11 research outputs found

    A semi-automated digital preservation system based on semantic Web services

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    This paper describes a Web-services-based system which we have developed to enable organizations to semi -automatically preserve their digital collections by dynamically discovering and invoking the most appropriate preservation service, as it is required. By periodically comparing preservation metadata for digital objects in a collection with a software version registry, potential object obsolescence can be detected and a notification message sent to the relevant agent. By making preservation software modules available as Web services and describing them semantically using a machine-processable ontology (OWL-S), the most appropriate preservation service(s) for each object can then be automatically discovered, composed and invoked by software agents (with optional human input at critical decision-making steps). We believe that this approach represents a significant advance towards providing a viable, cost-effective solution to the long term preservation of large-scale collections of digital objects

    Comparison of web service architecture based on architecture quality properties

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    Web service research has been focused on the issues of automatic binding, performance, scalability, and security, however, little research has been done in evaluation of web service architectures, namely Broker based. Examples of these are Matchmaker Broker, Layered Matchmaker, Facilitator, Layered facilitator, and Peer to peer (P2P) based, such as P2P Discovery, Match Maker and P2P, Split Code and P2P execution, Mobile Code with P2P etc. Another consideration is its impact on the adoption in distributed Internet environment. In this paper we introduce a methodology for measuring and evaluating web service architecture style, and we present our development of a set of architectural quality properties, and use these quality properties to carry out comparison and contract of current web services architectures. We provide a detailed analysis and critique of these, and these could be served as a guidelines for the next generation of web services development, which could adopted into the distributed environment

    An empirical approach for semantic Web services discovery

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    Component retrieval/discovery is a well-established research direction in Software Engineering. With the surge of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), service discovery has become increasingly crucial. However, the public UDDI Business Registry the primary service discovery mechanism over the Internet has been shut down permanently since 2006. Moreover, keyword-based service discovery is insufficient in coping with complex discovery requirements posed by modern software developers. In this paper, we propose an empirical semantic based Web service discovery approach. It provides an automatic Web service discovery mechanism that can locate relevant Web services based on concepts rather than keywords. The major contribution of this paper is three fold. First we articulate three requirements that software developers often raise during the component/service development and discovery process. Next, we propose the application of Latent Semantic Analysis into the area of Web services discovery. To our best knowledge, little work has been done in this area which leverages concept-based Information Retrieval models in service discovery. Last, we provide a proof-of-concept system prototype that can suffice three specific requirements of semantic service discovery

    Automatic Web Services Discovery: a study and Development of a Prototype Based on the Semantic Web

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es presentar un estudio y un desarrollo de un Sistema Prototipo basado en la Web Semántica para el Descubrimiento Automático de Servicios Web Semánticos. El Sistema Prototipo plantea una arquitectura y un algoritmo que permite realizar el descubrimiento de Servicios Web Semánticos y que está basado en ontologías de descripciones de conceptos desarrolladas en OWL y en ontologías de descripciones de servicios desarrolladas en OWL-S, los cuales son estándares propuestos por el Consorcio W3C. El Sistema Prototipo utiliza la API de Protégé OWL como motor de inferencia y sistema razonador de ontologías de conceptos, y la API OWL-S para el manejo de las ontologías de servicios.Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey ITESM1. INTRODUCCIÓN.....................................................................16 1.1 OBJETIVOS..........................................................................20 1.1.1 Objetivo General................................................................20 1.1.2 Objetivos Específicos..........................................................20 1.2 ORGANIZACIÓN DEL DOCUMENTO..........................................21 2. MARCO TEÓRICO....................................................................23 2.1 SERVICIO WEB.....................................................................23 2.2 XML (eXtensible Markup Language).........................................24 2.3 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).....................................24 2.4 WSDL (Web Services Description Language).............................25 2.5 UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)...........26 2.6 LA WEB SEMÁNTICA..............................................................28 2.7 BENEFICIOS DE LA WEB SEMÁNTICA.......................................28 2.8 SERVICIOS WEB SEMÁNTICOS...............................................31 2.9 OWL (Ontology Web Language)..............................................32 2.10 OWL-S (OWL-based Web Service Ontology)............................33 2.11 WSML (Web Service Modeling Language)...............................34 vii 2.12 DESCUBRIMIENTO DE SERVICIOS WEB..................................35 3. ESTADO DEL ARTE.................................................................40 3.1 MÉTODOS DE DESCUBRIMIENTO E INTERACCIÓN DE SERVICIOS WEB BASADOS EN LA WEB SEMÁNTICA.........................................40 3.1.1 OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker y el Algoritmo de Coincidencia........40 3.1.2 DAML-S/UDDI Matchmaker y la Máquina Virtual DAML-S.........45 3.1.3 Un Agente “Broker” para el Descubrimiento y la Invocación Automática de Servicios Web........................................................50 3.1.4 Descubrimiento de Servicios Web P2P con DHT......................55 3.1.5 Descubrimiento de Servicios Web P2P con DAML-S.................56 3.1.6 Un Software Framework para Matchmaking...........................60 3.1.7 Automatización para el Descubrimiento de Servicios Web........61 3.1.8 Coincidencia de Especificaciones de Componentes de Software.62 3.2 VENTAJAS Y DESVENTAJAS DE LOS MÉTODOS DE DESCUBRIMIENTO......................................................................63 4. RESULTADOS.........................................................................67 4.1 FINALIDAD DEL SISTEMA PROTOTIPO.....................................67 4.2 CRITERIOS DE COMPARACIÓN...............................................68 4.3 SISTEMA PROTOTIPO............................................................70 4.3.1 Modelo del Negocio............................................................71 4.3.2 Modelo de Requisitos..........................................................73 4.3.3 Especificación de la Arquitectura..........................................75 Interfaz de Comunicación.................................................76 Mecanismo de Descubrimiento..........................................77 Grados de Equivalencia.................................................79 Etapa de Publicación.....................................................83 Etapa de Búsqueda.......................................................92 4.3.4 Modelo de Diseño...............................................................96 Modelo Dinámico.............................................................97 Modelo Estático.............................................................100 4.3.5 Modelo de Datos..............................................................119 4.3.6 Modelo de Implementación................................................121 4.4 APORTE DEL SISTEMA.........................................................122 4.5 ESCENARIO DE APLICACIÓN................................................124 5 DISCUSIÓN...................................................................128 5.1 FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA.............................................128 5.2 PLANTEAMIENTO DE LA HIPÓTESIS.......................................129 5.3 CASOS DE PRUEBA.............................................................130 5.3.1 Ejemplos de Servicios Web a Publicar.................................131 5.3.2 Ejemplos de Servicios Web a Buscar...................................133 5.3.3 Resultados Esperados.......................................................134 Resultados del Sistema Prototipo.....................................134 Resultados de la Arquitectura OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker.....137 Resultados en UDDI.......................................................139MaestríaThe objective of this research is to present a study and a development of a Web Semantic-based System Prototype for Automating Semantic Web Services Discovery. The System Prototype proposes and architecture and an algorithm that allow to accomplish Semantic Web Services Automatic Discovering and that is based on concepts description ontologies developed in OWL and services description ontologies developed in OWL-S, which are standards proposed by the W3C Consortium. The System Prototype uses Protégé OWL API as an inference engine and a concept ontology reasoning system, and OWL-S API to handle service ontologies.Modalidad Presencia

    A metadata service for service oriented architectures

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    Service oriented architectures provide a modern paradigm for web services allowing seamless interoperation among network applications and supporting a flexible approach to building large complex information systems. A number of industrial standards have emerged to exploit this paradigm with the development o f the J2E E and .N E T infrastructure platforms, communication protocol SOAP, d e scription language WSDL and orchestration languages BPEL, XLANG and WSCI. At the same time the Semantic Web enables automated use of ontologies to describe web services in a machine interpretable language. To enable process composition and large scale resource integration over heterogeneous sources a new research in itiative is needed. Current initiatives have identified the role of Peer-to-Peer networks and Service Oriented Architectures to enable large scale resource communication an d integration. However this approach neglects to identify or utilise the role of Semantic Web technologies to promote greater automation and reliability using service semantics, thus a new framework is required adopting Peer-to-Peer networks, Service Oriented Architectures and Semantic Web technologies. In this context, this thesis presents a management an d storage framework for a distributed service repository over a super peer network to facilitate process composition

    An Overlay Architecture for Personalized Object Access and Sharing in a Peer-to-Peer Environment

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    Due to its exponential growth and decentralized nature, the Internet has evolved into a chaotic repository, making it difficult for users to discover and access resources of interest to them. As a result, users have to deal with the problem of information overload. The Semantic Web's emergence provides Internet users with the ability to associate explicit, self-described semantics with resources. This ability will facilitate in turn the development of ontology-based resource discovery tools to help users retrieve information in an efficient manner. However, it is widely believed that the Semantic Web of the future will be a complex web of smaller ontologies, mostly created by various groups of web users who share a similar interest, referred to as a Community of Interest. This thesis proposes a solution to the information overload problem using a user driven framework, referred to as a Personalized Web, that allows individual users to organize themselves into Communities of Interests based on ontologies agreed upon by all community members. Within this framework, users can define and augment their personalized views of the Internet by associating specific properties and attributes to resources and defining constraint-functions and rules that govern the interpretation of the semantics associated with the resources. Such views can then be used to capture the user's interests and integrate these views into a user-defined Personalized Web. As a proof of concept, a Personalized Web architecture that employs ontology-based semantics and a structured Peer-to-Peer overlay network to provide a foundation of semantically-based resource indexing and advertising is developed. In order to investigate mechanisms that support the resource advertising and retrieval of the Personalized Web architecture, three agent-driven advertising and retrieval schemes, the Aggressive scheme, the Crawler-based scheme, and the Minimum-Cover-Rule scheme, were implemented and evaluated in both stable and churn environments. In addition to the development of a Personalized Web architecture that deals with typical web resources, this thesis used a case study to explore the potential of the Personalized Web architecture to support future web service workflow applications. The results of this investigation demonstrated that the architecture can support the automation of service discovery, negotiation, and invocation, allowing service consumers to actualize a personalized web service workflow. Further investigation will be required to improve the performance of the automation and allow it to be performed in a secure and robust manner. In order to support the next generation Internet, further exploration will be needed for the development of a Personalized Web that includes ubiquitous and pervasive resources

    Scalable discovery of networked data : Algorithms, Infrastructure, Applications

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    Harmelen, F.A.H. van [Promotor]Siebes, R.M. [Copromotor