10 research outputs found

    Using ConceptGrid as an easy authoring technique to check natural language responses

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    ConceptGrid provides a template-style approach to check natural language responses by students using a model-tracing style intelligent tutoring system. The tutor-author creates, using a web-based authoring system, a latticestyle structure that contains the set of required concepts that need to be in a student response. The author can also create just-in-time feedback based on the concepts present or absent in the student\u27s response. ConceptGrid is integrated within the xPST authoring tool and was tested in two experiments, both of which show the efficacy of the technique to check student answers. The first study tested the tutor\u27s effectiveness overall in the domain of statistics. The second study investigated ConceptGrid\u27s use by non-programmers and non-cognitive scientists. ConceptGrid extends existing capabilities for authoring of intelligent tutors by using this template-based approach for checking sentence-length natural language input

    Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tools for Non-Programmers

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    An intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is a software application that tries to replicate the performance of a human tutor by supporting the theory of learning by doing . ITSs have been shown to improve the performance of a student in wide range of domains. Despite their benefits, ITSs have not seen widespread use due to the complexity involved in their development. Developing an ITS from scratch requires expertise in several fields including computer science, cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence. In order to decrease the skill threshold required to build ITSs, several authoring tools have been developed. In this thesis, I document several contributions to the field of intelligent tutoring in the form of extensions to an existing ITS authoring tool, research studies on authoring tool paradigms and the design of authoring tools for non-programmers in two complex domains - natural language processing and 3D game environments. The Extensible Problem Specific Tutor (xPST) is an authoring tool that helps rapidly develop model-tracing like tutors on existing interfaces such as webpages. xPST\u27s language was made more expressive with the introduction of new checktypes required for answer checking in problems belonging to domains such as geometry and statistics. A web-based authoring (WAT) tool was developed for the purpose of tutor management and deployment and to promote non-programmer authoring of ITSs. The WAT was used in a comparison study between two authoring tool paradigms - GUI based and text based, in two different problem domains - statistics and geometry. User-programming of natural language processing (NLP) in ITSs is not common with authoring toolkits. Existing NLP techniques do not offer sufficient power to non-programmers and the NLP is left to expert developers or machine learning algorithms. We attempted to address this challenge by developing a domain-independent authoring tool, ConceptGrid that is intended to help non-programmers develop ITSs that perform natural language processing. ConceptGrid has been integrated into xPST. When templates created using ConceptGrid were tested, they approached the accuracy of human instructors in scoring student responses. 3D game environments belong to another domain for which authoring tools are uncommon. Authoring game-based tutors is challenging due to the inherent domain complexity and dynamic nature of the environment. We attempt to address this challenge through the design of authoring tool that is intended to help non-programmers develop game-based ITSs

    Lattice-Based Approach to Building Templates for Natural Language Understanding in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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    We describe a domain-independent authoring tool, ConceptGrid, that helps non-programmers develop intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) that perform natural language processing. The approach involves the use of a lattice-style table-driven interface to build templates that describe a set of required concepts that are meant to be a part of a student’s response to a question, and a set of incorrect concepts that reflect incorrect understanding by the student. The tool also helps provide customized just-in-time feedback based on the concepts present or absent in the student’s response. This tool has been integrated and tested with a browser-based ITS authoring tool called xPST

    Authoring Effective Embedded Tutors: An Overview of the Extensible Problem Specific Tutor (xPST) System

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    The Extensible Problem Specific Tutor (xPST) allows authors who are not cognitive scientists and not programmers to quickly create an intelligent tutoring system that provides instruction akin to a model-tracing tutor. Furthermore, this instruction is overlaid on existing software, so that the learner’s interface does not have to be made from scratch. The xPST architecture allows for extending its capabilities by the addition of plug-ins that communicate with additional third-party software. After reviewing this general architecture, we describe three major implementations that we have created using the xPST system, each using different third-party software as the learner’s interface. We have conducted three evaluations of authors using xPST to create tutoring content, and these are considered in turn. These evaluations show that xPST authors can quickly learn the system, and can efficiently produce successful embedded instruction

    Operationalizing the C’s of Teamwork in an Intelligent Tutoring System

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    One of the difficulties in creating a team-focused intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is defining the measures used to assess the team’s performance. While the team research literature offers nine C’s of teamwork to consider, e.g., cooperation, communication, etc., it can also be difficult to implement these in real-world practice. This paper reviews the approach used in three team ITSs in which the C’s were used, offering guidance for future implementation of team tutors

    Authoring gamified intelligent tutoring systems.

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    Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes (STIs) têm recibo a atenção de acadêmicos e profissionais desde da década de 70. Tem havido um grande número de estudos recentes em apoio da efetividade de STIs. Entretanto, é muito comum que estudantes fiquem desengajados ou entediados durante o processo de aprendizagem usando STIs. Para considerar explicitamente os aspectos motivacionais de estudantes, pesquisadores estão cada vez mais interessados em usar gamificação em conjunto com STIs. Contudo, apesar de prover tutoria individualizada para estudantes e algum tipo de suporte para professores, estes usuários não têm recebido alta prioridade no desenvolvimento destes tipos de sistemas. De forma a contribuir para o uso ativo e personalizado de STIs gamificados por professores, três problemas técnicos devem ser considerados. Primeiro, projetar STI é muito complexo (deve-se considerar diferentes teorias, componentes e partes interessadas) e incluir gamificação pode aumentar significativamente tal complexidade e variabilidade. Segundo, as funcionalidades de STIs gamificados podem ser usadas de acordo com vários elementos (ex.: nível educacional, domínio de conhecimento, teorias de gamificaçãoe STI, etc). Desta forma, é imprescindível tirar proveito das teorias e práticas de ambos os tópicos para reduzir o espaço de design destes sistemas. Terceiro, para efetivamente auxiliar professores a usarem ativamente estes sistemas, faz-se necessário prover uma solução simples e usável para eles. Para lidar com estes problemas, o principal objetivo desta tese é projetar uma solução computacional de autoria para fornecer aos professores uma forma de personalizar as funcionalidades de STIs gamificados gerenciando a alta variabilidade destes sistemas e considerando as teorias/práticas de gamificação e STI. Visando alcançar este objetivo, nós identificamos o espaço de variabilidade e o representamos por meio do uso de uma abordagem de modelagem de features baseada em ontologias (OntoSPL). Desenvolvemos um modelo ontológico integrado (Ontologia de tutoria gamificada ou Gamified tutoring ontology) que conecta elementos de design de jogos apoiados por evidências no domínio de e-learning, além de teorias e frameworks de gamificação aos conceitos de STI. Finalmente, desenvolvemos uma solução de autoria (chamada AGITS) que leva em consideração tais ontologias para auxiliar professores na personalização de funcionalidades de STIs gamificados. As contribuições deste trabalho são avaliadas por meio da condução de quatro estudos empíricos: (1) conduzimos um experimento controlado para comparar a OntoSPL com uma abordagem de modelagem de features bem conhecida na literatura. Os resultados sugerem que esta abordagem é mais flexível e requer menos tempo para mudar; (2) avaliamos o modelo ontológico integrado usando um método de avaliação de ontologias (FOCA) com especialistas tanto de contexto acadêmico quanto industrial. Os resultados sugerem que as ontologias estão atendendo adequadamente os papeis de representação do conhecimento; (3) avaliamos versões não-interativas da solução de autoria desenvolvida com 59 participantes. Os resultados indicam uma atitude favorável ao uso da solução de autoria projetada,nos quais os participantes concordaram que a solução é fácil de usar, usável, simples, esteticamente atraente,tem um suporte bem percebido e alta credibilidade; e (4) avaliamos, por fim,versões interativas (do zero e usando um modelo) da solução de autoria com 41 professores. Os resultados sugerem que professores podem usar e reusar, com um alto nível de aceitação, uma solução de autoria que inclui toda a complexidade de projetar STI gamificado.Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have been drawing the attention of academics and practitioners since early 70’s. There have been a number of recent studies in support of the effectiveness of ITSs. However, it is very common that students become disengaged or bored during the learning process by using ITSs. To explicitly consider students’ motivational aspects, researchers are increasingly interested in using gamification along with ITS.However, despite providing individualized tutoring to students and some kind of support for teachers, teachers have been not considered as first-class citizens in the development of these kinds of systems. In order to contribute to the active and customized use of gamified ITS by teachers, three technical problems should be considered. First, designing ITS is very complex (i.e., take into account different theories, components, and stahekolders) and including gamification may significantly increase such complexity and variability. Second, gamified ITS features can be used depending on several elements (e.g., educational level, knowledge domain, gamification and ITS theories, etc). Thus, it is imperative to take advantage of theories and practices from both topics to reduce the design space of these systems. Third, in order to effectively aid teachers to actively use such systems, it is needed to provide a simple and usable solution for them. To deal with these problems, the main objective of this thesis is to design an authoring computational solution to provide for teachers a way to customize gamified ITS features managing the high variability of these systems and considering gamification and ITS theories/practices. To achieve this objective, we identify the variability space and represent it using an ontology-based feature modeling approach (OntoSPL). We develop an integrated ontological model (Gamified tutoring ontology) that connects evidence-supported game design elements in the e-learning domain as well as gamification theories and frameworks to existing ITS concepts. Finally, we develop an authoring solution (named AGITS) that takes into account these ontologies to aid teachers in the customization of gamified ITS features. We evaluate our contributions by conducting four empirical studies: (1) we perform a controlled experiment to compare OntoSPL against a well-known ontology-based feature modeling approach. The results suggest that our approach is more flexible and requires less time to change; (2) we evaluate the ontological integrated model by using an ontology evaluation method (FOCA) with experts from academic and industrial settings. The results suggest that our ontologies are properly targeting the knowledge representation roles; (3) we evaluate non-interactive versions of the designed authoring solution with 59 participants. The results indicate a positive attitude towards the use of the designed authoring solutions, in which participants agreed that they are ease to use, usable, simple, aesthetically appealing, have a well-perceived system support and high credibility; and (4) we also evaluate interactive versions (scratch and template) of our authoring solution with 41 teachers. The results suggest that teachers can use and reuse, with a high acceptance level, an authoring solution that includes all the complexity to design gamified ITS

    Using ConceptGrid as an easy authoring technique to check natural language responses

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    ConceptGrid provides a template-style approach to check natural language responses by students using a model-tracing style intelligent tutoring system. The tutor-author creates, using a web-based authoring system, a latticestyle structure that contains the set of required concepts that need to be in a student response. The author can also create just-in-time feedback based on the concepts present or absent in the student's response. ConceptGrid is integrated within the xPST authoring tool and was tested in two experiments, both of which show the efficacy of the technique to check student answers. The first study tested the tutor's effectiveness overall in the domain of statistics. The second study investigated ConceptGrid's use by non-programmers and non-cognitive scientists. ConceptGrid extends existing capabilities for authoring of intelligent tutors by using this template-based approach for checking sentence-length natural language input.This is a manuscript of an article published as Blessing, Stephen B., Shrenik Devasani, Stephen B. Gilbert, and Jivko Sinapov. "Using ConceptGrid as an easy authoring technique to check natural language responses." International Journal of Learning Technology 10, no. 1 (2015): 50-70. DOI:10.1504/IJLT.2015.069449. Posted with permission.</p

    Best practices in developing global collaborations in education

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    This purpose of this study was to examine the best practices used by facilitators of global collaborations in education. Four research questions were examined to address this purpose, which included: (a) challenges faced by facilitators in developing online international collaborations in education (b) current strategies used by facilitators in developing online international collaborations in education (c) how success is measured and tracked (d) recommendations for future online international collaborations in education. This qualitative, phenomenological study utilized a purposive sample of 14 participants who were ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) award recipients or conference presenters between 2014 - 2017 affiliated with global collaboration. Data collection was done through a semi-structured interview protocol comprised of six questions. The recorded interviews were transcribed, coded and analyzed to determine 27 total themes that emerged from the data. With some themes reinforced by literature and some unique to the study, results led to establishing “dimensions of leading global collaboration.” This includes two primary dimensions: (a) the responsibilities dimension, which entails the tasks and logistical aspects needed in global collaboration efforts, such as planning, practices during the collaboration, and logistical considerations (b) the characteristics dimension, which refers to the qualities that characterize a good global collaboration leader and partner, such as empathy, accountability, and willingness to take risks. Additionally, this study highlights the importance of people and developing a peer to peer network in the dynamic among facilitators (who should be seen as leaders) of global collaboration