24 research outputs found

    Multilingual Unsupervised Sentence Simplification

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    Progress in Sentence Simplification has been hindered by the lack of supervised data, particularly in languages other than English. Previous work has aligned sentences from original and simplified corpora such as English Wikipedia and Simple English Wikipedia, but this limits corpus size, domain, and language. In this work, we propose using unsupervised mining techniques to automatically create training corpora for simplification in multiple languages from raw Common Crawl web data. When coupled with a controllable generation mechanism that can flexibly adjust attributes such as length and lexical complexity, these mined paraphrase corpora can be used to train simplification systems in any language. We further incorporate multilingual unsupervised pretraining methods to create even stronger models and show that by training on mined data rather than supervised corpora, we outperform the previous best results. We evaluate our approach on English, French, and Spanish simplification benchmarks and reach state-of-the-art performance with a totally unsupervised approach. We will release our models and code to mine the data in any language included in Common Crawl

    Semi-Supervised Text Simplification with Back-Translation and Asymmetric Denoising Autoencoders

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    Text simplification (TS) rephrases long sentences into simplified variants while preserving inherent semantics. Traditional sequence-to-sequence models heavily rely on the quantity and quality of parallel sentences, which limits their applicability in different languages and domains. This work investigates how to leverage large amounts of unpaired corpora in TS task. We adopt the back-translation architecture in unsupervised machine translation (NMT), including denoising autoencoders for language modeling and automatic generation of parallel data by iterative back-translation. However, it is non-trivial to generate appropriate complex-simple pair if we directly treat the set of simple and complex corpora as two different languages, since the two types of sentences are quite similar and it is hard for the model to capture the characteristics in different types of sentences. To tackle this problem, we propose asymmetric denoising methods for sentences with separate complexity. When modeling simple and complex sentences with autoencoders, we introduce different types of noise into the training process. Such a method can significantly improve the simplification performance. Our model can be trained in both unsupervised and semi-supervised manner. Automatic and human evaluations show that our unsupervised model outperforms the previous systems, and with limited supervision, our model can perform competitively with multiple state-of-the-art simplification systems

    A User-Centered Evaluation of Spanish Text Simplification

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    We present an evaluation of text simplification (TS) in Spanish for a production system, by means of two corpora focused in both complex-sentence and complex-word identification. We compare the most prevalent Spanish-specific readability scores with neural networks, and show that the latter are consistently better at predicting user preferences regarding TS. As part of our analysis, we find that multilingual models underperform against equivalent Spanish-only models on the same task, yet all models focus too often on spurious statistical features, such as sentence length. We release the corpora in our evaluation to the broader community with the hopes of pushing forward the state-of-the-art in Spanish natural language processing.Comment: Data at https://github.com/microsoft/BrevE-CLar

    Machine Learning for Readability Assessment and Text Simplification in Crisis Communication: A Systematic Review

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    In times of social media, crisis managers can interact with the citizens in a variety of ways. Since machine learning has already been used to classify messages from the population, the question is, whether such technologies can play a role in the creation of messages from crisis managers to the population. This paper focuses on an explorative research revolving around selected machine learning solutions for crisis communication. We present systematic literature reviews of readability assessment and text simplification. Our research suggests that readability assessment has the potential for an effective use in crisis communication, but there is a lack of sufficient training data. This also applies to text simplification, where an exact assessment is only partly possible due to unreliable or non-existent training data and validation measures

    Expertise Style Transfer: A New Task Towards Better Communication between Experts and Laymen

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    The curse of knowledge can impede communication between experts and laymen. We propose a new task of expertise style transfer and contribute a manually annotated dataset with the goal of alleviating such cognitive biases. Solving this task not only simplifies the professional language, but also improves the accuracy and expertise level of laymen descriptions using simple words. This is a challenging task, unaddressed in previous work, as it requires the models to have expert intelligence in order to modify text with a deep understanding of domain knowledge and structures. We establish the benchmark performance of five state-of-the-art models for style transfer and text simplification. The results demonstrate a significant gap between machine and human performance. We also discuss the challenges of automatic evaluation, to provide insights into future research directions. The dataset is publicly available at https://srhthu.github.io/expertise-style-transfer.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; To appear in ACL 202

    Can Knowledge Graphs Simplify Text?

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    Knowledge Graph (KG)-to-Text Generation has seen recent improvements in generating fluent and informative sentences which describe a given KG. As KGs are widespread across multiple domains and contain important entity-relation information, and as text simplification aims to reduce the complexity of a text while preserving the meaning of the original text, we propose KGSimple, a novel approach to unsupervised text simplification which infuses KG-established techniques in order to construct a simplified KG path and generate a concise text which preserves the original input's meaning. Through an iterative and sampling KG-first approach, our model is capable of simplifying text when starting from a KG by learning to keep important information while harnessing KG-to-text generation to output fluent and descriptive sentences. We evaluate various settings of the KGSimple model on currently-available KG-to-text datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness compared to unsupervised text simplification models which start with a given complex text. Our code is available on GitHub.Comment: Accepted as a Main Conference Long Paper at CIKM 202