195 research outputs found

    Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis on Car Reviews Using SpaCy Dependency Parsing and VADER

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    All businesses, including car manufacturers, need to understand what aspects of their products are perceived as positive and negative based on user reviews so that they can make improvements for the negative aspects and maintain the already positive aspects of their products. One of the available tools for this task is Sentiment Analysis. The traditional document-level and sentence-level sentiment analysis will only classify each document / sentence into a class. This approach is incapable of finding the more fine-grained sentiment for a specific aspect of interest, for example, comfort, price, engine, paint, etc. Therefore, in this case, Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis is used. A total of 22.702 rows of car review data are scraped from the Edmunds website (www.edmunds.com) for a specific car manufacturer. Dependency Parsing and noun phrase extraction were carried out using the SpaCy module in Python, and VADER sentiment analysis was used to determine the polarity of the sentiment for each noun phrase. Results showed that the vast majority of the sentiments are on the positive aspects: comfortable to drive, good fuel economy / mileage, reliability, spaciousness, value for money, helpful rear camera, quiet ride, good acceleration, well-designed, good sound system, and solid build. The results for the negative aspects have some similar aspects with those in the positive class but has a very low frequency. This finding means that the vast majority of the users are satisfied with multiple aspects of the produced cars. The limitation of this research and future research direction are discussed

    Sentiment analysis of electronic word of mouth (E-WoM) on e-learning.

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    The proliferation of social media and the internet has given people many opportunities to air their views and to be at liberty to say what they feel without hindrance. This is beneficial to commercial organizations and the general well-being of the populace. However, the cost of this freedom is that spamming is practiced with little or no control. This chapter focuses on the electronic word of mouth (eWOM) of opinion holders and the sentiments expressed in eWOM. One of the areas of life impacted by sentiment is electronic learning because it has become a prevalent mode of learning. The study aims to analyze eWOM on e-learning which can help in identifying learners' sentiments. Findings from three thousand tweets show more neutral sentiments, followed by positive sentiments. Suggestions and recommendations as well as the future directions for sentiment analysis of eWOM on e-learning are also discussed in this chapter

    Deteksi Aspek Review E-Commerce Menggunakan IndoBERT Embedding dan CNN

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    Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi informasi, maka muncul istilah e-commerce dalam dunia bisnis. Pada e-commerce ada fitur review, pelanggan dapat memberikan review berupa teks, gambar, dan bintang. Review tersebut merupakan opini dari pelanggan terkait barang yang dibeli. Tetapi pada kebanyakan e-commerce tidak ada fitur kategori terkait review hal ini membuat calon pembeli kesusahan dalam menganalisa secara manual. Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) merupakan solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. ABSA memiliki tiga tugas salah satunya Aspect Category Detection yang memiliki fungsi untuk menggabungkan review pelanggan menjadi beberapa aspek dimana aspek-aspek tersebut sudah didefinisikan terlebih dahulu. Cukup banyak penelitian terkait Aspect Category Detection dengan mengunakan machine learning. Dari beberapa metode yang diuji, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) merupakan metode terbaik. Selain itu penggunaan BERT sebagai word embedding menghasilkan output yang bagus baik dari pada word embedding konvensional. Penelitian ini menggunakan dataset dari e-commerce Bukalapak dengan 3114 review dan 6 aspek (Akurasi, Pengiriman, Kualitas, Harga, Pengemasan, dan Pelayanan). Berdasarkan ujicoba dengan menggunakan IndoBERT sebagai word embedding dan CNN untuk deteksi aspek, maka didapatkan akurasi sebesar 94,86%. Dengan demikian model tersebut dapat digunakan untuk deteksi aspek. Selain itu, metode CNN mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dari pada metode LSTM

    Deteksi Aspek Review E-Commerce Menggunakan IndoBERT Embedding dan CNN

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    Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi informasi, maka muncul istilah e-commerce dalam dunia bisnis. Pada e-commerce ada fitur review, pelanggan dapat memberikan review berupa teks, gambar, dan bintang. Review tersebut merupakan opini dari pelanggan terkait barang yang dibeli. Tetapi pada kebanyakan e-commerce tidak ada fitur kategori terkait review hal ini membuat calon pembeli kesusahan dalam menganalisa secara manual. Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) merupakan solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. ABSA memiliki tiga tugas salah satunya Aspect Category Detection yang memiliki fungsi untuk menggabungkan review pelanggan menjadi beberapa aspek dimana aspek-aspek tersebut sudah didefinisikan terlebih dahulu. Cukup banyak penelitian terkait Aspect Category Detection dengan mengunakan machine learning. Dari beberapa metode yang diuji, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) merupakan metode terbaik. Selain itu penggunaan BERT sebagai word embedding menghasilkan output yang bagus baik dari pada word embedding konvensional. Penelitian ini menggunakan dataset dari e-commerce Bukalapak dengan 3114 review dan 6 aspek (Akurasi, Pengiriman, Kualitas, Harga, Pengemasan, dan Pelayanan). Berdasarkan ujicoba dengan menggunakan IndoBERT sebagai word embedding dan CNN untuk deteksi aspek, maka didapatkan akurasi sebesar 94,86%. Dengan demikian model tersebut dapat digunakan untuk deteksi aspek. Selain itu, metode CNN mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dari pada metode LSTM

    A Survey of Sentiment Analysis and Sarcasm Detection: Challenges, Techniques, and Trends

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    In recent years, more people have been using the internet and social media to express their opinions on various subjects, such as institutions, services, or specific ideas. This increase highlights the importance of developing automated tools for accurate sentiment analysis. Moreover, addressing sarcasm in text is crucial, as it can significantly impact the efficacy of sentiment analysis models. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the conducted research on sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection, focusing on the time from 2018 to 2023. It explores the challenges faced and the methods used to address them. It conducts a comparison of these methods. It also aims to identify emerging trends that will likely influence the future of sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection, ensuring their continued effectiveness. This paper enhances the existing knowledge by offering a comprehensive analysis of 40 research works, evaluating performance, addressing multilingual challenges, and highlighting future trends in sarcasm detection and sentiment analysis. It is a valuable resource for researchers and experts interested in the field, facilitating further advancements in sentiment analysis techniques and applications. It categorizes sentiment analysis methods into ML, lexical, and hybrid approaches, highlighting deep learning, especially Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), for effective textual classification with labeled or unlabeled data

    Understanding user behavior aspects on emergency mobile applications during emergency communications using NLP and text mining techniques

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    Abstract. The use of mobile devices has been skyrocketing in our society. Users can access and share any type of information in a timely manner through these devices using different social media applications. This enabled users to increase their awareness of ongoing events such as election campaigns, sports updates, movie releases, disaster occurrences, and studies. The attractiveness, affordability, and two-way communication capabilities empowered these mobile devices that support various social media platforms to be central to emergency communication as well. This makes a mobile-based emergency application an attractive communication tool during emergencies. The emergence of mobile-based emergency communication has intrigued us to learn about the user behavior related to the usage of these applications. Our study was mainly conducted on emergency apps in Nordic countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Norway. To understand the user objects regarding the usage of emergency mobile applications we leveraged various Natural Language Processing and Text Mining techniques. VADER sentiment tool was used to predict and track users’ review polarity of a particular application over time. Lately, to identify factors that affect users’ sentiments, we employed topic modeling techniques such as the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. This model identifies various themes discussed in the user reviews and the result of each theme will be represented by the weighted sum of words in the corpus. Even though LDA succeeds in highlighting the user-related factors, it fails to identify the aspects of the user, and the topic definition from the LDA model is vague. Hence we leveraged Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) methods to extract the user aspects from the user reviews. To perform this task we consider fine-tuning DeBERTa (a variant of the BERT model). BERT is a Bidirectional Encoder Representation of transformer architecture which allows the model to learn the context in the text. Following this, we performed a sentence pair sentiment classification task using different variants of BERT. Later, we dwell on different sentiments to highlight the factors and the categories that impact user behavior most by leveraging the Empath categorization technique. Finally, we construct a word association by considering different Ontological vocabularies related to mobile applications and emergency response and management systems. The insights from the study can be used to identify the user aspect terms, predict the sentiment of the aspect term in the review provided, and find how the aspect term impacts the user perspective on the usage of mobile emergency applications

    Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis from User-Generated Content in Shopee Marketplace Platform

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    A number of businesses, such as TripAdvisor, Open Table, and Yelp, have successfully utilized aspect-based sentiment analysis in order to gain insights from reviews provided by customers and enhance the quality of their goods or services. Businesses are able to swiftly discover any unfavorable sentiment or possible harm to their brand when they analyze client input across numerous aspects from social media, online reviews, and conversations with customer care representatives. This study aims to explain how aspect-based semantic analysis of market-collected user-generated data through performance comparisons of Doc2vec and TF-IDF vectorization. Both Doc2Vec and TF-IDF have their own distinctive qualities, which might vary according on the nature of the job, the dataset, and the volume of the available training data. For the objectives of this research, the data was obtained from several of fashion merchants that run their companies by means of the Shopee platform, which is a well-known online marketplace platform in Indonesia. In this research, the accuracy and F1 Score achieved by Doc2Vec vectorization was superior to those achieved by TF-IDF vectorization. Our findings shows that Doc2Vec vectorization is better for classifying customer ratings because it can pull out the semantic meaning of words in a document. The findings also shows that the score of c and gamma parameter have significant impact to the score of Accuracy and F1 Score of the classifier.By precisely categorizing client sentiment, this study enables businesses to improve their services, respond to customers' problems, and increase their customer satisfaction

    Sentiment Analysis on YouTube Comments : Analysis of prevailing attitude towards Nokia Mobile Phones

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    The volume of textual data, more specifically, the magnitude of opinionated text on social media, has increased the interest of companies to closely analyze what their customers have to say about them and their products. This thesis explores the possibility of performing aspect-based sentiment analysis with YouTube comments. The comments on Nokia Mobile phones are the subject of the study in this thesis. First, manual labeling was performed to identify the aspect terms and sentiment and then categorize the aspects based on the aspect’s functionality on the phone. From the categorization, it was found out that people mainly have shown negative sentiment towards multiple aspects of the phone with maximum negative attitude towards the price of the phone. On the other hand, the only aspect that could gather a positive attitude was the phone’s-built quality. The result shows that there are multiple phone aspects that HMD Global can consider for current and future product improvement. Further, this study used the labeled data to perform supervised learning to classify the aspects and the aspect sentiment from the comments. With two features extraction techniques, BoW and TF-IDF, this paper has explored the performance of different machine learning models on YouTube comments. The models show good results for aspect classification; however, the model’s performance could be further improved for aspect sentiment classification. Overall, little attention to this area has been discussed because of the complexity, highly unstructured, and noisy nature of text on YouTube. However, despite the challenges, this platform can be valuable in producing insightful analysis, as presented in this thesis


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    Situs review online terus bertambah populer karena semakin banyak orang mencari saran dari sesama pengguna mengenai layanan dan produk. Sejumlah penelitian beberapa tahun terakhir juga sudah berkembang dalam bidang analisis sentimen guna menemukan solusi yang tepat dalam membuat sistem yang dapat secara otomatis menganalisis review di intenet dan mengekstrak informasi yang paling relevan bagi pengguna. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya mengenai analisis sentimen pada review restoran, akurasi algoritma Naive Bayeslebih unggul dari Support Vector Machine. Pada penelitian ini digunakan dua algoritma, yakni NaĂŻve Bayes dan Support Vector Machine. Tujuannya adalah untuk menentukan algoritma terbaik yang bisa digunakan untuk data review teks bahasa Indonesia. Dari hasil pengolahan data, algoritma NaĂŻve Bayes lebih unggul dari Support Vector Machine dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar 87%. Sedangkan algoritma Support Vector Machine hanya menghasilkan akurasi 56%. Penulis membuat aplikasi analisis sentiment menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java sebagai penunjang penelitian
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