5,816 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence: Robots, Avatars, and the Demise of the Human Mediator

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    Published in cooperation with the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolutio

    Artificial Intelligence: Robots, Avatars, and the Demise of the Human Mediator

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    Published in cooperation with the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolutio

    Artificial Intelligence: Robots, Avatars and the Demise of the Human Mediator

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    As technology has advanced, many have wondered whether (or simply when) artificial intelligent devices will replace the humans who perform complex, interactive, interpersonal tasks such as dispute resolution. Has science now progressed to the point that artificial intelligence devices can replace human mediators, arbitrators, dispute resolvers and problem solvers? Can humanoid robots, attractive avatars and other relational agents create the requisite level of trust and elicit the truthful, perhaps intimate or painful, disclosures often necessary to resolve a dispute or solve a problem? This article will explore these questions. Regardless of whether the reader is convinced that the demise of the human mediator or arbitrator is imminent, one cannot deny that artificial intelligence now has the capability to assume many of the responsibilities currently being performed by alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practitioners. It is fascinating (and perhaps unsettling) to realize the complexity and seriousness of tasks currently delegated to avatars and robots. This article will review some of those delegations and suggest how the artificial intelligence developed to complete those assignments may be relevant to dispute resolution and problem solving. “Relational Agents,” which can have a physical presence such as a robot, be embodied in an avatar, or have no detectable form whatsoever and exist only as software, are able to create long term socio-economic relationships with users built on trust, rapport and therapeutic goals. Relational agents are interacting with humans in circumstances that have significant consequences in the physical world. These interactions provide insights as to how robots and avatars can participate productively in dispute resolution processes. Can human mediators and arbitrators be replaced by robots and avatars that not only physically resemble humans, but also act, think, and reason like humans? And to raise a particularly interesting question, can robots, avatars and other relational agents look, move, act, think, and reason even “better” than humans

    Social Intelligence Design 2007. Proceedings Sixth Workshop on Social Intelligence Design

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    Can Science Explain Consciousness?

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    For diverse reasons, the problem of phenomenal consciousness is persistently challenging. Mental terms are characteristically ambiguous, researchers have philosophical biases, secondary qualities are excluded from objective description, and philosophers love to argue. Adhering to a regime of efficient causes and third-person descriptions, science as it has been defined has no place for subjectivity or teleology. A solution to the “hard problem” of consciousness will require a radical approach: to take the point of view of the cognitive system itself. To facilitate this approach, a concept of agency is introduced along with a different understanding of intentionality. Following this approach reveals that the autopoietic cognitive system constructs phenomenality through acts of fiat, which underlie perceptual completion effects and “filling in”—and, by implication, phenomenology in general. It creates phenomenality much as we create meaning in language, through the use of symbols that it assigns meaning in the context of an embodied evolutionary history that is the source of valuation upon which meaning depends. Phenomenality is a virtual representation to itself by an executive agent (the conscious self) tasked with monitoring the state of the organism and its environment, planning future action, and coordinating various sub- agencies. Consciousness is not epiphenomenal, but serves a function for higher organisms that is distinct from that of unconscious processing. While a strictly scientific solution to the hard problem is not possible for a science that excludes the subjectivity it seeks to explain, there is hope to at least psychologically bridge the explanatory gulf between mind and matter, and perhaps hope for a broader definition of science

    Affective reactions towards socially interactive agents and their computational modeling

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    Over the past 30 years, researchers have studied human reactions towards machines applying the Computers Are Social Actors paradigm, which contrasts reactions towards computers with reactions towards humans. The last 30 years have also seen improvements in technology that have led to tremendous changes in computer interfaces and the development of Socially Interactive Agents. This raises the question of how humans react to Socially Interactive Agents. To answer these questions, knowledge from several disciplines is required, which is why this interdisciplinary dissertation is positioned within psychology and computer science. It aims to investigate affective reactions to Socially Interactive Agents and how these can be modeled computationally. Therefore, after a general introduction and background, this thesis first provides an overview of the Socially Interactive Agent system used in this work. Second, it presents a study comparing a human and a virtual job interviewer, which shows that both interviewers induce shame in participants to the same extent. Thirdly, it reports on a study investigating obedience towards Socially Interactive Agents. The results indicate that participants obey human and virtual instructors in similar ways. Furthermore, both types of instructors evoke feelings of stress and shame to the same extent. Fourth, a stress management training using biofeedback with a Socially Interactive Agent is presented. The study shows that a virtual trainer can teach coping techniques for emotionally challenging social situations. Fifth, it introduces MARSSI, a computational model of user affect. The evaluation of the model shows that it is possible to relate sequences of social signals to affective reactions, taking into account emotion regulation processes. Finally, the Deep method is proposed as a starting point for deeper computational modeling of internal emotions. The method combines social signals, verbalized introspection information, context information, and theory-driven knowledge. An exemplary application to the emotion shame and a schematic dynamic Bayesian network for its modeling are illustrated. Overall, this thesis provides evidence that human reactions towards Socially Interactive Agents are very similar to those towards humans, and that it is possible to model these reactions computationally.In den letzten 30 Jahren haben Forschende menschliche Reaktionen auf Maschinen untersucht und dabei das “Computer sind soziale Akteure”-Paradigma genutzt, in dem Reaktionen auf Computer mit denen auf Menschen verglichen werden. In den letzten 30 Jahren hat sich ebenfalls die Technologie weiterentwickelt, was zu einer enormen Veränderung der Computerschnittstellen und der Entwicklung von sozial interaktiven Agenten geführt hat. Dies wirft Fragen zu menschlichen Reaktionen auf sozial interaktive Agenten auf. Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, ist Wissen aus mehreren Disziplinen erforderlich, weshalb diese interdisziplinäre Dissertation innerhalb der Psychologie und Informatik angesiedelt ist. Sie zielt darauf ab, affektive Reaktionen auf sozial interaktive Agenten zu untersuchen und zu erforschen, wie diese computational modelliert werden können. Nach einer allgemeinen Einführung in das Thema gibt diese Arbeit daher, erstens, einen Überblick über das Agentensystem, das in der Arbeit verwendet wird. Zweitens wird eine Studie vorgestellt, in der eine menschliche und eine virtuelle Jobinterviewerin miteinander verglichen werden, wobei sich zeigt, dass beide Interviewerinnen bei den Versuchsteilnehmenden Schamgefühle in gleichem Maße auslösen. Drittens wird eine Studie berichtet, in der Gehorsam gegenüber sozial interaktiven Agenten untersucht wird. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Versuchsteilnehmende sowohl menschlichen als auch virtuellen Anleiterinnen ähnlich gehorchen. Darüber hinaus werden durch beide Instruktorinnen gleiche Maße von Stress und Scham hervorgerufen. Viertens wird ein Biofeedback-Stressmanagementtraining mit einer sozial interaktiven Agentin vorgestellt. Die Studie zeigt, dass die virtuelle Trainerin Techniken zur Bewältigung von emotional herausfordernden sozialen Situationen vermitteln kann. Fünftens wird MARSSI, ein computergestütztes Modell des Nutzeraffekts, vorgestellt. Die Evaluation des Modells zeigt, dass es möglich ist, Sequenzen von sozialen Signalen mit affektiven Reaktionen unter Berücksichtigung von Emotionsregulationsprozessen in Beziehung zu setzen. Als letztes wird die Deep-Methode als Ausgangspunkt für eine tiefer gehende computergestützte Modellierung von internen Emotionen vorgestellt. Die Methode kombiniert soziale Signale, verbalisierte Introspektion, Kontextinformationen und theoriegeleitetes Wissen. Eine beispielhafte Anwendung auf die Emotion Scham und ein schematisches dynamisches Bayes’sches Netz zu deren Modellierung werden dargestellt. Insgesamt liefert diese Arbeit Hinweise darauf, dass menschliche Reaktionen auf sozial interaktive Agenten den Reaktionen auf Menschen sehr ähnlich sind und dass es möglich ist diese menschlichen Reaktion computational zu modellieren.Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaf

    Gender stereotypes in virtual agents

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    Visual, behavioural and verbal cues for gender are often used in designing virtual agents to take advantage of their cultural and stereotypical effects on the users. However, recent studies point towards a more gender-balanced view of stereotypical traits and roles in our society. This thesis is intended as an effort towards a progressive and inclusive approach for gender representations in virtual agents. The contributions are two-fold. First, in an iterative design process, representative male, female and androgynous embodied AI agents were created with few differences in their visual attributes. Second, these agents were then used to evaluate the stereotypical assumptions of gendered traits and roles in AI virtual agents. The results showed that, indeed, gender stereotypes are not as effective as previously assumed, and androgynous agents could represent a middle-ground between gendered stereotypes. The thesis findings are presented in the hope to foster discussions in virtual agent research and the frequent stereotypical use of gender representations

    The screen as boundary object in the realm of imagination

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    As an object at the boundary between virtual and physical reality, the screen exists both as a displayer and as a thing displayed, thus functioning as a mediator. The screen's virtual imagery produces a sense of immersion in its viewer, yet at the same time the materiality of the screen produces a sense of rejection from the viewer's complete involvement in the virtual world. The experience of the screen is thus an oscillation between these two states of immersion and rejection. Nowadays, as interactivity becomes a central component of the relationship between viewers and many artworks, the viewer experience of the screen is changing. Unlike the screen experience in non-interactive artworks, such as the traditional static screen of painting or the moving screen of video art in the 1970s, interactive media screen experiences can provide viewers with a more immersive, immediate, and therefore, more intense experience. For example, many digital media artworks provide an interactive experience for viewers by capturing their face or body though real-time computer vision techniques. In this situation, as the camera and the monitor in the artwork encapsulate the interactor's body in an instant feedback loop, the interactor becomes a part of the interface mechanism and responds to the artwork as the system leads or even provokes them. This thesis claims that this kind of direct mirroring in interactive screen-based media artworks does not allow the viewer the critical distance or time needed for self-reflection. The thesis examines the previous aesthetics of spatial and temporal perception, such as presentness and instantaneousness, and the notions of passage and of psychological perception such as reflection, reflexiveness and auratic experience, looking at how these aesthetics can be integrated into new media screen experiences. Based on this theoretical research, the thesis claims that interactive screen spaces can act as a site for expression and representation, both through a doubling effect between the physical and virtual worlds, and through manifold spatial and temporal mappings with the screen experience. These claims are further supported through exploration of screen-based media installations created by the author since 2003.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Mazalek, Ali; Committee Member: Bolter, Jay David; Committee Member: Do, Ellen Yi-Luen; Committee Member: Nitsche, Michael; Committee Member: Winegarden, Claudia R
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