26 research outputs found

    Farm Detection based on Deep Convolutional Neural Nets and Semi-supervised Green Texture Detection using VIS-NIR Satellite Image

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    Farm detection using low resolution satellite images is an important topic in digital agriculture. However, it has not received enough attention compared to high-resolution images. Although high resolution images are more efficient for detection of land cover components, the analysis of low-resolution images are yet important due to the low-resolution repositories of the past satellite images used for timeseries analysis, free availability and economic concerns. The current paper addresses the problem of farm detection using low resolution satellite images. In digital agriculture, farm detection has significant role for key applications such as crop yield monitoring. Two main categories of object detection strategies are studied and compared in this paper; First, a two-step semi-supervised methodology is developed using traditional manual feature extraction and modelling techniques; the developed methodology uses the Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI), Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and morphological features and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classifier modelling. In the second strategy, high-level features learnt from the massive filter banks of deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are utilised. Transfer learning strategies are employed for pretrained Visual Geometry Group Network (VGG-16) networks. Results show the superiority of the high-level features for classification of farm regions.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Can linguistic features extracted from geo-referenced tweets help building function classification in remote sensing?

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    The fusion of two or more different data sources is a widely accepted technique in remote sensing while becoming increasingly important due to the availability of big Earth Observation satellite data. As a complementary source of geo-information to satellite data, massive text messages from social media form a temporally quasi-seamless, spatially multi-perspective stream, but with unknown and diverse quality. Despite the uncontrolled quality: can linguistic features extracted from geo-referenced tweets support remote sensing tasks? This work presents a straightforward decision fusion framework for very high-resolution remote sensing images and Twitter text messages. We apply our proposed fusion framework to a land-use classification task - the building function classification task - in which we classify building functions like commercial or residential based on linguistic features derived from tweets and remote sensing images. Using building tags from OpenStreetMap (OSM), we labeled tweets and very high-resolution (VHR) images from Google Maps. We collected English tweets from San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. and trained a stacked bi-directional LSTM neural network with these tweets. For the aerial images, we predicted building functions with state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures fine-tuned from ImageNet on the given task. After predicting each modality separately, we combined the prediction probabilities of both models building-wise at a decision level. We show that the proposed fusion framework can improve the classification results of the building type classification task. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to use semantic contents of Twitter messages and fusing them with remote sensing images to classify building functions at a single building level

    Farm Area Segmentation in Satellite Images Using DeepLabv3+ Neural Networks

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    Farm detection using low resolution satellite images is an important part of digital agriculture applications such as crop yield monitoring. However, it has not received enough attention compared to high-resolution images. Although high resolution images are more efficient for detection of land cover components, the analysis of low-resolution images are yet important due to the low-resolution repositories of the past satellite images used for timeseries analysis, free availability and economic concerns. In this paper, semantic segmentation of farm areas is addressed using low resolution satellite images. The segmentation is performed in two stages; First, local patches or Regions of Interest (ROI) that include farm areas are detected. Next, deep semantic segmentation strategies are employed to detect the farm pixels. For patch classification, two previously developed local patch classification strategies are employed; a two-step semi-supervised methodology using hand-crafted features and Support Vector Machine (SVM) modelling and transfer learning using the pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). For the latter, the high-level features learnt from the massive filter banks of deep Visual Geometry Group Network (VGG-16) are utilized. After classifying the image patches that contain farm areas, the DeepLabv3+ model is used for semantic segmentation of farm pixels. Four different pretrained networks, resnet18, resnet50, resnet101 and mobilenetv2, are used to transfer their learnt features for the new farm segmentation problem. The first step results show the superiority of the transfer learning compared to hand-crafted features for classification of patches. The second step results show that the model trained based on resnet50 achieved the highest semantic segmentation accuracy.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe