49 research outputs found

    Shape enhancement for rapid prototyping

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    Many applications, for instance in the reverse engineering and cultural heritage field, require to build a physical replica of 3D digital models. Recent 3D printers can easily perform this task in a relatively short time and using color to reproduce object textures. However, the finite resolution of printers and, most of all, some peculiar optical and physical properties of the used materials reduce their perceptual quality. The contribution of this paper is a shape enhancing technique, which allows users to increase readability of the tiniest details in physical replicas, without requiring manual post-reproduction interventions.831-840Pubblicat

    Synthetic Galaxy Images and Spectra from the Illustris Simulation

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    We present our methods for generating a catalog of 7,000 synthetic images and 40,000 integrated spectra of redshift z = 0 galaxies from the Illustris Simulation. The mock data products are produced by using stellar population synthesis models to assign spectral energy distributions (SED) to each star particle in the galaxies. The resulting synthetic images and integrated SEDs therefore properly reflect the spatial distribution, stellar metallicity distribution, and star formation history of the galaxies. From the synthetic data products it is possible to produce monochromatic or color-composite images, perform SED fitting, classify morphology, determine galaxy structural properties, and evaluate the impacts of galaxy viewing angle. The main contribution of this paper is to describe the production, format, and composition of the image catalog that makes up the Illustris Simulation Obsevatory. As a demonstration of this resource, we derive galactic stellar mass estimates by applying the SED fitting code FAST to the synthetic galaxy products, and compare the derived stellar masses against the true stellar masses from the simulation. We find from this idealized experiment that systematic biases exist in the photometrically derived stellar mass values that can be reduced by using a fixed metallicity in conjunction with a minimum galaxy age restriction.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    Robust image steganography method suited for prining = Robustna steganografska metoda prilagođena procesu tiska

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    U ovoj doktorskoj dizertaciji prezentirana je robustna steganografska metoda razvijena i prilagođena za tisak. Osnovni cilj metode je pružanje zaštite od krivotvorenja ambalaže. Zaštita ambalaže postiže se umetanjem više bitova informacije u sliku pri enkoderu, a potom maskiranjem informacije kako bi ona bila nevidljiva ljudskom oku. Informacija se pri dekoderu detektira pomoću infracrvene kamere. Preliminarna istraživanja pokazala su da u relevantnoj literaturi nedostaje metoda razvijenih za domenu tiska. Razlog za takav nedostatak jest činjenica da razvijanje steganografskih metoda za tisak zahtjeva veću količinu resursa i materijala, u odnosu na razvijanje sličnih domena za digitalnu domenu. Također, metode za tisak često zahtijevaju višu razinu kompleksnosti, budući da se tijekom reprodukcije pojavljuju razni oblici procesiranja koji mogu kompromitirati informaciju u slici [1]. Da bi se sačuvala skrivena informacija, metoda mora biti otporna na procesiranje koje se događa tijekom reprodukcije. Kako bi se postigla visoka razina otpornosti, informacija se može umetnuti unutar frekvencijske domene slike [2], [3]. Frekvencijskoj domeni slike možemo pristupiti pomoću matematičkih transformacija. Najčešće se koriste diskretna kosinusna transformacija (DCT), diskretna wavelet transformacija (DWT) i diskretna Fourierova transformacija (DFT) [2], [4]. Korištenje svake od navedenih transformacija ima određene prednosti i nedostatke, ovisno o kontekstu razvijanja metode [5]. Za metode prilagođene procesu tiska, diskretna Fourierova transformacija je optimalan odabir, budući da metode bazirane na DFT-u pružaju otpornost na geometrijske transformacije koje se događaju tijekom reprodukcije [5], [6]. U ovom istraživanju korištene su slike u cmyk prostoru boja. Svaka slika najprije je podijeljena u blokove, a umetanje informacije vrši se za svaki blok pojedinačno. Pomoću DFT-a, ???? kanal slikovnog bloka se transformira u frekvencijsku domenu, gdje se vrši umetanje informacije. Akromatska zamjena koristi se za maskiranje vidljivih artefakata nastalih prilikom umetanja informacije. Primjeri uspješnog korištenja akromatske zamjene za maskiranje artefakata mogu se pronaći u [7] i [8]. Nakon umetanja informacije u svaki slikovni blok, blokovi se ponovno spajaju u jednu, jedinstvenu sliku. Akromatska zamjena tada mijenja vrijednosti c, m i y kanala slike, dok kanal k, u kojemu se nalazi umetnuta informacija, ostaje nepromijenjen. Time nakon maskiranja akromatskom zamjenom označena slika posjeduje ista vizualna svojstva kao i slika prije označavanja. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada koristi se 1000 slika u cmyk prostoru boja. U digitalnom okruženju provedeno je istraživanje otpornosti metode na slikovne napade specifične za reprodukcijski proces - skaliranje, blur, šum, rotaciju i kompresiju. Također, provedeno je istraživanje otpornosti metode na reprodukcijski proces, koristeći tiskane uzorke. Objektivna metrika bit error rate (BER) korištena je za evaluaciju. Mogućnost optimizacije metode testirala se procesiranjem slike (unsharp filter) i korištenjem error correction kodova (ECC). Provedeno je istraživanje kvalitete slike nakon umetanja informacije. Za evaluaciju su korištene objektivne metrike peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) i structural similarity index measure (SSIM). PSNR i SSIM su tzv. full-reference metrike. Drugim riječima, potrebne su i neoznačena i označena slika istovremeno, kako bi se mogla utvrditi razina sličnosti između slika [9], [10]. Subjektivna analiza provedena je na 36 ispitanika, koristeći ukupno 144 uzorka slika. Ispitanici su ocijenjivali vidljivost artefakata na skali od nula (nevidljivo) do tri (vrlo vidljivo). Rezultati pokazuju da metoda posjeduje visoku razinu otpornosti na reprodukcijski proces. Također, metoda se uistinu optimizirala korištenjem unsharp filtera i ECC-a. Kvaliteta slike ostaje visoka bez obzira na umetanje informacije, što su potvrdili rezultati eksperimenata s objektivnim metrikama i subjektivna analiza

    Geometry-Aware Scattering Compensation for 3D Printing

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    Commercially available full-color 3D printing allows for detailed control of material deposition in a volume, but an exact reproduction of a target surface appearance is hampered by the strong subsurface scattering that causes nontrivial volumetric cross-talk at the print surface. Previous work showed how an iterative optimization scheme based on accumulating absorptive materials at the surface can be used to find a volumetric distribution of print materials that closely approximates a given target appearance. // In this work, we first revisit the assumption that pushing the absorptive materials to the surface results in minimal volumetric cross-talk. We design a full-fledged optimization on a small domain for this task and confirm this previously reported heuristic. Then, we extend the above approach that is critically limited to color reproduction on planar surfaces, to arbitrary 3D shapes. Our proposed method enables high-fidelity color texture reproduction on 3D prints by effectively compensating for internal light scattering within arbitrarily shaped objects. In addition, we propose a content-aware gamut mapping that significantly improves color reproduction for the pathological case of thin geometric features. Using a wide range of sample objects with complex textures and geometries, we demonstrate color reproduction whose fidelity is superior to state-of-the-art drivers for color 3D printers

    Semantic models of scenes and objects for service and industrial robotics

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    What may seem straightforward for the human perception system is still challenging for robots. Automatically segmenting the elements with highest relevance or salience, i.e. the semantics, is non-trivial given the high level of variability in the world and the limits of vision sensors. This stands up when multiple ambiguous sources of information are available, which is the case when dealing with moving robots. This thesis leverages on the availability of contextual cues and multiple points of view to make the segmentation task easier. Four robotic applications will be presented, two designed for service robotics and two for an industrial context. Semantic models of indoor environments will be built enriching geometric reconstructions with semantic information about objects, structural elements and humans. Our approach leverages on the importance of context, the availability of multiple source of information, as well as multiple view points showing with extensive experiments on several datasets that these are all crucial elements to boost state-of-the-art performances. Furthermore, moving to applications with robots analyzing object surfaces instead of their surroundings, semantic models of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers will be built augmenting geometric models with accurate measurements of superficial fiber orientations, and inner defects invisible to the human-eye. We succeeded in reaching an industrial grade accuracy making these models useful for autonomous quality inspection and process optimization. In all applications, special attention will be paid towards fast methods suitable for real robots like the two prototypes presented in this thesis

    The DiskMass Survey. II. Error Budget

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    We present a performance analysis of the DiskMass Survey. The survey uses collisionless tracers in the form of disk stars to measure the surface-density of spiral disks, to provide an absolute calibration of the stellar mass-to-light ratio, and to yield robust estimates of the dark-matter halo density profile in the inner regions of galaxies. We find a disk inclination range of 25-35 degrees is optimal for our measurements, consistent with our survey design to select nearly face-on galaxies. Uncertainties in disk scale-heights are significant, but can be estimated from radial scale-lengths to 25% now, and more precisely in the future. We detail the spectroscopic analysis used to derive line-of-sight velocity dispersions, precise at low surface-brightness, and accurate in the presence of composite stellar populations. Our methods take full advantage of large-grasp integral-field spectroscopy and an extensive library of observed stars. We show that the baryon-to-total mass fraction (F_b) is not a well-defined observational quantity because it is coupled to the halo mass model. This remains true even when the disk mass is known and spatially-extended rotation curves are available. In contrast, the fraction of the rotation speed supplied by the disk at 2.2 scale lengths (disk maximality) is a robust observational indicator of the baryonic disk contribution to the potential. We construct the error-budget for the key quantities: dynamical disk mass surface-density, disk stellar mass-to-light ratio, and disk maximality (V_disk / V_circular). Random and systematic errors in these quantities for individual galaxies will be ~25%, while survey precision for sample quartiles are reduced to 10%, largely devoid of systematic errors outside of distance uncertainties.Comment: To appear in ApJ; 88 pages, 4 tables, 18 figures. High-resolution version available at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~mab/publications/DMS_II_preprint.pd