9 research outputs found

    Monitoring frequent items over distributed data streams.

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    Many important applications require the discovery of items which have occurred frequently. Knowledge of these items is commonly used in anomaly detection and network monitoring tasks. Effective solutions for this problem focus mainly on reducing memory requirements in a centralized environment. These solutions, however, ignore the inherently distributed nature of many systems. Naively forwarding data to a centralized location is not practical when dealing with high speed data streams and will result in significant communication overhead. This thesis proposes a new approach designed for continuously tracking frequent items over distributed data streams, providing either exact or approximate answers. The method introduced is a direct modification to an existing communication efficient algorithm called Top-K, Monitoring. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed modifications significantly reduced communication cost and improved scalability. Also examined in this thesis is the applicability of frequent item monitoring at detecting distributed denial of service attacks. Simulation of the proposed tracking method against four different attack patterns was conducted. The outcome of these experiments showed promising results when compared to previous detection methods

    On-the-fly sharing for streamed aggregation

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    Metrics and Algorithms for Processing Multiple Continuous Queries

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    Data streams processing is an emerging research area that is driven by the growing need for monitoring applications. A monitoring application continuously processes streams of data for interesting, significant, or anomalous events. Such applications include tracking the stock market, real-time detection of diseaseoutbreaks, and environmental monitoring via sensor networks.Efficient employment of those monitoring applications requires advanced data processing techniques that can support the continuous processing of unbounded rapid data streams. Such techniques go beyond the capabilities of the traditional store-then-query Data BaseManagement Systems. This need has led to a new data processing paradigm and created a new generation of data processing systems,supporting continuous queries (CQ) on data streams.Primary emphasis in the development of first generation Data Stream Management Systems (DSMSs) was given to basic functionality. However, in order to support large-scale heterogeneous applications that are envisioned for subsequent generations of DSMSs, greater attention willhave to be paid to performance issues. Towards this, this thesis introduces new algorithms and metrics to the current design of DSMSs.This thesis identifies a collection of quality ofservice (QoS) and quality of data (QoD) metrics that are suitable for a wide range of monitoring applications. The establishment of well-defined metrics aids in the development of novel algorithms that are optimal with respect to a particular metric. Our proposed algorithms exploit the valuable chances for optimization that arise in the presence of multiple applications. Additionally, they aim to balance the trade-off between the DSMS's overall performance and the performance perceived by individual applications. Furthermore, we provide efficient implementations of the proposed algorithms and we also extend them to exploit sharing in optimized multi-query plans and multi-stream CQs. Finally, we experimentally show that our algorithms consistently outperform the current state of the art

    Situation Management with Complex Event Processing

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    With the broader dissemination of digital technologies, visionary concepts like the Internet of Things also affect an increasing number of use cases with interfaces to humans, e.g. manufacturing environments with technical operators monitoring the processes. This leads to additional challenges, as besides the technical issues also human aspects have to be considered for a successful implementation of strategic initiatives like Industrie 4.0. From a technical perspective, complex event processing has proven itself in practice to be capable of integrating and analyzing huge amounts of heterogeneous data and establishing a basic level of situation awareness by detecting situations of interests. Whereas this reactive nature of complex event processing systems may be sufficient for machine-to-machine use cases, the new characteristic of application fields with humans remaining in the control loop leads to an increasing action distance and delayed reactions. Taking human aspects into consideration leads to new requirements, with transparency and comprehensibility of the processing of events being the most important ones. Improving the comprehensibility of complex event processing and extending its capabilities towards an effective support of human operators allows tackling technical and non-technical challenges at the same time. The main contribution of this thesis answers the question of how to evolve state-of-the-art complex event processing from its reactive nature towards a transparent and holistic situation management system. The goal is to improve the interaction among systems and humans in use cases with interfaces between both worlds. Realizing a holistic situation management requires three missing capabilities to be introduced by the contributions of this thesis: First, based on the achieved transparency, the retrospective analysis of situations is enabled by collecting information related to a situation\u27s occurrence and development. Therefore, CEP engine-specific situation descriptions are transformed into a common model, allowing the automatic decomposition of the underlying patterns to derive partial patterns describing the intermediate states of processing. Second, by introducing the psychological model of situation awareness into complex event processing, human aspects of information processing are taken into consideration and introduced into the complex event processing paradigm. Based on this model, an extended situation life-cycle and transition method are derived. The introduced concepts and methods allow the implementation of the controlling function of situation management and enable the effective acquisition and maintenance of situation awareness for human operators to purposefully direct their attention towards upcoming situations. Finally, completing the set of capabilities for situation management, an approach is presented to support the generation and integration of prediction models for predictive situation management. Therefore, methods are introduced to automatically label and extract relevant data for the generation of prediction models and to enable the embedding of the resulting models for an automatic evaluation and execution. The contributions are introduced, applied and evaluated along a scenario from the manufacturing domain

    Efficient Process Data Warehousing

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    This dissertation presents a data processing architecture for efficient data warehousing from historical data sources. The present work has three primary contributions. The first contribution is the development of a generalized process data warehousing (PDW) architecture that includes multilayer data processing steps to transform raw data streams into useful information that facilitates data-driven decision making. The second contribution is exploring the applicability of the proposed architecture to the case of sparse process data. We have tested the proposed approach in a medical monitoring system, which takes physiological data and predicts the clinical setting in which the data is most likely to be seen. We have performed a set of experiments with real clinical data (from Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh) that demonstrate the high utility of the present approach. The third contribution is exploring the applicability of the proposed PDW architecture to the case of redundant process data. We have designed and developed a conflict-aware data fusion strategy for the efficient aggregation of historical data. We have elaborated a simulation-based study of the tradeoffs between the data fusion solutions and data accuracy, and have also evaluated the solutions to a large-scale integrated framework (Tycho data) that includes historical data from heterogeneous sources in different subject areas. Finally, we propose and have evaluated a state sequence recovery (SSR) framework, which integrates work from two previous studies, which are both sparse and redundant studies. Our experimental results are based on several algorithms that have been developed and tested in different simulation set-up scenarios under both normal and exponential data distributions

    Window Queries Over Data Streams

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    Evaluating queries over data streams has become an appealing way to support various stream-processing applications. Window queries are commonly used in many stream applications. In a window query, certain query operators, especially blocking operators and stateful operators, appear in their windowed versions. Previous research work in evaluating window queries typically requires ordered streams and this order requirement limits the implementations of window operators and also carries performance penalties. This thesis presents efficient and flexible algorithms for evaluating window queries. We first present a new data model for streams, progressing streams, that separates stream progress from physical-arrival order. Then, we present our window semantic definitions for the most commonly used window operators—window aggregation and window join. Unlike previous research that often requires ordered streams when describing window semantics, our window semantic definitions do not rely on physical-stream arrival properties. Based on the window semantic definitions, we present new implementations of window aggregation and window join, WID and OA-Join. Compared to the existing implementations of stream query operators, our implementations do not require special stream-arrival properties, particularly stream order. In addition, for window aggregation, we present two other implementations extended from WID, Paned-WID and AdaptWID, to improve excution time by sharing sub-aggregates and to improve memory usage for input with data distribution skew, respectively. Leveraging our order-insenstive implementations of window operators, we present a new architecture for stream systems, OOP (Out-of- Order Processing). Instead of relying on ordered streams to indicate stream progress, OOP explicitly communicates stream progress to query operators, and thus is more flexible than the previous in-order processing (IOP) approach, which requires maintaining stream order. We implemented our order-insensitive window query operators and the OOP architecture in NiagaraST and Gigascope. Our performance study in both systems confirms the benefits of our window operator implementations and the OOP architecture compared to the commonly used approaches in terms of memory usage, execution time and latency

    Update-pattern-aware modeling and processing of continuous queries

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    A defining characteristic of continuous queries over on-line data streams, possibly bounded by sliding windows, is the potentially infinite and time-evolving nature of their inputs and outputs. New items continually arrive on the input streams and new results are continually produced. Additionally, inputs expire by falling out of range of their sliding windows and results expire when they cease to satisfy the query. This impacts continuous query processing in two ways. First, data stream systems allow tables to be queried alongside data streams, but in terms of query semantics, it is not clear how updates of tables are different from insertions and deletions caused by the movement of the sliding windows. Second, many interesting queries need to store state, which must be kept up-to-date as time goes on. Therefore, query processing efficiency depends highly on the amount of overhead involved in state maintenance. In this paper, we show that the above issues can be solved by understanding the update patterns of continuous queries and exploiting them during query processing. We propose a classification that defines four types of update characteristics. Using our classification, we present a definition of continuous query semantics that clearly states the role of relations. We then propose the notion of update-pattern-aware query processing, where physical implementations of query operators, including the data structures used for storing intermediate state, vary depending on the update patterns of their inputs and outputs. When tested on IP traffic logs, our update-pattern-aware query plans routinely outperform the existing techniques by an order of magnitude

    Event Processing and Stream Reasoning with ETALIS

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    This thesis presents the ETALIS Language for Events (ELE), a declarative rule-based language for Event Processing (EP) and Stream Reasoning (SR). ELE features a well-defined semantics, and provides strong event processing and reasoning capabilities. In this work we present ELE and show how its EP and SR capabilities have the potential to provide powerful real time intelligence. We provide a prototype implementation of the language, and present evaluation results for a few implemented scenarios

    Fault-tolerance and load management in a distributed stream processing system

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2006.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-199).Advances in monitoring technology (e.g., sensors) and an increased demand for online information processing have given rise to a new class of applications that require continuous, low-latency processing of large-volume data streams. These "stream processing applications" arise in many areas such as sensor-based environment monitoring, financial services, network monitoring, and military applications. Because traditional database management systems are ill-suited for high-volume, low-latency stream processing, new systems, called stream processing engines (SPEs), have been developed. Furthermore, because stream processing applications are inherently distributed, and because distribution can improve performance and scalability, researchers have also proposed and developed distributed SPEs. In this dissertation, we address two challenges faced by a distributed SPE: (1) faulttolerant operation in the face of node failures, network failures, and network partitions, and (2) federated load management. For fault-tolerance, we present a replication-based scheme, called Delay, Process, and Correct (DPC), that masks most node and network failures.(cont.) When network partitions occur, DPC addresses the traditional availability-consistency trade-off by maintaining, when possible, a desired availability specified by the application or user, but eventually also delivering the correct results. While maintaining the desired availability bounds, DPC also strives to minimize the number of inaccurate results that must later be corrected. In contrast to previous proposals for fault tolerance in SPEs, DPC simultaneously supports a variety of applications that differ in their preferred trade-off between availability and consistency. For load management, we present a Bounded-Price Mechanism (BPM) that enables autonomous participants to collaboratively handle their load without individually owning the resources necessary for peak operation. BPM is based on contracts that participants negotiate offline. At runtime, participants move load only to partners with whom they have a contract and pay each other the contracted price. We show that BPM provides incentives that foster participation and leads to good system-wide load distribution. In contrast to earlier proposals based on computational economies, BPM is lightweight, enables participants to develop and exploit preferential relationships, and provides stability and predictability.(cont.) Although motivated by stream processing, BPM is general and can be applied to any federated system. We have implemented both schemes in the Borealis distributed stream processing engine. They will be available with the next release of the system.by Magdalena Balazinska.Ph.D