55 research outputs found

    The influence of individual counseling in improving learning motivation for students

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    This study aimed to find out about the Effect of Individual Counseling in Improving Student Learning Motivation. Quantitative research method used in this research is Nonequivalent Control Group Design, this design is similar to Pretest-Posttest Control Group. The samples in this study were students who amounted to 10 respondents, through purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. Data analysis technique is done by calculating the validity test, reliability test, normality test, linearity test and hypothesis test with SPSS version 20.0. This research showed, there was a significant effect of individual counseling in improving student learning motivation, with the result of a coefficient of Sig. (2-tailed) Of 0.000 <0.05 then it was decided that Ho was rejected, and H1 accepted. With R2 value of 0,866, which means, individual counseling give contribution as much 86,6% in improving student learning motivation


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    This research aims to 1) develop a model of collaborative knowledge management of state academic libraries’ staffs for the ASEAN Community, 2) develop a collaborative knowledge management website of state academic libraries’ staffs for the ASEAN Community, and 3) evaluate competencies of state academic libraries’ staffs for the ASEAN Community. The sample of this research was 21 service librarians of six state academic libraries. The research results were as follows: 1) Collaborative knowledge management model of state academic libraries’ staffs was evaluated by experts with highly suitable level, called the Col-KM Model. 2) Collaborative knowledge management website of state academic libraries’ staffs was evaluated by specialists with a high level of quality. And 3) The result of evaluation of competencies showed that the competency evaluation of knowledge has average scores after participating in the activity was significantly higher than the pretest scores at the 0.05 level. The average means of competency of attitude assessment were agreed at a high level. And the skill assessment has shown that the scores were at a good level

    MediaWiki and Google Docs as online collaboration tools for group project co-construction

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    This paper reports and describes the use of MediaWiki and Google Docs as online collaboration tools for co-constructing knowledge in a group project. Undergraduate Information Management students used MediaWiki and Google Docs as collaboration tools for carrying out two separate projects. We assessed and compared students’ perception on the effectiveness of MediaWiki and Google Docs after the completion of the projects. Results indicated positive experiences from using the tools for online collaboration in the group projects for some of the students. More students found MediaWiki an effective knowledge management tool than Google Docs.postprintThe 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2009), Hong Kong, 3-4 December 2009. In Proceedings of the ICKM, 2009, p. 1-1

    Comparing user experiences in using Twiki & Mediawiki to facilitate collaborative learning

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    This research seeks to determine the perceived effectiveness of using TWiki and MediaWiki in collaborative work and knowledge management; and to compare the use of TWiki and MediaWiki in terms of user experiences in the master’s level of study at the University of Hong Kong. Through a multiple case study approach, the study adopted a mixed methods research design which used both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze findings from specific user groups in two study programmes. In the study, both wiki platforms were regarded as suitable tools for group work co-construction, which were found to be effective in improving group collaboration and work quality. Wikis were also viewed as enabling tools for knowledge management. MediaWiki was rated more favorably than TWiki, especially in the ease of use and enjoyment experienced. The paper should be of interest to educators who may want to explore wiki as a platform to enhance students’ collaborative group work.postprintThe 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2009), Hong Kong, 3-4 December 2009. In Proceedings of ICKM, 2009, p. 1-1

    Teachers’ Perception of Online Professional Development: A Case of Chinese High School Teachers in Ningxia

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    The importance of utilizing the Internet to alleviate a range of training problems has been proved and accepted by teachers and educators. However, Chinese researchers found that less than 50% teachers eager to participate in online courses for their professional development. Therefore, research objective of this study was to identify Chinese high school teachers’ perception toward usefulness and ease of use of online professional development (OPD). The participants consist of 120 teachers from 3 high schools in Ningxia.The instrument for data collection was 12-item questionnaire.The researchers adopted the Cronbach Alpha method to determine the reliability of the instrument. A reliability index of 0.84 was obtained.Two research questions were structured and data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation.Findings revealed that there was significant positive effect on the usefulness and ease of use of OPD among Chinese high school teachers.It was also recommended that to stimulate Chinese high school teachers’ positive attitude toward OPD, the quality of OPD courses should be emphasized more by online educators

    Knowledge Management for Learning: ICT System Affordances and the Impact of Order of Use

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    Knowledge management (KM) is an important activity in corporations and organizations and is well suited as a learning activity in higher education. However, integrating such activities for learning requires alignment between required activities and information technology (IT) system affordances. Using KM-based assignments requiring individual and collaborative (group) Internet-based research, this study explores the affordances of two different ITs: one the university’s learning management system, and the other a Web 2.0 social digital curation system (Pearltrees). Results suggest that, despite already being familiar with Moodle, students found Pearltrees not complex and generally compatible with their learning activities, although their perceptions were impacted by whether they used Pearltrees for the first or second assignment. Students’ comments indicated that mature discussion capabilities and a visual interface with the ability to organize digital resources were some of the most important affordances for tools used in KM learning activities


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    Designing a group study enables students to develop critical thinking, effective team work; appreciation and respect for other views, techniques and problem-solving methods by promoting active learning environment. The purpose of this quantitative study examined the effects of online collaboration on the pre-service teachers’ mathematical problem solving attitude. Specifically, the study examined the effects of group working to the mathematical word problem solving tasks alone. Forty-two pre-service teachers enrolled in the study which were divided into three groups: Synchronous online (n=12), face-to-face (n=15) and individual (n=15). Students in each group were required to solve four ill-structured problems under problem solving sessions over a six-week period. It is used a quantitative analysis of data. To measure the change in problem solving attitude, a pre and post-test problem solving attitude questionnaire administered to measure attitude change. The results indicate that, whether synchronous online or face-to-face group based problem solving processes resulted with more positive attitude than individual study. It is also revealed that students' problem solving attitudes were increased in all groups, however, F2F group students' showed positive higher difference than those SO and IND students.  Article visualizations

    Efficacy of Online Social Networks on Language Teaching: A Bangladeshi Perspective

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    It is now an established fact that the use of technology facilitates teaching and learning in language classrooms. With the advancement of technology, social networking websites have emerged too.Social networking sites have been quite popular among various age group users particularly the young users since their invention. Also, they are conceived to be able to motivate (Greenhow, Robelia, &amp; Hughes, 2009) and expose learners to the authentic use of the target language (Baralt, 2011). However, very little research has been done, especially in Bangladesh, on how much these websites can contribute to language learning and teaching though they seem to offer ample opportunities. Therefore, this study aims at investigating the effect of using \u27The Facebook\u27, a social networking website, in language classrooms at tertiary level in Bangladesh. Participants of this study were first year first semester university students doing a foundation course in English focusing to improve their listening, speaking and writing skills. The participants were divided into two groups. Group 1 was the control group who was taught traditionally and non-digitally without using Facebook. Group 2, along with classroom teaching, received help from the instructor through Facebook and did tasks assigned on Facebook. At the end of the three months semester a test was taken and the result of both groups was compared. Thus, this study shall try to provide an answer regarding to what extent online social networks can facilitate second language acquisition
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