4 research outputs found

    Optimizing Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning Model to Improve Students' Mathematical Self-Confidence

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    This research is motivated by the low self-confidence of students in the learning process at SMAN 1 Ngemplak where the students who were respondents were 35 students consisting of 22 female students and 13 male. The solution given is using a cooperative learning model with jigsaw type. Based on the evaluation of cycle I obtained an average value of 61.71 with a percentage of mastery learning 57%. The highest score obtained by students is 80 and the lowest score is 40. Whereas for giving a confidence questionnaire in pre-cycle is 66.63  in the medium category and after cycle I it increases to 80.17 but still in the medium category. The results obtained in the first cycle are still quite good or have not been fulfilled. Based on the results of the second cycle evaluation, the average is obtained 75.57 and 89% completeness learning increased from 57% previously. In addition, an increase in student confidence was also seen from the comparison of the results of the assessment questionnaire in pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II, which initially 66.63 became 80.17 and ended 86.80. Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya kepercayaan diri siswa dalam proses pembelajaran di SMAN 1 Ngemplak dimana siswa yang menjadi responden adalah 35 siswa yang terdiri dari 22 siswa perempuan dan 13 laki-laki. Solusi yang diberikan adalah menggunakan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe jigsaw. Berdasarkan evaluasi siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata 61,71 dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar 57%. Skor tertinggi yang diperoleh siswa adalah 80 dan skor terendah adalah 40. Sedangkan skor kepercayaan diri pada pra siklus adalah 66,63 yang berada pada kategori sedang. Setelah dilakukan siklus I, skor kepercayaan diri meningkat menjadi 80,17 tetapi masih dalam kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi siklus II, diperoleh nilai rata-rata 75,57 yang sebelumnya adalah 61,71. Ketuntasan belajar pada akhir siklus II adalah 89% yang meningkat dari 57% pada akhir siklus I. Selain itu, peningkatan kepercayaan diri siswa juga terlihat dari perbandingan hasil angket penilaian pada pra siklus, siklus I dan siklus II, yang awalnya 66,63 menjadi 80,17 dan berakhir 86,80. 

    History Teaching in Vocational School Based on Curriculum 2013

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    The Curriculum 2013 is a learning guidance for schools in Indonesia. One among many schools that applied Curriculum 2013 is vocational school. Social sciences based majors also being taught in vocational school. One of them is Indonesian History. The major of history in vocational school is very strategic for internalizing national character values. Unfortunately, history teachers in vocational school don’t apply suitable way in their teaching. That’s understandable since students in vocational school focus on vocational majors. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method by utilizing some techniques of data collection such as observations, interviews and documentations. The aim of this research is to know teaching strategy which is suitable in vocational school. The benefit of this research is the finding of ideal teaching strategy for vocational school students. In this case, the object of research is SMK Negeri 3 Kudus. History teaching in vocational school can utilize teaching media and learning in historical site. Those two strategies have goal for easing students of vocational school in understanding material of history subject. Each of those strategies has advantages and downsides, so that combination of them can cover each others’ downsides

    Learning strategies using augmented reality technology in education: Meta-analysis

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    The learning environment is changing rapidly with the advent of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. One of the trending technologies in education is Augmented Reality. The Augmented Reality technology allows users to interact with virtual objects that are integrated into the real world and appear in the same space in real-time. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to identify the types of learning strategies that have been implemented using the Augmented Reality technology. The research methodology is based on a systematic literature search in online databases, namely, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Taylor Francis, and Springer. Keywords used in the search include Augmented Reality in education, learning strategies, integration strategies, as well as Augmented Reality teaching and learning. The results of this meta-analysis reveal that interactive learning, game-based learning, collaborative learning, and experiential learning are the dominant strategies in education that use Augmented Reality. Such findings will provide educators with guidance on the learning strategies that use Augmented Reality and its potential in education, which will subsequently lead to further research on how learning strategies using the Augmented Reality technology can be implemented in teaching and learning effectively

    Pedagogical supervision in Poland and Portugal: a qualitative study of discourses and practices in teacher development

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    Em um mundo de rápidas mudanças sociais e econômicas, onde o crescimento da informação e do conhecimento é muito mais rápido do que nunca na história, a educação responsável da geração mais jovem assumiu uma nova dimensão. Na educação, a idéia de aprendizagem ao longo da vida para os professores e seu contínuo desenvolvimento profissional no conhecimento de conteúdo, bem como nas competências interpessoais e sociais, ganharam particular importância. Para permitir que os professores se desenvolvam profissionalmente, muitos programas e projetos foram criados. O desenvolvimento profissional contínuo também é descrito em documentos de políticas nacionais e internacionais. Esta dissertação concentra-se em uma dessas iniciativas - Projeto de Supervisão Pedagógica - que, em termos gerais, se concentra no desenvolvimento profissional do professor por meio da cooperação de professores, incluindo observação mútua das aulas, reflexões críticas e implementação de conclusões na prática cotidiana, a fim de melhorá-la. Em minha pesquisa, eu queria obter o máximo de conhecimento sobre o conceito de supervisão pedagógica, seu funcionamento, pontos fortes e fracos, implicações potenciais e possíveis para o funcionamento e o trabalho amplamente compreendidos dos professores no contexto europeu emergente. Para minha pesquisa empírica, escolhi duas escolas, uma na Polônia e outra em Portugal. Em cada um deles, passei um ano observando o trabalho dos professores, conversando com eles, conduzindo entrevistas e tentando entender como o Projeto de Supervisão Pedagógica funciona. Em Portugal, fui observador do Projeto de Supervisão Pedagógica, enquanto na escola polonesa fui responsável por sua implementação, processo em que me baseei no conhecimento e na experiência adquirida em Portugal. Também examinei como as leis de ambos os países e os documentos emitidos pela Comissão Europeia abordam a questão da supervisão pedagógica como tal. Em exemplos concretos, minha pesquisa mostra os benefícios da Supervisão Pedagógica para professores e alunos. No entanto, também mostra que, para que a Supervisão Pedagógica funcione, sua implementação deve ser precedida de uma preparação cuidadosa, bem pensada e adaptada às necessidades e capacidades das escolas de concreto, levando em consideração seriamente seus contextos socioculturais.In a world of rapid social and economic changes, where the growth in information and knowledge is much faster than ever in history, responsible education of the youngest generation has taken on a new dimension. In education, the idea of lifelong learning for teachers and their continuous professional development in content knowledge as well as interpersonal and social competences have particularly gained in importance. In order to enable teachers to professionally develop, many programs and projects have been created. Continuous professional development is also described in national and international policy documents. This dissertation focuses on one of such initiatives - pedagogical supervision project - which in general terms centers on teacher professional development through teacher cooperation, including mutual observation of lessons, critical reflections and implementation of conclusions in everyday practice in order to improve it. In my research, I wanted to gain maximum knowledge about the concept of pedagogical supervision, its functioning, strengths and weaknesses and possible implications for the broadly understood functioning and work of teachers in the emerging European context. For my empirical research, I chose two schools, one in Poland and the other one Portugal. In each of them I spent a year observing teachers’ work, talking to them, conducting interviews and trying to understand how the pedagogical supervision project functions. In Portugal, I was an observant of the pedagogical supervision project while at the Polish school I was responsible for its implementation, a process in which I drew on the knowledge and experience gained in Portugal. I also examined how the laws of both countries and the documents issued by the European Commission approach the issue of pedagogical supervision as such. Drawing on concrete examples, my research shows the benefits of pedagogical supervision for teachers and students. However, it also shows that in order for pedagogical supervision to work, its implementation should be preceded by careful preparation, be well thought-out and tailored to the needs and capabilities of concrete schools, taking into serious account their socio-cultural contexts