61 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of SNMP in OLSRv2-routed MANETs

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    Mobile Ad Hoc NETworks (MANETs) are generally thought of as infrastructure-less and largely "un-managed", capable of accommodating highly dynamic network topologies. Yet, while the network may be un-managed, monitoring performance and setting configuration parameters post-deployment, remains important in order to ensure proper ''tuning'' and maintenance of a MANET. While SNMP is sometimes considered too ''heavy'' for MANETs -- a too chatty a protocol with too large protocol messages -- it remains the predominant management and monitoring protocol in the Internet, and many implementations exist. This \articleformat analyzes SNMP in an OLSRv2-routed MANET, with the purpose of investigating performance metrics, such as delivery ratio, delay, management overhead, collisions and performance monitoring accuracy. In order to address concerns both regarding SNMP being "heavy", as well as regarding the accuracy of performance reports obtained via SNMP polling in MANETs, where path delays can be highly variable, the utility of performance reporting proxies, i.e. the REPORT-MIB, is studied. The obtained results show that a significant benefit can be obtained by so deploying performance reporting proxies in an SNMP managed MANET. The investigations are supported by way of network simulations (NS2).Lorsquon parle de réseaux mobiles ad-hoc (MANETs), on pense généralement à des réseaux sans infrastructure et à des déploiements en réseaux largement non-gérés, pouvant s'adapter à des topologies de réseau très changeantes. Néanmoins, bien que l'infrastructure du réseau est de nature non-gérée, la surveillance des performances du réseau et le choix des paramètres de configuration une fois le réseau déployé demeurent primordiaux pour la maintenance et le réglage fin d'un réseau MANET. Alors que SNMP est parfois considéré trop "lourd" pour des MANETs, il demeure le protocole prédominant de management et monitorage d'Internet, et beaucoup implémentations du protocole existent. Ce rapport analyse SNMP dans des MANETs basés sur OLSRv2, avec l'intention de déterminer des métriques de performance, comme le taux de remise, délai, overhead et collisions dans le simulateur de réseaux NS2

    Descrição e implementação de uma MIB para sistemas MASIF

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    Este artigo descreve a arquitectura, o desenvolvimento e alguns resultados de um conversor SNMP para MASIF. O sistema permite gerir plataformas de agentes compatíveis com a especificação MASIF através de qualquer aplicação gestora SNMP, simplificando, desta forma, a integração de tecnologia de agentes móveis com plataformas de gestão clássicas. A estrutura de informação associada pode funcionar igualmente com uma interface de gestão para sistemas não compatíveis com MASIF

    A uniform resource identifier scheme for SNMP

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    One of the World Wide Web characteristics, besides its omnipresence in computer systems, is the adoption of a universal user interface that is used to access several different services that were previously accessed individually by independent applications. The Internet resources started to be identified by URI schemes, a text string with specific syntax and grammar. Although existing for several services such as http, ftp, gopher and news, these identifiers are not used to identify SNMP resources. This paper proposes an URI scheme for identifying SNMP resources and presents some practical scenarios where the existence of such compact and complete identifying mechanism increases flexibility and functionality of network management applications

    Performance Analysis of SNMP in OLSRv2-routed MANETs

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    Mobile Ad Hoc NETworks (MANETs) are generally thought of as infrastructure-less and largely "un-managed", capable of accommodating highly dynamic network topologies. Yet, while the network may be un-managed, monitoring performance and setting configuration parameters post-deployment, remains important in order to ensure proper ''tuning'' and maintenance of a MANET. While SNMP is sometimes considered too ''heavy'' for MANETs -- a too chatty a protocol with too large protocol messages -- it remains the predominant management and monitoring protocol in the Internet, and many implementations exist. This \articleformat analyzes SNMP in an OLSRv2-routed MANET, with the purpose of investigating performance metrics, such as delivery ratio, delay, management overhead, collisions and performance monitoring accuracy. In order to address concerns both regarding SNMP being "heavy", as well as regarding the accuracy of performance reports obtained via SNMP polling in MANETs, where path delays can be highly variable, the utility of performance reporting proxies, i.e. the REPORT-MIB, is studied. The obtained results show that a significant benefit can be obtained by so deploying performance reporting proxies in an SNMP managed MANET. The investigations are supported by way of network simulations (NS2).Lorsquon parle de réseaux mobiles ad-hoc (MANETs), on pense généralement à des réseaux sans infrastructure et à des déploiements en réseaux largement non-gérés, pouvant s'adapter à des topologies de réseau très changeantes. Néanmoins, bien que l'infrastructure du réseau est de nature non-gérée, la surveillance des performances du réseau et le choix des paramètres de configuration une fois le réseau déployé demeurent primordiaux pour la maintenance et le réglage fin d'un réseau MANET. Alors que SNMP est parfois considéré trop "lourd" pour des MANETs, il demeure le protocole prédominant de management et monitorage d'Internet, et beaucoup implémentations du protocole existent. Ce rapport analyse SNMP dans des MANETs basés sur OLSRv2, avec l'intention de déterminer des métriques de performance, comme le taux de remise, délai, overhead et collisions dans le simulateur de réseaux NS2


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    ABSTRAKSI: Tidak TersediaKata Kunci : ABSTRACT: Not AvailableKeyword

    Initial service management architecture

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    This document describes D2.2 of the Internet Next Generation project. Internet Next Generation is a project performed within the context of the Gigaport programme, and is funded by many organizations within the Netherlands. The architecture that is described within this document explains how customers of a Differentiated Services (DiffServ) network can manage the service that is provided by them, by reading and modifying QoS parameters in an interactive way. Which parameters are available and which values these parameters can take, is defined in the Service Level Specification (SLS), which is part of the Service Level Agreement (SLA). The form of management in which customers can modify the behaviour of the provided service is called Customer Service Management (CSM); the idea that customers can manage the behaviour of the provided service is not only interesting in case of DiffServ, but also in cases like Mobile IP, IP security or Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). The scope of this deliverable is restricted to QoS management in a DiffServ environment; a subsequent deliverable will extend this work and address how service .management can be performed in other environments, like IntServ / RSVP. This new deliverable will also address the problem of inter domain management

    Diseño de investigación para la implementación de una rutina automatizada de health check en equipos de la red IP de acceso por radio (IP-RAN) de un proveedor de servicios de internet en Guatemala

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    Implementar una rutina automatizada de health check en equipos de la red IP de acceso por radio (IP-RAN), de un proveedor de servicios de internet en Guatemala, así identificar los parámetros más críticos de un elemento de red, de una red IP de acceso por radio, para conocer su estado físico y lógico y aplicar el protocolo SNMP para obtener la información necesaria de cada equipo en la red

    Definitions of Managed Objects for APPN TRAPS

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    A study of SNMP developments regarding to security and performance

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    La disponibilidad de la red de telecomunicaciones es esencial para todas las empresas porque sus ingresos están directamente relacionados con él. Así, los sistemas de gestión de red también se convirtieran en esencial. Sin embargo la importancia dada a la gestión de información por la mayoría de los administradores de red, los demás la consideran como inútil. Por lo tanto, la garantía de la gestión de datos no es levada en cuenta. El principal objetivo de este artículo es mostrar la importancia de la gestión de la red de datos y estimular el uso de la seguridad en los sistemas de gestión de red. El buen desempeño de los sistemas de gestión de red es también importante. Por lo tanto, algunas pruebas se realizan para verificar con qué intensidad lo rendimiento de los sistemas de gestión y de la red puede verse perjudicado por el uso de la criptografía y algoritmos, especialmente por el estándar cifrado AES, a fin de estudiar la viabilidad de lo conjunto SNMPv3 con AES. Estas pruebas se toman como una vista previa de una banda ancha de lo proyecto piloto Power Line Network Management (que traducido al español vendría a ser Gestión de la Comunicación por la Red Eléctrica) que se llevará a cabo en la principal empresa de transmisión de la red eléctrica en Goiás, Brasil.Telecommunication network availability is essential for all companies because their income is directly related to it. Because of this fact, network management systems also became essential, but the importance of managed information is faced by most network administrators as useless to others, therefore securing the management data is not considered. The main goal of this article is to show the importance of network management data and stimulate the use of security in network management systems. The good performance of network management systems are also important, therefore some tests are performed to verify how intensively the network and network manager performance can be injured by the use of cryptography algorithms and specially by the AES cryptographic standard in order to study the viability of the SNMPv3 with AES set. These tests are taken as a preview of a Broadband Power Line Network Management pilot project that is being implemented in the main electrical power transmission company in Goiás, Brazil.Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas Operativos (WARSO)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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