46 research outputs found

    Image processing and machine learning techniques used in computer-aided detection system for mammogram screening - a review

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    This paper aims to review the previously developed Computer-aided detection (CAD) systems for mammogram screening because increasing death rate in women due to breast cancer is a global medical issue and it can be controlled only by early detection with regular screening. Till now mammography is the widely used breast imaging modality. CAD systems have been adopted by the radiologists to increase the accuracy of the breast cancer diagnosis by avoiding human errors and experience related issues. This study reveals that in spite of the higher accuracy obtained by the earlier proposed CAD systems for breast cancer diagnosis, they are not fully automated. Moreover, the false-positive mammogram screening cases are high in number and over-diagnosis of breast cancer exposes a patient towards harmful overtreatment for which a huge amount of money is being wasted. In addition, it is also reported that the mammogram screening result with and without CAD systems does not have noticeable difference, whereas the undetected cancer cases by CAD system are increasing. Thus, future research is required to improve the performance of CAD system for mammogram screening and make it completely automated

    Hematological image analysis for acute lymphoblastic leukemia detection and classification

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    Microscopic analysis of peripheral blood smear is a critical step in detection of leukemia.However, this type of light microscopic assessment is time consuming, inherently subjective, and is governed by hematopathologists clinical acumen and experience. To circumvent such problems, an efficient computer aided methodology for quantitative analysis of peripheral blood samples is required to be developed. In this thesis, efforts are therefore made to devise methodologies for automated detection and subclassification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) using image processing and machine learning methods.Choice of appropriate segmentation scheme plays a vital role in the automated disease recognition process. Accordingly to segment the normal mature lymphocyte and malignant lymphoblast images into constituent morphological regions novel schemes have been proposed. In order to make the proposed schemes viable from a practical and real–time stand point, the segmentation problem is addressed in both supervised and unsupervised framework. These proposed methods are based on neural network,feature space clustering, and Markov random field modeling, where the segmentation problem is formulated as pixel classification, pixel clustering, and pixel labeling problem respectively. A comprehensive validation analysis is presented to evaluate the performance of four proposed lymphocyte image segmentation schemes against manual segmentation results provided by a panel of hematopathologists. It is observed that morphological components of normal and malignant lymphocytes differ significantly. To automatically recognize lymphoblasts and detect ALL in peripheral blood samples, an efficient methodology is proposed.Morphological, textural and color features are extracted from the segmented nucleus and cytoplasm regions of the lymphocyte images. An ensemble of classifiers represented as EOC3 comprising of three classifiers shows highest classification accuracy of 94.73% in comparison to individual members. The subclassification of ALL based on French–American–British (FAB) and World Health Organization (WHO) criteria is essential for prognosis and treatment planning. Accordingly two independent methodologies are proposed for automated classification of malignant lymphocyte (lymphoblast) images based on morphology and phenotype. These methods include lymphoblast image segmentation, nucleus and cytoplasm feature extraction, and efficient classification

    Learning cell representations in temporal and 3D contexts

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    Cell morphology and its changes under different circumstances is one of the primary ways by which we can understand biology. Computational tools for characterization and analysis, therefore, play a critical role in advancing studies involving cell morphology. In this thesis, I explored the use of representation learning and self-supervised methods to analyze nuclear texture in fluorescence imaging across different contexts and scales. To analyze the cell cycle using 2D temporal imaging data, as well as DNA damage in 3D imaging data, I employed a simple model based on the VAE-GAN architecture. Through the VAE-GAN model, I constructed manifolds in which the latent representations of the data can be grouped and clustered based on textural similarities without the need for exhaustive training annotations. I used these representations, as well as manually engineered features, to perform various analyses both at the single cell and tissue levels. The application on the cell cycle data revealed that common tasks such as cell cycle staging and cell cycle time estimation can be done even with minimal fluorescence information and user annotation. On the other hand, the texture classes derived to characterize DNA damage in 3D histology images unveiled differences between control and treated tissue regions. Lastly, by aggregating cell-level information to characterize local cell neighborhoods, interactions between DNA-damaged cells and immune cells can be quantified and some tissue microstructures can be identified. The results presented in this thesis demonstrated the utility of the representations learned through my approach in supporting biological inquiries involving temporal and 3D spatial data. The quantitative measurements computed using the presented methods have the potential to aid not only similar experiments on the cell cycle and DNA damage but also in exploratory studies in 3D histology

    Automated detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy from retinal images

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a retinal vascular disease associated with diabetes and it is one of the most common causes of blindness worldwide. Diabetic patients regularly attend retinal screening in which digital retinal images are captured. These images undergo thorough analysis by trained individuals, which can be a very time consuming and costly task due to the large diabetic population. Therefore, this is a field that would greatly benefit from the introduction of automated detection systems. This project aims to automatically detect proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), which is the most advanced stage of the disease and poses a high risk of severe visual impairment. The hallmark of PDR is neovascularisation, the growth of abnormal new vessels. Their tortuous, convoluted and obscure appearance can make them difficult to detect. In this thesis, we present a methodology based on the novel approach of creating two different segmented vessel maps. Segmentation methods include a standard line operator approach and a novel modified line operator approach. The former targets the accurate segmentation of new vessels and the latter targets the reduction of false responses to non-vessel edges. Both generated binary vessel maps hold vital information which is processed separately using a dual classification framework. Features are measured from each binary vessel map to produce two separate feature sets. Independent classification is performed for each feature set using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The system then combines these individual classification outcomes to produce a final decision. The proposed methodology, using a dataset of 60 images, achieves a sensitivity of 100.00% and a specificity of 92.50% on a per image basis and a sensitivity of 87.93% and a specificity of 94.40% on a per patch basis. The thesis also presents an investigation into the search for the most suitable features for the classification of PDR. This entails the expansion of the feature vector, followed by feature selection using a genetic algorithm based approach. This provides an improvement in results, which now stand at a sensitivity and specificity 3 of 100.00% and 97.50% respectively on a per image basis and 91.38% and 96.00% respectively on a per patch basis. A final extension to the project sees the framework of dual classification further explored, by comparing the results of dual SVM classification with dual ensemble classification. The results of the dual ensemble approach are deemed inferior, achieving a sensitivity and specificity of 100.00% and 95.00% respectively on a per image basis and 81.03% and 95.20% respectively on a per patch basis

    Complexity, Emergent Systems and Complex Biological Systems:\ud Complex Systems Theory and Biodynamics. [Edited book by I.C. Baianu, with listed contributors (2011)]

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    An overview is presented of System dynamics, the study of the behaviour of complex systems, Dynamical system in mathematics Dynamic programming in computer science and control theory, Complex systems biology, Neurodynamics and Psychodynamics.\u

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis

    Entropy in Image Analysis III

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    Image analysis can be applied to rich and assorted scenarios; therefore, the aim of this recent research field is not only to mimic the human vision system. Image analysis is the main methods that computers are using today, and there is body of knowledge that they will be able to manage in a totally unsupervised manner in future, thanks to their artificial intelligence. The articles published in the book clearly show such a future