4 research outputs found

    Integration of a personalised mobile health (mHealth) application into the care of patients with brain tumours: proof-of-concept study (IDEAL stage 1)

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    Objectives: Brain tumours lead to significant morbidity including a neurocognitive, physical and psychological burden of disease. The extent to which they impact the multiple domains of health is difficult to capture leading to a significant degree of unmet needs. Mobile health tools such as Vinehealth have the potential to identify and address these needs through real-world data generation and delivery of personalised educational material and therapies. We aimed to establish the feasibility of Vinehealth integration into brain tumour care, its ability to collect real-world and (electronic) patient-recorded outcome (ePRO) data, and subjective improvement in care. Design: A mixed-methodology IDEAL stage 1 study. Setting: A single tertiary care centre. Participants: Six patients consented and four downloaded and engaged with the mHealth application throughout the 12 weeks of the study. Main outcome measures: Over a 12-week period, we collected real-world and ePRO data via Vinehealth. We assessed qualitative feedback from mixed-methodology surveys and semistructured interviews at recruitment and after 2 weeks. Results: 565 data points were captured including, but not limited to: symptoms, activity, well-being and medication. EORTC QLQ-BN20 and EQ-5D-5L completion rates (54% and 46%) were impacted by technical issues; 100% completion rates were seen when ePROs were received. More brain cancer tumour-specific content was requested. All participants recommended the application and felt it improved care. Conclusions: Our findings indicate value in an application to holistically support patients living with brain cancer tumours and established the feasibility and safety of further studies to more rigorously assess this

    A Web-Based Interactive Tool to Reduce Childhood Obesity Risk in Urban Minority Youth: Usability Testing Study

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    Background: Childhood obesity is a serious public health issue among minority youth in the United States. Technology-enhanced approaches can be effective for promoting healthy behavior change. Objective: The purpose of this study was to test the usability of prototypes of a Web-based interactive tool promoting healthy dietary behaviors to reduce childhood obesity risk in urban minority youth. The Web-based tool comprised a manga-style comic with interactive features (eg, sound effects, clickable pop-ups), tailored messaging, and goal setting, and was optimized for use on tablet devices. Methods: Latino and black/African American children ages 9 to 13 years were recruited to participate in two rounds of usability testing. A modified think-aloud method was utilized. Self-reported surveys and field notes were collected. Audio recordings and field notes from usability testing sessions were systematically reviewed by extracting and coding user feedback as either positive comments or usability or negative issues. The quantitative data from self-reported questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Twelve children (four female; eight black/African American) with a mean age of 10.92 (SD 1.16) years participated. Testing highlighted overall positive experiences with the Web-based interactive tool, especially related to storyline, sound effects, and color schemes. Specific usability issues were classified into six themes: appearance, content, special effects, storyline, terminology, and navigation. Changes to the Web-based tool after round 1 included adding a navigation guide, making clickable icons more visible, improving graphic designs, and fixing programming errors. In round 2 of testing (after modifications to the Web-based tool were incorporated), many of the usability issues that were identified in round 1 did not emerge. Conclusions: Results of testing will inform further development and finalization of the tool, which will be tested using a two-group pilot randomized study, with the goal of reducing childhood obesity risk in minority, low-income youth

    Modelos de simulação clínica virtual : revisão de escopo

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jorge Vinícius Cestari FelixCoorientador: Profª Drª Shirley BollerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem. Defesa : Curitiba, 25/03/2022Inclui referências: p. 90-100Área de concentração: Prática Profissional de EnfermagemResumo: O objetivo deste presente estudo foi identificar quais modelos de simulação clínica virtual descritos na literatura científica são utilizados como estratégia de ensino em estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem. A simulação clínica, é uma técnica que substitui as experiências reais por experiências guiadas replicáveis permitindo aos estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem vivenciarem a representação de um acontecimento real. Uma vez que a simulação clínica virtual utiliza um computador de alto nível, fazendo com que essa técnica viabilize condições de maior segurança e autoconfiança do estudante durante sua formação teórica e prática, consolidando seus conhecimentos, habilidades e competências. Método: Revisão sistematizada do tipo Scoping Review, que consiste nas cinco etapas: (1) formulação da questão de pesquisa (2) identificação dos estudos relevantes; (3) seleção de estudos; (4) mapeamento de evidências científicas; (5) apresentação e interpretação dos resultados. As bibliotecas digitais e bases de dados escolhidas para este estudo foram: PubMed, Medline, Scielo, Scopus, BvS, Web of Science, Lilacs, Embase, Ebsco. Os descritores utilizados foram: Simulação/ Simulação clínica/ Simulação clínica virtual/ Realidade virtual /Treinamento por Simulação/ Treinamento com Simulação de Alta Fidelidade/ Simulação por Computador/ Estudante de Enfermagem/ Estratégias de ensino/ Educação. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de 1° de maio até 1° de novembro do ano de 2020. Foram descritos os seguintes critérios de seleção: trabalhos de qualquer natureza que retratam estudos sob simulação clínica virtual em estudantes de enfermagem da graduação e pós-graduação; artigos publicados na literatura nacional e internacional nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol dos últimos 20 anos, desde janeiro 2000 até agosto 2020, todos estes disponíveis online nas bases de dados consultados e aqueles que respondem ao problema ou questão de revisão. Os dados extraídos foram analisados e sintetizados narrativamente. Resultados: Dos 711 artigos recuperadas na busca, foram salvas para revisão e conteúdo, onde apenas 52 artigos duplicados e excluídas por não contribuírem com elementos para a análise temática desta revisão, 507 estudos foram excluídos com base no título e resumo, dos quais 152 foram selecionados, assim 99 estudos foram excluídos com base no conteúdo. Apenas 53 estudos atenderam os critérios de seleção para o estudo. Destes, 16 foram selecionados no Scopus, 17 no Medline/PubMed, 1 no Embase, 11 no Ebesco, 1 no BvS, 7 no Web Of Science e 5 no PubMed Central. Conclusão: Esta revisão de escopo fornece uma avaliação abrangente do uso de diferentes modelos de simulação clínica virtual no ensino de enfermagem, esses modelos podem melhorar o conhecimento de estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem. Em geral, o uso da simulação de realidade virtual deve ser considerado para aprimorar o conhecimento e como complemento a outras estratégias de simulação para melhorar a qualidade e a segurança da prática clínica. No entanto, a heterogeneidade e o risco de viés entre os estudos incluídos devem ser levados em consideração. Estudos de grande escala rigorosamente desenhados são necessários para confirmar ainda mais os resultados desta revisão.Abstract: The objective of this present study was to identify which virtual clinical simulation models described in the scientific literature are used as a teaching strategy for nursing students and professionals. Clinical simulation is a technique that replaces real experiences with replicable guided experiences, allowing nursing students and professionals to experience the representation of a real event. Since the virtual clinical simulation uses a high-level computer, making this technique possible conditions of greater security and self-confidence of the student during their theoretical and practical training, consolidating their knowledge, skills and competences. Method: Systematized review of the Scoping Review type, which consists of five steps: (1) formulation of the research question (2) identification of relevant studies; (3) selection of studies; (4) mapping of scientific evidence; (5) presentation and interpretation of results. The digital libraries and databases chosen for this study were: PubMed, Medline, Scielo, Scopus, BvS, Web of Science, Lilacs, Embase, Ebesco. The descriptors used were: Simulation / Clinical Simulation / Virtual Clinical Simulation / Virtual Reality / Training by Simulation / Training with High Fidelity Simulation / Computer Simulation / Nursing Student / Teaching Strategies / Education. Data collection took place from May 1st to November 1st, 2020. The following selection criteria were described: works of any nature that portray studies under virtual clinical simulation in undergraduate and graduate nursing students graduation; articles published in national and international literature in Portuguese, English and Spanish for the last 20 years, from January 2000 to August 2020, all of which are available online in the consulted databases and those that respond to the problem or review question. The extracted data were analyzed and synthesized narratively. Results: Of the 711 articles retrieved in the search, they were saved for review and content, where only 52 articles were duplicated and excluded for not contributing elements to the thematic analysis of this review, 507 studies were excluded based on title and abstract, of which 152 were selected, thus 99 studies were excluded based on content. Only 53 studies met the selection criteria for the study. Of these, 16 were selected from Scopus, 17 from Medline/PubMed, 1 from Embase, 11 from Ebesco, 1 from BvS, 7 from Web Of Science and 5 from PubMed Central. Conclusion: This scoping review provides a comprehensive assessment of the use of different virtual clinical simulation models in nursing education, these models can improve the knowledge of nursing students and professionals. In general, the use of virtual reality simulation should be considered to enhance knowledge and as a complement to other simulation strategies to improve the quality and safety of clinical practice. However, heterogeneity and risk of bias among included studies must be taken into account. Large-scale rigorously designed studies are needed to further confirm the results of this review