60 research outputs found

    A distributed scheme to detect wormhole attacks in mobile wireless sensor networks

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    Due to mostly being unattended, sensor nodes become open to physical attacks such as wormhole attack, which is our focus in this paper. Various solutions are proposed for wormhole attacks in sensor networks, but only a few of them take mobility of sensor nodes into account. We propose a distributed wormhole detection scheme for mobile wireless sensor networks in which mobility of sensor nodes is utilized to estimate two network features (i.e. network node density, standard deviation in network node density) through using neighboring information in a local manner. Wormhole attack is detected via observing anomalies in the neighbor nodes’ behaviors based on the estimated network features and the neighboring information. We analyze the performance of proposed scheme via simulations. The results show that our scheme achieves a detection rate up to 100% with very small false positive rate (at most 1.5%) if the system parameters are chosen accordingly. Moreover, our solution requires neither additional hardware nor tight clock synchronization which are both costly for sensor networks

    An Improved Wormhole Attack Detection and Prevention Method for Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Network coding has been shown to be an effective approach to improve the wireless system performance. However, many security issues impede its wide deployment in practice.Besides the well-studied pollution attacks, there is another severe threat, that of wormhole attacks, which undermines the performance gain of network coding. Since the underlying characteristics of network coding systems are distinctly different from traditional wireless networks, the impact of wormhole attacks and countermeasures are generally unknown. In this paper, we quantify wormholes� devastating harmful impact on network coding system performance through experiments. We first propose a centralized algorithm to detect wormholes and show its correctness rigorously. For the distributed wireless network, we propose DAWN, a Distributed detection Algorithm against Wormhole in wireless Network coding systems, by exploring the change of the flow directions of the innovative packets caused by wormholes. We rigorously prove that DAWN guarantees a good lower bound of successful detection rate. We perform analysis on the resistance of DAWN against collusion attacks.We find that the robustness depends on the node density in the network, and prove a necessary condition to achieve collusion-resistance. DAWN does not rely on any location information, global synchronization assumptions or special hardware/middleware. It is only based on the local information that can be obtained from regular network coding protocols, and thus the overhead of our algorithms is tolerable. Extensive experimental results have verified the effectiveness and the efficiency of DAWN

    Security threats on wireless sensor network protocols

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    In this paper, we investigate security issues and challenges facing researchers in wireless sensor networks and countermeasures to resolve them. The broadcast nature of wireless communication makes Wireless Sensor Networks prone to various attacks. Due to resources limitation constraint in terms of limited energy, computation power and memory, security in wireless sensor networks creates different challenges than wired network security. We will discuss several attempts at addressing the issues of security in wireless sensor networks in an attempt to encourage more research into this area


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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is becoming a trend of technology along with the development of data transmission and the human need for the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a technology term created to connect one object to be able to send data through a transmission medium (internet) without the help of computers and humans. WSN is one of the technological elements in IoT that helps create connectivity. Currently WSN is widely used to assist tasks related to monitoring, evaluating, tracking, controlling things, and others. WSN consists of a collection of small sensors that will collect data and then transmit it. WSN with wireless system is very vulnerable to security holes. Here we will focus on examining the security vulnerabilities of WSN, how to avoid, and protect the WSN network

    Detection of Wormhole Attack using Hop-count and Time delay Analysis

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    Abstract- MANET, due to the nature of wireless transmission, has more security issues compared to wired environments. In this paper we specifically considering Tunneling attack which does not require exploiting any nodes in the network and can interfere with the route establishment process. Instead of detecting suspicious routes as in previous methods, we implement a new method which detects the attacker nodes and works without modification of protocol, using a hop-count and time delay analysis from the viewpoint of users without any special environment assumptions. The proposed work is simulated using OPNET and results showing the advantages of proposed work. Index Terms- Ad hoc network, hop-count analysis, network security, Tunneling attack

    Topological Comparison-based Wormhole Detection for Manet

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    Wormhole attack is considered one of the mostthreatening security attacks for mobile ad hocnetworks (MANET). In a wormhole attack, a tunnelis setup in advance between two colluders. Thecolluders record packets at one location and forwardthem through the tunnel to another location in thenetwork. Depending on whether or not the colludersare participating in the network functions, thewormhole attack can be further divided into twocategories: traditional wormhole attack andByzantine wormhole attack. Existing researchesfocusing on detecting traditional wormhole attackscan be classified into three categories: one-hop delaybased approach; topological analysis based orspecial hardware/middleware based approaches.Unfortunately, they all have their own limitations.Most of the researches detecting Byzantinewormhole attack are not addressing the Byzantinewormhole attack directly. Instead, they focus onobserving the consequence after a Byzantinewormhole attack, like packet dropping ormodification. In this paper, we propose to detectboth traditional and Byzantine wormhole attacks bydetecting some topological anomalies introduced bywormhole tunnels. Simulation results show that ourscheme can achieve both high wormhole attackdetection rate and accuracy. Our scheme is alsosimple to implement

    Detection of Hidden Wormhole Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks using Neighborhood and Connectivity Information

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have inspired many applications such as military applications, environmental monitoring and other fields. WSN has emergence in various fields, so security is very important issue for sensor networks. Security comes from attacks. Due to the wireless and distributed nature anyone can connect with the network. Among all possible attacks, wormholes are very hard to detect because they can cause damage to the network without knowing the protocols used in the network. It is a powerful attack that can be conducted without requiring any cryptographic breaks. Wormholes are hard to detect because they use a private, out-of-band channel invisible to the underlying sensor network. In this paper we have proposed a wormhole detection protocol based on neighborhood and connectivity information. Performance analysis shows that our proposed approach can effectively detect wormhole attack with less storage cost. Keywords: Wireless sensor network, wormhole, out-of-band, security, neighborhood

    Distributed Detection of Node Capture Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

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