17 research outputs found

    Health Monitoring of a Hydraulic Brake System Using Nested Dichotomy Classifier – A Machine Learning approach

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    Hydraulic brakes in automobiles play a vital role for the safety on the road; therefore vital components in the brake system should be monitored through condition monitoring techniques. Condition monitoring of brake components can be carried out by using the vibration characteristics. The vibration signals for the different fault conditions of the brake were acquired from the fabricated hydraulic brake test setup using a piezoelectric accelerometer and a data acquisition system. Condition monitoring of brakes was studied using machine learning approaches. Through a feature extraction technique, descriptive statistical features were extracted from the acquired vibration signals. Feature classification was carried out using nested dichotomy, data near balanced nested dichotomy and class balanced nested dichotomy classifiers. A Random forest tree algorithm was used as a base classifier for the nested dichotomy (ND) classifiers. The effectiveness of the suggested techniques was studied and compared. Amongst them, class balanced nested dichotomy (CBND) with the statistical features gives better accuracy of 98.91% for the problem concerned


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    Large rotating machinery, such as centrifugal gas compressors and pumps, are widely applied as crucial components in the petrochemical industries. To enable in-time and effective maintenance of these machines, the concept of a health indicator is arousing great interest. A suitable health indicator indicates the overall health of the machinery and it is closely related to maintenance strategies and decision-making. It can be obtained either from near misses and incident data, or from real-time measured data. However, the existing health indicators have some limitations. On the one hand, the near misses and incident data may have been obtained from similar systems, reflecting population characteristics but not fully accounting for the individual features of the target system. On the other hand, the existing health indicators that use condition monitoring data, mainly focused on detecting incipient faults, and usually do not include financial cost factors when calculating the indicators. Therefore, there is the requirement to develop a single system "Health Indicator", that can show the health condition of a system in real-time, as well as the likely financial loss incurred when a fault is detected in the system, to assist operators on maintenance decision making. This project has developed such an integrated health indicator for rotating machinery. The integrated health indicator described in this thesis is extracted from a novel condition-based risk assessment strategy, which can be regarded as an integration of risk-based maintenance with improved conventional condition-based maintenance, with financial factors taken into account. The value of the health indicator is that it directly illustrates the risk to the system (or equipment), including likely financial loss, which makes it easier for operators to select the optimal time for maintenance or set alarm thresholds given the specific conditions in their companies or plants. This thesis provides a guide to set up an integrated maintenance model for large rotating machinery. It provides a useful reference for researchers working on condition-based fault detection and dynamic risk-based maintenance

    Prediction, classification and diagnosis of spur gear conditions using artificial neural network and acoustic emission

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    The gear system is a critical component in the machinery and predicting the performance of a gear system is an important function. Unpredictable failures of a gear system can cause serious threats to human life, and have large scale economic effects. It is necessary to inspect gear teeth periodically to identify crack propagation and, other damages at the earliest. This study has two main objectives. Firstly, the research predicted and classified specific film thickness (λ) of spur gear by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Regression models. Parameters such as acoustic emission (AE), temperature and specific film thickness (λ) data were extracted from works of other researchers. The acoustic emission signals and temperature were used as input to ANN and Regression models, while (λ) was the output of the models. Second objective is to use the third generation ANN (Spiking Neural Network) for fault diagnosis and classification of spur gear based on AE signal. For this purpose, a test rig was built with several gear faults. The AE signal was processed through preprocessing, features extraction and selection methods before the developed ANN diagnosis and classification model were built. These processes were meant to improve the accuracy of diagnosis system based on information or features fed into the model. This research investigated the possibility of improving accuracy of spur gear condition monitoring and fault diagnoses by using Feed-Forward Back- Propagation Neural Networks (FFBP), Elman Network (EN), Regression Model and Spiking Neural Network (SNN). The findings showed that use of specific film thickness has resulted in the FFBP network being able to provide 99.9% classification accuracy, while regression and multiple regression models attained 73.3 % and 81.2% classification accuracy respectively. For gear fault diagnosis, the SNN achieved nearly 97% accuracy in its diagnosis. Finally, the methods use in the study have proven to have high accuracy and can be used as tools for prediction, classification and fault diagnosis in spur gear

    Benchmarking da eficiência dos algoritmos supervisionados de ML na classificação de tráfego NFV

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    A implementação de NFV permite melhorar a flexibilidade, a eficiência e a capacidade de gerenciamento das redes aproveitando a virtualização e as tecnologias da computação em nuvem para implantar redes informáticas. A implementação de gerenciamento autônomo e algoritmos supervisionados de Aprendizado de Máquinas (Machine Learning - ML) tornam-se uma estratégia chave para gerenciar esse tráfego oculto. Neste trabalho, nosso foco é a análise das características do tráfego em redes baseadas em NFV, ao mesmo tempo em que realizamos uma avaliação comparativa do comportamento dos algoritmos supervisionados de ML, isto é, J48, Naïve Bayes e Bayes Net na classificação de tráfego IP em relação à sua eficiência; considerando que essa eficiência está relacionada ao equilíbrio entre o tempo de resposta e precisão. Foram utilizados dois cenários de teste (um SDN baseado em NFV e um  LTE EPC baseado em NFV). Os resultados da avaliação comparativa revelam que os algoritmos Naïve Bayes e Bayes Net têm o melhor desempenho na classificação do tráfego. Em particular, seu desempenho corrobora um bom equilíbrio entre a precisão e o tempo de resposta, com valores de precisão superiores a 80% e 96%, respectivamente, para tempos inferiores a 1,5 segundos.La implementación de NFV permite mejorar la flexibilidad, eficiencia y gestión de redes al emplear tecnologías de virtualización y computación en la nube para desplegar nuevas redes de computadores. La implementación de procesos de gestión autónomos, junto con algoritmos de aprendizaje supervisado en la rama del conocimiento denominada aprendizaje de máquina (ML, Machine Learning) se ha convertido en una estrategia clave para gestionar tráfico en segundo plano. En este documento se presenta un proyecto de investigación que analiza características de tráfico de redes basadas en NFV al realizar una comparativa de la eficiencia (benchmarking) del comportamiento de algoritmos de aprendizaje supervisado para ML. Se analizaron los algoritmos J48, Naïve Bayes y Bayes Net y se analizó la clasificación de tráfico IP respecto a su eficiencia, la que está relacionada con la compensación entre el tiempo de respuesta y la precisión del algoritmo. Se emplearon dos escenarios de prueba (una SDN basada en NFV y un EPC LTE basado en NFV). Los resultados del benchmarking revelan que los algoritmos Naïve Bayes y Bayes Net obtuvieron mejor desempeño en la clasificación del tráfico. En particular, estos valores corroboran una adecuada compensación entre precisión y tiempo de respuesta, con valores de precisión mayores a 80% y 96%, respectivamente, en tiempos menores a 1.5 segundos.The implementation of NFV allows improving the flexibility, efficiency, and manageability of networks by leveraging virtualization and cloud computing technologies to deploy computer networks. The implementation of autonomic management and supervised algorithms from Machine Learning [ML] become a key strategy to manage this hidden traffic. In this work, we focus on analyzing the traffic features of NFV-based networks while performing a benchmarking of the behavior of supervised ML algorithms, namely J48, Naïve Bayes, and Bayes Net, in the IP traffic classification regarding their efficiency; considering that such an efficiency is related to the trade-off between time-response and precision. We used two test scenarios (an NFV-based SDN and an NFV-based LTE EPC). The benchmarking results reveal that the Naïve Bayes and Bayes Net algorithms achieve the best performance in traffic classification. In particular, their performance corroborates a good trade-off between precision and time-response, with precision values higher than 80 % and 96 %, respectively, in times less than 1,5 sec

    Characterisation of Condition Monitoring Information for Diagnosis and Prognosis using Advanced Statistical Models

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    This research focuses on classification of categorical events using advanced statistical models. Primarily utilised to detect and identify individual component faults and deviations from normal healthy operation of reciprocating compressors. Effective monitoring of condition ensuring optimal efficiency and reliability whilst maintaining the highest possible safety standards and reducing costs and inconvenience due to impaired performance. Variability of operating conditions being revealed through examination of vibration signals recorded at strategic points of the process. Analysis of these signals informing expectations with respect to tolerable degrees of imperfection in specific components. Isolating inherent process variability from extraneous variability affords reliable means of ascertaining system health and functionality. Vibration envelope spectra offering highly responsive model parameters for diagnostic purposes. This thesis examines novel approaches to alleviating the computational burdens of large data analysis through investigation of the potential input variables. Three methods are investigated as follows: Method one employs multivariate variable clustering to ascertain homogeneity amongst input variables. A series of heterogeneous groups being formed from each of which explanatory input variables are selected. Data reduction techniques, method two, offer an alternative means of constructing predictive classifiers. A reduced number of reconstructed explanatory variables provide enhanced modelling capabilities ensuring algorithmic convergence. The final novel approach proposed combines both these methods alongside wavelet data compression techniques. Simplifying number of input parameters and individual signal volume whilst retaining crucial information for deterministic supremacy


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    Department of System Design and Control EngineeringIn recent decades, operation and maintenance strategies for industrial applications have evolved from corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance, to condition-based monitoring and eventually predictive maintenance. High performance sensors and data logging technologies have enabled us to monitor the operational states of systems and predict fault occurrences. Several time series analysis methods have been proposed in the literature to classify system states via multi-sensor signals. Since the time series of sensor signals is often characterized as very-short, intermittent, transient, highly nonlinear, and non-stationary random signals, they make time series analyses more complex. Therefore, time series discretization has been popularly applied to extract meaningful features from original complex signals. There are several important issues to be addressed in discretization for fault detection and prediction: (i) What is the fault pattern that represents a system???s faulty states, (ii) How can we effectively search for fault patterns, (iii) What is a symptom pattern to predict fault occurrences, and (iv) What is a systematic procedure for online fault detection and prediction. In this regard, this study proposes a fault detection and prediction framework that consists of (i) definition of system???s operational states, (ii) definitions of fault and symptom patterns, (iii) multivariate discretization, (iv) severity and criticality analyses, and (v) online detection and prediction procedures. Given the time markers of fault occurrences, we can divide a system???s operational states into fault and no-fault states. We postulate that a symptom state precedes the occurrence of a fault within a certain time period and hence a no-fault state consists of normal and symptom states. Fault patterns are therefore found only in fault states, whereas symptom patterns are either only found in the system???s symptom states (being absent in the normal states) or not found in the given time series, but similar to fault patterns. To determine the length of a symptom state, we present a symptom pattern-based iterative search method. In order to identify the distinctive behaviors of multi-sensor signals, we propose a multivariate discretization approach that consists mainly of label definition, label specification, and event codification. Discretization parameters are delicately controlled by considering the key characteristics of multi-sensor signals. We discuss how to measure the severity degrees of fault and symptom patterns, and how to assess the criticalities of fault states. We apply the fault and symptom pattern extraction and severity assessment methods to online fault detection and prediction. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed framework through the following six case studies: abnormal cylinder temperature in a marine diesel engine, automotive gasoline engine knockings, laser weld defects, buzz, squeak, and rattle (BSR) noises from a car door trim (using a typical acoustic sensor array and using acoustic emission sensors respectively), and visual stimuli cognition tests by the P300 experiment.ope