6,058 research outputs found

    Parallel algorithms for simulating continuous time Markov chains

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    We have previously shown that the mathematical technique of uniformization can serve as the basis of synchronization for the parallel simulation of continuous-time Markov chains. This paper reviews the basic method and compares five different methods based on uniformization, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses as a function of problem characteristics. The methods vary in their use of optimism, logical aggregation, communication management, and adaptivity. Performance evaluation is conducted on the Intel Touchstone Delta multiprocessor, using up to 256 processors

    Hybrid automata dicretising agents for formal modelling of robots

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    Some of the fundamental capabilities required by autonomous vehicles and systems for their intelligent decision making are: modelling of the environment and forming data abstractions for symbolic, logic based reasoning. The paper formulates a discrete agent framework that abstracts and controls a hybrid system that is a composition of hybrid automata modelled continuous individual processes. Theoretical foundations are laid down for a class of general model composition agents (MCAs) with an advanced subclass of rational physical agents (RPAs). We define MCAs as the most basic structures for the description of complex autonomous robotic systems. The RPAā€™s have logic based decision making that is obtained by an extension of the hybrid systems concepts using a set of abstractions. The theory presented helps the creation of robots with reliable performance and safe operation in their environment. The paper emphasizes the abstraction aspects of the overall hybrid system that emerges from parallel composition of sets of RPAs and MCAs

    Counter Attack on Byzantine Generals: Parameterized Model Checking of Fault-tolerant Distributed Algorithms

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    We introduce an automated parameterized verification method for fault-tolerant distributed algorithms (FTDA). FTDAs are parameterized by both the number of processes and the assumed maximum number of Byzantine faulty processes. At the center of our technique is a parametric interval abstraction (PIA) where the interval boundaries are arithmetic expressions over parameters. Using PIA for both data abstraction and a new form of counter abstraction, we reduce the parameterized problem to finite-state model checking. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of our method by verifying several variants of the well-known distributed algorithm by Srikanth and Toueg. Our semi-decision procedures are complemented and motivated by an undecidability proof for FTDA verification which holds even in the absence of interprocess communication. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to achieve parameterized automated verification of Byzantine FTDA

    Formal Design of Asynchronous Fault Detection and Identification Components using Temporal Epistemic Logic

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    Autonomous critical systems, such as satellites and space rovers, must be able to detect the occurrence of faults in order to ensure correct operation. This task is carried out by Fault Detection and Identification (FDI) components, that are embedded in those systems and are in charge of detecting faults in an automated and timely manner by reading data from sensors and triggering predefined alarms. The design of effective FDI components is an extremely hard problem, also due to the lack of a complete theoretical foundation, and of precise specification and validation techniques. In this paper, we present the first formal approach to the design of FDI components for discrete event systems, both in a synchronous and asynchronous setting. We propose a logical language for the specification of FDI requirements that accounts for a wide class of practical cases, and includes novel aspects such as maximality and trace-diagnosability. The language is equipped with a clear semantics based on temporal epistemic logic, and is proved to enjoy suitable properties. We discuss how to validate the requirements and how to verify that a given FDI component satisfies them. We propose an algorithm for the synthesis of correct-by-construction FDI components, and report on the applicability of the design approach on an industrial case-study coming from aerospace.Comment: 33 pages, 20 figure

    Development and analysis of the Software Implemented Fault-Tolerance (SIFT) computer

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    SIFT (Software Implemented Fault Tolerance) is an experimental, fault-tolerant computer system designed to meet the extreme reliability requirements for safety-critical functions in advanced aircraft. Errors are masked by performing a majority voting operation over the results of identical computations, and faulty processors are removed from service by reassigning computations to the nonfaulty processors. This scheme has been implemented in a special architecture using a set of standard Bendix BDX930 processors, augmented by a special asynchronous-broadcast communication interface that provides direct, processor to processor communication among all processors. Fault isolation is accomplished in hardware; all other fault-tolerance functions, together with scheduling and synchronization are implemented exclusively by executive system software. The system reliability is predicted by a Markov model. Mathematical consistency of the system software with respect to the reliability model has been partially verified, using recently developed tools for machine-aided proof of program correctness

    A multifunctional dynamic voltage restorer for power quality improvement

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    Power quality is a major concern in electrical power systems. The power quality disturbances such as sags, swells, harmonic distortion and other interruptions have an impact on the electrical devices and machines and in severe cases can cause serious damages. Therefore it is necessary to recognize and compensate all types of disturbances at an earliest time to ensure normal and efficient operation of the power system. To solve these problems, many types of power devices are used. At the present time, one of those devices, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is the most efficient and effective device used in power distribution systems. In this paper, design and modeling of a new structure and a new control method of multifunctional DVRs for voltage quality correction are presented. The new control method was built in the stationary frame by combining Proportional Resonant controllers and Sequence-Decouple Resonant controllers. The performance of the device and this method under different conditions such as voltage swell, voltage sag due to symmetrical and unsymmetrical short circuit, starting of motors, and voltage distortion are described. Simulation result show the superior capability of the proposed DVR to improve power quality under different operating conditions and the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed new DVR controller is able to detect the voltage disturbances and control the converter to inject appropriate voltages independently for each phase and compensate to load voltage through three single-phase transformers.Web of Science116art. no. 135

    The Role of Correlated Noise in Quantum Computing

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    This paper aims to give an overview of the current state of fault-tolerant quantum computing, by surveying a number of results in the field. We show that thresholds can be obtained for a simple noise model as first proved in [AB97, Kit97, KLZ98], by presenting a proof for statistically independent noise, following the presentation of Aliferis, Gottesman and Preskill [AGP06]. We also present a result by Terhal and Burkard [TB05] and later improved upon by Aliferis, Gottesman and Preskill [AGP06] that shows a threshold can still be obtained for local non-Markovian noise, where we allow the noise to be weakly correlated in space and time. We then turn to negative results, presenting work by Ben-Aroya and Ta-Shma [BT11] who showed conditional errors cannot be perfectly corrected. We end our survey by briefly mentioning some more speculative objections, as put forth by Kalai [Kal08, Kal09, Kal11]

    Study of fault-tolerant software technology

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    Presented is an overview of the current state of the art of fault-tolerant software and an analysis of quantitative techniques and models developed to assess its impact. It examines research efforts as well as experience gained from commercial application of these techniques. The paper also addresses the computer architecture and design implications on hardware, operating systems and programming languages (including Ada) of using fault-tolerant software in real-time aerospace applications. It concludes that fault-tolerant software has progressed beyond the pure research state. The paper also finds that, although not perfectly matched, newer architectural and language capabilities provide many of the notations and functions needed to effectively and efficiently implement software fault-tolerance
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