5 research outputs found

    Users Integrity Constraints in SOLAP Systems. Application in Agroforestry

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    SpatialData Warehouse and Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing are decision support technologies which offer the spatial and multidimensional analysis of data stored in multidimensional structure. They are aimed also at supporting geographic knowledge discovery to help decision-maker in his job related to make the appropriate decision . However, if we don’t consider data quality in the spatial hypercubes and how it is explored, it may provide unreliable results. In this paper, we propose a system for the implementation of user integrity constraints in SOLAP namely “UIC-SOLAP”. It corresponds to a methodology for guaranteeing results quality in an analytical process effectuated by different users exploiting several facts tables within the same hypercube. We integrate users Integrity Constraints (IC) by specifying visualization ICs according to their preferences and we define inter-facts ICs in this case. In order to validate our proposition, we propose the multidimensional modeling by UML profile to support constellation schema of a hypercube with several fact tables related to subjects of analysis in forestry management. Then, we propose implementation of some ICs related to users of such a system

    Sistem Pengolahan Data Status Tingkatan Siswa Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah Pimda 07 Kabupaten Magelang Berbasis Web

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    Pimda 07 Tapak Suci Kabupaten Magelang tidak memiliki semua data siswa tapak suci disetiap cabang/unit latihan, hal ini dikarenakan pendataan siswa tapak suci dilakukan secara berulang pada pelaksanaan ujian kenaikan tingkat. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan sebuah sistem untuk mengetahui data siswa tapak suci sesuai tingkatan maupun keseluruhan dari semua cabang/unit latihan yang ada di kabupaten magelang. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, database MySQL dan Framework CodeIgniter. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem pengolahan data siswa tapak suci yang tersentral pada sistem berbasis web sehingga Pimda 07 Tapak Suci Kabupaten Magelang dapat mengetahi keseluruhan data siswa tapak suci berdasarkan grafik dan membuat laporan dalam format (.xlsx). Pengujian  usability  dengan hasil 85.62   dan dikonversikan kedalam skala kualitatif didapat hasil sangat layak dan memenuhi aspek usability

    SOLAM: A Novel Approach of Spatial Aggregation in SOLAP Systems

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    In the context of a data driven approach aimed to detect the real and responsible factors of the transmission of diseases and explaining its emergence or re-emergence, we suggest SOLAM (Spatial on Line Analytical Mining) system, an extension of Spatial On Line Analytical Processing (SOLAP) with Spatial Data Mining (SDM) techniques. Our approach consists of integrating EPISOLAP system, tailored for epidemiological surveillance, with spatial generalization method allowing the predictive evaluation of health risk in the presence of hazards and awareness of the vulnerability of the exposed population. The proposed architecture is a single integrated decision-making platform of knowledge discovery from spatial databases. Spatial generalization methods allow exploring the data at different semantic and spatial scales while reducing the unnecessary dimensions. The principle of the method is selecting and deleting attributes of low importance in data characterization, thus produces zones of homogeneous characteristics that will be merged

    Users Integrity Constraints in SOLAP Systems. Application in Agroforestry

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    Users Integrity Constraints in SOLAP Systems. Application in Agroforestry

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    SpatialData Warehouse and Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing are decision support technologies which offer the spatial and multidimensional analysis of data stored in multidimensional structure. They are aimed also at supporting geographic knowledge discovery to help decision-maker in his job related to make the appropriate decision . However, if we don’t consider data quality in the spatial hypercubes and how it is explored, it may provide unreliable results. In this paper, we propose a system for the implementation of user integrity constraints in SOLAP namely “UIC-SOLAP”. It corresponds to a methodology for guaranteeing results quality in an analytical process effectuated by different users exploiting several facts tables within the same hypercube. We integrate users Integrity Constraints (IC) by specifying visualization ICs according to their preferences and we define inter-facts ICs in this case. In order to validate our proposition, we propose the multidimensional modeling by UML profile to support constellation schema of a hypercube with several fact tables related to subjects of analysis in forestry management. Then, we propose implementation of some ICs related to users of such a syste