152 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the Second Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data Analysis Workshop

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    Topics addressed include: calibration, the atmosphere, data problems and techniques, geological research, and botanical and geobotanical research

    Non-negative bases in spectral image archiving

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    Reflectance, illumination, and appearance in color constancy

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    We studied color constancy using a pair of identical 3-D Color Mondrian displays. We viewed one 3-D Mondrian in nearly uniform illumination, and the other in directional, nonuniform illumination. We used the three dimensional structures to modulate the light falling on the painted surfaces. The 3-D structures in the displays were a matching set of wooden blocks. Across Mondrian displays, each corresponding facet had the same paint on its surface. We used only 6 chromatic, and 5 achromatic paints applied to 104 block facets. The 3-D blocks add shadows and multiple reflections not found in flat Mondrians. Both 3-D Mondrians were viewed simultaneously, side-by-side. We used two techniques to measure correlation of appearance with surface reflectance. First, observers made magnitude estimates of changes in the appearances of identical reflectances. Second, an author painted a watercolor of the 3-D Mondrians. The watercolor's reflectances quantified the changes in appearances. While constancy generalizations about illumination and reflectance hold for flat Mondrians, they do not for 3-D Mondrians. A constant paint does not exhibit perfect color constancy, but rather shows significant shifts in lightness, hue and chroma in response to the structure in the nonuniform illumination. Color appearance depends on the spatial information in both the illumination and the reflectances of objects. The spatial information of the quanta catch from the array of retinal receptors generates sensations that have variable correlation with surface reflectance. Models of appearance in humans need to calculate the departures from perfect constancy measured here. This article provides a dataset of measurements of color appearances for computational models of sensation. © 2014 McCann, Parraman and Rizzi

    Comparative study of spectral reflectance estimation based on broad-band imaging systems

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    We have been practicing spectral color estimation for museum artwork imaging and spectral estimation. We have had success using both narrow-band imaging based on a liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) and various broad-band imaging approaches using the same monochromatic digital camera system. Details about our spectral color imaging system description, imaging procedures and the performance of spectral estimation methods used can be found in our previous technical reports.1,2 In previous reports we focused in methods of reconstruction from narrow-band images using LCTF, while we only reported preliminary analyses of reconstruction from wide-band images using six glass filtered images and a red-green-blue filter combined with and without a light-blue Wratten filter. There are practical advantages of using commercially available RGB cameras with this method if such a broad-band image acquisition system has sufficient estimation accuracy. We previously captured two sets of six broad-band images obtained by glass filters mounted in a wheel with glass filters, with and without extra absorption filter.1 In this report, we expand the analyses of spectral estimation using wide-band images by switching the red filter with a long-red filter in order to test the concept of using long-red, green and blue channels of the camera combined with and without lightblue absorption filter. The performance of this new configuration is compared to the imaging using all six filters of the filter wheel, as well as the configuration using six channels derived from red-green-blue filters without and with absorption filter

    Acquisition of multispectral color images using light-emitting diodes

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    Processing remotely sensed data for geological content over a part of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, Republic of South Africa.

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    Various methods and techniques developed by researchers worldwide for enhancement and processing ATM, MSS· and TM remotely sensed data are tested. on LANDSAT 5 Thematic Mapper data from a part of the Barberton Greenstone Belt straddling the border between the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Swaziland. Various enhancement techniques employed to facilitate the extraction of structural features and lineaments, and the findings Of the ensuing photogeologlcal interpretation are compared with existing geological maps~ Methods for the detection of zones of hydrothermal alteration. are also considered. The reflectance from vegetation, both natural and cultivated, and the possible reduction of the interference caused by this reflectance, are considered in detail. Partial unmixing of reflectances through the use of various methods and techniques, some of which are readily available from the literature, are performed and its effectiveness tested. Since large areas within the study area are covered by plantations, the interfereiice from the two types of vegetation present (i.e. natural and cultivated), were initially considered separately. In an attempt to isolate the forested areas from the natural vegetation, masks derived through image classification were used to differentially enhance the various features. Results indicate that the use of any particular method to the exclusion of all others will seriously limit the scope of conclusions possible through interpretation of the information present. Enhancement of information in one domain will inadvertently lead to the suppression of information from one or more of the coexisting domains. A series of results from a sequence of procedures interpreted in parallel will in every case produce information of a higher decision making quality.AC201

    Hyperspectral colour imaging and spectrophotometric instrumentation

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    The trichromatic nature of commercial photography is strictly connected with the nature of human colour vision, although the characteristics of usual colour imaging devices are quite different from the human visual system. The increase in the number of colour channels for spectral (either multispectral or hyperspectral) imaging is an active field of research with many potential applications in different fields. Each element of the captured scene is specified in the spectral image by the spectral reflectance factor. This measurement is independent of the particular illumination of the scene and allows the colorimetric computation in a device-independent colour space for any chosen illuminant and any observer. This thesis describes the project and construction of a compact spectrophotometric camera, which can be used in both portable and in-situ applications. The compactness is made possible by a suitable image spectral scanning based on an Induced Transmission Filter (ITF). This filter is made by a set of thin-film coatings of dielectric materials with high and low refraction index, whose shape like a wedge induces a wavelength selective transmittance, continuously variable along one direction and uniform in the perpendicular direction. Such a filter, classified as Linearly Variable Filter (LVF), operates continuously from 430nm to 940nm and allows hyperspectral imaging. In traditional scanners the whole apparatus is moved along a path as long as the scene, whereas in this instrument the camera body is still and the LVF is the only moving part. The sequence of operations for wavelength and radiometric calibrations are discussed. The expected acquisition times and number of images as a function of the spectral sampling step are considered. The resulting properties make the instrument easy to use and with short acquisition times. Moreover, overviews of the historic evolution of colour vision fundamentals, colour spaces and spectral imaging technology are given for introducing the reader to the essential concepts useful for the understanding of the text

    Colour coded

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    This 300 word publication to be published by the Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) is a collection of the best papers from a 4-year European project that has considered colour from the perspective of both the arts and sciences.The notion of art and science and the crossovers between the two resulted in application and funding for cross disciplinary research to host a series of training events between 2006 and 2010 Marie Curie Conferences & Training Courses (SCF) Call Identifier: FP6-Mobility-4, Euros 532,363.80 CREATE – Colour Research for European Advanced Technology Employment. The research crossovers between the fields of art, science and technology was also a subject that was initiated through Bristol’s Festival if Ideas events in May 2009. The author coordinated and chaired an event during which the C.P Snow lecture “On Two Cultures’ (1959) was re-presented by Actor Simon Cook and then a lecture made by Raymond Tallis on the notion of the Polymath. The CREATE project has a worldwide impact for researchers, academics and scientists. Between January and October 2009, the site has received 221, 414 visits. The most popular route into the site is via the welcome page. The main groups of visitors originate in the UK (including Northern Ireland), Italy, France, Finland, Norway, Hungary, USA, Finland and Spain. A basic percentage breakdown of the traffic over ten months indicates: USA -15%; UK - 16%; Italy - 13%; France -12%; Hungary - 10%; Spain - 6%; Finland - 9%; Norway - 5%. The remaining approximate 14% of visitors are from other countries including Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany (approx 3%). A discussion group has been initiated by the author as part of the CREATE project to facilitate an ongoing dialogue between artists and scientists. http://createcolour.ning.com/group/artandscience www.create.uwe.ac.uk.Related papers to this research: A report on the CREATE Italian event: Colour in cultural heritage.C. Parraman, A. Rizzi, ‘Developing the CREATE network in Europe’, in Colour in Art, Design and Nature, Edinburgh, 24 October 2008.C. Parraman, “Mixing and describing colour”. CREATE (Training event 1), France, 2008