9,306 research outputs found

    Some findings on the applications of ERTS and Skylab imagery for metropolitan land use analysis

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Work undertaken on a three-sensor land use data evaluation for a portion of the Phoenix area is reported. Analyses between land use data generated from 1970 high altitude photography and that detectable from ERTS and Skylab, especially in terms of changes in land use indicate that ERTS and Skylab imagery can be used effectively to detect and identify areas of post-1970 land use change, especially those documenting urban expansion at the rural-urban fringe. Significant preliminary findings on the utility of ERTS and Skylab data for metropolitan land use analysis, substantiated by evaluation with 1970 and 1972 ground control land use data are reported

    Benefits from remote sensing data utilization in urban planning processes and system recommendations

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    The benefits of utilizing remote sensor data in the urban planning process of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments are investigated. An evaluation of sensor requirements, a description/ comparison of costs, benefits, levels of accuracy, ease of attainment, and frequency of update possible using sensor versus traditional data acquisition techniques are discussed

    Land use, urban, environmental, and cartographic applications, chapter 2, part D

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    Microwave data and its use in effective state, regional, and national land use planning are dealt with. Special attention was given to monitoring land use change, especially dynamic components, and the interaction between land use and dynamic features of the environment. Disaster and environmental monitoring are also discussed

    Classification accuracy increase using multisensor data fusion

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    The practical use of very high resolution visible and near-infrared (VNIR) data is still growing (IKONOS, Quickbird, GeoEye-1, etc.) but for classification purposes the number of bands is limited in comparison to full spectral imaging. These limitations may lead to the confusion of materials such as different roofs, pavements, roads, etc. and therefore may provide wrong interpretation and use of classification products. Employment of hyperspectral data is another solution, but their low spatial resolution (comparing to multispectral data) restrict their usage for many applications. Another improvement can be achieved by fusion approaches of multisensory data since this may increase the quality of scene classification. Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data is widely performed for automatic classification, interpretation, and change detection. In this paper we present an approach for very high resolution SAR and multispectral data fusion for automatic classification in urban areas. Single polarization TerraSAR-X (SpotLight mode) and multispectral data are integrated using the INFOFUSE framework, consisting of feature extraction (information fission), unsupervised clustering (data representation on a finite domain and dimensionality reduction), and data aggregation (Bayesian or neural network). This framework allows a relevant way of multisource data combination following consensus theory. The classification is not influenced by the limitations of dimensionality, and the calculation complexity primarily depends on the step of dimensionality reduction. Fusion of single polarization TerraSAR-X, WorldView-2 (VNIR or full set), and Digital Surface Model (DSM) data allow for different types of urban objects to be classified into predefined classes of interest with increased accuracy. The comparison to classification results of WorldView-2 multispectral data (8 spectral bands) is provided and the numerical evaluation of the method in comparison to other established methods illustrates the advantage in the classification accuracy for many classes such as buildings, low vegetation, sport objects, forest, roads, rail roads, etc

    Land use analysis of US urban areas using high-resolution imagery from Skylab

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The S-190B imagery from Skylab 3 permitted the detection of higher levels of land use detail than any satellite imagery previously evaluated using manual interpretation techniques. Resolution approaches that of 1:100,000 scale infrared aircraft photography, especially regarding urban areas. Nonurban areas are less distinct

    Multispectral Resource Sampler (MPS): Proof of Concept. Literature survey of atmospheric corrections

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    Work done in combining spectral bands to reduce atmospheric effects on spectral signatures is described. The development of atmospheric models and their use with ground and aerial measurements in correcting spectral signatures is reviewed. An overview of studies of atmospheric effects on the accuracy of scene classification is provided

    Gradients in urban material composition: A new concept to map cities with spaceborne imaging spectroscopy data

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    To understand processes in urban environments, such as urban energy fluxes or surface temperature patterns, it is important to map urban surface materials. Airborne imaging spectroscopy data have been successfully used to identify urban surface materials mainly based on unmixing algorithms. Upcoming spaceborne Imaging Spectrometers (IS), such as the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP), will reduce the time and cost-critical limitations of airborne systems for Earth Observation (EO). However, the spatial resolution of all operated and planned IS in space will not be higher than 20 to 30 m and, thus, the detection of pure Endmember (EM) candidates in urban areas, a requirement for spectral unmixing, is very limited. Gradient analysis could be an alternative method for retrieving urban surface material compositions in pixels from spaceborne IS. The gradient concept is well known in ecology to identify plant species assemblages formed by similar environmental conditions but has never been tested for urban materials. However, urban areas also contain neighbourhoods with similar physical, compositional and structural characteristics. Based on this assumption, this study investigated (1) whether cover fractions of surface materials change gradually in urban areas and (2) whether these gradients can be adequately mapped and interpreted using imaging spectroscopy data (e.g. EnMAP) with 30 m spatial resolution. Similarities of material compositions were analysed on the basis of 153 systematically distributed samples on a detailed surface material map using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). Determined gradient scores for the first two gradients were regressed against the corresponding mean reflectance of simulated EnMAP spectra using Partial Least Square regression models. Results show strong correlations with R2 = 0.85 and R2 = 0.71 and an RMSE of 0.24 and 0.21 for the first and second axis, respectively. The subsequent mapping of the first gradient reveals patterns that correspond to the transition from predominantly vegetation classes to the dominance of artificial materials. Patterns resulting from the second gradient are associated with surface material compositions that are related to finer structural differences in urban structures. The composite gradient map shows patterns of common surface material compositions that can be related to urban land use classes such as Urban Structure Types (UST). By linking the knowledge of typical material compositions with urban structures, gradient analysis seems to be a powerful tool to map characteristic material compositions in 30 m imaging spectroscopy data of urban areas

    Automated Satellite-Based Landslide Identification Product for Nepal

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    Landslide event inventories are a vital resource for landslide susceptibility and forecasting applications. However, landslide inventories can vary in accuracy, availability, and timeliness as a result of varying detection methods, reporting, and data availability. This study presents an approach to use publicly available satellite data and open source software to automate a landslide detection process called the Sudden Landslide Identification Product (SLIP). SLIP utilizes optical data from the Landsat 8 OLI sensor, elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), and precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission to create a reproducible and spatially customizable landslide identification product. The SLIP software applies change detection algorithms to identify areas of new bare-earth exposures that may be landslide events. The study also presents a precipitation monitoring tool that runs alongside SLIP called the Detecting Real-time Increased Precipitation (DRIP) model that helps identify the timing of potential landslide events detected by SLIP. Using SLIP and DRIP together, landslide detection is improved by reducing problems related to accuracy, availability, and timeliness that are prevalent in the state-of-the-art of landslide detection. A case study and validation exercise was performed in Nepal for images acquired between 2014 and 2015. Preliminary validation results suggest 56% model accuracy, with errors of commission often resulting from newly cleared agricultural areas. These results suggest that SLIP is an important first attempt in an automated framework that can be used for medium resolution regional landslide detection, although it requires refinement before being fully realized as an operational tool

    Improved LANDSAT to give better view of earth resources

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    The launch data of LANDSAT 3 is announced. The improved capability of the spacecrafts' remote sensors (the return beam vidicon and the multispectral scanner) and application of LANDSAT data to the study of energy supplies, food production, and global large-scale environmental monitoring are discussed along with the piggyback amateur radio communication satellite-OSCAR-D, the plasma Interaction Experiment, and the data collection system onboard LANDSAT 3. An assessment of the utility of LANDSAT multispectral data is given based on the research results to data from studies of LANDSAT 1 and 2 data. Areas studied include agriculture, rangelands, forestry, water resources, environmental and marine resources, environmental and marine resources, cartography, land use, demography, and geological surveys and mineral/petroleum exploration