2,187 research outputs found


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    This dissertation addresses the difficulties of semantic segmentation when dealing with an extensive collection of images and 3D point clouds. Due to the ubiquity of digital cameras that help capture the world around us, as well as the advanced scanning techniques that are able to record 3D replicas of real cities, the sheer amount of visual data available presents many opportunities for both academic research and industrial applications. But the mere quantity of data also poses a tremendous challenge. In particular, the problem of distilling useful information from such a large repository of visual data has attracted ongoing interests in the fields of computer vision and data mining. Structural Semantics are fundamental to understanding both natural and man-made objects. Buildings, for example, are like languages in that they are made up of repeated structures or patterns that can be captured in images. In order to find these recurring patterns in images, I present an unsupervised frequent visual pattern mining approach that goes beyond co-location to identify spatially coherent visual patterns, regardless of their shape, size, locations and orientation. First, my approach categorizes visual items from scale-invariant image primitives with similar appearance using a suite of polynomial-time algorithms that have been designed to identify consistent structural associations among visual items, representing frequent visual patterns. After detecting repetitive image patterns, I use unsupervised and automatic segmentation of the identified patterns to generate more semantically meaningful representations. The underlying assumption is that pixels capturing the same portion of image patterns are visually consistent, while pixels that come from different backdrops are usually inconsistent. I further extend this approach to perform automatic segmentation of foreground objects from an Internet photo collection of landmark locations. New scanning technologies have successfully advanced the digital acquisition of large-scale urban landscapes. In addressing semantic segmentation and reconstruction of this data using LiDAR point clouds and geo-registered images of large-scale residential areas, I develop a complete system that simultaneously uses classification and segmentation methods to first identify different object categories and then apply category-specific reconstruction techniques to create visually pleasing and complete scene models

    Ithaca365: Dataset and Driving Perception under Repeated and Challenging Weather Conditions

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    Advances in perception for self-driving cars have accelerated in recent years due to the availability of large-scale datasets, typically collected at specific locations and under nice weather conditions. Yet, to achieve the high safety requirement, these perceptual systems must operate robustly under a wide variety of weather conditions including snow and rain. In this paper, we present a new dataset to enable robust autonomous driving via a novel data collection process - data is repeatedly recorded along a 15 km route under diverse scene (urban, highway, rural, campus), weather (snow, rain, sun), time (day/night), and traffic conditions (pedestrians, cyclists and cars). The dataset includes images and point clouds from cameras and LiDAR sensors, along with high-precision GPS/INS to establish correspondence across routes. The dataset includes road and object annotations using amodal masks to capture partial occlusions and 3D bounding boxes. We demonstrate the uniqueness of this dataset by analyzing the performance of baselines in amodal segmentation of road and objects, depth estimation, and 3D object detection. The repeated routes opens new research directions in object discovery, continual learning, and anomaly detection. Link to Ithaca365: https://ithaca365.mae.cornell.edu/Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202

    Recursive Inference for Prediction of Objects in Urban Environments

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    Abstract Future advancements in robotic navigation and mapping rest to a large extent on robust, efficient and more advanced semantic understanding of the surrounding environment. The existing semantic mapping approaches typically consider small number of semantic categories, require complex inference or large number of training examples to achieve desirable performance. In the proposed work we present an efficient approach for predicting locations of generic objects in urban environments by means of semantic segmentation of a video into object and nonobject categories. We exploit widely available exemplars of non-object categories (such as road, buildings, vegetation) and use geometric cues which are indicative of the presence of object boundaries to gather the evidence about objects regardless of their category. We formulate the object/non-object semantic segmentation problem in the Conditional Random Field framework, where the structure of the graph is induced by a minimum spanning tree computed over a 3D point cloud, yielding an efficient algorithm for an exact inference. The chosen 3D representation naturally lends itself for on-line recursive belief updates with a simple soft data association mechanism. We carry out extensive experiments on videos of urban environments acquired by a moving vehicle and show quantitatively and qualitatively the benefits of our proposal.

    Automatic Understanding and Mapping of Regions in Cities Using Google Street View Images

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    The use of semantic representations to achieve place understanding has been widely studied using indoor information. This kind of data can then be used for navigation, localization, and place identification using mobile devices. Nevertheless, applying this approach to outdoor data involves certain non-trivial procedures, such as gathering the information. This problem can be solved by using map APIs which allow images to be taken from the dataset captured to add to the map of a city. In this paper, we seek to leverage such APIs that collect images of city streets to generate a semantic representation of the city, built using a clustering algorithm and semantic descriptors. The main contribution of this work is to provide a new approach to generate a map with semantic information for each area of the city. The proposed method can automatically assign a semantic label for the cluster on the map. This method can be useful in smart cities and autonomous driving approaches due to the categorization of the zones in a city. The results show the robustness of the proposed pipeline and the advantages of using Google Street View images, semantic descriptors, and machine learning algorithms to generate semantic maps of outdoor places. These maps properly encode the zones existing in the selected city and are able to provide new zones between current ones.This work has been supported by the Spanish Grant PID2019-104818RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. José Carlos Rangel and Edmanuel Cruz were supported by the Sistema Nacional de Investigación (SNI) of SENACYT, Panama

    Vehicle make and model recognition for intelligent transportation monitoring and surveillance.

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    Vehicle Make and Model Recognition (VMMR) has evolved into a significant subject of study due to its importance in numerous Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), such as autonomous navigation, traffic analysis, traffic surveillance and security systems. A highly accurate and real-time VMMR system significantly reduces the overhead cost of resources otherwise required. The VMMR problem is a multi-class classification task with a peculiar set of issues and challenges like multiplicity, inter- and intra-make ambiguity among various vehicles makes and models, which need to be solved in an efficient and reliable manner to achieve a highly robust VMMR system. In this dissertation, facing the growing importance of make and model recognition of vehicles, we present a VMMR system that provides very high accuracy rates and is robust to several challenges. We demonstrate that the VMMR problem can be addressed by locating discriminative parts where the most significant appearance variations occur in each category, and learning expressive appearance descriptors. Given these insights, we consider two data driven frameworks: a Multiple-Instance Learning-based (MIL) system using hand-crafted features and an extended application of deep neural networks using MIL. Our approach requires only image level class labels, and the discriminative parts of each target class are selected in a fully unsupervised manner without any use of part annotations or segmentation masks, which may be costly to obtain. This advantage makes our system more intelligent, scalable, and applicable to other fine-grained recognition tasks. We constructed a dataset with 291,752 images representing 9,170 different vehicles to validate and evaluate our approach. Experimental results demonstrate that the localization of parts and distinguishing their discriminative powers for categorization improve the performance of fine-grained categorization. Extensive experiments conducted using our approaches yield superior results for images that were occluded, under low illumination, partial camera views, or even non-frontal views, available in our real-world VMMR dataset. The approaches presented herewith provide a highly accurate VMMR system for rea-ltime applications in realistic environments.\\ We also validate our system with a significant application of VMMR to ITS that involves automated vehicular surveillance. We show that our application can provide law inforcement agencies with efficient tools to search for a specific vehicle type, make, or model, and to track the path of a given vehicle using the position of multiple cameras