6 research outputs found

    Learning the dominance in diploid genetic algorithms for changing optimization problems

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    Using diploid representation with dominance scheme is one of the approaches developed for genetic algorithms to address dynamic optimization problems. This paper proposes an adaptive dominance mechanism for diploid genetic algorithms in dynamic environments. In this scheme, the genotype to phenotype mapping in each gene locus is controlled by a dominance probability, which is learnt adaptively during the searching progress. The proposed dominance scheme isexperimentally compared to two other schemes for diploid genetic algorithms. Experimental results validate the efficiency of the dominance learning scheme

    Self-Adaptation Mechanism to Control the Diversity of the Population in Genetic Algorithm

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    One of the problems in applying Genetic Algorithm is that there is some situation where the evolutionary process converges too fast to a solution which causes it to be trapped in local optima. To overcome this problem, a proper diversity in the candidate solutions must be determined. Most existing diversity-maintenance mechanisms require a problem specific knowledge to setup parameters properly. This work proposes a method to control diversity of the population without explicit parameter setting. A self-adaptation mechanism is proposed based on the competition of preference characteristic in mating. It can adapt the population toward proper diversity for the problems. The experiments are carried out to measure the effectiveness of the proposed method based on nine well-known test problems. The performance of the adaptive method is comparable to traditional Genetic Algorithm with the best parameter setting.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Genetic algorithms with implicit memory

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    This thesis investigates the workings of genetic algorithms in dynamic optimisation problems where fitness landscapes materialise that are identical to, or resemble in some way, landscapes previously encountered. The objective is to appraise the performances of the various approaches offered by the GAs. Approaches specifically tailored for different kinds of dynamic environment lie outside the remit of the thesis. The main topics that are explored are: genetic redundancy, modularity, neutral evolution, explicit memory, and implicit memory. It is in the matter of implicit memory that the thesis makes the majority of its novel contributions. It is demonstrated via experimental analysis that the pre-existing techniques are deficient, and a new algorithm ā€“ the pointer genetic algorithm (pGA) ā€“ is expounded and assessed in an attempt to offer an improvement. It is shown that though it outperforms its rivals, it cannot attain the performance levels of an explicit memory algorithm (that is, an algorithm using an external memory bank). The main claims of the thesis are that with regard to memory, the pre-existing implicit-memory algorithms are deficient, the new pointer GA is superior, and that because all of the implicit approaches are inferior to explicit approaches, it is explicit approaches that should be used in real-world problem solving

    Compact Dynamic Optimisation Algorithm

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    In recent years, the field of evolutionary dynamic optimisation has seen significant increase in scientific developments and contributions. This is as a result of its relevance in solving academic and real-world problems. Several techniques such as hyper-mutation, hyper-learning, hyper-selection, change detection and many more have been developed specifically for solving dynamic optimisation problems. However, the complex structure of algorithms employing these techniques make them unsuitable for real-world, real-time dynamic optimisation problem using embedded systems with limited memory. The work presented in this thesis focuses on a compact approach as an alternative to population based optimisation algorithm, suitable for solving real-time dynamic optimisation problems. Specifically, a novel compact dynamic optimisation algorithm suitable for embedded systems with limited memory is presented. Three novel dynamic approaches that augment and enhance the evolving properties of the compact genetic algorithm in dynamic environments are introduced. These are 1.) change detection scheme that measures the degree of dynamic change 2.) mutation schemes whereby the mutation rates is directly linked to the detected degree of change and 3.) change trend scheme the monitors change pattern exhibited by the system. The novel compact dynamic optimization algorithm outlined was applied to two differing dynamic optimization problems. This work evaluates the algorithm in the context of tuning a controller for a physical target system in a dynamic environment and solving a dynamic optimization problem using an artificial dynamic environment generator. The novel compact dynamic optimisation algorithm was compared to some existing dynamic optimisation techniques. Through a series of experiments, it was shown that maintaining diversity at a population level is more efficient than diversity at an individual level. Among the five variants of the novel compact dynamic optimization algorithm, the third variant showed the best performance in terms of response to dynamic changes and solution quality. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that information transfer based on dynamic change patterns can effectively minimize the exploration/exploitation dilemma in a dynamic environment

    PopulaƧƵes baseadas em multisets para algoritmos evolutivos

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    Os algoritmos evolutivos simulam a evoluĆ§Ć£o natural de uma populaĆ§Ć£o de indivĆ­duos aplicando iterativamente operadores genĆ©ticos, recombinaĆ§Ć£o, mutaĆ§Ć£o e seleĆ§Ć£o dos mais aptos. O processo evolutivo pode ser visto como um processo de otimizaĆ§Ć£o. Nesse caso, os indivĆ­duos representam soluƧƵes do problema e as variĆ”veis do problema sĆ£o codificados no equivalente aos genes. Estes algoritmos podem ser facilmente implementados e existem variantes especializadas para resolver vĆ”rias classes de problemas. Uma das maiores dificuldades apresentadas por estes algoritmos Ć© a convergĆŖncia prematura da populaĆ§Ć£o para soluƧƵes sub-Ć³timas antes do espaƧo de procura ser devidamente explorado. VĆ”rias estratĆ©gias foram desenvolvidas para reduzir este risco e, neste trabalho, estudamos a possibilidade de substituir a representaĆ§Ć£o da populaĆ§Ć£o. Tradicionalmente as populaƧƵes sĆ£o representadas como coleƧƵes de indivĆ­duos e nesta tese propomos a sua substituiĆ§Ć£o por um multiconjunto (multiset). Esta nova forma de representaĆ§Ć£o das populaƧƵes, que denominamos multipopulaƧƵes, permite manipular um conjunto de genomas e os seus clones, multi-indivĆ­duos, de uma forma muito eficiente. Adaptamos o processo evolutivo para otimizar multipopulaƧƵes, estudamos o seu comportamento em vĆ”rios tipos de algoritmos e problemas e desenvolvemos operadores genĆ©ticos especializados para trabalhar com a nova representaĆ§Ć£o. Em resultado disso obtemos uma forma inovadora de manter uma elevada diversidade genĆ©tica na populaĆ§Ć£o. As experiĆŖncias realizadas permitiram-nos compreender melhor a dinĆ¢mica que a nova representaĆ§Ć£o introduz no processo evolutivo e mostrar a sua eficĆ”cia.Evolutionary algorithms simulate the natural evolution of a population of individuals by iteratively applying genetic operators, recombination, mutation and selection of the fittest. The evolutionary process can be viewed as an optimization process. In this case, individuals represent problem solutions and the problem variables are encoded in that equivalent to the gene. These algorithms can be easily implemented and there are specialized variants to solve different classes of problems. One of the biggest difficulties presented by these algorithms is the premature convergence of the population to suboptimal solutions before the search space is properly explored. Several strategies were developed to reduce this risk and, in this thesis, we studied the possibility of replacing the representation of the population. Traditionally populations are represented as collections of individuals and in this thesis we propose its replacement by a multiset. This new form of population representation, which we call multipopulations, allows manipulating a set of genomes and their clones, multi-individuals, in a very efficient way. We adapt the evolutionary process to optimize multipopulations, study their behavior on various types of algorithms and problems, and develop specialized genetic operators to work with the new representation. As a result, we get an innovative way to maintain a high genetic diversity in the population. The experiments allowed us to better understand the dynamics that the new representation introduces in the evolutionary process and show its effectiveness

    Dynamic multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms

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    Dynamic Multi-objective Optimization Problems (DMOPs) offer an opportunity to examine and solve challenging real world scenarios where trade-off solutions between conflicting objectives change over time. Definition of benchmark problems allows modelling of industry scenarios across transport, power and communications networks, manufacturing and logistics. Recently, significant progress has been made in the variety and complexity of DMOP benchmarks and the incorporation of realistic dynamic characteristics. However, significant gaps still exist in standardised methodology for DMOPs, specific problem domain examples and in the understanding of the impacts and explanations of dynamic characteristics. This thesis provides major contributions on these three topics within evolutionary dynamic multi-objective optimization. Firstly, experimental protocols for DMOPs are varied. This limits the applicability and relevance of results produced and conclusions made in the field. A major source of the inconsistency lies in the parameters used to define specific problem instances being examined. The uninformed selection of these has historically held back understanding of their impacts and standardisation in experimental approach to these parameters in the multi-objective problem domain. Using the frequency and severity (or magnitude) of change events, a more informed approach to DMOP experimentation is conceptualized, implemented and evaluated. Establishment of a baseline performance expectation across a comprehensive range of dynamic instances for well-studied DMOP benchmarks is analyzed. To maximize relevance, these profiles are composed from the performance of evolutionary algorithms commonly used for baseline comparisons and those with simple dynamic responses. Comparison and contrast with the coverage of parameter combinations in the sampled literature highlights the importance of these contributions. Secondly, the provision of useful and realistic DMOPs in the combinatorial domain is limited in previous literature. A novel dynamic benchmark problem is presented by the extension of the Travelling Thief Problem (TTP) to include a variety of realistic and contextually justified dynamic changes. Investigation of problem information exploitation and it's potential application as a dynamic response is a key output of these results and context is provided through comparison to results obtained by adapting existing TTP heuristics. Observation driven iterative development prompted the investigation of multi-population island model strategies, together with improvements in the approaches to accurately describe and compare the performance of algorithm models for DMOPs, a contribution which is applicable beyond the dynamic TTP. Thirdly, the purpose of DMOPs is to reconstruct realistic scenarios, or features from them, to allow for experimentation and development of better optimization algorithms. However, numerous important characteristics from real systems still require implementation and will drive research and development of algorithms and mechanisms to handle these industrially relevant problem classes. The novel challenges associated with these implementations are significant and diverse, even for a simple development such as consideration of DMOPs with multiple time dependencies. Real world systems with dynamics are likely to contain multiple temporally changing aspects, particularly in energy and transport domains. Problems with more than one dynamic problem component allow for asynchronous changes and a differing severity between components that leads to an explosion in the size of the possible dynamic instance space. Both continuous and combinatorial problem domains require structured investigation into the best practices for experimental design, algorithm application and performance measurement, comparison and visualization. Highlighting the challenges, the key requirements for effective progress and recommendations on experimentation are explored here