16 research outputs found

    Usability for digital libraries

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    Metadata Extraction from References of Different Styles

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    Metadata extraction is the process of describing extrinsic and intrinsic qualities of the resource such as document, image, video, including getting data from references. References form an essential part of electronic scholarly publications. A reference is the way of giving acknowledgment to individuals for their creative and intellectual works that one utilized in his or her research work. It can also be used to locate particular sources and combat plagiarism. A reference style dictates the information necessary for a reference and how the information is ordered. Accurate and automatic reference metadata generation provides scalability, interoperability and usability for digital libraries of both public and private institution and their collections. Accurate reference metadata extraction becomes an intriguing task to researchers who want to collect data of scientific publications; therefore, this research work proposes a metadata extraction from references of different styles with the use of regular expression. This work accurately extract metadata such as author, title of article, volume, year of publication and institution from references of different styles limiting it to six referencing style

    What is usability in the context of the digital library and how can it be measured?

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    This paper reviews how usability has been defined in the context of the digital library, what methods have been applied and their applicability, and proposes an evaluation model and a suite of instruments for evaluating usability for academic digital libraries. The model examines effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, and learnability. It is found that there exists an interlocking relationship among effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. It also examines how learnability interacts with these three attributes


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    This article is the result of an exploration of the literature that supports the role of library management in improving quality with various cultural backgrounds. The method of writing analysis from the literature found by the author with a qualitative approach. The exploration results show that one of the supporting facilities for the Regional Archives and Libraries Service of Buleleng Regency is the role that exists in the library. The provision of a library also supports the implementation of development in Buleleng Regency. The library is a dynamic space that can build works of human civilization. The progress of culture and civilization of a nation cannot be separated from the progress of the available libraries. The progress and decline of a nation lies in the library it has. Like the life of the library is the heart of a life

    Supporting gender-neutral digital library creation: a case study using the GenderMag toolkit

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    Software is assumed by its creators and maintainers to be gender-neutral: that is, that it is equally well suited for use by any user, regardless of gender. We investigate this assumption in the digital libraries context through analysis of a significant digital library construction and maintenance tool—the Greenstone Digital Librarian Interface (GLI)—using the GenderMag toolkit. GenderMag provides personas whose approaches to software use fall across the spectrum of gender-stereotypic actions and motivations. The personas are used as the basis for cognitive walkthroughs of the system under investigation, to uncover potential gender biases in system functionality and interface design. We uncover significant such biases in GLI

    Investigating the ‘why’ rather than the ‘how’: current research priorities on the influence of culture on new-comer populations’ use of public libraries

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    Introduction - Library researchers are often concerned with the factors that affect individual use of public library resources. To date, culture as a determinant of public library use has not been fully explored across all public library populations. Method - As preparation for a larger study, a literature review on the information behaviours, and the use of public library resources, by new-comer populations was completed. This output was based on a literature search on commercial databases and Google Scholar. Thematic concept mapping surfaced relevant seams of extant literature of interest to the broader study. Results - Much of the literature cites socio-cultural/cultural factors as important influences on resource use in public libraries. However, few articulate these factors in detail, nor define their relationship to information behaviour and use. In addition, consideration of new-comer populations is often absent in these analyses. Conclusion - There is a case for further investigation on the influence of culture on newcomer populations’ use of public libraries. It is anticipated that improved understanding in this domain will help determine improved public library provision for new-comer populations

    Automatic Table Recognition and Extrac-tion from Heterogeneous Documents

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    Abstract This paper examines automatic recognition and extraction of tables from a large collection of heterogeneous documents. The heterogeneous documents are initially pre-processed and converted to HTML codes, after which an algorithm recognises the table portion of the documents. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is then applied to the HTML code in order to extract the tables. The model was trained and tested with five hundred and twenty six self-generated tables (three hundred and twenty-one (321) tables for training and two hundred and five (205) tables for testing). Viterbi algorithm was implemented for the testing part. The system was evaluated in terms of accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure. The overall evaluation results show 88.8% accuracy, 96.8% precision, 91.7% recall and 88.8% F-measure revealing that the method is good at solving the problem of table extraction

    Aplicación del modelo de series de tiempo a la prospección del servicio de referencia en línea de la Biblioteca del IIMAS-UNAM

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    In this paper, the time-series model is used to assess the e-mail-based online reference service of the IIMAS-UNAM library, with the aim of obtaining a prospective of its future trends.Se valida el modelo de series de tiempo en un estudio prospectivo del servicio de referencia en línea vía correo electrónico en términos de su demanda a partir de un ejemplo real, en donde el análisis ayude a conocer la tendencia del servicio sobre la base de datos reales y con el propósito de obtener resultados confiables que no sean puramente especulativos, sino que, a partir de una metodología lo suficientemente sólida, se pueda llegar a una mejor planeación del servicio de referencia en esta modalidad. En los resultados se muestra el modelado de los datos consiguiendo demostrar cómo las técnicas estadísticas pueden ser utilizadas para predecir tendencias del servicio en línea. Este estudio aporta un planteamiento teórico que a futuro pueda coadyuvar en la solución de problemas prácticos, considerando el rumbo de las tendencias del servicio de referencia con la aplicación de métodos estadísticos

    Integrating information seeking and information structuring: spatial hypertext as an interface to the digital library.

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    Information seeking is the task of finding documents that satisfy the information needs of a person or organisation. Digital Libraries are one means of providing documents to meet the information needs of their users - i.e. as a resource to support information seeking. Therefore, research into the activity of information seeking is key to the development and understanding of digital libraries. Information structuring is the activity of organising documents found in the process of information seeking. Information structuring can be seen as either part of information seeking, or as a sepárate, complementary activity. It is a task performed by the seeker themselves and targeted by them to support their understanding and the management of later seeking activity. Though information structuring is an important task, it receives sparse support in current digital library Systems. Spatial hypertexts are computer software Systems that have been specifically been developed to support information structuring. However, they seldom are connected to Systems that support information seeking. Thus to day, the two inter-related activities of information seeking and information structuring have been supported by disjoint computer Systems. However, a variety of research strongly indicates that in physical environments, information seeking and information structuring are closely inter-related activities. Given this connection, this thesis explores whether a similar relationship can be found in electronic information seeking environments. However, given the absence of a software system that supports both activities well, there is an immédiate practical problem. In this thesis, I introduce an integrated information seeking and structuring System, called Garnet, that provides a spatial hypertext interface that also supports information seeking in a digital library. The opportunity of supporting information seeking by the artefacts of information structuring is explored in the Garnet system, drawing on the benefits previously found in supporting one information seeking activity with the artefacts of another. Garnet and its use are studied in a qualitative user study that results in the comparison of user behaviour in a combined electronic environment with previous studies in physical environments. The response of participants to using Garnet is reported, particularly regarding their perceptions of the combined system and the quality of the interaction. Finally, the potential value of the artefacts of information structuring to support information seeking is also evaluated

    O serviço de referência - do tradicional ao virtual: o caso da Biblioteca do tribunal de Contas

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Informação e da DocumentaçãoEste trabalho aborda a importância do Serviço de Referência e as constantes mudanças de paradigmas, conceitos e possibilidades técnicas e tecnológicas nos contextos tradicionais e digitais/virtuais. Analisa os métodos e as normas mais utilizados a nível internacional. Focaliza também, a forma como os profissionais envolvidos com o trabalho de referência utilizam os seus conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento do serviço em função do cliente