multi- collaborative Enterprise Systems (MES). The role of cohesion factors that groups the rivals to work under the umbrella of an organisation was also embarked upon in this study. Various aspects contributing to the success of the MES phenomenon have been exposed with regarding ASP’s interplay, organisation, and other contextual surrounding MES. Finally, this study drew a strategic frame work for airlines that unleash the MES phenomenon. A large airline and its collaborative airline solutions provider were taken as the scope of study; the airline had over twenty six thousand employees. Five reputable world class ASPs in the airline industry in various fields were also included. The twenty five participants in this study were professionals in IT and the airline business besides being involved heavily in the phenomenon of deploying concurrent multi enterprise systems. Grounded Theory techniques were used to analyse the large volume of data gathered underpinning this by using state of art software package such as nVivo. This research has explored the phenomenon under study using grounded theory methodology to build a theoretical model that best presents the MES initiative. In addition, it has offered a well-founded framework that explains the MES phenomenon in details, which is relevant to both practitioners and researchers.This research has clearly explored and demonstrated the inhibitors and enablers in the undertaking of MES. In particular, it has focused on enablers of the organisation that received the MES. Furthermore, it has explored the interrelationship between ASPs and exposed some of the aspects that need more focus between rivals working on the same project.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabi

    Challenges and Opportunities in Applied System Innovation

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    This book introduces and provides solutions to a variety of problems faced by society, companies and individuals in a quickly changing and technology-dependent world. The wide acceptance of artificial intelligence, the upcoming fourth industrial revolution and newly designed 6G technologies are seen as the main enablers and game changers in this environment. The book considers these issues not only from a technological viewpoint but also on how society, labor and the economy are affected, leading to a circular economy that affects the way people design, function and deploy complex systems

    The promotion of entrepreneurship and its contribution to sustainable development: the Darwin Camp case

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    Philosopher Martha Nussbaum argues that society has a responsibility to provide the means to ensure people’s natural abilities can thrive, and therefore ensure that life can be lived sustainably and with dignity (Nussbaum, 2011). In this dissertation I examine how entrepreneurship can be a driver of creation of those means and conditions, as well as the importance of that matter for sustainable development. Addressing concepts that I consider crucial to the discussion, such as social entrepreneurship, circular and solidarity economy, the role of the private sector and corporate social responsibility, without forgetting the multicultural world in which we live and how intercultural competencies are, nowadays, mandatory to ensure the success of both personal and corporate relations. I then use the Darwin Camp project to demonstrate how all the presented hypothesis turn out in the real world. From literary research to my personal experience as a 6-month intern in one of the companies at the Camp, and the surveys and interviews I conducted there, I was able to conclude that a social oriented business, that cares for the community and the environment, will help establish the bridge between profit and people and perhaps be the great tool to find the solutions to the social and environmental problems we face these days. In general terms, entrepreneurship must be linked with a balance between creativeness, profit-making and problem-solving character, both for ensuring companies’ competitive advantages and a livable and dignified world for future generations.A filĂłsofa Martha Nussbaum argumenta que a sociedade tem a responsabilidade de fornecer os meios para assegurar que as capacidades naturais das pessoas possam prosperar, e, portanto, assegurar que a vida possa ser vivida de forma sustentĂĄvel e com dignidade (Nussbaum, 2011). Nesta dissertação examino como o empreendedorismo pode ser um motor da criação desses meios e condiçÔes, bem como a importĂąncia desse assunto para o desenvolvimento sustentĂĄvel. Abordando conceitos que considero cruciais para a discussĂŁo, tais como empreendedorismo social, economia circular e solidĂĄria, o papel do sector privado e a responsabilidade social das empresas, sem esquecer o mundo multicultural em que vivemos e como as competĂȘncias interculturais sĂŁo, hoje em dia, obrigatĂłrias para assegurar o sucesso das relaçÔes tanto pessoais como empresariais. Utilizo entĂŁo o projeto Darwin Camp para demonstrar como Ă© que todas as hipĂłteses apresentadas se concretizam no mundo real. Da investigação literĂĄria Ă  minha experiĂȘncia pessoal como estagiĂĄria de 6 meses numa das empresas do Camp, e os inquĂ©ritos e entrevistas que aĂ­ realizei, pude concluir que uma empresa orientada para o social, que cuida da comunidade e do ambiente, ajudarĂĄ a estabelecer a ponte entre o lucro e as pessoas e talvez seja a grande ferramenta para encontrar as soluçÔes para os problemas sociais e ambientais que enfrentamos nos dias de hoje. Em termos gerais, o empreendedorismo deve estar ligado a um equilĂ­brio entre criatividade, rentabilidade e um carĂĄcter de resolução de problemas, tanto para garantir as vantagens competitivas das empresas como um mundo habitĂĄvel e digno para as geraçÔes futuras

    The Outsourcing of National Defense

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    The outsourcing of military activities and services has grown dramatically in recent decades. My objective is to understand and explain this phenomenon at work in the United States Department of Defense (DoD) using theoretical frameworks of strategic efficiency, political ideology and organizational theory factors. This study seeks to answer the question, why has the DOD outsourced support activities and functions that contribute to larger national security objectives and were traditionally performed by DoD personnel? I\u27ll use a case-study methodology to examine outsourcing in the DoD between 1970 and 2005, to include an in-depth look at the information technology (IT) networks area of the military services. I\u27ve chosen these cases because they combine to represent a broad perspective of outsourcing behavior across each service over time as well as a specific core area relevant to the war-fighting mission of each service. Since the phenomenon is under explored in political science, my study will be valuable in expanding our understanding of the factors influencing the increasing role of market actors in national defense activities. I\u27ll also address issues regarding the distribution of power, authority and public accountability while identifying relevant bureaucratic, ideological and organizational factors affecting the development and implementation of national security

    Product-Service development for circular economy and sustainability course

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    ABSTRACT: This book is an output of the ERASMUS+ KATCH_e project. KATCH_e stands for “Knowledge Alliance on Product-Service Development towards Circular Economy and Sustainability in Higher Education”. This was a 3-year project (2017-2019), aiming to address the challenge of reinforcing skills and competences in Higher Education and within the business community, in the field of product-service development for the circular economy and sustainability, with a particular focus on the construction and furniture sectors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors of Employee Productivity Leading to Organisational Transformation: A Case Study of Axiata Sdn Bhd

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    Axiata has opted to embark on a digital transformation initiative with the aim of attaining a position of preeminence within the telecoms sector in Asia. Despite the company's historically effective adherence to established standards, regulations, and processes, there has been an abrupt decline in the quality of outcomes observed in recent times. The current situation is rapidly deteriorating, characterised by a decrease in dividends and significant transformations taking place in both the external and internal elements. Consequently, it is imperative for the organisation to promptly take action in order to effectively mitigate the issue. Axiata's objectives, encompassing the establishment of operational excellence, innovation superiority, and procedural efficiency, have steered the firm towards its current trajectory of transformation. This progress has been achieved through the implementation of the triple core strategy. Through the utilisation of tailor-made technological solutions aimed at enhancing human capabilities and facilitating organisational change, this study successfully identified the barriers impeding employees' optimal productivity levels. The central argument of this study posits that the identification, examination, and elimination of productivity gaps are crucial for guiding organisational change and achieving desired outcomes through the transformation of human resources. As a consequence of this, the primary objectives of this research are to investigate the current strategic intentions and conversion targets of Axiata Sdn Bhd, diagnose the significant factors that influence desired modification, and provide recommendations on how to improve current conditions and achieve the desired results. This research provides an analysis of the many aspects that influence employee productivity through enhancing individual profiles, with the aim of facilitating organisational transformation. The aforementioned viewpoints are presented with four conceptual frameworks with vigorous research with the intention of addressing the research inquiry. In order to transform the organisation into a digital telecommunications company (TELCO), a comprehensive plan will be implemented. This method will cover several subjects like human resource interventions, operational efficiency, innovation, staff skill level, change implementation processes, innovation, and finally cultural aspects of organisational transformation

    Exploratory research into supply chain voids within Welsh priority business sectors

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    The paper reports the findings resulting from the initial stages of an exploratory investigation into Supply Chain Voids (SCV) in Wales. The research forms the foundations of a PhD thesis which is framed within the sectors designated as important by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and indicates local supplier capability voids within their supply chains. This paper covers the stages of initial data gathering, analysis and results identified between June 2006 and April 2007, whilst addressing the first of four research questions. Finally, the approach to address future research is identified in order to explain how the PhD is to progress
