55 research outputs found

    Protein expression strategy for in-cell NMR

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    Transcriptomic and proteomic studies on longevity induced by over-expression of HSP22 in drosophila melanogaster

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    Le vieillissement est un processus complexe accompagnĂ© par une capacitĂ© diminuĂ©e des cellules Ă  tolĂ©rer et rĂ©pondre aux formes diffĂ©rentes de stress causant des dommages comme l'agrĂ©gation de protĂ©ine dans les diffĂ©rentes composantes de la cellule. Les chaperons sont des joueurs probablement importants dans le processus de vieillissement en prĂ©venant la dĂ©naturation et l'agrĂ©gation des protĂ©ines. Chez Drosophila melanogaster, une petite protĂ©ine de choc thermique, Hsp22, localisĂ©e dans la matrice mitochondriale montre une expression elevĂ©e pendant le vieillissement. Sa surexpression chez la mouche augmente la durĂ©e moyenne de vie ainsi que la rĂ©sistance au stress. Bien que Hsp22 montre une activitĂ© de chaperon dans des essais in vitro, les mĂ©canismes par lesquels Hsp22 permet d’accroitre la durĂ©e de vie in vivo sont toujours inconnus. Une analyse transcriptionelle de tout le gĂ©nome par microarrays et une analyse comparative du protĂ©ome mitochondrial par MALDI-TOF a Ă©tĂ© entreprise pour dĂ©voiler les diffĂ©rences d’expression entre les mouches surexprimant Hsp22 et les contrĂŽles appropriĂ©s. La surexpression gĂ©nĂ©rale de Hsp22 en utilisant le systĂšme GAL4/UAS dans Drosophila rĂ©sulte en une augmentation de ~ 30% dans la durĂ©e de vie moyenne. L'analyse du transcriptome suggĂšre que Hsp22 joue un rĂŽle dans la dĂ©termination de durĂ©e de vie en changeant le processus gĂ©nĂ©ral de vieillissement normal. Effectivement, les mouches surexprimant Hsp22 affichent une surexpression de gĂšnes dont l’expression baisse normalement durant le vieillissement. Les gĂšnes sont impliquĂ©s dans la production d'Ă©nergie, la biosynthĂšse des protĂ©ines, le taux de renouvellement des protĂ©ines et le mĂ©tabolisme lipidique. L'analyse du protĂ©ome mitochondrial soutient aussi un rĂŽle de Hsp22 sur la dĂ©termination de la durĂ©e de vie en maintenant la fonction mitochondriale et en favorisant la protĂ©olyse. Les prĂ©sentes donnĂ©es suggĂšrent l'importance de la maintenance de l’homĂ©ostasie protĂ©ique durant le vieillissement et discutent des mĂ©canismes potentiels d’extension de la longĂ©vitiĂ© chez les mouches surexprimant Hsp22.Aging is a complex process accompanied by a decreased capacity of cells to tolerate and respond to various forms of stresses leading to damages such as protein aggregation in various components of the cell. Chaperones are thus likely important players in the aging process by preventing protein denaturation and aggregation. In Drosophila melanogaster, a small heat shock protein Hsp22 localized in the mitochondrial matrix is preferentially up-regulated during aging. Its over-expression results in an extension of lifespan and an increased resistance to stress. Although Hsp22 has been shown to have a chaperone-like activity in vitro, the mechanisms by which it extends lifespan in vivo are still unknown. Genome-wide transcriptional analysis by microarray and comparative mitochondrial proteomic analysis by MALDI-TOF mass analysis have been performed to unveil differences in long-lived Hsp22 over-expressing flies and normal-lived control flies. Ubiquitous over-expression of Hsp22 using the GAL4/UAS system in Drosophila resulted in a ~ 30% increase in mean lifespan. The genomic analysis suggests that Hsp22 plays a role in lifespan determination by altering the regulation of the overall process of normal aging. Indeed, flies over-expressing Hsp22 display an up-regulation of genes normally down-regulated with age and involved in energy production, protein biosynthesis, protein turnover, and lipid metabolism. Mitochondrial proteomic analysis also supports a putative role of Hsp22 on lifespan determination by maintaining mitochondrial function and favoring proteolysis. The present data suggest the importance of the maintenance of protein homeostasis in aging and potential mechanisms of longevity in the Hsp22 over-expressing flies

    Biochemical effects of protein glycation by methylglyoxal in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Tese de doutoramento em BioquĂ­mica (Regulação BioquĂ­mica), apresentada Ă  Universidade de Lisboa atravĂ©s da Faculdade de CiĂȘncias, 2008Protein glycation, the non-enzymatic and irreversible modification of amino groups by carbonyl compounds, is assuming an important role in the context of a widerange of human pathologies, including diabetes mellitus, age-related disorders andneurodegenerative diseases of amyloid type. Hence, there is a growing interest in thispost-translational modification and, ultimately, the quest for inhibitors of proteinglycation. However, despite extensive research, mainly by in vitro glycation studies withrelevant or model proteins, the role of glycation in pathological conditions is stillunknown. Therefore, cellular research models are required to investigate proteinglycation in vivo, the resulting biochemical effects and its role in human diseases.In the work presented in this thesis, a novel approach was developed toinvestigate protein glycation in vivo by methylglyoxal and its biochemical effects.Moreover, the role of glycation by methylglyoxal in protein amyloidogenesis was alsoinvestigated. It was found that protein glycation occurs in yeast and defined glycationphenotypes were identified. Although protein glycation was primarily associated withcomplex organisms and long-lived proteins, this post-translational modification alsoaffects short-lived organisms like yeast. A direct relationship between methylglyoxalformation rate and protein glycation was observed. A kinetic model of methylglyoxalmetabolism was developed to investigate the relative importance of the glyoxalasepathway, aldose reductase and methylglyoxal formation rate on the methylglyoxalsteady-state concentration and their relationship with protein glycation in vivo. It wasfound that the glyoxalase system and aldose reductase enzyme are equally important askey anti-glycation defenses in yeast. A higher methylglyoxal input leads to a directincrease in methylglyoxal concentration even in the presence of the glyoxalase systemand aldose reductase. In fact, challenging non-growing yeast cells with a high D-glucosemedium, consequently increasing methylglyoxal formation rate, causes methylglyoxalderivedprotein glycation even in the reference strain with all enzymatic defenses againstmethylglyoxal. Therefore, there is a subtle balance between methylglyoxal metabolismand the accumulation of MAGE-modified proteins, in which cells can prevent MAGEformation only until anti-glycation defenses are overcome.SummaryxviiiInterestingly, glycation in yeast appears to be a targeted process, whereby only afew proteins are modified. Protein identification, MAGE assignment and location weredetermined by mass spectrometry. The heat shock proteins Hsp71/72 and Hsp26 werefound to be glycated in vivo. Hsp26, a critical element in the unfolding stress response,was only detected in the soluble form upon glycation. This finding shows that Hsp26 ismost likely activated in glycation conditions, similarly to what happens in thermal stress.Three glycolytic enzymes were also glycated in yeast, namely phosphoglycerate mutase,aldolase and enolase, being the latter the main glycation target. This discovery prompteda deeper study of the biochemical implications of enolase glycation in vivo. Despite theobserved glycation-dependent activity loss of enolase, glycolysis and cell viabilityremained unchanged, hinting that yeast cells evolved to cope with high glycation levels.To investigate the effects of glycation on enolase structure and enzymatic activity, theprotein was purified from yeast cells under native and in vivo glycation conditions. Forthe first time, a protein was studied while enduring glycation in physiological conditions,allowing a direct comparison between in vivo and in vitro protein glycation. Significantdifferences were found between these distinct experimental conditions. In vivo glycationappears to be a specific process with only a few amino acid residues consistentlymodified with the same MAGE. Structural changes, evaluated by circular dichroismspectroscopy and thermal denaturation, showed that glycation mainly decreases α-helicalcontent and increase unordered structure while enolase structural rigidity increases. Invitro, a greater molecular heterogeneity was observed with different MAGE occurring atthe same molecular locations. α-Helical content also decreased, but in vitro glycationmarkedly increases ß-sheet content and structural rigidity was further enhanced. It wasalso observed that glycation causes enolase unfolding and dimer dissociation.Based on the identification of MAGE location by mass spectrometry, a molecularmodel for enolase inactivation upon glycation was developed. Glycation occurs at R414,a critical residue for dimer stability. Modification of R414 disrupts electrostaticinteractions with E20 on the other enolase chain that stabilize the enolase dimer, leadingto its dissociation and consequent formation of inactive monomers.The molecular location of MAGE in enolase suggests that the tri-dimensionalstructure may directly influence glycation reaction. The modified-arginine residues wereSummaryxixmainly found in an arginine-rich crevice located at the dimer interface, but solventaccessible. This arginine-rich cave could create a favourable environment formethylglyoxal-derived glycation reactions, sequestering free methylglyoxal that evadedfrom its catabolic routes. Hence, the high enolase reactivity towards methylglyoxalinducedprotein glycation could scavenge methylglyoxal, preventing changes in thebiochemical functionalities of other proteins. Upon glycation, enolase unfolds but cellsactivate the refolding chaperone pathway to counteract enolase misfolding and to limitthe harmful effects associated with extensive protein misfolding and aggregation.Yeast cells emerged as a living test tube to investigate the biochemical effects ofglycation on protein structure and function in vivo. So, taking advantage of this finding,the link between protein glycation and amyloid disorders, was investigated. Using animproved procedure for the extraction of amyloid fibrils from FAP patients, we providedthe first unequivocal evidence that methylglyoxal-derived advanced glycation endproductsare present in transthyretin amyloid deposits of FAP patients. Thus, we studiedthe effect of protein glycation in transthyretin amyloid fibril formation in yeast. For thispurpose, TTR variants with different amyloidogenic potentials (TTR-wt, TTR-L55P andTTRd-D) were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and amyloid deposits weredetected by fluorescence microscopy. It was observed that TTR is glycated when yeastcells are exposed to glycation conditions. Furthermore, the formation of transthyretinamyloidaggregates in cells expressing the amyloidogenic TTR-L55P variant is induced.These results provide the first direct evidence that glycation causes protein aggregation invivo in the context of human amyloid disorders.The presented results and conclusions are of great value not only to increase ourknowledge about protein glycation and its biochemical effects in vivo, but also to assign aclear role of this non-enzymatic process in the development of amyloid disorders. In thiscontext, yeast cells will certainly be useful as a eukaryotic model to study these processesat a cellular level. This is of vital importance in the design of novel or improved therapeutic strategies to inhibit protein glycation and counteract its harmful effects.A glicação de proteĂ­nas Ă© uma modificação pos-traducional, tendo como consequĂȘncia a modificação irreversĂ­vel de grupos amina por compostos contendo grupos carbonilo. Esta modificação tem sido implicada em diversas patologias humanas, tais como diabetes mellitus, doenças relacionadas com o envelhecimento e doenças neurodegenerativas do tipo amilĂłide. Neste contexto, a glicação de proteĂ­nas tem sido alvo de interesse na comunidade cientĂ­fica, com o objectivo final de desenvolver estratĂ©gias para inibir esta modificação pos-traducional. No entanto, apesar de intensivamente investigada in vitro com proteĂ­nas modelo ou clinicamente relevantes, o papel da glicação de proteĂ­nas no desenvolvimento de diversas condiçÔes patolĂłgicas nĂŁo Ă© ainda conhecido. Assim, Ă© de extrema importĂąncia desenvolver modelos celulares para investigar a glicação de proteĂ­nas in vivo, os seus efeitos bioquĂ­micos e finalmente a suaimportĂąncia nas diversas doenças humanas em que estĂĄ envolvida.Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvida uma nova abordagem para investigar a glicaçãoin vivo pelo metilglioxal e os seus efeitos bioquĂ­micos. Para alĂ©m disso, foi tambĂ©minvestigado o papel da glicação de proteĂ­nas pelo metilglioxal na formação de fibrasamilĂłides derivadas de uma proteĂ­na amiloidogĂ©nica. Observou-se a acumulação deproteĂ­nas glicadas pelo metilglioxal na levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, comdiferentes fenĂłtipos de glicação. Apesar da glicação de proteĂ­nas ter sido associada aorganismos complexos e proteĂ­nas com baixo turnover, esta modificação pos-traducionaltambĂ©m afecta microrganismos como a levedura. Foi observado que existe uma relaçãodirecta entre a velocidade de formação de metilglioxal e a ocorrĂȘncia de glicação. Ummodelo cinĂ©tico do metabolismo do metilglioxal em S. cerevisiae foi construĂ­do parainvestigar a importĂąncia da via dos glioxalases, do aldose reductase e da velocidade deformação de metilglioxal na concentração em estado estacionĂĄrio deste α-oxoaldeĂ­do.Com esta anĂĄlise, verificou-se que o sistema dos glioxalases e o aldose reductase sĂŁoigualmente importantes como defesas anti-glicação pelo metilglioxal. Observou-setambĂ©m que existe uma relação directa entre a velocidade de formação de metilglioxal e asua concentração em estado estacionĂĄrio, mesmo na presença do sistema dos glioxalasesResumoxxiie do aldose reductase. De facto, um aumento da formação de metilglioxal, atravĂ©s daexposição de cĂ©lulas a uma concentração elevada de D-glucose, provoca a glicação deproteĂ­nas pelo metilglioxal na estirpe de referĂȘncia que apresenta todas as defesasenzimĂĄticas contra o metilglioxal. Em condiçÔes fisiolĂłgicas, as cĂ©lulas previnem aacumulação de proteĂ­nas modificadas pelo metilglioxal, mas sĂł atĂ© as suas defesas seremultrapassadas.Na levedura S. cerevisiae, a glicação Ă© um processo especĂ­fico, onde apenasalgumas proteĂ­nas sĂŁo modificadas. Estas proteĂ­nas foram identificadas porespectrometria de massa, assim como a natureza e localização dos produtos avançados deglicação derivados do metilglioxal (MAGE, Methylglyoxal Advanced Glycation Endproducts).As proteĂ­nas de choque tĂ©rmico Hsp71/72 e Hsp26 foram identificados eapresentam modificaçÔes pos-traducionais derivadas da glicação pelo metilglioxal. AHsp26, um elemento crĂ­tico na resposta celular a condiçÔes de stress de unfolding, foiapenas detectada na forma solĂșvel apĂłs glicação. Esta observação indicia que a Hsp26 Ă©activada em condiçÔes de glicação, tal como se verifica em condiçÔes de stress tĂ©rmico.Para alĂ©m destas proteĂ­nas, trĂȘs enzimas glicolĂ­ticos estĂŁo tambĂ©m glicados in vivo: ofosfoglicerato mutase, o aldose e o enolase, sendo este Ășltimo o principal alvo deglicação. Um estudo detalhado das implicaçÔes bioquĂ­micas da glicação in vivo doenolase foi realizado. Apesar de ter sido detectada uma diminuição da actividade desteenzima devido Ă  glicação, a via glicolĂ­tica e a viabilidade celular permaneceraminalteradas, sugerindo que a levedura evoluiu de forma suportar elevados nĂ­veis deglicação. Para averiguar o efeito da glicação na estrutura e actividade enzimĂĄtica doenolase, esta proteĂ­na foi purificada em condiçÔes nativas e em condiçÔes de glicação.Pela primeira vez, os efeitos da glicação in vivo na estrutura e função de uma proteĂ­na,foram investigados. Para alĂ©m disso, este estudo permitiu efectuar uma comparaçãodirecta entre a glicação de proteĂ­nas in vivo e in vitro, tendo sido encontradas diferençassignificativas. In vivo, a glicação aparenta ser um processo especĂ­fico, em que apenasalguns resĂ­duos de aminoĂĄcidos sĂŁo consistentemente modificados pelo mesmo MAGE.Nestas condiçÔes, a glicação induz alteraçÔes estruturais, observadas por dicroismocircular, com uma diminuição do conteĂșdo em hĂ©lice α e um aumento da estruturadesordenada e da rigidez estrutural. In vitro, foi observado uma elevada heterogeneidadeResumoxxiiimolecular, com o mesmo resĂ­duo de aminoĂĄcido modificado por diferentes MAGE emdiferentes molĂ©culas de proteĂ­na. Foi tambĂ©m detectada uma diminuição do conteĂșdo emhĂ©lice α, mas a glicação in vitro induz um aumento significativo de folha ß. Em ambas ascondiçÔes experimentais, a glicação causa a desnaturação do enolase, com a consequentedissociação do dĂ­mero, a forma activa do enzima.Com base na identificação da localização molecular dos MAGE porespectrometria de massa, foi proposto um modelo para a inactivação do enolase pelaglicação. Esta modificação pos-traducional ocorre em R414, essencial para a estabilidadeda forma dimĂ©rica. A formação de uma hidroimidazolona neste resĂ­duo de argininadestrĂłi as interacçÔes electrostĂĄticas com E20 da outra cadeia que estabilizam o dĂ­mero,levando Ă  sua dissociação e consequente formação de monĂłmeros inactivos.A localização molecular dos MAGE no enolase sugere que a estruturatridimensional da proteĂ­na influencia as reacçÔes de glicação. As modificaçÔes ocorremmaioritariamente numa cavidade rica em resĂ­duos de arginina localizada na interface dodĂ­mero. Este local pode criar um ambiente favorĂĄvel a reacçÔes de glicação pelometilglioxal, eliminando assim o metilglioxal nĂŁo catabolisado pelos sistemasenzimĂĄticos. Assim, a elevada reactividade do enolase para reacçÔes de glicaçãoderivadas do metilglioxal pode diminuir a concentração intracelular deste α-oxoaldeĂ­do,prevenindo assim a alteração da função de outras proteĂ­nas celulares. ApĂłs glicação, oenolase sofre alteraçÔes estruturais resultando na desnaturação da proteĂ­na e a cĂ©lulaactiva a via de refolding para neutralizar os efeitos nocivos associados a processos demisfolding proteico e agregação.Os estudos apresentados nesta tese revelaram que a levedura S. cerevisiaeconstitui um excelente modelo para investigar in vivo os efeitos bioquĂ­micos da glicaçãona estrutura e função de proteĂ­nas. Assim, o papel da glicação de proteĂ­nas em doençasamilĂłides foi estudado na levedura S. cerevisiae como modelo celular. Utilizando ummĂ©todo aperfeiçoado de extracção de fibras amilĂłides de pacientes com polineuropatiaamiloidĂłtica familiar (FAP, Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy), foi detectadainequivocamente a presença da argipirimidina (um produto avançado de glicaçãoderivado do metilglioxal) nos depĂłsitos amilĂłides de transtirretina (TTR). Estaobservação indica que a glicação de proteĂ­nas deverĂĄ estar envolvida nesta doençaResumoxxivamilĂłide. Para investigar o papel da glicação na transtirretina e consequente formação defibras amilĂłides in vivo, variantes da TTR com diferentes potenciais amilĂłidogĂ©nicos(TTR-wt, TTR-L55P and TTRd-D) foram expressos em S. cerevisiae e os depĂłsitosamilĂłides foram detectados por microscopia de fluorescĂȘncia. Foi observada glicação invivo da TTR quando as cĂ©lulas foram expostas a condiçÔes favorĂĄveis Ă  ocorrĂȘncia desteprocesso. Nestas condiçÔes experimentais, foi observada uma indução da formação dedepĂłsitos amilĂłides derivados da variante amiloidogĂ©nica TTR-L55P. Esta observaçãoconstitui a primeira evidĂȘncia experimental de que a glicação de proteĂ­nas induz aagregação e formação de fibras amilĂłides in vivo.No seu conjunto, os resultados apresentados nesta tese e as conclusĂ”es inerentessĂŁo bastante importantes nĂŁo apenas para compreender os mecanismos envolvidos naglicação de proteĂ­nas e consequentes efeitos bioquĂ­micos in vivo, mas tambĂ©m paraclarificar o papel deste processo nĂŁo enzimĂĄtico no desenvolvimento de diversaspatologias humanas, como as doenças do tipo amilĂłide. Neste contexto, a leveduraSaccharomyces cerevisiae constitui um excelente modelo para investigar estes processosa nĂ­vel celular. Estes estudos sĂŁo de vital importĂąncia para desenvolver novas abordagensterapĂȘuticas para inibir a glicação de proteĂ­nas e minimizar os seus efeitos prejudiciais

    53rd National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistryand Molecular Biology (SIB)andNational Meeting of Chemistry of Biological Systems – Italian Chemical Society (SCI - Section CSB)

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    The 53rd National Congress of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB), which will be held in Riccione from 23 to 26 September, is characterised by the elevated scientific level and interdisciplinary interest of the numerous sessions in which it is organised. The Scientific Programme comprises three joint Symposia of the SIB and the Chemistry of Biological Systems section of the Italian Chemistry Society (SCI) on Molecular Systems Biology, Chemistry of Nucleic Acids, Protein and Drug Structure, and Environmental Biotechnology. These Symposia address groundbreaking arguments, making the joint interest of the two societies particularly fascinating; the joint organisation of these events in fact signals the shared intention to proceed along the path of scientific exchange. The topics of the other sessions have been chosen by the Scientific Committee on the basis of their scientific relevance and topicality, with particular attention paid to the selection of the speakers. The SIB sessions will range from Signal Transduction and Biomolecular Targets, Protein Misfolding and its Relationship with Disease, Emerging Techniques in Biochemistry, Gene Silencing, Redox Signalling and Oxidative Stress, Lipids in Cell Communication and Signal Transduction, Mitochondrial Function and Dysfunction

    The Coupling Between Folding, Zinc Binding, and Disulfide Bond Status of Human Cu, Zn Superoxide Dismutase: A Dissertation

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    Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is a dimeric, ÎČ-sandwich, metalloenzyme responsible for the dismutation of superoxide. Mutations covering nearly 50% of the amino acid sequence of SOD1 have been found to acquire a toxic gain-of-function leading to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A hallmark of this disease is the presence of insoluble aggregates containing SOD1 found in the brain and spinal cord. While it is unclear how these aggregates or smaller, precursor oligomeric species may be the source of the toxicity, mutations leading to increased populations of unstable, partially folded species along the folding pathway of SOD1 may be responsible for seeding and propagating aggregation. In an effort to determine the responsible species, we have systematically characterized the stability and folding kinetics of five well studied ALS variants: A4V, L38V, G93A, L106V and S134N. The effect of the amino acid substitutions was determined on a variety of different constructs characterizing the various post-translational maturation steps of SOD1: folding, disulfide bond formation and Zn binding. Zn was found to bind progressively tighter along the folding pathway of SOD1, minimizing populations of monomeric species. In contrast, ALS variants were found to have the greatest perturbation in the equilibrium populations of the folded and unfolded state for the most immature, disulfide-reduced metal-free SOD1. In this species, at physiological temperature, four out of five ALS variants were \u3e50% unfolded. Finally the energetic barriers in the folding and unfolding reaction were studied to investigate the unusually slow folding of SOD1. These results reveal that both unfolding and refolding are dominated by enthalpic barriers which may be explained by the desolvation of the chain and provide insights into the role of sequence in governing the folding pathway and rate

    Tyrosine hydroxylase and HSPB8 interact with the prion protein

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    The prion protein (PrP) is currently one of the most studied molecules in the neurosciences as it causes a group of neurological diseases collectively named transmissible spongiform encephalophaties (TSEs). The TSEs are characterized by a variety of motor and/or cognitive symptoms distinct from those of Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases and severely affect both humans and a variety of mammals. A great effort has thus been made to understand the molecular basis of PrP activity, both in physiological and pathological terms. In this context, the identification of neuronally-relevant interactors of PrP, capable of governing or interfering with its activity, cellular localization and/or expression, plays a crucial role. Through the expression of the proteins of interest in recombinant form in E.coli cells and the analysis of their interaction by Western blot and dot-blot, we identified two specific and neurologically relevant interactions involving the prion protein and on the one hand tyrosine hydroxylase, the enzyme that catalyzes the initial and rate-limiting reaction of the biosynthesis of catecholamines dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine; on the other hand the heat shock protein B8, member of the small heat shock protein family that appears to play an important role in those diseases that, like transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, are characterized by the accumulation of misfolded proteins. The association/dissociation constants of the complexes have been calculated using surface plasmon resonance and interactions were confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The data obtained show a specific and high affinity interaction (KD in the nano molar range) between the TH N-terminal regulatory domain (1-152) and the C-terminal structured domain (90-230) of PrP. The co-expression of the two proteins causes a shift in prion protein expression from a prevalent membrane-associated expression to a greater cytoplasmic localization, and also a down-regulation of the levels of expression of the prion protein without, however, affecting the topology and expression of tyrosine hydroxylase. The link between PrP and HSPB8 involves the C-terminal domain of the prion protein and the co-expression of the two proteins leads to a down-regulation of both prion protein and HSPB8. The latter, moreover, protects the prion protein from degradation by Proteinase K, while it seems to accelerate the thermal denaturation. The mutants K141E and K141N of the heat shock protein, associated with the development of neuropathy, show minor binding affinity with respect to the wild type protein and they are less effective in regulating the levels of expression, localization and degradation of the prion protein. Our results, in particular if confirmed in pathological patterns, can help to understand the physiological and pathological mechanisms of action of the prion protein and suggest tyrosine hydroxylase and heat shock protein B8 as prion protein modulators, thus as potential targets for therapeutic applications


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    The studies presented in this work were completed with the goal ofgaining greater insight into the roles of protein oxidation in brain aging and age-relatedcognitive impairment. Aging is associated with the impairment of physiological systemssuch as the central nervous system (CNS), homeostatic system, immune system, etc.Functional impairments of the CNS is associated with increased susceptibility to developmany neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer\u27s diseases (AD), Parkinson\u27s disease(PD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). One of the most noticeable functionalimpairments of the CNS is manifested by cognitive decline. In the past three decades, thefree radical theory of aging has gained relatively strong support in this area. Excessiveproduction reactive oxygen species (ROS) was demonstrated as a contributing factor inage-related memory and synaptic plasticity dysfunction. This dissertation use proteomicsto identify the proteins that are oxidatively modified and post-translationally altered inaged brain with cognitive impairment and normal aging brain.Ongoing research is being pursued for development of regime to preventoxidative damage by age-related oxidative stress. Among which are those that scavengefree radicals by antioxidants, i.e. ??-lipoic acid (LA), and protecting the brains byreducing production of neurotoxic substance, i.e. reducing production of amyloid ??(A??).Therefore, proteomics were also used to identify the alteration of specific proteins in agedbrain treated with LA and antisense oligonucleotides again amyloid protein precursor.This dissertation provides evidences that certain proteins are less oxidatively modifiedand post-translationally altered in cognitively impaired aged brain treated with LA andantisense oligonucleotides against the A?? region of amyloid precursor protein (APP)(AO).Together, the studies in this dissertation demonstrated that increased oxidativestress in brain play a significant role in age-related cognitive impairment. Moreover, suchincreased oxidative stress leads to specific protein oxidation in the brain of cognitiveimpaired subject, thereby leading to cognitive function impairment. Moreover, thefunctional alterations of the proteins identified by proteomics in this dissertation mayleads to impaired metabolism, decline antioxidant system, and damaged synapticcommunication. Ultimately, impairment of these processes lead to neuronal damages andcognitive decline. This dissertation also show that several of the up-regulated andoxidized proteins in the brains of normal aging mice identified are known to be oxidizedin neurodegenerative diseases as well, suggesting that the expression levels of certainproteins may increase as a compensatory response to oxidative stress. This compensationwould allow for the maintenance of proper molecular functions in normal aging brainsand protection against neurodegeneration

    Stability and Aggregation Studies of Immature Superoxide Dismutase

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a devastating neurological disease with no known cure. In 1993, a genetic link was established between ALS and mutant forms of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1), an antioxidant enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of the damaging free radical superoxide anion (O2-) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and dioxygen (O2). The inheritable form of ALS (fALS) accounts for ~10% of all ALS cases and so SOD1 mutations comprise ~1.5-2% of all ALS cases, but nevertheless represent a major known cause of the disease. Furthermore, the clinical symptoms of fALS and sALS are similar, although fALS patients with SOD1 mutations have an earlier age of disease onset than sALS (by ~10 years). A major hypothesis in the field of ALS research is that mutations decrease the stability and increase the aggregation propensity of SOD1, causing motor neuron degeneration. Attempts to identify relationships between the effects of the mutations and ALS characteristics have shown that these effects are highly complex and not correlated with disease characteristics in a simple way. SOD1 undergoes various in vivo modifications (notably disulfide bond formation and metal binding) and the form of SOD1 that is relevant to ALS toxicity is unknown. Recently, attention has focused on the immature forms of SOD1, which lack metal and/or disulfide bonds, because these forms are more destabilized by ALS-associated mutations compared to the mature, metal-bound, disulfide oxidize (holoSS) form. A powerful approach to uncovering the mechanisms of SOD1 misfolding and aggregation is to investigate the how mutations affect the global and local stability of SOD1 under physiological conditions. Here, the stability of disulfide-oxidized (SS), metal free (apo) SOD1 has been investigated by combining isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry techniques (ITC and DSC, respectively) to break down changes in global stability into dimer interface and monomer stability components. First, ITC was used to assess the thermodynamics of dimer dissociation for pWT and 13 ALS-associated mutants and the results were confirmed using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Together these experiments reveal that all mutations investigated, even those far removed from the interface, promote dissociation. Furthermore, apo SOD1 dissociation is characterized by large ∆Cp, ∆H and ∆S changes, far larger than expected based on theoretical calculations of surface area changes estimated from the crystal structure. This finding suggests that large conformation changes accompany dissociation and that monomeric apo SOD1 is fairly malleable, a finding that suggests dimerization may play an important role in the maturation of SOD1, by preventing the buildup of partially unfolded, aggregation-protein species. Subsequent to these studies, total unfolding (ie. folded dimer to unfolded monomer) for the same set of mutants was characterized using DSC, and the data fit to a 3-state folding mechanism with monomer intermediate. Due to the complexity of this model, numerous DSC experiments for the same mutant were globally fit, with the energetics of the first transition fixed to values obtained by ITC, thus reducing the uncertainty in the fitted parameters that define monomer unfolding. The results from this approach reveal that mutations have variable effects on apoSS monomer stability. In most cases, apoSS monomers are only marginally stable; accordingly, mutations greatly elevate the levels of unfolded protein under physiological conditions. In contrast, two mutations, while decreasing dimer interface stability, actually increase monomer stability. These experiments show that mutations have markedly different effects on the populations of folded and unfolded monomers in vivo and disclose important implications for disease-relevant aggregation. We have also characterized the stability of the most immature form of SOD1 (apoSH SOD1), which lacks both disulfide bonds and metals. This form of the protein is mainly monomeric, with marginal stability that is greatly affected by ALS-associated mutations. Surprisingly however, we find that this form of SOD1 is remarkably resistant to aggregation under physiological-like conditions. Static and dynamic light scattering (SLS and DLS, respectively) as well as analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) reveal higher-order interactions are present, but of the 12 mutants invested, only one showed evidence of aggregate formation. Increased protein concentrations or the addition of salt promote aggregation of some SOD1 mutants and the mechanism(s) of aggregation have been characterized using light scattering, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and Thioflavin-T (ThT) binding. Under conditions that enhance aggregation, DLS and AFM experiments reveal that some mutants form small fibrils ranging from ~20-100 nm in length, or ~2-100 monomers. Other mutants aggregate less, but the aggregates that do form are longer (greater than 1000 nm). Furthermore, ThT binding experiments suggest that the aggregates contain different degrees of ÎČ-structure. Mutations appear to have complex effects on the energy landscape of apoSH SOD1, promoting different aggregation pathways. This complexity may help explain the different disease phenotypes associated with different mutants. By characterizing both folding and aggregation of different forms of immature SOD1, we have employed a powerful approach to untangling the role of toxic aggregation in the syndrome of ALS.1 yea

    53rd National Meeting of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB) and National Meeting of Chemistry of Biological Systems – Italian Chemical Society (SCI - Section CSB)

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    Il 53° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare che si tiene a Riccione dal 23 al 26 Settembre si distingue per l'alto livello scientifico e l'interesse interdisciplinare delle numerose sessioni nelle quali Ú strutturato. Il Programma scientifico vede tre Simposi congiunti della SIB con la Sezione della Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici della Società Italiana di Chimica (SCI) su Molecular Systems Biology, Chemistry of Nucleic Acids, Protein and Drug Structure, Environmental Biotechnology. Questi Simposi, riguardano argomenti di avanguardia per i quali fa piacere l'interesse condiviso delle due Società, che per la prima volta organizzano dei Simposi congiunti a significare l'intento di procedere insieme negli scambi scientifici. Gli argomenti delle altre sessioni sono stati scelti dal comitato scientifico in base alla loro rilevanza e attualità scientifica, con particolare cura nella individuazione dei relatori. Le sessioni SIB spazieranno da Signal Transduction and Biomolecular Targets, Protein Misfolding and its Relationship with Diseases, Emerging Techniques in Biochemistry, Gene Silencing, Redox Signalling and Oxidative Stress, Lipids in Cell Communication and Signal Transduction, Mitochondrial Function and Dysfunction
