724 research outputs found

    A framework for human-like behavior in an immersive virtual world

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    Just as readers feel immersed when the story-line adheres to their experiences, users will more easily feel immersed in a virtual environment if the behavior of the characters in that environment adheres to their expectations, based on their life-long observations in the real world. This paper introduces a framework that allows authors to establish natural, human-like behavior, physical interaction and emotional engagement of characters living in a virtual environment. Represented by realistic virtual characters, this framework allows people to feel immersed in an Internet based virtual world in which they can meet and share experiences in a natural way as they can meet and share experiences in real life. Rather than just being visualized in a 3D space, the virtual characters (autonomous agents as well as avatars representing users) in the immersive environment facilitate social interaction and multi-party collaboration, mixing virtual with real

    Action Selection for Interaction Management: Opportunities and Lessons for Automated Planning

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    The central problem in automated planning---action selection---is also a primary topic in the dialogue systems research community, however, the nature of research in that community is significantly different from that of planning, with a focus on end-to-end systems and user evaluations. In particular, numerous toolkits are available for developing speech-based dialogue systems that include not only a method for representing states and actions, but also a mechanism for reasoning and selecting the actions, often combined with a technical framework designed to simplify the task of creating end-to-end systems. We contrast this situation with that of automated planning, and argue that the dialogue systems community could benefit from some of the directions adopted by the planning community, and that there also exist opportunities and lessons for automated planning


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    Historically, Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) systems were more focused on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) issues, such as providing good experience of communication among the participants. Whereas, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) focus both on HCI issues as well as leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques in their intelligent agents. This dissertation seeks to minimize the gap between CPS systems and ITS by adopting the methods used in ITS researches. To move towards this goal, we focus on analyzing interactions with textual inputs in online learning systems such as DeepTutor and Virtual Internships (VI) to understand their semantics and underlying intents. In order to address the problem of assessing the student generated short text, this research explores firstly data driven machine learning models coupled with expert generated as well as general text analysis features. Secondly it explores method to utilize knowledge graph embedding for assessing student answer in ITS. Finally, it also explores a method using only standard reference examples generated by human teacher. Such method is useful when a new system has been deployed and no student data were available.To handle negation in tutorial dialogue, this research explored a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) based method. The advantage of this method is that it requires no human engineered features and performs comparably well with other models using human engineered features.Another important analysis done in this research is to find speech acts in conversation utterances of multiple players in VI. Among various models, a noise label trained neural network model performed better in categorizing the speech acts of the utterances.The learners\u27 professional skill development in VI is characterized by the distribution of SKIVE elements, the components of epistemic frames. Inferring the population distribution of these elements could help to assess the learners\u27 skill development. This research sought a Markov method to infer the population distribution of SKIVE elements, namely the stationary distribution of the elements.While studying various aspects of interactions in our targeted learning systems, we motivate our research to replace the human mentor or tutor with intelligent agent. Introducing intelligent agent in place of human helps to reduce the cost as well as scale up the system

    CoPe_it! - Supporting collaboration, enhancing learning

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    CoPe_it! is an innovative web-based tool that complies with collaborative practices to provide members of communities with the appropriate means to manage individual and collective knowledge, and collaborate towards the solution of diverse issues. In this article, we demonstrate its applicability in tackling data-intensive collaboration settings, which are characterized by big volumes of complex and interrelated data obtained from diverse sources, and knowledge expressed by diverse participants. We focus on issues related to the representation of such settings and the proposed approach towards making it easier for participants to follow the evolution of a collaboration, comprehend it in its entirety, and meaningfully aggregate data in order to resolve the issue under consideration

    Towards adaptive argumentation learning systems : theoretical and practical considerations in the design of argumentation learning systems

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    This dissertation addresses four issues of pivotal importance in realizing the promises of adaptive argumentation learning systems: (1) User interface: How can argumentation user interfaces be designed to effectively structure and support problem solving, peer interaction, and learning? (2) Software architecture: How can software architectures of adaptive argumentation learning systems be designed to be employable across different argumentation domains and application scenarios in a flexible and cost-effective manner? (3) Diagnostics: How can user behavior be analyzed, automatically and accurately, to drive automated adaptations and help generation? (4) Adaptation: How can strategies for automated adaptation and support be designed to promote problem solving, peer interaction, and learning in an optimal fashion? Regarding issue (1), this dissertation investigates argument diagrams and structured discussion interfaces, two areas of focal interest in argumentation learning research during the past decades. The foundation for such structuring approaches is given by theories of learning and teaching with knowledge representations (theory of representational guidance) and collaboration scripts (script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning). This dissertation brings these two strands of research together and presents a computer-based learning environment that combines both approaches to support students in conducting high-quality discussions of controversial texts. An empirical study confirms that this combined approach has positive impact on the quality of discussions, thus, underpins the theoretical basis of the approach. Regarding issue (2), this dissertation presents a software framework for enhancing argumentation systems with adaptive support mechanisms. Adaptive support functionality of past argumentation systems has been tailored to particular domains and application scenarios. A novel software framework is presented that abstracts from the specific demands of different domains and application scenarios to provide a more general approach. The approach comprises an extensive configuration subsystem that allows the flexible definition of intelligent software agents, that is, software components able to reason and act autonomously to help students engage in fruitful learning activities. A graphical authoring tool has been conceptualized and implemented to simplify the process of defining and administering software agents beyond what has been achieved with the provided framework system. Among other things, the authoring tool allows, for the first time, specifying relevant patterns in argument diagrams using a graphical language. Empirical results indicate the high potential of the authoring approach but also challenges for future research. Regarding issue (3), the dissertation investigates two alternative approaches to automatically analyzing argumentation learning activities: the knowledge-driven and the data-driven analysis method. The knowledge-driven approach utilizes a pattern search component to identify relevant structures in argument diagrams based on declarative pattern specifications. The capabilities and appropriateness of this approach are demonstrated through three exemplary applications, for which pedagogically relevant patterns have been defined and implemented within the component. The approach proves particularly useful for patterns of limited complexity in scenarios with sufficient expert knowledge available. The data-driven approach is based on machine learning techniques, which have been employed to induce computational classifiers for important aspects of graphical online discussions, such as off-topic contributions, reasoned claims, and question-answer interactions. Validation results indicate that this approach can be realistically used even for complex classification tasks involving natural language. This research constitutes the first investigation on the use of machine learning techniques to analyze diagram-based educational discussions. The dissertation concludes with discussing the four addressed research challenges in the broader context of existing theories and empirical results. The pros and cons of different options in the design of argumentation learning systems are juxtaposed; areas for future research are identified. This final part of the dissertation gives researchers and practitioners a synopsis of the current state of the art in the design of argumentation learning systems and its theoretical and empirical underpinning. Special attention is paid to issue (4), with an in-depth discussion of existing adaptation approaches and corresponding empirical results.Diese Dissertationsschrift behandelt die folgenden vier Fragestellungen, welche bei der Realisierung adaptiver Argumentationssysteme von zentraler Bedeutung sind: (1) Benutzerschnittstelle: Wie müssen Benutzerschnittstellen beschaffen sein, um Problemlöse-, Kooperations- und Lernprozesse effektiv zu strukturieren und zu unterstützen? (2) Softwarearchitektur: Wie können die Funktionalitäten eines adaptiven Argumentationslernsystems in eine Softwarearchitektur abgebildet werden, welche flexibel und mit angemessenem Aufwand in verschiedenen Bereichen und Szenarien einsetzbar ist? (3) Diagnostik: Wie kann Benutzerverhalten automatisch und mit hoher Genauigkeit analysiert werden, um automatisierte Anpassungen und Hilfestellungen effektiv zu steuern? (4) Adaption: Wie sollten automatisierte Anpassungen und Hilfestellungen ausgestaltet werden, um Problemlöse-, Kooperations- und Lernprozesse optimal zu unterstützen? Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (1) untersucht diese Arbeit Argumentationsdiagramme und strukturierte Onlinediskussionen, zwei Schwerpunkte der Forschung zu Lernsystemen für Argumentation der vergangenen Jahre. Die Grundlage solcher Strukturierungsansätze bilden Theorien zum Lehren und Lernen mit Wissensrepräsentationen (theory of representational guidance) und Kooperationsskripten (script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning). Diese Arbeit führt beide Forschungsstränge in einer neuartigen Lernumgebung zusammen, die beide Ansätze vereint, um Lernende beim Diskutieren kontroverser Texte zu unterstützen. Eine empirische Untersuchung zeigt, dass sich dieser kombinierte Ansatz positiv auf die Diskussionsqualität auswirkt und bekräftigt damit die zu Grunde liegenden theoretischen Annahmen. Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (2) stellt diese Arbeit ein Software-Rahmensystem zur Bereitstellung adaptiver Unterstützungsmechanismen in Argumentationssystemen vor. Das Rahmensystem abstrahiert von domänen- und anwendungsspezifischen Besonderheiten und stellt damit einen generelleren Ansatz im Vergleich zu früheren Systemen dar. Der Ansatz umfasst ein umfangreiches Konfigurationssystem zur Definition intelligenter Softwareagenten, d. h. Softwarekomponenten, die eigeständig schlussfolgern und handeln, um Lernprozesse zu unterstützen. Um das Definieren und Administrieren von Softwareagenten über das bereitgestellte Rahmensystem hinaus zu vereinfachen, wurde ein grafisches Autorenwerkzeug konzipiert und entwickelt. Unter anderem erlaubt dieses erstmals, relevante Muster in Argumentationsdiagrammen ohne Programmierung mittels einer grafischen Sprache zu spezifizieren. Empirische Befunde zeigen neben dem hohen Potential des Ansatzes auch die Notwendigkeit weiterführender Forschung. Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (3) untersucht diese Arbeit zwei alternative Ansätze zur automatisierten Analyse von Lernaktivitäten im Bereich Argumentation: die wissensbasierte und die datenbasierte Analysemethodik. Der wissensbasierte Ansatz wurde mittels einer Softwarekomponente zur Mustersuche in Argumentationsdiagrammen umgesetzt, welche auf Grundlage deklarativer Musterbeschreibungen arbeitet. Die Möglichkeiten und Eignung des Ansatzes werden anhand von drei Beispielszenarien demonstriert, für die verschiedenartige, pädagogisch relevante Muster innerhalb der entwickelten Softwarekomponente definiert wurden. Der Ansatz erweist sich insbesondere als nützlich für Muster eingeschränkter Komplexität in Szenarien, für die Expertenwissen in ausreichendem Umfang verfügbar ist. Der datenbasierte Ansatz wurde mittels maschineller Lernverfahren umgesetzt. Mit deren Hilfe wurden Klassifikationsroutinen zur Analyse zentraler Aspekte von Onlinediskussionen, wie beispielsweise themenfremde Beiträge, begründete Aussagen und Frage-Antwort-Interaktionen, algorithmisch hergeleitet. Validierungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich dieser Ansatz selbst für komplexe Klassifikationsprobleme eignet, welche die Berücksichtigung natürlicher Sprache erfordern. Dies ist die erste Arbeit zum Einsatz maschineller Lernverfahren zur Analyse von diagrammbasierten Lerndiskussionen. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Diskussion des aktuellen Forschungsstands hinsichtlich der vier Fragestellungen im breiteren Kontext existierender Theorien und empirischer Befunde. Die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Optionen für die Gestaltung von Lernsystemen für Argumentation werden gegenübergestellt und zukünftige Forschungsfelder vorgeschlagen. Dieser letzte Teil der Arbeit bietet Forschern und Anwendern einen umfassenden Überblick des aktuellen Forschungsstands bezüglich des Designs computerbasierter Argumentationslernsysteme und den zugrunde liegenden lehr- und lerntheoretischen Erkenntnissen. Insbesondere wird auf Fragestellung (4) vertiefend eingegangen und bisherige Adaptionsansätze einschließlich entsprechender empirischer Befunde erörtert

    Simulated role-playing from crowdsourced data

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-178).Collective Artificial Intelligence (CAl) simulates human intelligence from data contributed by many humans, mined for inter-related patterns. This thesis applies CAI to social role-playing, introducing an end-to-end process for compositing recorded performances from thousands of humans, and simulating open-ended interaction from this data. The CAI process combines crowdsourcing, pattern discovery, and case-based planning. Content creation is crowdsourced by recording role-players online. Browser-based tools allow nonexperts to annotate data, organizing content into a hierarchical narrative structure. Patterns discovered from data power a novel system combining plan recognition with case-based planning. The combination of this process and structure produces a new medium, which exploits a massive corpus to realize characters who interact and converse with humans. This medium enables new experiences in videogames, and new classes of training simulations, therapeutic applications, and social robots. While advances in graphics support incredible freedom to interact physically in simulations, current approaches to development restrict simulated social interaction to hand-crafted branches that do not scale to the thousands of possible patterns of actions and utterances observed in actual human interaction. There is a tension between freedom and system comprehension due to two bottlenecks, making open-ended social interaction a challenge. First is the authorial effort entailed to cover all possible inputs. Second, like other cognitive processes, imagination is a bounded resource. Any individual author only has so much imagination. The convergence of advances in connectivity, storage, and processing power is bringing people together in ways never before possible, amplifying the imagination of individuals by harnessing the creativity and productivity of the crowd, revolutionizing how we create media, and what media we can create. By embracing data-driven approaches, and capitalizing on the creativity of the crowd, authoring bottlenecks can be overcome, taking a step toward realizing a medium that robustly supports player choice. Doing so requires rethinking both technology and division of labor in media production. As a proof of concept, a CAI system has been evaluated by recording over 10,000 performances in The Restaurant Game, automating an Al-controlled waitress who interacts in the world, and converses with a human via text or speech. Quantitative results demonstrate how CAI supports significantly more open-ended interaction with humans, while focus groups reveal factors for improving engagement.by Jeffrey David Orkin.Ph.D

    Easing the writing task: designing computer based systems to help authors

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    An increasing number of people interact not only with computers, but through computers. Interaction between people through computers to complete work tasks is termed Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). The scope of activities supported by CSCW systems is described, and CSCW systems which support communication, meetings and writing are discussed. More specifically, the potential for improved computer support of the writing task is investigated. It is concluded that models of the writing task and writers are not yet sufficiently accurate to be embedded in normative computer programs or systems; individual writers and writing tasks are extremely varied. Leading on from the studies of both existing systems and writing theories, requirements for generic CSCW systems, single author support systems and multiple author support systems are presented. The design of CSCW systems which support asynchronous collaborative authoring of structured documents is investigated in this thesis. A novel approach to design and implementation of such systems is described and discussed. This thesis then describes MILO, a system that does not feature embedded models of writers or the writing task. In fact, MILO attempts to minimize constraints on the activities of collaborating authors and on the structure of documents. Hence with MILO, roles of participants are determined by social processes, and the presentational structure of documents is imposed at the end of the writing process. It is argued that this approach results in a workable, practical and useful design, substantiating the view that 'minimally-constrained' CSCW systems, of which MILO is an example, will be successful. It is shown that MILO successfully meets the stated requirements, and that it compares favourably with existing collaborative writing systems along several dimensions. The limitations of work presented in the thesis are discussed, leading to suggestions for future work which will remedy deficiencies and extend the work which has been undertaken. The nature of this thesis's contribution to CSCW in general, computer supported collaborative writing, and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is discussed