31 research outputs found

    Advanced receiver structures for mobile MIMO multicarrier communication systems

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    Beyond third generation (3G) and fourth generation (4G) wireless communication systems are targeting far higher data rates, spectral efficiency and mobility requirements than existing 3G networks. By using multiple antennas at the transmitter and the receiver, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology allows improving both the spectral efficiency (bits/s/Hz), the coverage, and link reliability of the system. Multicarrier modulation such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a powerful technique to handle impairments specific to the wireless radio channel. The combination of multicarrier modulation together with MIMO signaling provides a feasible physical layer technology for future beyond 3G and fourth generation communication systems. The theoretical benefits of MIMO and multicarrier modulation may not be fully achieved because the wireless transmission channels are time and frequency selective. Also, high data rates call for a large bandwidth and high carrier frequencies. As a result, an important Doppler spread is likely to be experienced, leading to variations of the channel over very short period of time. At the same time, transceiver front-end imperfections, mobility and rich scattering environments cause frequency synchronization errors. Unlike their single-carrier counterparts, multi-carrier transmissions are extremely sensitive to carrier frequency offsets (CFO). Therefore, reliable channel estimation and frequency synchronization are necessary to obtain the benefits of MIMO OFDM in mobile systems. These two topics are the main research problems in this thesis. An algorithm for the joint estimation and tracking of channel and CFO parameters in MIMO OFDM is developed in this thesis. A specific state-space model is introduced for MIMO OFDM systems impaired by multiple carrier frequency offsets under time-frequency selective fading. In MIMO systems, multiple frequency offsets are justified by mobility, rich scattering environment and large angle spread, as well as potentially separate radio frequency - intermediate frequency chains. An extended Kalman filter stage tracks channel and CFO parameters. Tracking takes place in time domain, which ensures reduced computational complexity, robustness to estimation errors as well as low estimation variance in comparison to frequency domain processing. The thesis also addresses the problem of blind carrier frequency synchronization in OFDM. Blind techniques exploit statistical or structural properties of the OFDM modulation. Two novel approaches are proposed for blind fine CFO estimation. The first one aims at restoring the orthogonality of the OFDM transmission by exploiting the properties of the received signal covariance matrix. The second approach is a subspace algorithm exploiting the correlation of the channel frequency response among the subcarriers. Both methods achieve reliable estimation of the CFO regardless of multipath fading. The subspace algorithm needs extremely small sample support, which is a key feature in the face of time-selective channels. Finally, the Cramér-Rao (CRB) bound is established for the problem in order to assess the large sample performance of the proposed algorithms.reviewe

    Network-Wide Distributed Carrier Frequency Offsets Estimation and Compensation via Belief Propagation

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    In this paper, we propose a fully distributed algorithm for frequency offsets estimation in decentralized systems. The idea is based on belief propagation, resulting in that each node estimates its own frequency offsets by local computations and limited exchange of information with its direct neighbors. Such algorithm does not require any centralized information processing or knowledge of global network topology, thus is scalable with network size. It is shown analytically that the proposed algorithm always converges to the optimal estimates regardless of network topology. Simulation results demonstrate the fast convergence of the algorithm and show that estimation mean-squared-error at each node approaches the centralized Craḿer-Rao bound within a few iterations of message exchange.published_or_final_versio


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 森川 博之, 東京大学准教授 中山 雅哉, 東京大学教授 相田 仁, 東京大学准教授 川原 圭博, 東京大学教授 廣瀬 明University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Channel and frequency offset estimation schemes for multicarrier systems

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaO presente trabalho aborda o problema da estimação de canal e da estimação de desvio de frequência em sistemas OFDM com múltiplas configurações de antenas no transmissor e no receptor. Nesta tese é apresentado o estudo teórico sobre o impacto da densidade de pilotos no desempenho da estimação de canal em sistemas OFDM e são propostos diversos algoritmos para estimação de canal e estimação de desvio de frequência em sistemas OFDM com antenas únicas no transmissor e receptor, com diversidade de transmissão e MIMO. O estudo teórico culmina com a formulação analítica do erro quadrático médio de um estimador de canal genérico num sistema OFDM que utilize pilotos dedicados, distribuidos no quadro transmitido em padrões bi-dimensionais. A formulação genérica é concretizada para o estimador bi-dimensional LS-DFT, permitindo aferir da exactidão da formulação analítica quando comparada com os valores obtidos por simulação do sistema abordado. Os algoritmos de estimação investigados tiram partido da presença de pilotos dedicados presentes nos quadros transmitidos para estimar com precisão os parâmetros pretendidos. Pela sua baixa complexidade, estes algoritmos revelam-se especialmente adequados para implementação em terminais móveis com capacidade computacional e consumo limitados. O desempenho dos algoritmos propostos foi avaliado por meio de simulação do sistema utilizado, recorrendo a modelos aceites de caracterização do canal móvel multipercurso. A comparação do seu desempenho com algoritmos de referência permitir aferir da sua validade. ABSTRACT: The present work focus on the problem of channel estimation and frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems, with different antenna configurations at both the transmitter and the receiver. This thesis presents the theoretical study of the impact of the pilot density in the performance of the channel estimation in OFDM systems and proposes several channel and frequency offset algorithms for OFDM systems with single antenna at both transmitter and receiver, with transmitter diversity and MIMO. The theoretical study results in the analytical formulation of the mean square error of a generic channel estimator for an OFDM system using dedicated pilots, distributed in the transmitted frame in two-dimensional patterns. The generic formulation is implemented for the two-dimensional LS-DFT estimator to verify the accuracy of the analytical formulation when compared with the values obtained by simulation of the discussed system. The investigated estimation algorithms take advantage of the presence of dedicated pilots present in the transmitted frames to accurately estimate the required parameters. Due to its low complexity, these algorithms are especially suited for implementation in mobile terminals with limited processing power and consumption. The performance of the proposed algorithms was evaluated by simulation of the used system, using accepted multipath mobile channel models. The comparison of its performance with the one of reference algorithms measures its validity

    Analysis and Mitigation of Asynchronous Interference in Coordinated Multipoint Systems

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    Next generation cellular wireless networks need to achieve both high peak and average data rates. Also, they need to improve the fairness by providing more homogenous quality of service distribution over the entire cell area. Base station (BS) cooperation is one of the techniques which is used to achieve these requirements, especially the fairness requirement. It is able not only to mitigate inter-cell interference, but also to exploit this interference and to use it as a useful signal. Although BS cooperation or what is called coordinated multipoint (CoMP) communications proves that it can achieve high gains in theory, there are some challenges that need to be solved in order for it to be widely deployed. One of the major challenges which prevents the CoMP concept from being widely deployed in new cellular systems is timing synchronization. This problem is particularly challenging when OFDM is employed which is the case in the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) of WiMAX systems and in the DL of LTE systems. The problem is inherited from the limitations caused by integer time offsets in OFDM systems. In order to achieve the gains promised by CoMP systems, the user equipments' (UEs) signals in UL or the BSs signals in DL should be synchronized such that the time difference of arrivals do not exceed the cyclic prefix length of the transmitted signals. In this thesis, we first provide a detailed mathematical analysis of the impact of integer time offsets on the performance of single-input-single-output (SISO) OFDM systems. In particular, closed-form expressions for the different types of interference caused by the integer time offset are derived. Furthermore, we derive exact closed-form expressions for the bit error rate (BER) and the symbol error rate (SER) of BPSK, QPSK and 16-QAM modulation for transmission over both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. The effect of the fractional carrier frequency offset (CFO) is taken into consideration in the derivations. For OFDM systems with a large number of subcarriers, an approximate method for evaluating the BER/SER is given. Next, we generalized our expressions to be suitable for the single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) OFDM systems. The derived closed-form expressions for the interference and probability of error enabled us to investigate the timing synchronization problem of UL CoMP systems, where it is not possible for a UE to be synchronized to more than one BS at the same time. This synchronization problem imposes an upper limit on the percentage of cooperation which could occur in an UL CoMP system. By using geometrical and analytical approaches, we define this upper bound. Moreover, an MMSE-based receiver that mitigates the unavoidable asynchronous interference is proposed. Furthermore, a simple joint channel and delay estimation block is incorporated into the receiver to examine its performance with estimation errors. Finally, an iterative procedure is suggested to reduce the complexity of the proposed mitigation method. Numerical results are provided to show the accuracy of the derived expressions and the robustness of the proposed mitigation method

    Traitement du signal pour les communications numériques au travers de canaux radio-mobiles

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    This manuscript of ''Habilitation à diriger les Recherches'' (Habilitation to conduct researches) gives me the opportunity to take stock of the last 14 years on my associate professor activities and on my research works in the field of signal processing for digital communications, particularly for radio-mobile communications. The purpose of this signal processing is generally to obtain a robust transmission, despite the passage of digital information through a communication channel disrupted by the mobility between the transmitter and the receiver (Doppler effect), the phenomenon of echoes (multi-path propagation), the addition of noise or interference, or by limitations in bandwidth, in transmitted power or in signal-to-noise ratio. In order to recover properly the digital information, the receiver needs in general to have an accurate knowledge of the channel state. Much of my work has focused on receiver synchronization or more generally on the dynamic estimation of the channel parameters (delays, phases, amplitudes, Doppler shifts, ...). We have developed estimators and studied their performance in asymptotic variance, and have compared them to minimum lower bound (Cramer-rao or Bayesian Cramer Rao bounds). Some other studies have focused only on the recovering of information (''detection'' or ''equalization'' task) by the receiver after channel estimation, or proposed and analyzed emission / reception schemes, reliable for certain scenarios (transmit diversity scheme for flat fading channel, scheme with high energy efficiency, ...).Ce mémoire de HDR est l'occasion de dresser un bilan des 14 dernières années concernant mes activités d'enseignant-chercheur et mes travaux de recherche dans le domaine du traitement du signal pour les communications numériques, et plus particulièrement les communications radio-mobiles. L'objet de ce traitement du signal est globalement l'obtention d'une transmission robuste, malgré le passage de l'information numérique au travers d'un canal de communication perturbé par la mobilité entre l'émetteur et le récepteur (effet Doppler), le phénomène d'échos, l'addition de bruit ou d'interférence, ou encore par des limitations en bande-passante, en puissance transmise ou en rapport-signal à bruit. Afin de restituer au mieux l'information numérique, le récepteur a en général besoin de disposer d'une connaissance précise du canal. Une grande partie de mes travaux s'est intéressé à l'estimation dynamique des paramètres de ce canal (retards, phases, amplitudes, décalages Doppler, ...), et en particulier à la synchronisation du récepteur. Quelques autres travaux se sont intéressés seulement à la restitution de l'information (tâches de ''détection'' ou d' ''égalisation'') par le récepteur une fois le canal estimé, ou à des schémas d'émission / réception spécifiques. La synthèse des travaux commence par une introduction générale décrivant les ''canaux de communications'' et leurs problèmes potentiels, et positionne chacun de mes travaux en ces termes. Une première partie s'intéresse aux techniques de réception pour les signaux à spectre étalé des systèmes d'accès multiple à répartition par codes (CDMA). Ces systèmes large-bande offrent un fort pouvoir de résolution temporelle et des degrés de liberté, que nous avons exploités pour étudier l'égalisation et la synchronisation (de retard et de phase) en présence de trajets multiples et d'utilisateurs multiples. La première partie regroupe aussi d'autres schémas d'émission/réception, proposés pour leur robustesse dans différents scénarios (schéma à diversité pour canaux à évanouissement plats, schéma à forte efficacité énergétique, ...). La seconde partie est consacrée à l'estimation dynamique Bayésienne des paramètres du canal. On suppose ici qu'une partie des paramètres à estimer exhibe des variations temporelles aléatoires selon une certaine loi à priori. Nous proposons d'abord des estimateurs et des bornes minimales d'estimation pour des modèles de transmission relativement complexes, en raison de la distorsion temporelle due à la forte mobilité en modulation multi-porteuse (OFDM), ou de la présence de plusieurs paramètres à estimer conjointement, ou encore de non linéarités dans les modèles. Nous nous focalisons ensuite sur le problème d'estimation des amplitudes complexes des trajets d'un canal à évolution lente (à 1 ou plusieurs bonds). Nous proposons des estimateurs récursifs (dénommés CATL, pour ''Complex Amplitude Tracking Loop'') à structure imposée inspirée par les boucles à verrouillage de phase numériques, de performance asymptotiques proches des bornes minimales. Les formules analytiques approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglages de ces estimateurs sont établies sous forme de simples fonctions des paramètres physiques (spectre Doppler, retards, niveau de bruit). Puis étant donné les liens établis entre ces estimateurs CATL et certains filtres de Kalman (construits pour des modèles d'état de type marche aléatoire intégrée), les formules approchées de performances asymptotiques et de réglage de ces filtres de Kalman sont aussi dérivées

    Physical Layer Techniques for Wireless Communication Systems

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    The increasing diffusion of mobile devices requiring, everywhere and every time, reliable connections able to support the more common applications, induced in the last years the deployment of telecommunication networks based on technologies capable to respond effectively to the ever-increasing market demand, still a long way off from saturation level. Multicarrier transmission techniques employed in standards for local networks (Wi-Fi) and metropolitan networks (WiMAX) and for many years hot research topic, have been definitely adopted beginning from the fourth generation of cellular systems (LTE). The adoption of multicarrier signaling techniques if on one hand has brought significant advantages to counteract the detrimental effects in environments with particularly harsh propagation channel, on the other hand, has imposed very strict requirements on sensitivity to recovery errors of the carrier frequency offset (CFO) due to the resulting impact on correct signal detection. The main focus of the thesis falls in this area, investigating some aspects relating to synchronization procedures for system based on multicarrier signaling. Particular reference will be made to a network entry procedure for LTE networks and to CFO recovery for OFDM, fltered multitone modulation and direct conversion receivers. Other contributions pertaining to physical layer issues for communication systems, both radio and over acoustic carrier, conclude the thesis

    Virtual-MIMO systems with compress-and-forward cooperation

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have recently emerged as one of the most significant wireless techniques, as they can greatly improve the channel capacity and link reliability of wireless communications. These benefits have encouraged extensive research on a virtual MIMO system where the transmitter has multiple antennas and each of the receivers has a single antenna. Single-antenna receivers can work together to form a virtual antenna array and reap some performance benefits of MIMO systems. The idea of receiver-side local cooperation is attractive for wireless networks since a wireless receiver may not have multiple antennas due to size and cost limitations. In this thesis we investigate a virtual-MIMO wireless system using the receiver-side cooperation with the compress-and-forward (CF) protocol. Firstly, to perform CF at the relay, we propose to use standard source coding techniques, based on the analysis of its expected rate bound and the tightness of the bound. We state upper bounds on the system error probabilities over block fading channels. With sufficient source coding rates, the cooperation of the receivers enables the virtual-MIMO system to achieve almost ideal MIMO performance. A comparison of ideal and non-ideal conference links within the receiver group is also investigated. Considering the short-range communication and using a channel-aware adaptive CF scheme, the impact of the non-ideal cooperation link is too slight to impair the system performance significantly. It is also evident that the practicality of CF cooperation will be greatly enhanced if a efficient source coding technique can be used at the relay. It is even more desirable that CF cooperation should not be unduly sensitive to carrier frequency offsets (CFOs). Thus this thesis then presents a practical study of these two issues. Codebook designs of the Voronoi VQ and the tree-structure vector quantization (TSVQ) to enable CF cooperation at the relay are firstly described. A comparison in terms of the codebook design complexity and encoding complexity is presented. It is shown that the TSVQ is much simpler to design and operate, and can achieve a favourable performance-complexity tradeoff. We then demonstrate that CFO can lead to significant performance degradation for the virtual MIMO system. To overcome it, it is proposed to maintain clock synchronization and jointly estimate the CFO between the relay and the destination. This approach is shown to provide a significant performance improvement. Finally, we extend the study to the minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection, as it has a lower complexity compared to maximum likelihood (ML) detection. A closed-form upper bound for the system error probability is derived, based on which we prove that the smallest singular value of the cooperative channel matrix determines the system error performance. Accordingly, an adaptive modulation and cooperation scheme is proposed, which uses the smallest singular value as the threshold strategy. Depending on the instantaneous channel conditions, the system could therefore adapt to choose a suitable modulation type for transmission and an appropriate quantization rate to perform CF cooperation. The adaptive modulation and cooperation scheme not only enables the system to achieve comparable performance to the case with fixed quantization rates, but also eliminates unnecessary complexity for quantization operations and conference link communication

    Compensation of Physical Impairments in Multi-Carrier Communications

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    Among various multi-carrier transmission techniques, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is currently a popular choice in many wireless communication systems. This is mainly due to its numerous advantages, including resistance to multi-path distortions by using the cyclic prefix (CP) and a simple one-tap channel equalization, and efficient implementations based on the fast Fourier and inverse Fourier transforms. However, OFDM also has disadvantages which limit its use in some applications. First, the high out-of-band (OOB) emission in OFDM due to the inherent rectangular shaping filters poses a challenge for opportunistic and dynamic spectrum access where multiple users are sharing a limited transmission bandwidth. Second, a strict orthogonal synchronization between sub-carriers makes OFDM less attractive in low-power communication systems. Furthermore, the use of the CP in OFDM reduces the spectral efficiency and thus it may not be suitable for short-packet and low-latency transmission applications. Generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) and circular filter-bank multi-carrier offset quadrature amplitude modulation (CFBMC-OQAM) have recently been considered as alternatives to OFDM for the air interface of wireless communication systems because they can overcome certain disadvantages in OFDM. Specifically, these two systems offer a flexibility in choosing the shaping filters so that the high OOB emission in OFDM can be avoided. Moreover, the strict orthogonality requirement in OFDM is relaxed in GFDM and CFBMC-OQAM which are, respectively, non-orthogonal and real-field orthogonal systems. Although a CP is also used in these two systems, the CP is added for a block of many symbols instead of only one symbol as in OFDM, which, therefore, improves the spectral efficiency. Given that the performance of a wireless communication system is affected by various physical impairments such as phase noise (PN), in-phase and quadrature (IQ) imbalance and imperfect channel estimation, this thesis proposes a number of novel signal processing algorithms to compensate for physical impairments in multi-carrier communication systems, including OFDM, GFDM and CFBMC-OQAM. The first part of the thesis examines the use of OFDM in full-duplex (FD) communication under the presence of PN, IQ imbalance and nonlinearities. FD communication is a promising technique since it can potentially double the spectral efficiency of the conventional half-duplex (HD) technique. However, the main challenge in implementing an FD wireless device is to cope with the self-interference (SI) imposed by the device's own transmission. The implementation of SI cancellation (SIC) faces many technical issues due to the physical impairments. In this part of research, an iterative algorithm is proposed in which the SI cancellation and detection of the desired signal benefit from each other. Specifically, in each iteration, the SI cancellation performs a widely linear estimation of the SI channel and compensates for the physical impairments to improve the detection performance of the desired signal. The detected desired signal is in turn removed from the received signal to improve SI channel estimation and SI cancellation in the next iteration. Results obtained show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms existing algorithms in SI cancellation and detection of the desired signal. In the next part of the thesis, the impact of PN and its compensation for CFBMC-OQAM systems are considered. The sources of performance degradation are first quantified. Then, a two-stage PN compensation algorithm is proposed. In the first stage, the channel frequency response and PN are estimated based on the transmission of a preamble, which is designed to minimize the channel mean squared error (MSE). In the second stage the PN compensation is performed using the estimate obtained from the first stage together with the transmitted pilot symbols. Simulation results obtained under practical scenarios show that the proposed algorithm effectively estimates the channel frequency response and compensates for the PN. The proposed algorithm is also shown to outperform an existing algorithm that implements iterative PN compensation when the PN impact is high. As a further development from the second part, the third part of the thesis considers the impacts of both PN and IQ imbalance and proposes a unified two-stage compensation algorithm for a general multi-carrier system, which can include OFDM, GFDM and CFBMC-OQAM. Specifically, in the first stage, the channel impulse response and IQ imbalance parameters are first estimated based on the transmission of a preamble. Given the estimates obtained from the first stage, in the second stage the IQ imbalance and PN are compensated in that order based on the pilot symbols for the rest of data transmission blocks. The preamble is designed such that the estimation of IQ imbalance does not depend on the channel and PN estimation errors. The proposed algorithm is then further extended to a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. For such a MIMO system, the preamble design is generalized so that the multiple IQ imbalances as well as channel impulse responses can be effectively estimated based on a single preamble block. Simulation results are presented and discussed in a variety of scenarios to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm