20,519 research outputs found

    Science & engineering software migration: moving from desktop to mobile applications

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    The proliferation of mobile devices over the last years provides opportunities and challenges for solving problems in Science & Engineering. Among other novel features, mobile devices contain global positioning sensors, wireless connectivity, built-in web browsers and photo/video/voice capabilities that allow providing highly localized, context aware applications. Mobile phones have become as powerful as any desktop computer in terms of applications they can run. However, the software development in mobile computing is still not as mature as it is for desktop computer and the whole potential of mobile devices is wasted. A current problem in the engineering community is the adaptation of desktop applications for mobile technologies. To take advantage of new platform technologies, existing software must evolve. A number of solutions have been proposed to deal with this problem such as redevelopment, which rewrites existing applications, or migration, which moves the existing system to a more flexible environment while retaining the original system data and functionality. A good solution should be to restore the value of the existing software, extracting knowledge and exploiting investment in order to migrate to new software that incorporates the new technologies. On the one hand, traditional reverse engineering techniques can help in the software migration to mobile applications. They are related to the process of analyzing available software with the objective of extracting information and providing high-level views on the underlying code. On the other hand, to achieve interoperability with multiple platforms the migration needs of technical frameworks for information integration and tool interoperability such as the initiative of the Object Management Group (OMG) called Model Driven Architecture (MDA). The outstanding ideas behind MDA are separating the specification of the system functionality from its implementation on specific platforms and managing the software evolution from abstract models to implementations increasing the degree of automation. The objective of this paper is to describe a reengineering process that allow moving existing desktop applications for solving engineering problems of multidisciplinary character to mobile platforms. Our research aims to simplify the creation of applications for mobile platforms by integrating traditional reverse engineering techniques, such static and dynamic analysis, with MDA. We validated our approach by using the open source application platform Eclipse, EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework), EMP (Eclipse Modeling Project) and the Android platform

    Exploring Domain Specific Approaches to Software Model Checking

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    Model checking has proven to be an effective technology for verification and debugging in hardware domains and more recently in software domains. The major challenges in the application of model checking to software systems are: the mapping of software executables to model checker's input language and the intrinsic complexity of the ever growing software systems. This thesis explores the domain specific model checking approaches to large systems in order to optimize the state space storage for specific domains. Bogor [Bogor 2003] is an extensible, customizable, and highly modular model checking framework that supports general as well as domain specific software model checking. As a part of the thesis, domain specific extensions to Bogor's input language, called Bandera Intermediate Representation (BIR), were implemented by providing a plugin for Eclipse [Eclipse 2004]. Eclipse is a universal platform for tool integration and its plugin development environment facilitates addition of new plugins to the existing ones. Eclipse's extension mechanism is exploited by Bogor. Bogor was installed as an Eclipse plugin and with the help of Eclipse's Plugin Development Environment (PDE), new data types were integrated with the existing Bogor framework. Two case studies ('postfix calculator' using stack extension and 'resource allocation' using multiset extension) were investigated. Various metrics such as number of states, transitions, and maximum depth were analyzed. The complexity of the test cases was increased gradually to test the extensions for feasibility and scalability. The thesis also involves a comprehensive study of some of the well-known model checkers and their features, degree of automation, and input languages. It was observed that customizing the model checker as per domain specifications helped in achieving space reduction. The space reduction is prominent, especially in large domains where it contributes towards state space explosion solution. Although development of extensions is achievable, it requires a working knowledge of Eclipse and specific knowledge of model checking. In conclusion, a domain specific approach for software model checking was demonstrated to be a promising technology. Language extensions to BIR were successfully built and tested for accuracy and scalability.Computer Science Departmen

    Model-driven Engineering IDE for Quality Assessment of Data-intensive Applications

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    This article introduces a model-driven engineering (MDE) integrated development environment (IDE) for Data-Intensive Cloud Applications (DIA) with iterative quality enhancements. As part of the H2020 DICE project (ICT-9-2014, id 644869), a framework is being constructed and it is composed of a set of tools developed to support a new MDE methodology. One of these tools is the IDE which acts as the front-end of the methodology and plays a pivotal role in integrating the other tools of the framework. The IDE enables designers to produce from the architectural structure of the general application along with their properties and QoS/QoD annotations up to the deployment model. Administrators, quality assurance engineers or software architects may also run and examine the output of the design and analysis tools in addition to the designer in order to assess the DIA quality in an iterative process

    SPEEDY: An Eclipse-based IDE for invariant inference

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    SPEEDY is an Eclipse-based IDE for exploring techniques that assist users in generating correct specifications, particularly including invariant inference algorithms and tools. It integrates with several back-end tools that propose invariants and will incorporate published algorithms for inferring object and loop invariants. Though the architecture is language-neutral, current SPEEDY targets C programs. Building and using SPEEDY has confirmed earlier experience demonstrating the importance of showing and editing specifications in the IDEs that developers customarily use, automating as much of the production and checking of specifications as possible, and showing counterexample information directly in the source code editing environment. As in previous work, automation of specification checking is provided by back-end SMT solvers. However, reducing the effort demanded of software developers using formal methods also requires a GUI design that guides users in writing, reviewing, and correcting specifications and automates specification inference.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2014, arXiv:1404.578

    A model-based approach to language integration

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    The interactions of several languages within a soft- ware system pose a number of problems. There is several anecdotal and empirical evidence supporting such concerns. This paper presents a solution to achieve proper language integration in the context of language workbenches and with limited effort. A simple example is presented to show how cross- language constraints can be addressed and the quality of the support attainable, which covers error-checking and refactoring. A research agenda is then presented, to support future work in the area of language integration, taking advantage of modern language workbenches features

    An open extensible tool environment for Event-B

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    Abstract. We consider modelling indispensable for the development of complex systems. Modelling must be carried out in a formal notation to reason and make meaningful conjectures about a model. But formal modelling of complex systems is a difficult task. Even when theorem provers improve further and get more powerful, modelling will remain difficult. The reason for this that modelling is an exploratory activity that requires ingenuity in order to arrive at a meaningful model. We are aware that automated theorem provers can discharge most of the onerous trivial proof obligations that appear when modelling systems. In this article we present a modelling tool that seamlessly integrates modelling and proving similar to what is offered today in modern integrated development environments for programming. The tool is extensible and configurable so that it can be adapted more easily to different application domains and development methods.