8 research outputs found

    Cloud Computing Information System Architecture for Precast Supply Chain Management

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    The precast construction industry is associated with a lot of activities, vast effort, many parties and numerous processes. The precast supply chain phases include the planning, design, manufacturing, transportation, installation and construction. The parties within the precast supply chain phases should have efficient communication and access to precise and latest information contributing to the enhanced collaboration, sustainability and improving the integration. The aim of this study is to explore the collaboration tools with proposing the cloud system architecture for the precast supply chain management. The research findings are according to the comprehensive review of the literature on supply chain management, precast construction industry and cloud computing. Findings demonstrate the major problems within the precast supply chain phases comprised of poor planning, ineffective communications among designers and manufacturers, incompetent employees and damage to raw materials, large size and heavy precast components and the poor on-site coordination. These major problems within the precast supply chain phases could contribute to negative consequences on the efficiency, productivity and effectiveness of precast delivery. Therefore, to mitigate and overcome these major problems within the precast construction, the cloud computing implementation as the valuable alternative could be delivered to enhance the efficiencies and effectiveness of the collaboration systems. This research proposes and establishes the concepts of valuable collaborative tools, for instance the Cloud Computing Information Systems (CCIS). These tools will assist the processes, activities, information and network to improve integration with enhanced collaboration within the precast supply chain management through increasing the opportunities to attain sustainability with higher competitive advantages

    A conceptual digital business model for construction logistics consultants, featuring a sociomaterial blockchain solution for integrated economic, material and information flows

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    In this paper, a new digital business model for independent construction logistics consultants, which features the conceptualization of a sociomaterial blockchain solution for integrated information, material and economic flows, is proposed.Theoretically, we offer an understanding of the economic flow, stress the optimization of construction logistics through flow integration, analyse current approaches to understanding blockchain, adopt sociomateriality to envision a suitable blockchain solution, and consider the way blockchain can constitute part of the value proposition of a related digital business model. Methodologically, we systematically reviewed the literature on blockchain-related construction research, and conducted empirical studies on independent logistics consultants in the Swedish context for more than a year. On the one hand, the literature review reveals that core blockchain properties can generate value for construction logistics (e.g. shared ledger structure and reduction of accounting rework) – however, apart from visions and prototypes, there currently exist no use cases, and potential implementational constraints and security issues are limitedly considered. One the other hand, the empirical findings show that independent construction logistics consultants in the sociomaterial Swedish context are suitable candidates for the proposed digital business model. By combining the literature and empirical insights, a permissioned private proof-of-authority blockchain solution integrating the supply chain flows in a generic sociomaterial setting is conceptualized. This solution is then embedded in the value proposition of a digital business model for an independent construction logistics consultant. The proposition includes, among others, improved process management and increased productivity, while the consultants’ competitive advantage through innovation is facilitated. Other business model segments, like key resources, are also updated via the blockchain solution, while some, like channels, are not significantly affected. To not hinder the realization of this digital business model, issues like the lack of blockchain awareness, and the existing power balances within sociomaterial constellations, have to be addressed

    Soluções integrando BIM e Internet das Coisas no ciclo de vida da edificação: uma revisão crítica

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    O objetivo deste artigo é identificar, analisar e estratificar em classes de problemas os componentes, modelos e métodos das soluções existentes na literatura que integram Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) e Internet das Coisas (IoT). Foram adotados os procedimentos metodológicos da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL) para o mapeamento de estudos convergentes, a identificação de artefatos já produzidos inerentes à integração mencionada e a configuração de classes de problemas. Os resultados constatam artefatos concentrados majoritariamente na fase de Operação e Manutenção da edificação e interesse crescente na fase de Construção e Comissionamento; maior recorrência de modelos e instanciações na integração de BIM e IoT, que atende a nove classes de problemas distintos e apresenta-se em pleno desenvolvimento. São discriminados as séries e os usos do modelo BIM empregados em cada contexto, bem como as tecnologias utilizadas. Ademais, são evidenciados os propósitos do BIM e da IoT na integração e os principais agentes envolvidos no processo. Apontam-se novos campos de pesquisa em um estágio post-BIM, nos quais a modelagem da informação da construção transcende para um contexto multidisciplinar, abarcando soluções específicas de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e Sensoriamento que devem ampliar as relações estáticas ou dinâmicas entre os ambientes físico e virtual

    Análisis comparativo de las propiedades físicas-mecánicas del mortero 1:2 y concreto 1:2:3 con adición de ceniza de cáscara de huevo

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación se hicieron análisis del comportamiento de la ceniza de cáscara de huevo como aditivo al mortero y el concreto hidráulicos. Se realizaron ensayos de laboratorio para conocer las propiedades físico-mecánicas de la ceniza utilizada siguiendo los pasos dictados por la normativa. Durante el periodo de elaboración se dosificaron morteros con y sin el aditivo de ceniza de cáscara de huevo para la búsqueda del porcentaje de adición con mayor resistencia a la compresión.Introducción. -- 1. Descripción del Problema. -- 1.1. Formulación del Problema. -- 2. Justificación. --3. Objetivos. -- 3.1. Objetivo General. --3.2. Objetivos Específicos. -- 4. Marco de Referencia. -- 4.1. Marco Teórico. -- 4.2. Estado del Arte. -- 5. Metodología. -- 5.1. Tipo y Nivel de Investigación. -- 5.2. Población y Muestra de Diseño. -- 5.3. Diseño de Investigación. -- 5.4. Estudio Previo del Consumo del Huevo y el Uso de su Cáscara. -- 5.5. Proceso de Obtención del Material Útil. -- 5 6. Materiales Para la Elaboración de Mezclas de Mortero y Concreto. -- 5.7. Proceso de Curado NTC 118. -- 5.8. Ensayo a la Compresión. -- 5.9. Ensayo de Durabilidad del Concreto NTC 5551. -- 6. Análisis de Resultados. -- 6.1. Estudio Previo del Consumo del Huevo y Uso de su Cáscara. -- 6.2. Material Útil y Puro Obtenido. -- 6.3. Cantidad de Materiales Para la Elaboración de Mezclas de Mortero y Concreto. -- 6.4. Ensayo a la Compresión. -- 6.5. Ensayo de Durabilidad del Concreto NTC 5551. -- 7. Conclusiones. -- 8. Recomendaciones. -- Bibliografía. -- Anexos

    A lean construction and BIM interaction model for the construction industry

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    An Analytical Network Process (ANP) was created to test the Lean and BIM concepts with data collected from U.S. companies to find the success factors of the Lean/BIM framework. After an extensive literature review, a total of 17 sub-categories for Lean/BIM are classified into three clusters, namely Communication, Production, and Visualization. An ANP network is then established to station the links between the attributes of the framework while computing their importance weights. Eight experienced civil engineers took part in the questionnaire study to assess the relations between the attributes. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the synergy between Lean and BIM with different components reflecting this synergy and present the Lean and BIM synergy on a comprehensive model. The results indicate that Production is the prominent cluster and Production Control, Standardization and Information accuracy are the most important factors in the Lean/BIM synergy. To validate the model, five construction projects were selected to test and observe the results accordingly. The study is expected to help construction industry leaders set their priorities, benefit more from the interaction between Lean and BIM, and revise their strategies accordingly. This study identifies Lean/BIM categories and subcategories as a roadmap for research and implementation. In this context, the study reveals the relationship between the categories/subcategories along with the weights and most and less important categories for Lean/BIM implementation and research

    Status information management in the construction process

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    Hukan poistaminen ja toiminnan tehostaminen ovat keskeisiä tavoitteita rakentamisessa. Yksi tapa tehostaa toimintaa on parantaa toimitusketjun osapuolten välistä tiedonvaihtoa. Sitä varten on kehitetty uusi statustyökalu, jonka käyttöä tässä tutkimuksessa pilotoitiin. Statustietojen vaihtaminen toteutettiin Trimble Connect -pilvipalvelun avulla ja sitä testattiin kolmessa rakennusprojektissa. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia statustietoa sekä kerätä kokemuksia statustietojen vaihtamisesta hankkeen osapuolten välillä. Työ eteni kirjallisuustutkimuksesta ohjelman pilotointiin todellisissa rakennushankkeissa. Pilotoinnin osapuolille suoritettiin haastatteluja sekä heidän toimintaansa havainnoitiin koko tutkimuksen suorittamisen ajan statustyökalun välityksellä. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tutkittiin yleisesti statustietoa rakentamisprosessin toimitusketjussa. Lisäksi haastattelujen ja havaintojen avulla selvitettiin, millainen statustietojen päivitystoiminto on käytännössä sekä statustyökalun mahdollistamat hyödyt ja sen kehitystarpeet. Tärkeimpiä statustyökalun mahdollistamia hyötyjä olivat kommunikoinnin paraneminen, riskien ennakoiminen, toimitusketjun varmuuden lisääntyminen sekä toimitusketjun tilanteen visualisointi. Muita saavutettavia hyötyjä olivat muutostilanteiden hallinnan ja toimitusketjun läpinäkyvyyden paraneminen, tiedon jakamisen helpottuminen sekä käytännön työn muuttuminen selkeämmäksi. Statustyökalun käyttö tulee myös muuttamaan osapuolten toimintaa, jonka seurauksena joitakin vanhoja toimenpiteitä jää kokonaan tai osittain tarpeettomiksi. Merkittävimpiä kehitysehdotuksia statustyökaluun olivat elementtitunnuslistan lisääminen mobiiliversioon, elementtitunnusten kopioiminen ohjelmasta, projektin etenemisen seuraamiseen tarkoitettu ympyräkaavio sekä uudenlainen tasopiirustusten kaltainen visuaalinen esitys vallitsevasta tilanteesta. Lisäksi pidemmällä tähtäimellä statustyökaluun tulisi kehittää automatisointia, ominaisuus elementtien tilaamiseksi ohjelman kautta sekä aikataulutietoa palvelevia ominaisuuksia, kuten statustietojen vertaaminen tavoiteaikatietoihin ja automaattiset ilmoitukset mahdollisista viivästymisistä. Oman haasteensa ohjelman pilotoinnissa aiheutti tarvittavien osapuolten sitouttaminen ohjelman testaukseen. Statustyökalun käytössä ehkä kaikista tärkein asia onkin osapuolten sitouttaminen statustietojen aktiiviseen päivittämiseen. Pilotoinneissa osapuolet eivät vielä kokeneet saavansa hyötyä statustyökalun käytöstä. Yksi syy siihen oli juuri se, että kaikki tarvittavat osapuolet eivät käyttäneet ohjelmaa. Toinen syy oli, että haastateltavat kokivat statustyökalusta puuttuvan joitakin merkittäviä ominaisuuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tietojen pohjalta statustyökalua voidaan kuitenkin kehittää käyttäjien toivomaan suuntaan

    Total Constraint Management for Improving Construction Work Flow in Liquefied Natural Gas Industry

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    Australia has benefited and will continue to benefit significantly from Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) investments underway. Managing these LNG projects is challenging as they become increasingly complex and technologically demanding. The primary goal of this thesis is to develop a Total Constraint Management (TCM) method to improve construction work flow during LNG construction. Five controlled experiments were conducted and results show that successful implementation of TCM can significantly improve construction productivity and reduce schedule overruns

    An Information Exchange Framework For BIM, BAS, And IoT Data Using Semantic Web Technologies

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    With digital technologies like Building Information Modeling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT), and Building Automation System (BAS), an increasing amount of data is being created. Data silos in Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry emerged. The isolation between BIM-based building contextual information, IoT devices’ time-series data, and BAS metadata still exist. This research aims to develop a framework to facilitate information exchange between BIM-based building contextual data, IoT devices’ time-series data, and BAS metadata using Semantic Web technology. This research: i) conducts a comprehensive literature review on BIM and IoT integration based on domains of application and integration methods to summarized an optimal current approach; ii) proposes a framework which enables information exchange among semantically described building contextual data, BAS metadata, and time-series data; iii) the proposed framework uses BOT and BRICK schema to describe building contextual data and BAS metadata; iv) creates an MVD for BIM assisted BAS design and information exchange using BACnet and IFC use case; v) validates the framework with the use case and data from Georgia Tech campus buildings.Ph.D