251 research outputs found

    Aural Design and Coherence in the Prologue of First John

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    Brickle, Jeffrey E., “Aural Design and Coherence in the Prologue of First John.” Ph.D. diss., Concordia Seminary, 2010. 236 pp. The dissertation focuses on the aural features of the Prologue of 1 John. These features reflect an underlying design which facilitated the communication of its rhetorically powerful message within the dynamic oral culture of the late first century. The complexity of the passage’s grammar and syntax has long puzzled modern biblical scholars—who typically read in silence and evaluate ancient documents from a print-based viewpoint—and hampered attempts to discern a coherent structure. The dissertation surveys these scholarly attempts to resolve the Prologue’s complexity. Drawing on findings made by the study of orality and contemporary approaches to aural analysis, we propose that attention to the Prologue’s aural characteristics offers an important key to understanding its form and function. The dissertation first explores the Prologue’s visually-evident aural profile. This is carried out by attending to the role of the passage’s grand organizing scheme before undertaking a more detailed, linear analysis. Here we explore, for example, the central function of its two featured digressions, the highlighting of three central themes, and the placement of three recurring sound patterns which instill stability and movement into the overarching structure. As a means to uncover aural features of the Prologue not readily apparent through a visual investigation of the text, we next introduce and apply the approaches to Greek pronunciation and aural analysis advocated by Chrys Caragounis in his book, The Development of Greek and the New Testament. The dissertation employs Caragounis’ “Historical Greek Pronunciation” (HGP) as a test case to determine the impact on the Prologue’s aural landscape. This is followed by an analysis bringing to bear on the Prologue the principles for beautiful and effective composition elucidated by the ancient teacher of rhetoric, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, in his treatise, On Literary Composition. A final chapter draws together the results and implications of the study. Here we note (1) the key role played by sound patterns in the passage’s development and foregrounding, (2) the effects of the HGP on its soundscape as well as the results of “hearing” the Prologue through Dionysius’ keen ears, (3) the connotations our study has on our assessment of the author’s literary skills, and (4) the theological outcomes supported by the passage’s aural contours. In addition, the final chapter offers suggestions for further ways to apply research in ancient media culture to the Prologue through the aspects of aurality, performance, and memory

    Verbal irony in literary discourse: a pragmatic-stylistic study with particular emphasis on contemporary narrative fiction

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    This thesis attempts to shed new light on the functioning of verbal irony in literary discourse and contemporary narrative fiction in particular, adopting a pragmatic, stylistic approach to the topic. It argues in favour of Sperber and Wilson's pragmatic account of verbal irony which it deems extendable and generalisable, despite its two main shortcomings concerned with the basically one-to-one situation analysis it offers and its disregard for components (of a psycho-sociolinguistic nature) which are essential for explaining and securing the existence of irony. The defence of this argument follows two steps.The first (Chs. I, II, III, IV) is concerned with the exploration of the potential that discourse as a whole and literary discourse in particular offer for warranting such a view of irony. Tremendous support has been unravelled from the notions of intertextuality, recontextualisation and re-attribution which readily accomodate the proposed view of irony and help to elucidate it.The second step explores irony in contemporary narrative fiction taking into consideration aspects of its discourse, and the way it can be reconciled with Sperber and Wilson's account. Chapter V singles out some paratextual elements (the title, the epigraph and the note) as instantiating intertextuality par excellence and therefore offering a fertile ground for the communication of irony, at the periphery of the body of the fictional text. Chapters VI and VII scrutinise the organisation of the narrative lx>th as report of events and as report of speech in order to single out the potential each narrative technique offers for the generation and comprehension of irony. It is argued that the duplicity between "story" and "discourse" is at the heart of a great deal of the possibilities open for irony in narrative fiction given what it offers for the manipulation of the organisation of the events in terms of time, focalisation and narration as well as speech and thought presentation.This investigation is further accompanied by an exploration of the pragmatic or rhetorical purposes behind the use of irony through the manipulation of these techniques. Characterisation, thematic reinforcement and self-conscious criticism are found to be the elements of narrative that seem to benefit most from ironic communication

    Genre analysis of online encyclopedias : the case of Wikipedia

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    The De Ira: Seneca\u27s Satire of Roman Law

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    Coming into one's own: the novelistic development of Javier Marias (1971-1994)

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    Cultural and textual properties in the translation and interpretation of allusions. An analysis of allusions in Dorothy L. Sayers’ detective novels translated into Finnish in the 1940s and the 1980s

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    Kulttuuriset ja tekstuaaliset tekijĂ€t alluusioiden kÀÀntĂ€misessĂ€ ja tulkinnassa. Alluusiot Dorothy L. Sayersin 1940- ja 1980-luvuilla suomennetuissa salapoliisiromaaneissa VĂ€itöskirja kĂ€sittelee alluusioiden kÀÀntĂ€mistĂ€ ja tulkintaa. Alluusio on intertekstuaalinen viittaus, jonka tulkitsemiseen tarvitaan implisiittistĂ€ tietoa tutuksi oletetusta viittauskohteesta. KÀÀnnösongelma alluusiosta tulee, mikĂ€li kohdekulttuurin lukijat eivĂ€t tunne viittauskohdetta eivĂ€tkĂ€ voi pÀÀtellĂ€ alluusion merkitystĂ€. Tutkimus pyrkii kuitenkin uuden analyysimenetelmĂ€n avulla osoittamaan, ettĂ€ vieraat alluusiot eivĂ€t vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ johda tulkintaongelmiin. VĂ€itöskirja jakautuu kahteen osaan: analyysimenetelmĂ€n kehittĂ€miseen (luvut 1-5) sekĂ€ tapaustutkimukseen (luvut 6-7). Kehitetyn menetelmĂ€n avulla pystytÀÀn analysoimaan aikaisempaa tarkemmin, millaisia tulkintamahdollisuuksia alluusiot tarjoavat eri lukijakunnille ja miten lĂ€hdetekstin alluusioiden kulttuuriset ja tekstuaaliset piirteet korreloivat kÀÀnnösstrategioiden kanssa. Tapaustutkimus selvittÀÀ, millaisia tulkintamahdollisuuksia Dorothy L. Sayersin 1940- ja 1980-luvuilla suomennettujen salapoliisiromaanien alluusiot tarjosivat aikansa suomalaisille lukijoille. Tavoitteena on myös hahmottaa, miten suomentajien kÀÀnnösratkaisut ja alluusioiden tulkintamahdollisuudet liittyvĂ€t toisaalta lĂ€hdetekstin alluusioiden piirteisiin ja toisaalta kohdekulttuurin kontekstiin. Tapaustutkimus tarjoaa nĂ€in uutta tietoa suomennoskirjallisuuden ja salapoliisiromaanien historiasta. AnalyysimenetelmĂ€ mÀÀrittelee aikaisempaa alluusioita ja intertekstuaalisuutta kĂ€sitelleen tutkimuksen pohjalta ne kulttuuriset ja tekstuaaliset piirteet, jotka vaikuttavat alluusioiden kÀÀntĂ€miseen ja tulkintaan. Kulttuurisessa mielessĂ€ alluusio voi olla tietylle lukijakunnalle tuttu tai tuntematon. Tekstuaalisia tekijöitĂ€ ovat alluusion muodon ja tyylin tunnusmerkillisyys sekĂ€ alluusion pintamerkityksen koherenttius uudessa tekstikontekstissa, ilman tietoa viittauskohteesta. Alluusioiden tulkinnassa on perinteisesti erotettu toisaalta allusiivinen tulkintamahdollisuus, jossa alluusio on lukijoille tuttu ja yhdistettĂ€vissĂ€ viittauskohteeseensa, toisaalta kulttuuritöyssy, jonka muodostaa lukijoille tuntematon ja pintamerkitykseltÀÀn inkoherentti alluusio. Tutkimuksessa mÀÀritellÀÀn kulttuuristen ja tekstuaalisten tekijöiden perusteella lisĂ€ksi kaksi muuta mahdollisuutta. Pseudo-allusiivisessa tulkinnassa tuntematon alluusio erottuu ympĂ€röivĂ€stĂ€ tekstikontekstista tyyliltÀÀn ja on koherentti ainakin kuvaannollisessa mielessĂ€ ilman viittauskohdettaan. Ei-allusiivisessa tulkinnassa taas vieras alluusio sulautuu kontekstiin sekĂ€ muodoltaan ettĂ€ merkitykseltÀÀn niin, ettei lukija edes huomaa mahdollista alluusiota. Tulkintamahdollisuuksien jakauma antaa yleiskuvan siitĂ€, miten tietty lukijakunta pystyi tulkitsemaan tekstin alluusioita. LisĂ€ksi analyysi tarkastelee lĂ€hdetekstin ja kÀÀnnöksen vĂ€lillĂ€ tulkintamahdollisuuksissa tapahtuneita muutoksia sekĂ€ niiden vaikutusta tulkinnan vaatimaan vaivannĂ€köön (effort) ja alluusion funktioihin. Tapaustutkimus perehtyy Sayers-suomennosten kulttuurikonteksteihin tarkastelemalla salapoliisiromaanien asemaa suomalaisessa kirjallisuusjĂ€rjestelmĂ€ssĂ€, suomennoksilta odotettuja piirteitĂ€ sekĂ€ suomentajien ammattikuvaa, taustoja ja työoloja. Tulosten perusteella alluusioiden kÀÀntĂ€minen oli vaativa tehtĂ€vĂ€ sekĂ€ 1940- ettĂ€ 1980-luvun suomentajille. LĂ€hdetekstien alluusioista 60–70 prosenttia oli todennĂ€köisesti kohdelukijoille vieraita. Molempina aikakausina suomennoksilta odotettiin silti sekĂ€ kielellistĂ€ sujuvuutta ettĂ€ lĂ€hdetekstin merkitysten vĂ€littĂ€mistĂ€. 1940-luvun suomentajien tehtĂ€vÀÀ vaikeutti lisĂ€ksi mm. se, ettĂ€ suomentaminen oli enimmĂ€kseen sivutoimista ja englanti oli harvoin parhaiten hallittu vieras kieli. NĂ€mĂ€ olosuhteet lienevĂ€t vaikuttaneet etenkin vĂ€hĂ€arvoisena pidetyn salapoliisikirjallisuuden suomennoksiin. 1980-luvulla suomentajien aikataulut olivat realistisempia, englannin taidot parempia ja pÀÀtoiminen suomentaminen mahdollista. Myös salapoliisiromaanien arvostus oli lisÀÀntynyt. SekĂ€ 1940- ettĂ€ 1980-luvun suomennoksissa kohdelukijoille vieraitakin alluusioita oli usein sĂ€ilytetty, mikĂ€li ne olivat koherentteja ilman viittauskohdettaan. Sen sijaan vieraita ja pintamerkitykseltÀÀn epĂ€selviĂ€ alluusioita oli muokattu tai poistettu. Kuitenkin 1980-luvun suomentajat sĂ€ilyttivĂ€t lĂ€hdetekstin alluusioita useammin ja tarkemmin kuin 1940-luvun suomentajat. Varsinkin poisjĂ€ttĂ€mistĂ€ esiintyi 1940-luvun suomennoksissa enemmĂ€n. Alluusioiden tulkintamahdollisuudet olivat kaikissa kÀÀnnöksissĂ€ muuttuneet sikĂ€li, ettĂ€ melko harvat suomennetut alluusiot olivat enÀÀ kohdelukijoiden tunnistettavissa. Toisaalta myös kulttuuritöyssyt olivat harvinaisia. Erot 1940- ja 1980-luvun suomennosten vĂ€lillĂ€ nĂ€kyivĂ€tkin pseudo-allusiivisissa ja ei-allusiivisissa tulkintamahdollisuuksissa. 1980-luvun suomennoksissa vieraat alluusiot oli johdonmukaisesti sĂ€ilytetty niin, ettĂ€ kÀÀnnetyt alluusiot voitiin tulkita pseudo-alluusioiksi. Sen sijaan 1940-luvun suomennoksissa vieraita alluusioita oli usein muokattu tai jĂ€tetty pois tavalla, joka johti ei-allusiiviseen tulkintaan. Kohdelukijoiden kannalta 1980-luvun suomennettujen alluusioiden tulkitseminen lienee vaatinut jonkin verran enemmĂ€n vaivaa. Toisaalta pseudo-allusiivisten kÀÀnnösten pohjalta oli useimmiten mahdollista rakentaa koherentti tulkinta, ja monesti ne jopa vĂ€littivĂ€t samankaltaisia funktioita kuin lĂ€hdetekstin alluusiot. 1940-luvun suomennosten muokkaukset ja poistot periaatteessa helpottivat tulkintaa, mutta mahdollisia kulttuuritöyssyjĂ€ esiintyi edelleen, jopa kÀÀntĂ€jĂ€n tekemien muutosten seurauksena. 1940-luvun suomennoksissa myös kÀÀnnettyjen alluusioiden funktiot olivat muuttuneet enemmĂ€n lĂ€hdetekstin alluusioihin nĂ€hden. Kaiken kaikkiaan 1980-luvun suomennokset olivat lĂ€hempĂ€nĂ€ oman aikansa hyvĂ€n kÀÀnnöksen piirteitĂ€. Toisaalta alluusioiden muokkaaminen sai 1940-luvun suomennokset muistuttamaan enemmĂ€n perinteistĂ€ arvoituksen ratkaisuun keskittyvÀÀ salapoliisiromaania, joten tĂ€ltĂ€ osin ne lienevĂ€t vastanneet kohdelukijoiden odotuksia. Kulttuurikontekstin vaikutus siis nĂ€kyi sekĂ€ kÀÀnnösstrategioissa ettĂ€ kÀÀnnettyjen alluusioiden tulkintamahdollisuuksissa. Tutkimustuloksissa korostui kuitenkin myös se, ettĂ€ lĂ€hdetekstin alluusion pintamerkitys saattaa vaikuttaa kÀÀnnösratkaisuihin. LisĂ€ksi kÀÀnnetyt pseudo-alluusiot saattavat vĂ€littÀÀ samankaltaisia funktioita kuin lĂ€hdetekstin alluusiot. Toisin kuin yleensĂ€ on esitetty, kohdelukijoille vieraiden alluusioiden sĂ€ilyttĂ€minen saattaakin siis olla toimiva ratkaisu.Siirretty Doriast

    Labyrinths : navigating Daedalus' legacy : the role of labyrinths in selected contemporary fiction

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    This study initially engages in an historical survey of the varying key realisations of labyrinths and their applications from antiquity through to the beginnings of the twentieth century. The shifting cultural significance of the labyrinth and its deployment in historical documents and literature alike is also evaluated. In particular, it focuses on two distinctive manifestations of the labyrinth: the Egyptian and the Cretan. The examination of these ancient artefacts affords an analysis of the intersection of archaeology, mythology and cultural productions.At the core of this study is the analysis of the fecundity of labyrinths in late twentieth-century fiction, focalised through four salient texts: Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose (1980), Peter Ackroyd's Hawksmoor (1985), Jeanette Winterson's The Passion (1987) and Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves (2000). These novels target specific usages of the trope, whereby the physical event of the labyrinth and its navigation, coupled with the labyrinthine text, intensifies an exploration of thematic issues. I will argue that a late twentieth-century engagement with complexity and ideas of selfhood coupled with a propensity for self-reflective narratology recalls the Egyptian and the Cretan labyrinths and so privileges these models.The labyrinth is considered as an appropriate medium to describe narrative construction and consumption in a manner that deconstructs the text as artifice and prioritises the reader's and the author's relationship to it. Specifically, the adoption of the labyrinth addresses the interplay between space and history in the textual arena and so encourages the individual to be envisaged as a transhistorical wandering figure. These textual usages foreground the apposite deployment of the labyrinth as this ancient meta-signifier is an entirely apposite vehicle for the interrogation of the late twentieth-century postmodern condition

    Disfluency in Dialogue: Attention, Structure and Function

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    Spontaneous speech is replete with disfluencies: pauses, hesitations, restarts, and less than ideal deliveries of information. Disfluency is a topic of interdisciplinary research with insights from psycholinguistics, phonetics and speech technology. Researchers have tried to determine: When does disfluency occur?, Can disfluency be reliably predicted to occur?, and ultimately, Why does disfluency occur? The focus of my thesis will be to address the question of why disfluency occurs by reporting the results of analyses of disfluency frequency and the relationship between disfluency and eye gaze in a collaborative dialogue. Psycholinguistic studies of disfluency and collaborative dialogue differ on their answers to why disfluency occurs and its role in dialogue. One hypothesis, which I will refer to as Strategic Modelling, suggests that disfluencies are designed by the speaker. According to the alternative view, which I will call the Cognitive Burden View, disfluency is the result of an overburdened language production system. Throughout this thesis, I will contrast these two theories for an ultimate answer to why disfluency occurs. Each hypothesis attaches a functional role to a structural definition of disfluency and therefore in order to determine why disfluency occurs, I will contrast the structural and functional characteristics of disfluency. I will attempt to do this by analysing the dialogue behaviour in terms of speech goals and eye gaze behaviour a speaker is engaged in when they make certain types of disfluencies. A multi-modal Map Task paradigm was used in this thesis, in which speakers were asked to describe the route on a cartoon map to a distant confederate listener who provided either visual or verbal feedback. Speakers were eye-tracked during the dialogue and a record was kept of when the speaker attended to the listener’s visual feedback. Experiment 1 tested the visual feedback paradigm to establish its validity as a baseline condition. Speakers were found to make more disfluencies when they could interact with the visual feedback, suggesting disfluency is more common in interactive circumstances. Experiment 2 added verbal feedback to the experimental paradigm to test whether listeners react differently to the two modalities of feedback. Speakers made more disfluencies when the feedback was more complicated. Structural disfluency types were also observed to fulfil different functions. Finally, Experiment 3 manipulated the motivation of the speaker and found that Motivated speakers gazed more often and were more disfluent per opportunity than Control speakers suggesting that highly motivated subjects are more willing to engage in difficult tasks

    An Eclectic Model for the Stylistic Exploration of Mind Style in Fiction

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    Grounded in Halliday’s systemic functional approach to the study of language and his three metafunctions of language, a new model called an Eclectic Model of Mind Style (EMMS) is presented in this thesis. Its building involved the examination of existing research on mind style and further systematic incorporation of some of the existing concepts, approaches and methodologies into one overarching model that could assist scholars in a more comprehensive understanding of the character’s mind style. The goal of the model is to provide an analytical tool for stylistic analysis of the fictional characters’ mind styles by demonstrating various stylistic effects used by authors in depiction of fictional characters in their novels. The building of the model involved two stages: the first stage comprised the detailed review of the scholarly research on the notion of mind style with the focus on the workings of the deviant minds. During this process, the outlines of the new model including its major categories have gradually emerged and finally, the EMMS has been built to be used as an inclusive analytical tool for stylistic analysis. Testing the proposed model by applying it to the analysis of the two selected fictional characters has become the next logical step bringing forth the second stage of the thesis writing process. During this stage, the two novels and their main characters have been chosen, namely: Christopher Boone in Mark Haddon’s (2003) The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and Don Tillman in Graeme Simsion’s (2013) The Rosie Project. The primary focus of the analysis has been on exemplifying application of the EMMS categories to identifying the foregrounded use of stylistic features by the two characters and testing the EMMS analytical potential. The findings show the EMMS analytical potential for stylistic research and possible use in other areas of language studies, as well as the necessity for its further testing
