9 research outputs found

    A Weighted K-means Algorithm applied to Brain Tissue Classification

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    Tissue classification in Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain images is an important issue in the analysis of several brain dementias. This paper presents a modification of the classical K-means algorithm taking into account the number of times specific features appear in an image, employing, for that purpose, a weighted mean to calculate the centroid of every cluster. Pattern Recognition techniques allow grouping pixels based on features similarity. In this paper, multispectral gray-level intensity MR brain images are used. T1, T2 and PD-weighted images provide different and complementary information about the tissues. Segmentation is performed in order to classify each pixel of the resulting image according to four possible classes: cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF), white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and background. T1, T2 and PD-weighted images are used as patterns. The proposed algorithm weighs the number of pixels corresponding to each set of gray levels in the feature vector. As a consequence, an automatic segmentation of the brain tissue is obtained. The algorithm provides faster results if compared with the traditional K-means, thereby retrieving complementary information from the images.Facultad de Informátic

    Automatical segmentation : Application to 3D angiograms of the liver

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    As part of a hepatic surgery simulator, we have developed a new method for the extraction of the portal vein's vascular tree i n 3D liver angioscanners . In practice, this tree is used to localize the different anatomical segments that correspond to the unit o f surgical ablation of the liver . Our method thus facilitates the surgeon's task by automatically giving the 3D model of the portal vei n in a three-step segmentation . The first step reduces the image to the ROI defined by the liver contours and increases its qualit y by an anisotropic filtering . The second step performs the segmentation of vascular networks by a global thresholding followed b y a local analysis . The third step translates a priori knowledge in topological and geometrical constraints . This last step allows to remove mistakes due to the anisotropy of the images by disconnecting the different vascular trees in order to extract the porta l vein . Results on 12 patients, validated by a radiologist, showed that the algorithm automatically extracts the principal branche s of the portal vein, allowing to delimit the anatomical segments defined in the conventional liver anatomy .Dans le cadre de la réalisation d'un simulateur de chirurgie laparoscopique' du foie, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode permettant d'extraire dans les angioscanners 3D du foie, le réseau vasculaire de la veine porte. Ce réseau est utilisé en pratique pour repérer les différents segments anatomiques, qui représentent l'unité d'intervention dans les exérèses2 du foie. Notre méthode facilite ainsi la tâche des chirurgiens, en leur fournissant automatiquement le modèle 3D de la veine porte par une segmentation décomposée en trois étapes. La première étape réduit l'image à la région d'intérêt correspondant au contour du foie et améliore sa qualité en réalisant un filtrage anisotrope. La seconde segmente les réseaux vasculaires et appliquant un seuillage global, suivi d'une analyse locale. La troisième étape traduit les connaissances a priori que nous avons des réseaux vasculaires, en contraintes topologiques et géométriques. Cette dernière étape permet de corriger les problèmes résultant de l'anisotropie des images, en déconnectant les différentes arborescences du foie pour en extraire la veine porte. Les résultats obtenus sur douze patients, et vérifiés par un radiologue, montrent que l'algorithme extrait automatiquement les principales branches de la veine porte, permettant de délimiter les segments anatomiques définis dans l'anatomie conventionnelle du foie

    Hoeffding Races--model selection for MRI classification

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1994.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-61).by Oded Maron.M.S

    Functional and structural MRI image analysis for brain glial tumors treatment

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    Cotutela con il Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita, Universiità degli Studi dell'Insubria.openThis Ph.D Thesis is the outcome of a close collaboration between the Center for Research in Image Analysis and Medical Informatics (CRAIIM) of the Insubria University and the Operative Unit of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Health Physics of the University Hospital ”Circolo Fondazione Macchi”, Varese. The project aim is to investigate new methodologies by means of whose, develop an integrated framework able to enhance the use of Magnetic Resonance Images, in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain Glial tumor. Both the most common uses of MRI technology for non-invasive brain inspection were analyzed. From the Functional point of view, the goal has been to provide tools for an objective reliable and non-presumptive assessment of the brain’s areas locations, to preserve them as much as possible at surgery. From the Structural point of view, methodologies for fully automatic brain segmentation and recognition of the tumoral areas, for evaluating the tumor volume, the spatial distribution and to be able to infer correlation with other clinical data or trace growth trend, have been studied. Each of the proposed methods has been thoroughly assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. All the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions studied for this Ph.D. Thesis have been integrated in GliCInE: Glioma Computerized Inspection Environment, which is a MATLAB prototype of an integrated analysis environment that offers, in addition to all the functionality specifically described in this Thesis, a set of tools needed to manage Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Volumes and ancillary data related to the acquisition and the patient.openInformaticaPedoia, ValentinaPedoia, Valentin

    Statistical models in medical image analysis

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-156).Computational tools for medical image analysis help clinicians diagnose, treat, monitor changes, and plan and execute procedures more safely and effectively. Two fundamental problems in analyzing medical imagery are registration, which brings two or more datasets into correspondence, and segmentation, which localizes the anatomical structures in an image. The noise and artifacts present in the scans, combined with the complexity and variability of patient anatomy, limit the effectiveness of simple image processing routines. Statistical models provide application-specific context to the problem by incorporating information derived from a training set consisting of instances of the problem along with the solution. In this thesis, we explore the benefits of statistical models for medical image registration and segmentation. We present a technique for computing the rigid registration of pairs of medical images of the same patient. The method models the expected joint intensity distribution of two images when correctly aligned. The registration of a novel set of images is performed by maximizing the log likelihood of the transformation, given the joint intensity model. Results aligning SPGR and dual-echo magnetic resonance scans demonstrate sub-voxel accuracy and large region of convergence. A novel segmentation method is presented that incorporates prior statistical models of intensity, local curvature, and global shape to direct the segmentation toward a likely outcome. Existing segmentation algorithms generally fit into one of the following three categories: boundary localization, voxel classification, and atlas matching, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Our algorithm unifies these approaches. A higher dimensional surface is evolved based on local and global priors such that the zero level set converges on the object boundary. Results segmenting images of the corpus callosum, knee, and spine illustrate the strength and diversity of this approach.by Michael Emmanuel Leventon.Ph.D

    Clustering and Shifting of Regional Appearance for Deformable Model Segmentation

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    Automated medical image segmentation is a challenging task that benefits from the use of effective image appearance models. An appearance model describes the grey-level intensity information relative to the object being segmented. Previous models that compare the target against a single template image or that assume a very small-scale correspondence fail to capture the variability seen in the target cases. In this dissertation I present novel appearance models to address these deficiencies, and I show their efficacy in segmentation via deformable models. The models developed here use clustering and shifting of the object-relative appearance to capture the true variability in appearance. They all learn their parameters from training sets of previously-segmented images. The first model uses clustering on cross-boundary intensity profiles in the training set to determine profile types, and then it builds a template of optimal types that reflects the various edge characteristics seen around the boundary. The second model uses clustering on local regional image descriptors to determine large-scale regions relative to the boundary. The method then partitions the object boundary according to region type and captures the intensity variability per region type. The third and fourth models allow shifting of the image model on the boundary to reflect knowledge of the variable regional conformations seen in training. I evaluate the appearance models by considering their efficacy in segmentation of the kidney, bladder, and prostate in abdominal and male pelvis CT. I compare the automatically generated segmentations using these models against expert manual segmentations of the target cases and against automatically generated segmentations using previous models

    Functional and structural MRI image analysis for brain glial tumors treatment

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    This Ph.D Thesis is the outcome of a close collaboration between the Center for Research in Image Analysis and Medical Informatics (CRAIIM) of the Insubria University and the Operative Unit of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Health Physics of the University Hospital ”Circolo Fondazione Macchi”, Varese. The project aim is to investigate new methodologies by means of whose, develop an integrated framework able to enhance the use of Magnetic Resonance Images, in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain Glial tumor. Both the most common uses of MRI technology for non-invasive brain inspection were analyzed. From the Functional point of view, the goal has been to provide tools for an objective reliable and non-presumptive assessment of the brain’s areas locations, to preserve them as much as possible at surgery. From the Structural point of view, methodologies for fully automatic brain segmentation and recognition of the tumoral areas, for evaluating the tumor volume, the spatial distribution and to be able to infer correlation with other clinical data or trace growth trend, have been studied. Each of the proposed methods has been thoroughly assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. All the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions studied for this Ph.D. Thesis have been integrated in GliCInE: Glioma Computerized Inspection Environment, which is a MATLAB prototype of an integrated analysis environment that offers, in addition to all the functionality specifically described in this Thesis, a set of tools needed to manage Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Volumes and ancillary data related to the acquisition and the patient

    Bayesian generative learning of brain and spinal cord templates from neuroimaging datasets

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    In the field of neuroimaging, Bayesian modelling techniques have been largely adopted and recognised as powerful tools for the purpose of extracting quantitative anatomical and functional information from medical scans. Nevertheless the potential of Bayesian inference has not yet been fully exploited, as many available tools rely on point estimation techniques, such as maximum likelihood estimation, rather than on full Bayesian inference. The aim of this thesis is to explore the value of approximate learning schemes, for instance variational Bayes, to perform inference from brain and spinal cord MRI data. The applications that will be explored in this work mainly concern image segmentation and atlas construction, with a particular emphasis on the problem of shape and intensity prior learning, from large training data sets of structural MR scans. The resulting computational tools are intended to enable integrated brain and spinal cord morphometric analyses, as opposed to the approach that is most commonly adopted in neuroimaging, which consists in optimising separate tools for brain and spine morphometrics