18 research outputs found

    Изучение профилей пользователей социальной сети Фейсбук: что собой представляет открытый внимательный пользователь?

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    Рукопись поступила в редакцию 23 мая 2014 г.Both Indonesians and Poles are considered as the most active Facebook users in their own regions. Yet, there are differences between users in those countries regarding cultural backgrounds. Hence, this study purposed to cluster the Facebook users considering the behavioural variables of personal sharing, frequency of using public communication features, profile accessibility, and need for popularity (NfP) between those countries. Non-hierarchical (k-mean) cluster analysis was performed in this study. The three groups of cluster solutions were considered as the most appropriate. Indonesians seem to be the moderate users and then followed by the open-attentive users. Furthermore, Poles tend to be the passive-distance users and just a small number of them become the open-attentive users.Статья на английском языке с переводом на русский язык. Перевод с английского языка Р. Арди, В. В. Макерова. В пределах своей среды проживания наиболее активными пользователями Фейсбука являются индонезийцы и поляки. Тем не менее существуют отличия между пользователями в этих странах, основанные на культурных традициях. Данное исследование выделяет профили пользователей Фейсбука этих двух стран с учетом поведенческих переменных: обмена личными данными, частоты использования средств общественной коммуникации, доступности данных профиля и потребности в популярности. Был проведен кластерный анализ вне иерархических связей. Индонезийцы в большей степени относятся к умеренным пользователям и, кроме того, представлены открытыми внимательными пользователями. Поляки, в свою очередь, демонстрируют пассивно-дистанцированное поведение, и лишь небольшое число из них становятся открытыми внимательными пользователями

    The Associations among Computer Mediated Communication, Relationships, and Well-being

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    Social support provided by interpersonal relationships is one of the most robust correlates of well-being. Self-disclosure serves as a basic building block of these relationships. With the rapid growth of the internet in recent years, the question remains how self-disclosure, and subsequently relationships and well-being, differ when people communicate over the internet rather than in person. The purpose of this article is to describe current internet usage patterns as well as explore the association of internet usage and well-being. Additionally, it directly compares the perceived benefits of face-to-face communication and computer mediated communication. A questionnaire was administered to 99 undergraduates to measure internet usage patterns, communication partners, self-disclosure, extraversion, and subjective well-being. Although internet communication was found to be common, individuals perceived computer mediated communication to be less useful than face-to-face communication. In addition, increased internet usage was associated with decreased well-being. Implications are discussed in terms of a new internet paradox in which people increasingly use the internet for communication although they perceive it to be less beneficial than face-to-face interactions and it is associated with reduced well-being

    Enhancing Personal Interaction through the Web interface in Online Shopping: An Exploratory Study

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    Recent research has called for a need to infuse social presence into e-commerce websites, suggesting that a website low in social presence will be difficult to satisfy consumers‟ social needs (for interacting with other humans) when they are shopping online. This study finds that web interface elements of socially rich text and picture and virtual community, which provide means for personal interaction, lead to higher perception of social presence. Results, however, also show that social presence per se is not significant in predicting online purchase intention. Even so, e-vendors may also benefit from offering high level of personal interaction through their web interface as those three website features have influential impacts on trust and perceived value, two predicators of online purchase intention found in this study

    Kakva je naša onlajn interakcija? Jedan pristup za proučavanje multidimenzionalnosti onlajn komunikacije

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    If different dimensions of online interaction are neglected and/or unknowingly combined in a research study there is a risk of misleading results due to compensatory effect. With respect to the multidimensionality of online interaction, two substantially different types of online communication are defined - procreative and transmissional. The procreative online communication is understood as a person's tendency to use the internet as a space for social interaction, which essentially differs from using the internet transmissionally, as a peer-to-peer communication channel between people who are familiar with one another. The aim of this paper is to explore more deeply the procreative dimensions of online communication. Based on our conceptual framework, we defined three procreativity dimensions and developed an Online Procreativity Scale (OPS) to measure them. The OPS has been validated through EFA and CFA and the three-dimensional structure has been confirmed. Using the OLS regression analyses we found that gender and psychological characteristics and social network sites (SNS) use have diverse influence depending on the procreativity dimension under observation. Gender, city size, share of unfamiliar SNS friends and loneliness predicted willingness to interact with strangers, while the time spent on SNS predicted only the tendency to participate in public online interaction.Ukoliko se ne vodi računa o različitim dimenzijama onlajn interakcije lako se može desiti da zbog njihovog međusobnog preklapanja i maskiranja dođemo do sasvim pogrešnih istraživačkih nalaza. U skladu sa razumevanjem onlajn interakcije kao multidimenzionalnog procesa izdvojili smo dva suštinski različita tipa on-lajn komunikacije - prokreativni i transmisioni. Onlajn komunikaciju prokreativnog tipa razumemo kao tendenciju pojedinca ka upotrebi interneta kao prostora za društvenu interakciju nasuprot suštinski različitog transmisionog tipa onlajn interakcije koja se zasniva na kanalskoj, jedan na jedan komunikaciji, međusobno poznatih subjekata. Cilj ovog rada je da se bolje istraže različite dimenzije on-lajn prokreativnosti. Na osnovu našeg teorijskog polazišta identifikovali smo tri dimenzije prokreativnosti i razvili skalu onlajn prokreativnosti (OPS-Online Pro-creativity Scale) za njihovo merenje. Validnost OPS je verifikovana posredstvom EFA i CFA čime je potvrđena trodimenzionalna struktura skale. Koristeći OLS regresionu analizu utvrdili smo da pol, psihološke karakteristike i upotreba platformi za društveno umrežavanje, imaju različit uticaj na tri dimenzije prokreativnosti. Utvrdili smo da su pol, veličina mesta boravka, udeo nepoznatih ljudi među prijateljima na onlajn mrežama i usamljenost prediktori spremnosti da se uđe u interakciju sa nepoznatim ljudima na internetu, dok je vreme koje se provodi na onlajn mrežama jedino bilo prediktor tendencije da se učestvuje u javnoj onlajn interakciji

    Unwillingness-to-communicate, Perceptions of the Internet and Self-disclosure in ICQ Unwillingness-to-communicate, Perceptions of the Internet and Self-disclosure in ICQ

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    Internet is perceived as sensitive, warm, and active, the disclosures appear more private and intimate but the contents are more negative and undesirable. Word count = 213 Unwillingness-to-communicate & Self-disclosure in ICQ / 2 Unwillingness-to-communicate, Perceptions of the Internet and Self-disclosure in IC

    Eco-Art Therapy and Youth Loneliness in a Digital Age

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    This philosophical inquiry explores the use of eco-art therapy to address loneliness in youth living in a world flooded with digital technology. The purpose of this research is to better understand the issue and explore how eco-art therapy can address it. The literature on eco-art therapy and youth loneliness in our day and age is analyzed, synthesized, and woven together with concepts that relate these two major themes. This is done to establish the argument that eco-art therapy could be a promising approach to working with youth who have grown up in a digital age and who are suffering from the adverse effects of loneliness. In an increasingly virtual world in which youth are more digitally literate than ever before, it is important to consider the potential benefits of nature in counteracting the adverse effects of loneliness within the context of rapidly evolving digital technologies

    The Association of Social Anxiety and Parenting Factors with Adolescent Use of Facebook

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    Computers and the Internet play a substantial role in how adolescents communicate with one another. Social networking websites, in particular, are a popular medium used by adolescents in which users can develop and maintain a large number of relationships from a single profile page. Facebook represents one of the most widely used social networking websites; however, little is known about the types of factors that are associated with the way in which adolescents use it. The present study examined the association of social anxiety and parenting with adolescent Facebook use. One hundred and sixty-two adolescents between the ages of 16 and 18 completed online questionnaires that measured social anxiety, Facebook use, and parenting factors (control, monitoring, and limit setting). In addition, 192 parents completed questionnaires concerning knowledge of their child\u27s Facebook use as well as their own monitoring and limit setting behaviors regarding Facebook. Contrary to what was hypothesized, results indicated that adolescents with moderate to high social anxiety were just as likely as those with little to no social anxiety to have an active Facebook account. In addition, both groups used Facebook to maintain existing relationships (as opposed to developing new ones) and they used it equally as much. A higher proportion of less socially anxious adolescents had more friends on their Facebook profile page, and this lends partial support for the rich get richer hypothesis in which more socially outgoing individuals are using Facebook to expand their existing large offline social network. With respect to parenting, fathers were significantly more controlling of their daughter\u27s behavior compared to their sons. In addition, mothers engaged in significantly more monitoring and limit setting of their child\u27s Facebook use compared to fathers. These results suggest that mothers may be taking a more active role in monitoring and regulating the online behavior of their children

    The cutting-edge of clinical psychology? : the internet, mental health & self-harm support groups

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the role of the internet within the area of mental health support. The first paper reviews the current literature surrounding the use of the internet for self-help and intervention purposes. It highlights investigations into the outcomes, benefits and disadvantages in using this medium for support and therapeutic input. It also highlights the implications within clinical psychology for future research and service development. This is presented in terms of on-going interventions and support, as well as for use within a 'stepped-care' model of service delivery. The second paper presents an empirical investigation into users' experiences of using online support groups concerned with self-harming behaviour. The literature surrounding this area was noted as particularly sparse. The study uses a mixed method incorporating both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Exploration into the responses towards individuals who disclose self-harming behaviour is also performed using a simulated online forum post to which participants 'role-played' replies. The third paper presents a reflective account of the research process. It includes reflection around the area of using the internet as a research tool. It also specifically highlights a methodological critique of the empirical methods with reference to online ethical research guidelines presented by the British Psychological Society (BPS, 2007). Personal reflections on the process, and dealing with a potentially distressing subject matter are also discussed